HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-8-7, Page 11'. ~ IF'TY.FIRS'{', YEAR No. 2556' EXETER, o T. TH T.RSpAY MORNING, AUGUST 7th., 1924 41ii1fl ., 11f111111IIIIIII11111{11{I{{IIIIIIIIIi{IiN1111III IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIN{{11H{{111111111I11{{{{{1111{1E USBO NE COUNCIL , BADLY INJURED'URE7. The Usborne' Council met in its I Mr. Fred. Hogarth, of the Znd can- - monthly meeting on Saturday, Aug. ' 4eSs ion of ,StiMp'lt,en, met With an tuft^ CC ®® lortunateItnES l painful accident Tues - O 2nd, 1924. All ' members were day evening last. He had driven out = presentwith ReevetD. loll FootExpert chair, to, the 'field with a horse team • attached to a binder to cut some wheat minutes of the, previous meet- and iii some way the horses becane, �• ing were read and approved on unmanageable. In endeavoring to set MMINIM motion of Skinner—Ballantyne. them right Mr, Hogarth got into a Correspondence—Re printing part mix-up arid' in csonne, way was thrown III Voters' Lists, Board of . returned etc., Health dealt against the bLader, with the result chat Immo. receipted billshe. had ,hid collar -bone, and one tof this , = with. ribs broken and was otherwise sadly LIMagla IMMO allam ummalla • 4/111/11 _ s Here onday, Don't miss this opportunity of Foot Ex- pert r.'Sc Scholl's consultingD haveanytrouble with pert if you..� your feet. It costs you nothing to consult him, and the benefits de- rived u o in hundreds of cases, is the making ®f constant walking a real pleasure instead of a continual hardship youi . If are troubled with h Corns. Bunions, Calouses, flat-feet aching limbs etc., you owe it to yourself, to your every -day com- fort to come in and geeirelief from Dr. Scholl® Remember the date on., Auglel 11.111 MIL First showing Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats this week PHONE 82 used up. Medical.and, was.summon,ed Stewart—Hanna—That the fol- and his injuries dressed; butt he is now lowing ratesbe struck for 1924, vs: confined to'his bed, where lie will be era' n for some time to County Mate, 3.2 mills on the $; ,compelled torr ix bi u Oman Highways, 2 mills; Township, 1;5 Colne. mills; General School Rate, 2.4 ,mills, and that the amount .recess- sary for each school section in the ,= township be levied by separate rate, 2 entered on the collection roll and collected with the other taxes, and that a bylaw be drafted confirming the ..same.. Carried, By-law No. 8 1924, Re. levying rates for1_924was react and approv- ed on' motion of Ballantyne and Hanna and signed by the Reeve and Clerk. Skinner -Stewart—That a by-law be prepared authorizing the collec- tion of the unpaid cow tax monies by placing the same on the collect- or's roll, and collecting with the alms same MEMO mama almeat mast mama a � other taxes. Carried. Eat Sa A deputation frtlm the Exeter Agricultural , Society waited on the council asking for a grant to assist in repairing the. Grand. Stand on the Fair Grounds together with the us- ual annual grant. Ballantyne— Skinner—That a grant of $20 he made for improvements and that the usual grant of $15 be made to each of the Exeter and Kirkton _, Agricultural Societies, together with a special grant to each of the afore- named- societies for a Baby Beef competition among'Usborne ratepay- ers. Carried. Stewart—Ballantyne. That the clerk order 1 Steel Culvert 26feet x 20- inches. Carried. Hanna—Stewart. That the fol- lowing bills be passed viz: Harry Ford, work in gravel pit, $30.00; Hugh Berry,; 20 ;rods 6 inch tile, MOO mama MUMS tatt 11.1.1 Jones & May PH°NE a 9f{11111111111111111111111111111111{111111{it{UI11{11111111111IIIN111NI{ILII IINNI{11111111111N:IIIINBI _ 'ear -Ever Specials IN. iAR EVER ALUMINUM 2-QT. LIPPED SAUCE PANS REG. 90c FOR 75c. 2% -QT. REG. $1.00 FOR 80e. Wear -Ever Preserving Kettles 8 -QT. KETTLES Reg. $2.15 FOR$1:89. `' } 10 -QT. KETTLES Reg. $2.65 FO R $2.30 12 -QT. KETTLES Reg. $3.00 FOR $2.45 14=QT' KETTLES Reg. $3.40 FOR' $2.95 USE Gold 'Medal Binder Twine 14 1-2 c. per pound Gold Medal Rope Hay Fork a . ALL SIZES SISAL ROPES 21c Ib. LAWN MOWERS 20 p. c. OFF Hardware anti Paint St®reIiiiiimmunimmummumunimimiumlitimmotwommionsimummuimmemmisummt SMITH -1V ITU{ ELL A quiet wedding took place at Main Street Parsonage on Wednes- day, August 6th, when Rev. F. E. Clysdale, 'united pin marriage M. Frederick William Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Lake Road, Stephen Twp., and. Miss Ila Ione Mitchell,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Exeter. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ida, and the groom was supported by Mr. Eller Hedden. The cere- mony took place at 11 o'clock, after• which the young couple left on a motor trip to London, Brantford and Galt. On their return they will make their lime in Exeter. BIRTHS- - MARSHALL—In St. Marys, on :July 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Marshall, a daughter. (Betty Claire.) DED IN CAIFORNIA Mr. George •11lawson of town re- cently received word of the death of his ,brother," -Robert .brawson, who died in the hospital at Los Angeles, Cal„ on July' 20, at the age of 58 years. Mr. alawson ` was born' in 'McGillivray and all his boyhood lays were spent in that township and where 'he married Miss Lydie Sellars. He moved West .from McGillivray and from there went to Los Angeles, where he has since resided. He leaves his widow, three brothers, Thomas and John of Saskatchewan, George of Exeter and one sister, Mrs. John Nichol of McGillivray. DEATH OF THOMAS OKE Little or no intimation of the ill- ness of Mr. Thomas Oke, of London having been received here the news of his death carie as a shock to his many friends on Monday. It ap- pears he had suffered from a rather severe attack of heart trouble on Tuesday of last week, but rallied and was not considered at all serious until several days later When he took a turn for the worse and the end name quickly. Mr. Oke was horn in Exeter in 1865, being a son of the late James and Mary Oke and all his early days were spent here. About 32 years ago he married Miss Lizzie Shute, by whom he is survived. Some twenty years ago they left here and went to reside $18;J. Ogden,; ditch Bidd. Bdy, our in Kingsville where he conducted a share, $5; W. Moodie and others hotel,' later moving to London and work on Twp. roads $91.85; Exeter Agricultural Sciety, grant for imp. '$26 D:• "Feniviel1 Bridge >epairs; road 7, ,$1.50; Ira Ma^rshalI, ' bridge supplies, road 7, 95c; Wm. Moodie and others work •on bridge, $ 6.59.. Council` adjourned to meet Sept 6th, -1924, at 1 o'clock. HENRY STRANG Clerk survived by four sisters: Mrs. Locke, of Boston, Mrs. W. T. Ache- son, Mrs. E. Billings and Mrs. C. Dale of Decatur, Ind. The remains were brought here for burial, the funeral taking place from the Trivitt Memorial church on Wednesday to the Exeter Cemetery. A MEAN ACT took charge of the Cecil hotel and for several years he has been clerk o£•the `Belvedere hotel, the old- City hotel. "Tommy" as he was famil- iarly known, was kind hearted and genial, honorable and unselfish and was much respected by a large circle of friends. He was aged 59 years and 5 months and Ieaves no family. Besides his widow he is One of the meanest and most dastardly offences that has been perpetrated in this community for a long time, occurred in town on Sat- urday night last. