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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-02-02, Page 48
`i• ala rf� II MORNING 5:00 CD am Kid 0 The Making of 5:30 C) Cisco Kid ID here's tucy 5:45 CO With This Ring 6:00 CD Kidbits © The Shakespeare Hour Hosted pi Walter Matthau Wild Kingdom O What WIIA They Think of Next? O World Cup SkRog O Good Morning Workout a Seneca' Teleco fege ID Harrigan O Oopsy Daisy FC Movie "The Navigator' TSNOlympic Daybreak 6:30 Q• Open Deers OO Oral Roberts 0 0 Cede: Sgeare 0 Nouse and Hose O 20 Minute Workout O Tate Put 6:55 Q News 1:00 ®Ode Proses • Sessee Wei 9 C.a ftrrw O Wiiard of Oz• O, This: I's the file 0 too Huntley Street O Canada in View O Rocket Robin Hood ® Spider -Man • i0 searcr .------ FC.Coseic Christmas 7:30 O Inside Washington - O Day of Oiscovery ©Q Jimmy Swagger! O Soundings ® Agri News m. Spider -Man FC Motile "Quicksilver" 1:45 O Color Bar and. Music 8:00 ® Sunday, Today 0 Sesame Streets ® It Is Written- Polka Dat Door O Spotlight on the News 0 Jerry Falwell a Sunday A.M. Vid. Kids ID Dealli 0 Monitor 4:30 C) Sunday Mass, (moi Adventures of the tittle Prince 0 debut Schuller 0 Second took Rego. Japan Oral Roberts O Hallelujah 0 Day of Discover,' 9:00 tI Sesame Street 4 Sunday Morning Sesame Street 0' Day of Discovery Sounds of Asia $D Food" for Life Movie "Home in Oklahoma" O hay Falwell 0 World Teaolrrow TSN OlyMpic NNthpghts Continues 9:30 ( Lit* Ratak O upland Teaorrew O Motif "Creature From the Haunted Sea" O It Is. Written ID rostival Iwtugwee O N.FeB: Prisms FC Movis "Morn's Casio" 10:00 O McCloud ap RISK Raley/000414 elk Mtiras of TWO 111i� A; O O 'Wei O Faces SMduadf 10:15 RD pi's Malu 10:30 CO ;am!! DNr - ws..:�.� • 5 ) 11:00 • s .e • • ;aerosol Po iu um War of .the SfAtt!..- PASPIfs: Chtoch hankSeohoo 'Seuads at", ► roeatioe,.Str . O Food 'tor Pa O Meeting Place FC ..Movie "Ruth WI 11:30 CC Newleut. A CD Chat .Dais On ons. 0 Kid's Beat,: O Prop" Yourself ler .S as;: O -6reet Permian O Wim- Timm* - AFTERNOON 12:00 CD Meet the ,Press RD DeGrassi'Jouior High p t Auto Paging t De 81 en aiguide O Johnny Lombardi ID XV Winter 0lyelpr s et Or. J,W. White Si Question Period Meeting Place, 0 John Wesley White O Hem Sing TSR Sports0esk. 12:30 .j McLaughlin Group t : Le Cours de son 'tont 0 0' Inquiry 411 XVl Winter Myeloid —� ID News 13. Herald of Truth TSN°Canadian. Sportfishing 1:00 ® College Basketball ® Firing Line tuidocs regionales erancaises O O 0' 0 Country Candi O WWF Challenge Wrestling FC Movie "Care Bears Movie It A New Gener- atfion" Tr TSN aftsssnid - 1:30;,' 17,•R Laurier= if Ohnifs OTY 'Regent! TAIintine Faris 1:45 . (11110 tants contaaeose 2:00 Q Detroit Week in Review ( Retlexions .sur le Moyers=Orient 0 Revival. Hour 0 OW Music on a any Afternoon Solos gumma fit fithhiNa 2:30 MI Srrear Parti Maces To Be Announced 18 NO liver F Movie "GoBoto .Battle 3:00 SportsWorld Octo-puce O Terry Winter Show Major Lague Wrestling . so tit's' to!: 0 Neuro s Chology of Weight :Control TIu !►fowI 3:3o �. WOW ezhne Sue Oat Maple TStl fahamtU+t 0'30 C t0►rfs ; 8r` to ics- C 'it Ute' a Slant q 0 7:00 MID Our House p CO Planet for the Taking 0 00 Minutes 0"bl cs X Raccoons Q TSN IMa ,Nhythsic Goatoitias 7:30 : M E1110 0`ID Utica Upon' a Giant Q . tot _Cad Fasifj Ties_9 ID Nature ay µ O Murder. She Wrote °r.. Movies""Carnet.deMbal",ry O"14Aurder;,.She;Wrotei> cW5.4 0 New Mush ® Ramona: a' XV Winter Olympics FC Movie "Crimes of the Next" TSR Olynepic Highlights 8:30 CD My Two Oads .p O Throb 9:00 Q O Movie. "f j:Dozen: .l1te fatal • it Mission - t Beyond -2000 ` y O Movie -"Hostage" (i Movie 