HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-8-7, Page 8one TH 5q; Market report—The following CAVEN t)RES1 YTEIlAN 01031100 16'6!i? the report of the E:(eter Market corrected e'. ery 'Wednesday, STEWART'S Come In and See Our China Display Yon will enjoy a visit to our China Department, where you .will find an unusually attractive display, of China .. and imported Pottery 'Novelties. Our stock of Out Glass will solve many a gift problem, and if you are considering a New Dinner Set, we can offer you a choice of 15 different Patterns all at New Low Prices. ODD WHITE E CUPS 1.0c STRONG WATER GLASSES 3 for 25c Mid -Summer ` Bargains House Dresses $1.19 Cotton Stockings, 25c, a pair Silk Lisle Hose, 49c a pair Anderson's r GQrsuis 35c a yd Nude Silk Hose, 9Sc a pair. Summer Corsets 98c Wool Motor Rugs $5.00 Gingham Handkerchiefs 1Se Men! Men! WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON WORK SHIRTS, SOX and BOOTS GIVE US A. CHANCE. Real Grocery Values Royal Yeast 05c 1 Pound Pink Salmon 15s 1 Pound Red Salmon 15c McLaree's Jellies 3 for 25c Christie's Soda Biscuits 15c pk Kellogg's Corn Flakes 10c pkg Sweet Mixed Cookies 2 lbs. 350 15 Bars any laundry Soap 9Sc 2 leas ThomPson's Raisins 25c Choice Oranges ....39c per doz. ex dos New Large Lemons 30c per Shreaded Wheat ...... 2 for 250 Guaranteed Teas 65e Ib Crisp Ginger Snaps 1Sc lb. Wheat $1.25 Oats 500 Barley 55c Manitoba Flour $4.00 Pastry Flour $3,75 Family Flour '$3,90 Feed Flour 52,00 `)3ran 51.50 Shorts $1.70, Dairy 'Sutter 31e Creamery. Butter 37 33, Eggs 27 20 Lard 180 Hogs $9,00 LOCAL Rev. James Foote, B:A., i!tinister Union Services in Cavell Church Rev, Clyesdale will preach. 10 a,m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. Services as usual Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES STREET SIETuopisT . citvitCH , , Re -v: W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor' 10.15—Morning Fellowship. 11 a.m,—Morning Worship 3 p.m. -Sunday School. and Bible, Classes. 7 p.m. ---Evening Worship. Mr. and Mrs. McCloY visited her sister, Mrs. Ruben' Wilson. Mr, and Mrs. L. Pollock were in Bayfield on Wednesday last, Miss Jean S. Murray is spending her vacation in Toronto this month. Mr; Andrew Easton accompanied a load of horses to Montreal last week. Mrs. Billings of London spent a few days in town last 'week with rel- atives. Miss Myrtle Luther . is spending a few days with Mrs.. Roy Pollick of Kerwood. Rev. A. A. Trumpet spent a few days in Toronto last week and also this week. COATING MONDAY, AUGUST 11th Dr, Scholl's Foot Expert will be•' at Jones S. May's store all day Mon- day, Aug. 11,th. See advertisement. next week. JONES 4 MAY 1VPr.and R77777-57;701777.77' motored over to visit with. relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rushton and family of St. Thomas, spent civial holiday in Usborne. Mr. Thos. Coates of London, spent Monday with. his parents in Us- born.e We'll Furnish home Complete a nd ave ou Money For many years we have been furnishing d homes like the highest rs. Our service toi eyoung eI f couples has been matterrhow little or how much de- greeuof genuine invest, in you may wish to invest, in furnishing your home complete, you are assured every advantage of low prices, courteous service and pains- taking attention in making your selections. rtu how reasonably you can purchase furniture. at this store. 'WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES ON EVERYTHING IN OUR,GARDINER, Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE i ht call 74W .OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE;' 74J; N g Mr. McPauls, of St. Thomas visitof - If aught lr, Miss Kate 1VIcFanls, who ev Austin ls visiting his father lMr> Chas.. here last week. Duplan of Ildertan conducted the funeral services of the late, Thos. Oke at the Trivitt Memorial church on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker of Walk- • erYZZ1e, formerly of Esetei , and their son -hi -law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. 