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Dearing of the 2nd conces- sion of Stephen, had driven to town with their horse and buggy and had left, both standing near Wes. Sim- mon's blacksmith shop whale, they went shopping. On their return they found the harness had been literally cut to pieces, ` in fact all parts of it were so badly Y cut that Mr. Dearing was obliged to get a new set with which to get home. The guilty parties should be brought to justice and the severest penalty; of the Iaw meted out to them. THE LATE GEORGE 1IIAY On Saturday, August 2nd; ' Mr. George May passed away in Exeter after an illness of about two weeks. The deceased was aged 66 years and 7 months. He was born on the Illay homestead on the London • Road South and all his life has been spent. in this community. For a number of years he has not enjoyed the most robust health, failing eyesight being his principal trouble. He was a faithful member of the James St. church. and : was unmarried. He is MARRIAGES survived by two brothers and three (sl. isters, John May of Toronto ; Jos. Smith—Mitchell—Ai the Main Street May; Mrs. J. G'. Jones and Mrs. H. Methodist ,parsonage; on Aug. 6t1r, by Rev F. E. Clysdale; Frederick; W, Smith, to. Miss Ila' Ione• Mitchell daughter .of Mr. and Mrs, 'Win. Mit- chell, all of Exeter. DEATHS - MAY—In Exeter. on ,Saturday', Aug. 2nd, George May,. aged 66 ,years and 7 months. OKE—In London, on Monday, Atig, 4th, Thomas Oke, aged 56 years and 5 months:` HUTCI-IINGS—In St. Marys, on Sun- day, July, 27th,.. Ann Edmondson, relict of the late Albert Hutch- ings. WELSH ---In Seaforth, on July 27th, John S. Welsh, aged 82 years, 3 months and 21 days. CARD OF THANKS The brothers and sisters of the late 'George May, desire to 'express their einceie appreciation to the many friends for .their kindness and sympathy' daring Mr, May's illness and death, T. Rowe of town. The funeral, private, . was held from the hone of Mr J. G. Jones on Monday afternoon interment' in Exeter Ceiiietery. 'JAMES ST. WINS GIRL'S SOFT- BALL LEAGUE .11 The girl's softball league was wound up on Thursday last after a very interesting series during which a great deal of enthusiasm was manifested. The . James St. ladies wOn the, series being one up on the Main St, team. One of the closest and most exciting games was • the second last when Main St. defeated Cavell 6 to 5. The last game be- tween Cayen and Tri>iit was an easy victory ' fat the former. The final standing is as fol1bws: WalimmtaMM James St 5 1 Maiti St. 4 2' -Caven, ......, . .,,... 3 3 Trivitt WHEAT COMPETITION WINNERS ANNOUNCED Kirkton Aug. 4.—Alex, Mcf ague of Te.eswater, has just finished judgin,4 the 22 -fields' of wheat en,tere.d, ;n, field field crop competition, conducted 'bv the Kirkton Agricultural Society. He reports some heavy fields, ds, but the farmers should try to procure pure seed, as all the fields he, judged hada mixture oaf some other variety of wheat The following are the prize winners Charles Atkinson, William RatcTiffe". Janes More, Robert Ratcliffe, William Arthur, Wm. H.- Switzer, Harry White. The schedule game of soft ball between Thames Road and Trivitt churches has been postponed from Friday, August Sth to Tuesday, August 19th. Mr. Jas. Connor accompanied by his daughter, Miss Grace Connor, leave Thursday evening for Belle- ville where Mr. Connor will visit his brother. The former is in his 92nd year and 'the latter in his 90th year. These two elderly gentlemen take turn about in visiting each other and when they are together enjoy many reminescences of early days. isikarme- PULK Y 'H.d�E. REF' .IR We are now prepared to do alt kinds of repairs on broken frames, whereas before, ive had to and them to London or elsewhere. HEAVY ,mini vamocus TO YOUR OULENSES, WHILE 51.037 'WAIT, $3.00. SPECTACI,FS, LARGE LENSES, $1.00 and UP. 1)r. ° Johni, Ward CI IR:OPRACTOR a OPTICIAN MAIN S'1.