HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-8-7, Page 5`u
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Tuesday, Sept.e � 2�d
School of Commerce
Clinton, Ontario
Bliss System of Actual Business
Stenographic Commercial Secretarial
Special Courses
For particulars apply to
Vice Principal
Phone 193
E. F. WARD, E.A.,
Electic Stoves
and -
leCtC i Fans
3 JL
The Hydro Shop
J. Passmore
Barristors, &e.
Office on the Square, 2nd door
Oval Hamilton St., Goderich.
Rrivrate funds to 'loan at lowest ffir. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran,
D. E. Holmes
Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall
ievery Friday from 9 until 6.
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au -
'talon School, Special course taken in
egistered Live Stock (all Breeds,)
Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm
flues, etc. Rates in keeping' with
'revelling prices. Satisfaction as -
awed, write Oscar Klopp, . Zurich, or
Niro 18-93, Zurich.
DR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C.
Physician and Surgeon
hone 70 HENSALL
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
IcG111 University, Montreal; Member
1pf College of Physicians arid. Surgeons
lr.f Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
Council of Canada; Post Graduate
Member of Resident Medical staff of
tisnerai Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;
3fflce, 3 doors east of Post Office.
°bo;rao 56, Hensall, Ontario.
el�. •
16 p. c. Acid Phosphate
ForFall Wheat
'419.00 Per Ton
A. S.
i' ANTO Z4
A goodly number of our citizens
took in the celebration of the Huron
Old Boys, held at Seaforth this week
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chapman and
Miss Jean, of Palmerston, are 'vis-
iting with relatives in town this
Mr. Campbell Dow, a former boy
from Hensall, son of Mr, Simon
Dow, who formerly resided in town
paid a short,' visit to friends here
last week.
e h
In regard to the origin of the fire
that consumed the .residence of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, of Hensall,
there seems to be -a niis-conception
some of the writers stating in the
press that the tire started from the
electric wiring, which is absolutely
false, as there was no electric wir-
ing in the back kitchen, where the
fire started, proof of which can be
given by the occupants. It seems the
custom of some of our correspond-
ents to the press, when they are at
a loss to know the cause of a fire, to
attach the blame to defective wiring
which does considerable damage,
not only financially, but has a ten-
dency to make the housekeepers
nervous as to having electricity 'in
their homes as well as to use it. I
would, therefore kindly suggest that
when a "mysterious fire occurs, they
ascertain the rightful cause • before
sending it to the press for public-
J. ' PASSMORE, °Supt.,
Mr. and Mrs. Rensman, of Toron-
to have returned home after spend-
ing a couple of, weeks with, their
daughter, Mrs, (Rev.) Chidley.
The Misses Bell, of Seaforth, are
spending a few days with Miss A.
Mr. Chas. Fenwick, of Toronto, is
holidaying with his brother David,
of Farquhar. -
Masters Walter and Wilfred Mc
Nicol, of Toronto, are visiting. rel-
atives here.
Mr. F. Dawson is visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ander-
Miss Wanetta Nelson spent the
week end. with Miss Marjorie Gol-
lings• at her -home in Farquhar.
Mr. and Mrs.' Will Ballantyne and
family ' of Ft. William are visiting
relatives here.
, Miss Lillian Ballantyne of New
York, is spending a few weeks with
her brother John.
• Rev. G. M. and Mrs. Chidley and
family have left for Toronto on a
month's vacation.
Miss Bernice Golling has returned
home after spending a week with
friends in Stratford.
A Garden -Party will be held at
the home of Wm. Pepper, 114 miles
East of Hensall on August 12th at
8 p.m. Addresses will be given by
Mr. Livingston, late of B.C. and Mr.
W. F. Porter of London. Music
furnished by the Goulding Orchestra
Lunch 'served at close of program.
Admission 35c.
Mr. Jaques; McDonald of Bayfield,
is in town this week.
Dr. G. Knapp spent the week -end
withrelatives in Toronto.