0.0•D><t Minter .; O Cosby :Stiete -- • 0'1;60., News . TSR SiattO rid luternatfonat 9:25 0 Venture''-, 9:30 ftInco SOX ater i 10:00 :Me eTheatre .letilkef,it Triltur 4 ; : SL Elsea rp • NK ii '+ .,� • bar.... Rm 0t Mu tilt( yq the Rock-L.ords" 10:25 11:00 4:00 Herpes An actr cessful`.and dimtingijiis her craft in Edi, in many - Stratford festival -prOdrzetionsiT`h -b `n . radar tisticdirector of t tdeatre in London. l artha'' a r'y Ias f many yearsealzb'�4.. entertttent s oa �; ��-tc�cvisaon. and big scree and -hidepot few years, has: dahlia µtithe same. perfection of those under . her directien�as she worked belti d the footlights: Henry, succeeds ,Larry; tea. who has been.anrtistic dir�eetor atclon for the past f+ew yesa . a tn►i more to a similar Mucin at Vancouver' Playhouse They wall,plantbe, 198889 season together, then she"wi :be on her own: next fall. She has d cted plays at the and sn Toronto and Regina t iheeatzes, `as well 'a: across the country and on the Stratford stage,. since, making her debut as,a director atStratfordin 1980. She also was director of the=opening production at the Grand in ;emery, "Filthy Rich". She performed ' in five plays at the Grand during the 1983-84 season. why Ca o►r aOt have o re Henry's workhas Outged 10111 the classic to the new An con- temporary. She has. performed 0 0 virtually every type of role`onstage, makun ".osier to direct others who port 'rse'characters. -She knowb others have emoted of her and, because she is it' per - fectionist:before :an dole e try to achieve peif'i tit r.,,k.' 4iR�d. � ..nls�l.Iw.enSF ar, Perfpr nes Of her, - -Les t her went and ab , Ball hera fin leader aId recognize the Set that she isws in`erge in • central: They also .stress 'that she returns :that respect. People are very i portant ra e not returned to• act on a -messy killOtta P resi a Awes one'of eneeeSOivill min the . falManeel Sim rete directing a =Nit of years ago and has been named an associate -director of the festival. An unfortunate twist to the story of her recent triumph is that, Henry could lose her appointment -as a board member of the Canada Council which she'received only last month. The Connell is a federal agency, which awards special fun- ding to the arts and Henry's ap- pointment at the Grand is being seen: by some,* a comet of interest in her declaim -making as a : board member on the Council. She may be allowed to remain - ontic "Marti, provided she does notwi pa.cipate in anydecisions- made regarding, her own theatre. Her status on=the board will probably be decided4t the next meeting of the Council in Marc*. STORIES WITHOUT„TIME FRIDAY, FEB, 12 In this first of a five-part series on life in the Andes region of South America, producer -reporter Wilson Ruiz focuses on the cities Midtowns 'of Bolivia and Ecuador.The fast, in- formative half hour, at 8:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 12, on TWO takes view- ers on a tour that covers the area's ancient Inca past as well as its heavily United States -influenced present. The vibrant remix of cultures is everywhere evident as Ruiz lingers at a Spanish -built' church erected on bean foundations, or in a Cuzco apartment building that would fit comfortably in any New York neighborhood. But the time dominates. Spanish- speaking peasants worship at sirs of a conquering Virgin; Ruiz bmita to the medical analysis of a 'u1; medicine man who chants and a ands lashes primitive potions. ' to g North America rock a strong foothold here, of Latin America still region's musical undertow. s .worked in the past for fetworks as a reporter �espondent, but lives in his i