HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-02-02, Page 46"":7';:l'Atf•••4'' ..,'•`;''',F4511.0;ifk,177FFRStrATA Pa , ...,• , " 4A, \444t 7 • A , Pir .4, 4 ... .4 • EVENN16 6:00' CD CO 11) CO IS 69 40 Nows ) Minn / WANK 121) Poke Dot for ED lasight 0 Barer MIK TSN Ski World 6:30 0 NBC tins cl D CBS News ci (111• Sharon, Lois & Oran's Elephant Show 0:00 0 News • le llollywood Squares &Pawners TSN Sport** 6:50 0 Sped*, 7:00 1241 Jeopeate! (10 Nightly Mins Report a) The Judge ci fiti) South Sus Vero 8:30 0 WWI of Fortune r;1 NO ABC News p 112 iD Calgary 18: the Olympic Adventure 01111/a 110 Chess go XIV fetertainent T GI kW Years p le PHU Mem • " FC Novis "The' d Baby ion Dee" TSN ligita Ndo of Snits Friday, February 13) 7:30 9110 be of Fortino 3) Dike hien le Wow. (7:1101. Iasi or . in *dig- 4:- - •hortalikist *Of SD awn out it;! 48 Mil sat swami - 0 'Skare ISN best of lark* Iliad. Smite CD kW; 1430041111F1111000gles t;;;1 C4) Tfahhiegin CZ), 01111111r01110,110 1IB floahllwer111.. ' (kit Str-Contrir • •OtOIfflI 1011$11 cr Ti-tle &mem& Cary 18:1he 1$11 lead te -Abe Flail Hill (0) We Strut Week Stor/AS %%Wet rwie 131 Slobtk Mayhems lk. Medea) r? Alarriet..11fith Children 011ie Thorns FC UM 'King Kens Wes" C4) Wald Vico 01-tki, Record (E) togas p Oaks of MI Stria fl Party with the lovas - "4: • "•• • • '"•• 13 Movies 011 I IMES • • 6:00 It ktee: (1918) Jan hawed Inlay limns, de *stet own on-tapos toke eattort iota their owe hues dm Ns owe d critoly N Naha edit'mixt alma Ifit-Coviou noratiot 7:30 FC."Siacerely Violet" (1987) Patricia Phlos, Sinn Nateortidalo. The wady descoodont of a pan who One siDed astaPoitud histerkal Onniatis, iitrigliediy a aisterion wonaltsiltereit it Milli and tho devegetit;444- 9:00 IC ***1/2 "Theita Beindifer-(190W.:' 0auldho Pm Jobs bard. As Oscar for Oat Actress wait to eau*. Pan io scratorwitor • . . 0:30 ini-$100 0114011gligtrg, 10:00 (010Airi Si** g Aii4s-aSrAndr.hatoily eta .Controversy (011: o(r) rithlittOrod:reSty,,, "7' 20/30 MP ilk ND a National p lit NIS , TSN 9peedneek 10:25 WO 011) Journal 10:30 (11) Victoria -Wood 0 Nate 'lila VI" FC Movie "Ifighlander" - TSH Tri'Mhion 11:00 0 C:1) 0 fa CD 0 fit) News (1) Outterilies (1#) Noaeysinith insi0 News 0 CR News 1120 (GOTSII 11:PlisBaskeirs '6 6 11:30 C".) 0:03 Tonight Show (1). Audio City Lints - • CD OWNS - Ogallef' Wei ' • t?, •08 " • • • • , , • ITS*F011 'far tocapaatmarialiota.r (2) tit op •• • • , tatfelliptitt•••••:••.- 116101Bilitteritilint tree elheielbis. Title Fortier" Ofeket Crest (1)-11014Weet Septet : (I) Profits of .liatere 0 late -Might ,Oavid Letterman. • TN Sriner- 611 --To le Be' - FC Moyle ,,essdifisnu. TSN: Top.. Railhlielthig •Ababa Iris Wagon" .C4) flightheaT. (1) Colderkyeals-of Televition C). Vetndifitiles • : 0-11itiNovie""The Final' Eye" to Death"' (41-latkght .-Darittetteman 41111**1_ Ws, nerition at.the Apollo Oille Clog - fif)-110vit"The d Harold Jabbed' (EI Nwt' • 0- Mitt- ilk See V.- Cortez" -- 041111-1- ISIUSiNtslost C0,1005180' • • • - (Z) Atiliorc . Nittilinao - 11-11.110 had kilo FC Nakiludarier: The Motion Plebe" TSfilfette Cid - Mal - 1540 lc* ullejtTit,:11111)Jadyi hi* 1-50101$0istsasdississikesivat-7 .„ tstrostlitissistikattley'smthe niessai- "..uu • - ties aftwoloversivhe pais railer. ' FC **112 HifOlandsr eiSistsiker. Leadiert.-telowlert .101-coolay Sta, • nod i own d add do Carr aka At 12:30 NO anther's We, is spied he Ns ed • #1,Ptereate ienlisirday libekatiat sit' e 12:35 limos feaWs stem et an dad" Texas wenn - iewtrifse iinn Rithard tOO who sods to moods a pint of ha oast by retrain to In hoedown on last tint W 11:00 FC "Rebels" (1986) eighth. Milt Mid Pilo.. As frarcheenalos settlers Mtn to British for their kedge ire 1837, a resistance 12:35 IuderfaIss,ewithe pug mai pros- ised to another. (Mot) INF AMNON 1:00 12:30 FC "Sincerely &liter (1987) Patricia Plays, Sign ilacCorkhdalt The wed* tit of a. pan do, nu signed err *MN •historicol documat is Milted hts Maims woman intrust irs both hie aari the knout 2:00 FC * "Playas" (1979) AN itacGraw, Deu Pod Natio. A man Orefissio' ottonis player ,.fie pursues o aradihd hut ashy oiler mess "ny who toms ad to is So eistras of a wool* buckram* 'Ff 4:00 FC *V2 "NeatkiiI: The hlovie"11986) Van d ¥01No* Mint* When then cooked to tho hest is a akg day,- tii.. coak-strio cat goactikit IN three ION it, dews INN stain of- oust odnotiou. 