Mrs. T. Elston, of Exeter, is visit -
with relatives in town this week,
Miss Evelyn .Heffernan is visiting
with relatives in. Seaforth this week.
Thos.' ok sent'a fewdays
Co p
with relatives in Exeter this week.
Miss Rosa Stone, of London, was
a visitor 'at her home hltown over
the holiday.
Robt. Morrison, of Woodstock
visited with' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Priest
over the holiday.
1Vrr. and Mrs. Thos. Sharp, of Sea -
forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Zuefle on Sunday.
Mrs. A. Joynt and 'Masters Harry
and Billy, spent a few days at the
Grand Bend this;week.
Dr. and 1Virs. Campbell and family
of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs.
T. Murdock, this Week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Buchanan, of
Toronto, were week -end guests with
relatives inthe village. •
Miss Jessie Bell of Windsor, , is
visiting at her home on the London.
road, south, this week.
'Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott and fanc-
ily, of Toronto, are the guests of rel-
atives in town this week.
Mr. and Mrs: W. A. MacLaren
motored to Windsor on Saturday and
visited withfriends there.
Miss Annie' Gilchrist, of London,
is visiting with her aunt, Miss Jean
McArthur, for n few day.
Miss Evelyn Short, of Windsor, is
the guest of her aunts, the Misses
Margaret and' Emma Johnston.
Miss Vera Welsh, of Toronto is
visiting with relatives and friends in
town for a few days this week.
Miss Pearl Love, who has been
taking a course at 'a summer school
in London, has returned 'home.
Civic holiday passed • very quietly
in town, most of our citizens taking
in celebrations at other points.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. iteid of Lon-
don, have been here visiting rela-
tives for a few days this week:
Mr. J. Nicol, of the Sterling Bk.
staff, at Dungannon, is holidaying
at his home in town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. (Dr.) Joynt, of Tor-
onto were the guests of Mr: and Mrs.,
T. C. Joynt of town, this week.;,,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quantz, of
Exeter, were i Sunday visitors at the
Home of Mr. 'and Mrs. S. Dilling.
iVlr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell and, fam-
ily, of Walkerville, are visiting with
i friends and relatives in Hensall.
Miss Irma Rannie, of Detroit, , is
this week the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie, in town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gowie, of Sar-
nia,' spent a few days with the 1at-
ter's parents, Mr. and iVIrs. D. Love.
Mr. Ed. 'Berry, and Mr. and: Mrs.
Wilson Berry, of Windsor, spent the
holiday the guests of Mrs. T. Berry.
of town.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon and
Mr. Ferris Cantelon motored to Wat-
ford, and; spent Sunday with relat
ives there.
Mr. and Mrs: Jack Dingwall and
family of Streetsville, were the •ge-
ests of friends and relatives in town
this week.
Give Us a Chance
To show you. Samples and
quote you Prices on
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Jones have
recently moved into the aio,use :on
Brock st. formerly occupied • by Mr,
D. Geroniette.
iVir. and,x Mrs. E. Rannie took a
motor trip to Pike's Bay on Monday
and visited Mr. Sarre •Rannie,who
is at present in that locality.
Mr. and Mrs.'Isreal Lindenfield,
and daughter, of London, visited the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Lindenfield over the holiday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan, of
London, spent the holiday in town,
the gusets of the former's, parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Buchanan, Sr.
Don.'t forget 'the U. F. O. garden
party to be held on the grounds of
Mr. Wm. Pepper, 114 miles east of
Hensall, on Aug. 12th, at 8 p.m.
and Helen
Misses' Jean, Eleda a
Love, accompanied by Mise Sylvia
Bickle, motored from Buffalo, and
spent two weeks with Mr. and 1VIrs,
D. Love.
Mr. and i't'rs. (J. J. Rumball and
family of Toronto and Mrs. Webster
and. family of Goderich, visited
with their" aunt, Miss McGregor last
Work has been started on the new
addition which is to be put to our
school: The excavation for the base-
ment of the new rooms has; begun
and construction work will soon be
in progress,
Rev. and Mrs. A. Sinclair and
r Aiiythin Else in the Printing family left this week for Sarnia and
Line other points, Mr. Sinclair being on
a two -'weeks vacation.' Next Sunday
the pulpit in the Methodist ' ohnrch
will be taken by Mr. Andrew Doe.