5. ,Collins and baby of Walker- ville visited'` in town with relatives for a few daysduring the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Randall and daughter`' Muriel, of London and Dorothy Box, daughter of Air.. and Mrs. Marshall Box .of Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs. Atkins of Londgn were Sunday visitoi ' at Mi. and Mrs. C. I r. T. R. Ferguson, of St. Thomas Box, 'Stephen.. - Shook hands with a numberMr: and Mrs. V. C. French, of old:Wetaskiwin, Alta., who was with la lin town the latter part of the .Canadian editors, on their tour st week. Mrs. Hugh Lindsay and son and of Europe, visited. Mr.and Mrs.Miss Ethel Dow, of Winnipeg, are W. Martin at „their visiting at the home of their father, at Grand Bend. for a few days this Mr. Alex. Dow. week. '' Miss Velma Quail of Seafortb and ' The rain storm onnWpdn Tday of sday Mamie Lee, of Thorndale, are visit- last week and agar grandparents, Mr, and Mrs night of this Meek were piioe oats ing their othe heaviest of the, year. T Geo Easteriirook. ` and barley were somewhat .daniag- ed while thetyheat stood the test better than was expected. M E Mrs, C. A.- Southcott and Miss Stella are spending the month of August at. Grand Bend. Miss Greta Sheere has returned to Brantford, after visiting with her grandmother, Mrs A. Sheer°. r Mrs. W. Rousom, of Toronto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bissett. 1VTr. and Mrs. Perrott, of London, d with Mr. and spent the week -en Mrs. W. G. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Fee, of Thorn- dale, visited here over Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Easterbrooks. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Boyle and son. Clarence have taken a cottage at Grand Bend tor a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Windsor, of Toronto, are here visiting with the former's father, Mr. Geo. Windsor. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1924 1 311111111111111111111111111111111 I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111 ,001 Su: Dresses at . edPricesM WE ARE OFFERING THE BALANCE OF OUR :SUMER DRESS- ES AT REDi7CED PRICES. WE STILL HAVE A FINE ASSOREMVIE+NT -FOR YOUTO CHOOSE FROM. DROP IN AND SEE THE VALUES.. White Footwear at Reduced Prices WE HAVE REDUCED THE PRICES OTS ALL LINES 01? WHITE CANVASFOOTWEAR., SPECIAL, VALUE'S' AT PER PAIR 98c, $1.48 $1.9$' D. & A. Corsets pr. $1.59 THIS IS A D. & A. CORSET, -••ONE OF OUR BEST SELLERS. A'GOOD ''FITTING AND WEARING CORSET` AND A LIGHT WEIGHT FOR SUM- MER. SPECIAL VALUE AT PER PAIR $L59'. Noma IMMO soma .101111. Children's Hose and Socks WE OFFER ABOUT 15 DOZ. IN THIS ASSORTMENT, IN SHADES OF BLUE, BROWN AND BLACK. REGULAR 30, 40 and 50c LINES. WHILE THEY LAST, 25c. mean 1/010161. Men's Cotton Socks 4 prs. .713 for WOO risslit IN GREY ONLY. THIS IS A GOOD SOCK. FOR . SUMMERWEAR. GET A SUPPLY AT THIS PRICE. THEY ARE GOOD VALUE. 4 PAIRS FOR $1.00 M , 0.4041. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Willert and family, Mrs. H. Willert and son, Mr. Ed. Willert, of Centralia, and Miss Myrtle Willert, visited in' Stratford on Thursday last. Mr. T. S. Wood and daughter Miss Marion, are holidaying at Stratford, while Mrs. Woods and daughter, Miss Catharine are visiting with rel- atives in and near Detroit. The local members of the Salva- tion Army picnicked at Dryesdale• on Friday last. The ;weather was slightly cool for such an event but all report a real pleasant day. The new potato crop is fast mat- uring and are becoming more gen- erally used daily. The:'tomatoes are also ripening and in the course of a week or so will be in general use. Miss Myrtle Armstrong, who was one of the successful' students at Stratford Normal, has accepted a school near Grand Bend for the coin- ing school year. --Clinton News Re- cord. Miss Annie Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell, Blau - shard st., has been engaged to teach in 5. S. No. 6, Hay township, near Zurich, commencing the fall term. —Mitchell Advocate. The 'name of Joseph , Regan, sep- arate school, Stephen, was, inadver- tently omitted from the list of the successful high school Entrance can- didates published two weeks ago. The omission was not made at this office. Mr. Betts, who conducted a bakery;; here for some time, and who, of late has been located in Mitchell, sold his. business there last week. and will move to Brampton. Considerable of his foodstuffs have been sold here since he has been located in Mitchell' Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDougall and two children, of Kingston, are spending holidays at the home of the former's brother in Usborne. Mr: McDougall...was 'a former teacher in i now tin s c ool. He p ...'ash. inch° ice W public `on t in s p. : the K cipal of 'one of g 'schools. ' Owing to 'the increasing ;demand_ for telephone service, the switch- board at the central office Vere has been enlarged to give.,, accommodate ion, We now have a service of over, 300 phones operated at the central office. This, of course includes the ThameS