5:38 FC ** "01- kr OVID 4.10184-611161111 Msllg.-•8 Meiry 41818118 111814.1114-:1 Mitt id. 8' nor sea -tkes- ka *Old ler. lit DUNI- - - • it Ilia lig" uS fa$issyIsuss. arated-ItIS1IN tok idIurs rata a* tkitt lead TRONA car eatnellette a metal mrd is resign for edocNr wkw a raging beldam loaves tho stater hind lesti- M diadem 1' et*** '.''Pakit,Yout Nagar (1918)-111 Nide; Clot Eastwood. lurks the gold lush daysitealfonk todef-oronectat rinse 1:47 wife bought ft* a RUN at so maim. 2:00 ca**imitriad Err (19M. Suss Nate lordMono* 1 pivots kwastigator hies to fantail 1.4101•110:01 hydebors d 2-- !Alto**, 11-22.. -0-*yeattigel thaw (iglgy goo 105' Ilikimktillilvaatsikaug Ingo 2:30 id ficeinairt *ills tivi lift god* ar (1) ix** "The slikweld Okkitior (1941) igalg USA Fraises Raaslot gala- tiest solf4tattOr IforlIpt km0 Hat 3:00 swig- kat lb Ida -***A mese '011111iggegt 339 pw. -355-.' 4:11 By Ann $001 Ascustomerigo; Oanadiatii ten -to be a fairly easy-going kit. -We don't ask for much. When our inoneygoesdown. exchange .c:isuliat:er,italainlhielevoilty4,43,1tanant; in - the service or product we've paid for. Nothing wrontvvith that. Thiel* thing we're guilty ot iAlkeipg,- perhaps., just a little foci naive:4M* for exam - pie, the way we do OUT banking. Example number one From 1982 to 1986, all five majorbanks. began introducing a series -of astronoin'ical increases in the amounts theyOtarged their customers for a Variety of so- called "services". (The banks define a "service" as anythinglroni closing -an account within 90 daig cif opening transferring–inoney-=.7between---- accounts when ,requeSteil 6), phone or mail.) These increases range from Mow of 74 per cent tea high r cent. ample numbeetworIn1987, an average_ Canadian. 'family. earning $40,000 per year' paid between $200-$300-0.5 per cent' Of their dis- posable income—to their baukfor var- ious services rendered. These families may not (and p, *ably :a not) aware of these charges because, more often than not, the nioney-it pan* Unno- ticed out the back door of the account. Dale Botting, executive director of provincial, affairs for the Canadian Fed- eration of Independent Busidess, calls it the "nickel-and-diming!' 'approach to Canadian banking._ "All of the banks," says Botting, "are still trying tO recoup some of the . losses they manna as a resuk of several unwise loant to energy companies and • ' • • • • !•••:-." ;.." many Sorer Third Wq(140iiiitries. • "The surest way friirt :mrkS to earn a .quick buck is by eta *their - customers with a lot ,of hidden fees". And that, Botting 404:1si:ti'0$1*.107 bad news for sttittl!businesS ficoplt:- : who rek heavily on banking0:40a04, tions to condVd4941';'W1iiisi*-, The-CF1lEthai spentatijOt*ReergY . • -in recent years trying to ,draw the 'goVernnient's attentiontothespirallifig cost of user fees. The Wiliness group islittale116-e*latite;ICel;°tfollittiiiitt•tttilrekSis: that to pay for improved customer Service: The powerful;libuse of eommons.', Finance and EcanOinic Affairs Corn- • Some Mile soon whether to hold a hear- 1 ing on bank•servicq charges siinilar to last year's -investigation ,ifittSIOhigh interest rates on customer crethicards. And although there'sriaguarantee that a government hearing would be able to .solve any of the current bank- ing problems, it would be a- warning signal from Ottawa that something is wrong. No one is- arguing that the banks shouldn't be allowed to set price rates for the legitimate customer services they Offer. But4hat is questionable is the frequency and inyi4bility*these costs: Perliapspiapankinieed ijubtle reminder that customer stiatikeita two- way street, In other words, a time come in the very near future when theyll real- ize it doesn't necessarily pay bite the hand that feeds you. pie pea.* Seivice • ari131981: 29&.thoi , luau, were; "faith. 'A 41t44,Lst itArSitegA; • • •