Everyone':..iS invited to . the services
E o
A4r. and (Mrs, George Wright and
Mrs, Jas. Brakerushiire tieturlled to
Windsor oii Tuesday, after spending
the week :end .with .Mrs,, and, Mrs, Eli
Le wson,
Miss Pearl Motz and Mr. Frank
Sheiding of London spent the week
end hese, the guest of Mr, and ,Mrs.
Henry '.Mott.
Arte and {iMrs. Roy Bennett of
or spent the week endher; thetgues
;di Taniill ert ing.
'M,r. anti,Mrs Fr&d Chambers of Car-'
ric Crossing were savt'mg the week
erd with iMa- ho
Muss :Luuretta Holtzuasii , "urns 'an,
training, Victoria Hospital, London and
her `sister Vera, a, recent graduate, a're
holidaying at their hothe for 'a few
Rev and Innis E. D. Beckelr o2 Han-
over, a former pastor of the Evangel-
ical church, spent a few days^fit the
village renewing acquaintances, and oc-
envied the pulpit' on Sunday last,
preaching two 'd,nstruct ve sermons.
Mr, I.; T3; Chesney. of Toronto paid; a
short visit to the village on Sunday,lia;st
the guest of 'Mr.; and 1VIr ., J, H Holtz -
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fahner, Mr"
Emery Fahner and :Miss Losetta Haist
-tttended the wedding of Mr, Ervin
Fahner to •Miss'Saner at Buffalo ,om
Friday last.;
i:vliss Pearl Holtzmapn, R. N,, of
Chicago is holidaying under the par-
ental roof.
Mr. John Stahls of Galt after an ab-
sence. of forty-six years spent a few
days in the -village booking 'up acquaints
antes and irelativ;es.
Huss G.razella Lamport, nurse in :rarer
ing at Victoria Hospital, London, is
holidaying at liar home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm,; Smith, Sr., have
friends from .Rose 'City, Mich,, visiting
thein. ,
Mrs Louis Wein; had the misfortune
to -dislocate/ a finger joint.
The Misses Walburg and Clarisa
J o
Hill of Receiving Hospital, are visiting
at their•lhome•here.
A number fof the raembers of the
"Friendly Bible Glass of the Evangelical
Sunday -School surprised Ars, Chas,
Brown on Monday evening, the oc-
casion being her 87th birthday. A very
pleasant levemiiing was spent ,
Tway, motor cars( of friends from
:Drinkwater, Sack:,' Mrs. spent the week-
end with' Mr. and i a
titir. Wm. H. Smith opened his .sea-
son's threshing tat Mr, Wm: Oestreich
er's on, Tuesday.
,Mr and :Mrs,: Treller and family of
Detroit spent Sunday with relatives
Mr. and Mrs Martin and Mrs. Mar-
tin's mother
spent Sunday nday
with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fahner.
Rev. D. McTavish was elected one
of the vice-presidents at the summer
school held at Goderich last week.
A Trial Solicited.
The Hensall Observer
The members of the mission band
of the Methodist .church are having
an ice cream social on Thursday ev-
ening. Come and bring your friends.
Miss Rose Corr;uthers has return-
ed to Detroit ,.after spending , her
holidays here. •
Mr. Ervine. Eggert is ill with ton
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Oliver and fam-
ily, of St. Marys, visited with Mr. T.
Miss Mae Wilson attended the
summer school at Goderich.
Mies Emma McPherson returned
to London last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Carruthers
entertained about forty friends to
an ice cream party last Friday even-
Mr" and Mrs. J. Wellman, of. Port
Huron,. are spending their ,honey
moon with relatives here.
Several from here attended the
aluminum exhibit at Mr. Leslie Hut-
chinson's last week.