`.% EXETER, ONT. r.HONE" "t0 01 THE TO/14 Gordon Hanlon, ; one of the young men, who, some months ago evolved; a scheme calculated to largely in- crease his bank account at the ex- pense of our citizens by soliciting and procuring photographs of "dear friends" for enlargement and at the Same tim 'eo i c •'n s cam, . 1 e ti sins of one e g u money ranging from five to thirty-five dollars, according to the style of the enlargement and frame selected, is now in the toils at Goderich, having been taken before Judge Lewis on Saturday last on a charge of reck- less driving and doing bodily harm. The judge sentenced hurt to three months in the Ontario reformatory, less 27 days served in Goderich jail, while awaiting sentence. We may further add that while the two young men were here they did a land office business and inmany cases the money was paid over and neither the pictures nor money have since been seen. We have been informed that those young men have been operating in many towns. throughout Western Ontario, but this sudden awakening will put an end to their golden dreams at least for a time. DIED IN VANCOUVER Mr. Chas. Box of Stephen receiv- ed word by telegram on Saturday Iast of the death of his youngest brother, Wilbert Box, who died in Vancouver, B.C., the day before, August 1st, in his 60th year: He is survived by his wife, one son and two daughters; also three brothers, and two grandchildren. ii To See Bette°r;. WE H EQUIPPED aPTT iE KNOW- LEDGE T TEST FITTING. YOU GUARANTEED Fitton, torfie Ec IN ORDER TO DO SO.AVS A TEST ROOM WITH THE MOST MODERN CAL. INSTRUMENTS AND TI OW - LEDGE OF 'HOW TO IT THEM, BACKED TIP WITH 2 8 Olt,, EXPERIENCE AT SIGH TESTING AND SPECTACLE FITT WE. CAN HELP SATI5rACTION GUAR �D S S. Fit Registered Optometrist. The goad news comes .from Man- itoba that crop conditions are ideal :and. that Manitoba expects to beat all records with a crop of 75,000,000 bushels. This, with increasing pri- ces, is doing much to remove the un- rest which has prevailed Good crops in the western provinces means touch to all of Canada. OE THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. A UGUST 8th. and 9th PAItA11IOUNT PICTURE DO ROT HY DAL4TOr QUEEN OF THE APACHES IN 5oral _..i. YYY A PICTURIZATION OF THE STAGE PLAY LEAH KLESCHNA ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS PARISIAN ROMANCES EVER WRITTEN USUAT, COMEDY Next Week, August 15th and 16th HAROLD LLOYD GREATEST OF ALL FUN MAKER S IN HIS LATEST FEATURE "SAFETY LAST' SIX REEL MORE THRILLS AND ACTION THAN EVER. SEE THE IVMYSTERY MAN PERFORM IN MID-AIR ADMISSION 25 AND 35 CENTS / Prion e Delivery 4 4 t4 JN� Service r ocer y NEW CHEESE PER LB. TOILET PAPER 3 ROLLS 25e 25c GINGER COOKIES 2 LB. 29c PASTRY FLOUR. 24 LB. 95c COAL OIL PER GAL.' ZINC RINGS PER DOZ. ,1 GAL. SEALERS DOZ. RUBBER RINGS 3 DOZ. 27c 25c 1.75 25c INeilson's Milk Chocolate Rosebuds 49c. 1b BINGO HORSE RADISH BOTTLE 25c WHITE SHOE POLISH CAKE 10c, ROYAL 'MAYONNAISE • BOTTLE ...:c. . 60c WHIPPING CREAM CAN` 35c MAZOLA OIL TIN GLENWOOD COFFEE PER LI3. ' TRISCLTITS 2 PKGS. LIQUID BLUEING BOTTLE 25c 400, 60c> 25c toametaaMeartamnsetatmom Iodized Salt The Izousehold salt, rec- ommended by the 'Provin- cial Beard of 'Health as a preventive against goitre; contains the iodine our local water ' lacks, Per package 150 bwiiiimioasearmertrillevonwortmstmgeomamemerogsen UNEEDA BISCUIT Nati on al Zwieback,, A rrutricious, S,i,ig)i.tly Sweetened Toast, delicately flavored Per pkg .. 25c TWO ST(ES ski