Rd, system. �g1ts T'S ' furnishing Store offers n for ann `-, AUGUST 0 Mr. and Mrs.' Allen Myers and two sons, of Detroit who are attend- ing the Old Boy's Reunion at St. Th- omas, motorer sup on Sunday, c- onpanied by Miss Vosper of town, and Miss C. Intaood, ,of London, and spent the day with . Miss M. Sand- ers, Miss Vesper remaining. tees saw _ ••— 1440 BUTTON UNDERWEAR outhc Hatchway Underwe)lr ASK THE FELLOW WHO WEARS IT, HOW HE LIKES IT. IT IS GREAT FOR HOT WEATHER PRICE PER SUIT $1.50. ros. ummol 111111111111111111111111111111111 M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIII1111111i111141411111111111111i6111111fi1II111111111111111i1111r Mrs. Alex Lloyd, of Toronto, is visiting her father, Mr. L. Day. Mr. Victor Sweet, of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting his mother, Mrs. T. Sweet. z Rev. L. C. Harvey, of West Lorne visited for a few .days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harvey. oI Furnishings 4'4 L R �iH .61 it A 8 1 a Mr. and Mrs.` J. C. Sill and son Roy of Kitchener, Mr. and Airs. Wm. Mason of Toiontb, Mr. -and Mrs. Will Heideman and daughter Betty of Toronto, Mr. Louis Heideman and Miss Lela Bandng of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. Beeman of Detroit spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Heideman. Miss Violet Treble of Winnipeg, Man., and Mrs. ,L. Warkin ,of Grand Forks, N. Dakota, motored here last week, arriving on Thursday, night, the latter' having left her home on July 17th. They 'iwil make their hone with their aunt, Mrs. George Coward, and will spend a few weeks here with relatives and friends. Mr Silas Reedof Hearer's Hard- ware, is on -.his holidays having gone to Renfrew from where heF will take a canoe trip up, river. NIr;. and Mrs. Nelson Sheere and daughter Jean, were on a motor trip' to 'Stayner, having taken the blue water route to Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. E. Howald and daughter Muriel of town and Mr. Wm. Newcombe of Seattle, Wash., are holidaying at Grand Bend. Rev. Asa Kestle and family from Ohio and Mr. Louis Nestle of Tor- onto, are visiting their . father, Rev. 3. D. Kestle. The former occupied the pulpit of James Street church` on Sabbath last and ' will preach again on Sunday in the absence of the pastor, Rev. W. E. !Donnelly who with his family, is away on vacation. On Friday of last week while Mrs. Thomas Sweet was enjoying the evening meal, she was suddenly stricken with a"paralytic stroke and since that time has been confined to her bed. Her left side was some- what paralyzed and her speech af- fected, She is improving nicely at present and her friends hope for, her ultimate recovery. • We R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St Methodist Church. ANDY .RASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Coma cy of Huron. Correspondence arrangeq inents for sales cauabe made by call., Ing up the Central Hotel,.. Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfactiow Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- guaranteed. ory,.Instructor of Music in the Public Schools, TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. CLEAN-ING PRESSING and REPAIRING ' FURNITURE — FOR — C QUALITY, PRICES Service and Satisfaction' CALL ON US FUNERAL DIRECTORS, AND, FURNITURE DEALERS WE N. ROWE R., PHONE 20W PHONE 263 jtOWELL' Bazaar The Exeter Canning Cb. �*iill coR- piete their pea pack this week, being the largest in the history of the com- pany. While the acreage was larger. than usual the season was 'a most favorable one. The ' Company has ,adopted a great system fdr hauling their crop to the factory Coupled to a Fordson tractor are varied num- ber of wagons—frotwo to five and while one set are on their way' to the factory .another set isbeing filled in the field. It certainly is a fast way of hauling a pea crop. +very pleasant riSit of ing D D.CI Ai. Those here from a distance atten- ding the funeral of the late Thos. Oke of London on Wednesday were. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dale of Decantur Ind., Mrs,' Billing, '' (sister); Mr. Garvey Acheson, St. Thomas;' Mr. and Mrs: Chas. Shute; Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Evans, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Levett, Dr. ,'and Mrs. Rollins, W. Lashbrook and Mr. Palmer Ed- wards all of . London; Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Heiman and soli, Thomas, of Sh¢tii , Windsor: , The Clinton NeW Era speaking of the Exeter. Degree team of ` the I.O.O. F. which installed the. Clinton Off- icers,last week, says:—Bro. Taman was assisted by several of the Exeter brethren, and their rendering of the Ritualistic work was Al. They cer- tainly did credit to the Lodge and town to Which they belong. They were a clever and versatile bunch and when ' called upon responded, heartily with songs, recitations and speeches of a high order, The Clin- ton brethren Will not anon forget this PLAIN PRICE STORE FRIDAY, August 8th, our BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE, will be continued Saturday too. SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND JOHNS - FOR SALE—One Mildmay Cider and two Apple Butter Cookers, all equipped with belts, etc. nearly new, - just ew,just• run two seasons; and one hand power Cider Press. Apply A. D. Stewart, V.S. Ailsa Craig. Phone 3 I. g®, cARLINU B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance, - Office, Carling Block, Mair: St. East** PROPERTY FOR SALE. Ten acres 'in Tre Stephen, Con. 2; good house and barn, nerd -louse; 31,4, acres Strawoenries for 1925 crop; g tra good land, well drained—must be seen to be: appreciated will be sold with or without crop. Apply to 'Geo. Hay, Crediton, R. R. 1. INSURANCE COMPANY THE 1pn;TItOPOL'IIAN IIF Company of New York, insures G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D,D.S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College sa Dental Surgeons of Ontario and IHS., versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mink tart' District Number Ane, ' Londas* Ont., Main Office, Exeter, M sin �t. a*1. Exeter; Hours9.00 a Phone3 4 to 5.30, p.m. Office hours at Zui ICH ONT., Toe& only, at 10.00 o'claek a.m. to 5.0,, o'clock p.m. Phone 79. A, B. ` 2'10N1'itANT Veterinary Surgeon Office --McDonnell's ?sales 'stables en /ohm St. Phone calls receive proviel attention. Phone 26w "'-" E The Metropolitan Life Insu ranee more people and is growing faster than any other life insurance company. Obviously, the reason for. Metropal- ' itan supremacy in its field, is that people believe its policies most des- irable, its service best, and its costs most economical. This Company is ready to serve you. Tell your insur- ance wants to CHARLES F. WAX, Metropolitan Agent, Exeter, Ont., Canada. Come and help us'celebrate: Not- able reductions in RIGHT NOW Mer'chandise..:.items you need. : The BIG Values will go fast. Make your selections ' early and share our profits. 10 Big Specials as Lang'as they last Large Fancy, Salad'.. Bowels Choice 45•,cent$, Large, Panty Celery Trays, Chooice 45 cents, Large Fancy ~ Fruit $owels cents '19 and ~i 5 Fancy China Oatmeal dishes ,15c Large assortment; Lustre Cream Jugs 25 to 50 cent, Large White ,Cups aril • Sauce'rs ;5, for 25, cents g Lar e Assortment Fancy Cupp; and Saucers 26 cents Large ; Assortment iBridal Rose (Austrian) China just "received this week, we will give 10% discount en every dollars worth purchased day, and Saturday. Our price per set's 543, Sale price $39,70. Fresh Salted Peanuts, 'special 3/4 lb. for 15 ,cents. Vanity Chocolates iii •prett,y 'box for 59 cents Nut Bars and. Guni 6 for 25 cents 35 cants u p elate Bulk Choc s, Come with the crowds and patronize the stare that saved you clotlsin Hosp to l We are pleased ` to announce that we -are able to return to our work and are again able to give you prompt and satisfactory service. Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Re- pairing, Remodelling. - Turning of all 'kinds of clothing. LADIES' 'WORD A SPECIALTY We also make Ladies' anti. Gent's Suits to Order. A trial is solicited. GREGG Auto for Hire CLOSED CAR DAY AND NIGHT sin-tw @ CHARGES REASONABLE A. T. HARNESS rth.one 142, Exeter. Local Cartage I AM NOW IN A POSITION TQ GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE AN MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE. H. Bagshaw TRY CIS :Cochrane Machine Works Ford motors reground, fitted with Pistons, Complete 516.00 Every make of Car. Motor and Engines re- ground with Pistons . Complete to'='fits also Trae5Sers. FARMS FOR. SALE= -A few shalt farina In the .Townships of ITsborn,,. Tuckersmith, and � Hilbert. O bad buildings and. well located'as- to marti kets. Priced right.;, Apply to, Tho Caraeron,'Auct., Box 154. Exeter. t I11IuIIIIIIIlII l IIIIII1lll1IuIIIIIIIIuuII11111111I Bargains it -7: F�' TR� IT`U R'► 1.1 ,,Everything down in Price R. N. ((��"� E. THOMAS DINNEY FUNERALDlitlilCTOId�S Phone B 20 3- LICENSED. EMBALMERS AND House is�tlW Hou IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV 1IlIIIIIIIIIN1IIlIII