Mr: " and Mrs, John Gellman cel-
ebrated the 50th anniversary of their
wedding on July 27th, at which a
number of friends and relatives were
Mr. Albert Hey and Mrs. Wm: Hey
of the- Bablyon Line visited with re-
latives'at Hamilton last week.
The Sauble Line from.Goderich to,.
Grand Bend is being broadened in
places where it is required and a new
iron bridge will be built to 'take the
place of, the one about a mile South
of St. Joseph. At present this bridge
is closed to traffic.:
Building operations in Zurich are
progressing nicely.; The mason
work on the new Deitz block is
completed, also the walls of the new
Molsons Bank building, while the
framework of Dr. MacKinnon's new
building is up ready for the brick
Miss Marguerite Prang is spending
a few'ciays in Detroit. -
Mr. M. C•..' Milliken spent a few
days ate his home in Parltltiil.
Miss Ilazel Stelae of London, is
holidaying ' with her grandmother,
Mrs. Mary Stelck.
Miss Anna Wurm, Who has spent
some time in Chicago, returned to
her home' here.
Mr. and Mrs. W.
sols Billie of Forest
Lamont home,
F. Braun and
visited at the
I .GPPEN--A bad accident happen -
Ito Miss Peat! Thompson, daughter
of Mr. Robert Thompson, of the Lon-
don Road. Miss Thompson was just
returning. from the village when the
horSe slie was driving,became scared
and ran away, throwing her out with
considerable force. She 'was render-
ed to Miss Pearl Thonpson, daughter
considerctbl'e force. She was rendered
unconscious and 'while it was found,
that no bones were broken, she re-
ceived .a nasty blow on the side of
Lite iheacl, from the effects ofthefall.
It was some little time before she
gained eon t•ei0usnee,5.
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S.
D. D, S.
At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every
Thursday' and Saturday.
Hartleib'e Block Dashwood, Ont.
Mr. E. Walper of Loo Angeles;
Cal. and Mr. Abel Kleinstiver of
Port Huron are visiting in town.
11jr. Walper' occupied the pulpit in
the Evangelical church Sunday even-
Mr. Art Weber and Buster Zim-
mer motored to Port Stanley Mon-
day. •
Mr. Reginald Armstrong and
sister Jermaine of London are visit-
ing relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restameyer and
fancily spent the week end in
Mrs. P. M. Humble and children
of Sarnia are visiting her mother,
Mrs. Finkbeiner.
Mr. Homer Guenther of St.
Thomas spent the week end at his
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Powell and family
of Thedford were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan.
Mrs. Wickens .of Ingersoll is visit-
ing at the home of Mr. P Fassold.
Mrs. John Hoffman of London
visited with relatives in this vicinity
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kraft of
Kitchener called on friends in town
on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther of
Windsor are visiting with the form-
er's` parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Rev. Eifert of Tavistock accom-
panied by his two daughters, are
visiting with friends.
Mr. P. McIsaac has rented the
Bank Building from Mr. George Kel-
lerman and is having it remodelled
for an up-to-date telephone central
and funeral parlor. Mr. Mclsaac
will move into his new premises the
beginning of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baynhain of
Grand Bend have moved to town:
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ehlers of In-
dianapolis, Ind. are visiting with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Ehlers.
Mr. and 14rrs. Ted. Willert of Carlo
Mich., visited ;relatives here last
Mrs. Simpson of Kitchener spent
a few days at the home of Mrs. L.
Kleinstiver, Sr., last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Thou and child-
ren of Saskatoon are visiting rela-
tives in this vicinity.
Quite a large number from this
vicinity enjoyed 'themselves at the
Community Picnic held at Spring -
bank last Thursday. The heavy
rain of Wednesday night prevented
harvest operations on Thursday so
the men were free from rushing
The grain has suffered somewhat
from the heavy downpour of recent
rains as some fields were badly flat
tened, the frain being tall and
The Johns Threshing Co. are pre-
pared for a good season's work this
fall having purchased a new' Sarnia
Separator recently.
Miss Margaret Miners of Sarnia,
visited inthis neighborhood during
the past week.
Miss Margaret Johns was a visitor
with relatives near the Thames
Road last .week.
Messrs. Clifford Whitlock of St.
Thomas' and Robert Dennison of
London called on relatives in this
community during the week.
The Mission Band of this Church
are preparing for an Ice Cream
Social to be held here in the near
Mr, and Mrs. Benson Williams
Mr. and Mrs.' Roland Williams and
baby were in London on Sunday
Mr. •and' Mrs.' Alden. Jones ot Lon-
don visited for a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johns.
Mrs, Hutchison of London, has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Cornish.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns, spent
last 'Srinday in London. Master
Howard and Miss Mary Johne, who
have ,been visiting their graidmother
in the city returned with them.
NIr. Alderson, the Wear -Ever al-
uininunt salesman has been deliver-
ing a large amount of his wares
amongst the ladies of this vicinity.
Ile held a very successful demon
stration at the home of Mrs. Ed.
Johns a few weeks ago.
'Miss Marquis of Clinton called 011
friends in our neighborhood last
Mr. and Mrs. 'Waldo of Toronto,
have been holidaying at Mr. George
Wrights'• during the past week.
The .Misses Hern of near Granton
have been visiting' at the home of
their aunt, Mrs, Charles Johns din•.
ing the past week.
Mrs. Collins of, Los .Angeles, Cat'.
is visiting with' her: daughter, 12rs:, W.
J• Smith.
A tross,eau, party, was given In !hon-
or .o1 Miss L. Richards of London
here at the homeof her parents, Mr,
and Mrs, Richards' of the village, •
Miss Kathleen Hicks and friend of
London, -are spending their holidays
here at the home of the ,Jointer's .par-
ents, 'Mr_ and ,Mrs. A. Hicks.
Mrs. S, Thompson was iti Brant-
ford ,over the week -end. •
Mr. andMrs. E,
Powe e
of L do
on In
spent the -
t t e
ria wt elc enxl- with friends
Miss lY acne Hodgins.of Langdon spent
Civic Holiday, wtith`her aunt, Mrs. Tilos
Mr, A,'Parsons of London spent the
holida � with his brother, Mr. A
t,W j�
Parsons, here.
Mr. W. Dobbs was ona fishing trip
to- Wiarton, over the week -end,
Centralia Girls' Baseball .team went
to Parkhill last we;e,k to ,play with the
Parkhill ,girls who were the winners.
Mrs, Wilson and daughter of New
York are. visitors with the frormer's
sister, -Mrs, J. Richards.
Ivlr. and Mos. F. LaMond of Sarnia, are
visaing at the home of C. Finkbe'ner.
Mr. and MIs. ,Albert Gaiser anti fam-
ily motored to Buffalo for the week
Mr, aud,MVlrs. George, Baynham visit-
ed friends ;here on Sunday, ,.
Sim the( ;.\laver and Mr, Ed. Gallag
ban o1''• Windsor called on relatives and
friends here 'on Sunday.
Miss Martha Gower has returned
from her 'Visit in, London.
Miss Goldie Schroader .is having her
holidays in London,
Mr, Toni Bayntam is improving «ion
derfully after his long illness,
Mrs Lydia Screytzer and Mrs, He,viet
trd so,n intend making their future
mine in•E:xeter..
rir, and Mrs. E. Mra,son called on
Schroeder for the. holiday.
Miss Ilia Sweit zer is spending ler
iolidays at Parkhill.
Mr. Nelson; Finkbeiater, who has been
visiting his parents for the past month
s'<returning to his western home:
Mr. and ;Mrs, Richardson! of Toronto
vho has been visiting
the, lrmer';
ents, are returning on Tuesday.
Address and Presentation—On Man -
day evening quite a number of neigh-
bors and friends gathered at the home
of vLr. and "Mrs. W. Sweitzer to do
loon: to Mrs. Hewlett and son, Gor-
don, who are leaving here. for 'Exeter.
rhe 'evening was speirut in outdoor
ives and singing old folk -songs.. _ Lunch
vas served to 93 guests, after which
Mrs, Hewlett was presented with a
beautiful French ,ivory net, accom,pan-
•ed by a well -worded address, which
vas read by Miss E. Fiinkbeiher, The
vening throughout Was/ a most enjoy
tale one for k1L
Mrs. Rev Wililais and children. of
'Medford visited friends here last week
Mrs. Susan Keyes and son, Colian,
Toronto's population has increased
from 513,000 in 1920 to 545,000 in
1924,bttt in that period there ]las
boon a reduction in the numbers of
marriages from :3,6'73 in the six
months of the former year to 2,,800
in the latter. Many people,•are giv-
en notice that this condition must
not continue.
of S)ronit ars yrfaatrtl rwtui nalvtt.c
t ri
and l �.
rietats tl+,
• a yz Jity
.11E and Airs Rosa McKee ale of
Windsor spent tale weeliend
araothsr, bars, �tilii,cai i'e, a
\'Ir. and Mrs. .Ray r.Ziciiatdsau, vie
i ave meter visiting w}tth •the 1 rtter's
mother, MIs, ScEaehen, have returned'
to thea- hginie,+
Fractured H"v4' El%w; T•r. ;'niton•
i atz mei wilth a paintul accident last
Tuesday, While.working:in the ahip-,'. ;
:>�i7� m;11 he accidently s1IPp,Veci svitx
the result that his elbow bonewas
badly splintered,Vllediicalf aid. was .im-
mediately ncecliatel calla. l an,rl� . rm. Ratz
, way 'ta-
ken to the London hospital to• have t1te...
injuries dressed, He is noW carrying
his arm in a sling, but we hope for a
speedy recovery.
Several families' ironrhere are attend
;rut the Old •Boys' Reidiiio t at Seaforth;
this week.
Mr. R: Camra and Mr. and Mrs. C.
Camm, and fancily spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. John Routly of
Mrs. .Garnet Murray' is spending
La few days with friends in Seaforth.
Miss Greta Fetcher is'visiting with
her cousin, Doris Hodgins, ' of Sai-
ntsb ury.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Fletcher and
Allan visited with Mr, and Mrs. W.
Kerslake, of Centralia, on Sunday.
Miss Mildred Routlyspent a few
days with lter cousin, Grace McLau-
ghlin, of Cromarty.
Miss Payne and Miss Morton, of ,
Blyth, who have been visiting Mrs.
Fred Towler, have returned- home.
Little Miss Muriel Peart, of Rock-
wood, is visiting her, cousin, "Ina
Mr. and 1VIrs. Rev. G. A. Barnard
and Winnifrecl, of Fordwich, . Miss
Medd and Marjorie 1Vledd, of Exeter
visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Routly
on Wednesday.
Relatives received word Here last'
week of the, death of Alfred Gravelle,
who died on July the 16th, at Stock-
ton, California,. at the age of 48 yrs.
No particulars havebeen received as
to the cause of death. Mr. ,Gravelle
was a former resident of Grand Bend,
but has been in California for about
30 years. He is survived by his
father, Asaph Gravelle, of this place,
two brothers and four sisters,' Mrs.
Thos. Webb and Mrs. -Harmin Gill,
of Grand Bend, beingamong them.
His remains were interred at Stock-
The nobody has one advantage,
when he makes an, ass of ,himself the
headlines don't tell the world
Clrave adir c�
•®mac --s _-c>-k �::�,. :=�-^ .
Ensconced in a comfortable dec1
chair — luxuriating in the beauti-
fully furnished lounge. -strolling
around the spacious decks — or
'dancing. to the entrancing music
of the ship's 'orchestra, you speed
smoothly along this Ocean High-
way towards the Old Land.
From the moment you step aboard
the ship you are, delighted with the
--:handsome appointments, the unsur-
passed cuisine and the attentive ser-
vice which has made the Canadian
Pacific justly celebrated as The Per-
fect Host.
✓ask anydgerst of the