HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-7-31, Page 6GREEN TEA exqui'' ate flavor i td c fes the perfect biemdind of choice teas. Asti. for a pa C1tage 'hod L:7. FREE REQUEST. E SAL Di1 tl d TORONTO Ab ut the liouse THE PATH TO BEAUTY. .After a11, • a woman's most sincere friend and remoresless critic is her mirror. When it tells her"thatshe is looking well, that her back hair is be- comingly arranged, and that she is really very good to look at, she may go upon her way, confident and well poised, serene in the knowledge that although beauty may be only skin deep, it is a very comforting posses- sion. On the other hand, whenfriend mir- ror declares that her face is showing faint lines, that her skin is losing the firm contour and tints of youth, and that she is rapidly assuming some- thing suspiciously resembling`a double chin, she knows she must proceed at once to take the necessary steps to check the ravages of time. Good looks are so great an asset to a woman that the time which she spends on their preservation should no more be regarded as wasted than the time devoted to the care of her teeth or bodily health. A smooth healthy skin, clear corn plexion, shining hair and well -kept hands bestow upon their possessor a certain confidence and ease and most certainly add much to her happiness and contentment. These attributes to beauty• are. within the reach of every womae who is willing to work a bit to secure them; therefore, if your mirror tells you that old Father Time is beginning to adorn your face with his telltale lines, you will very wisely prepare to do battle for your good looks. The city woman, with time on her hands, will go to a reliable beauty specialist, where she will receive a treatment that will bring back the glow of youth to her cheeks, soften her skin and brighten . her eyes. Regis - putting. on a little vanishing°cream. This forms a `protection for the tender tissues, and if the day is spent in the open, drying winds will not harm her skin nor .,will it be. possible for the dust raised by household tasks to clog the pores. Any superfluous cream is gently blotted off with .a soft cloth and the icy patter'flopped over' the face to stimulate circulation. A dusting of powder will, remove any shine left by the cream. It's all very easy, you see—none of others' Uudcr' i; EUGENE JONES, 'Of r phnY. *dwv^53,^,.iM, .iBHni .y' PART I. " to quit.". He made a little gesture. Paul Cameron; ' new engineer iTi "If they had allowed 'me. to finish this el -large of construction for the Con- job, then I should have been content- tinental and Western Railroad, stood'' ed. Perhaps' you'll understand how before the tent of the man whom he I much I want to see a train come over was to supersede. To,his right stra g= I that divide." - • led the bunk houses, roosting; here Well Cerneron. knew why Stanley: g I Robertson had been superseded. It and there on the mountainside like gi- was no secret, in the Montreal office. The superintendent of construction had remarked frankly: "We: think ,a "heap of Uncle Stan. He's beer ' with us smee this railroad was in short pants. But he's too blamed 'old, poor devil. lie used to push; now he dodders. That North- ern branch ha`s got ,to go through. Oh,. we'll take.care of him, -but it's cheaper to pay him a 'salary not to work. Go up there, CaMeron and drive that gentle and ungainly birds; to his left lay the uncompleted g dr stretching across the little table lac Farther: north Cameron could see where a ledge' had been blasted in the face of the cliff',; and his imagination, always marching ahead,, :pictured trains, thundering along it. A fire burned' before the cook shanty. Strange, how pale and yellow the blaze appeared against the sun ball as it wedged itself between two peaks. Through -the sudden, crisp cool- s night : floated the Arid Cameron had answered with nes of summer nag, voices of men the bark ofa the 'the staggering confidence of" youth: ' dog, "You bet I will! The trouble with all clatter of pans. Cameron turned his eyes to the laborers is that, they work for Wages, western crags from which perspective not iesuIts. Nd -inter beyondu paya had vanished with the touring of sha- day ,You're .right -when3 dows, Solnebod had apparently laid drive em'. It Was"the same in Mex- Y PP ice. Xhosa greasers down there get Mex- edges a mammoth saw jagged the horizon, the a black Cigaretterand edges of its teeth still white their kick. put of the shade of a cactus.' What does 'a hot from friction with the sun:." Up completed railroad mean" to them? from the blue -black valleys rose that " pit , df invisible :gas of silence which spreads Just 'the disagreeable necess y so rapidly over the mountains ' at hunting° a new job. I, guess a cou- p y con- struction gang is a construction gang nightfall, Bleak rock walled him 1 ted ri ht of way it's away from all the warmth and light whether in Mexico or Canada.. . tlze steaming and hot packs that once, of the world -all •except that radiated Don't worry, I'll drive " re - were deemed necessary- Just soft by the brightening gleam of the camp But of course the new engineersenti- 1 framed from voicing any such cooling creams to nourish and protect' fire Ment , to Robertson. Instead he said They did not notice that his eyes the skin from the effects of windandHis last fob had been in Mexico. cordially: weie wet, that he could hardly control he moment one Montreal." of them threw his cap in the air. to do - battle with Father Time, one never escaped the friendly green rtson's smile died, of the lowlands and the eternal prom- The life of. Robe Three cheers for Uncle •,Stan! he It is very important, however, that P leaving behind its skeleton which yelled. "He's +,whitest ` white ise of summer. But here in the heart I the creams and'toni rectly. The beauty specialist has studied the structure of the face and knows that every stroke of her fingers must be just right. Cream' that is merely slapped on and then rubbed in in any fashion will not. benefit the skin as it should or produce the desired results. The movements must be up- —. - 9 Y is taking a prescription. tion. His careful mother OHNNY g P p 1 h doctor—ordered rde red it. Her daily —the family 1 heat Y• ounce of prevention—Lifebuoy Soap—works wonders in combating disease. Every dayyour children touch dirty objects and cover' E y. ,. themselves with germ -laden dirt. Give thein Lifebuoy .; r --the health soap. Litegouoy protects The rich,crearny lather of Lifebuoy carries a wonderful health element deepdown into ,every pore. The skin is completely stimulated. fled and cleansed—delightfully puri p L9 A L ®. "Iia l�I A 12 - a th Habit More 't��n Soap The odour vanishes after use, but the protection remains. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO Iate4-e2 weather, plenty of pure, ice-cold water' wnere_, the white -crested ranges <iThethink a lot of 'you back in his lips. After a hushed o t or ice, and one is equipped correctly sprang from tropical forests where Y P p cs be applied cor-of the' Canadian Rockies what little dung to his lips. Suddenly he lookedin North, America!" summer there 'was disappeared with old, grim, tired. Cameron, near'. the section car, pp I "Thanks," he remarked."You will cheered too,but something deep the arrival of twilight. Even . the learn some day, Cameron, that in the within him stirred. Was it misgiving? evergreens beyond the camp had' final analysis railroads have a way of The to is of hisyouthful philosophy wrapped themselves ;in black cloaks. ; g p P Y The clear cold air stun one's lungs. !thinking first of themselves. The C. suddenly seemed unimportant conrpar- However, Cameron wasnotawed; W• offers me charity—not reward. ed to another matter. What sort of he was too youn too full of the im- I .ain, according to them, a back` num` farewell would' ' these ' same men ortance of hisgmission. His blood; bet as out of date as a wood -burning eventually offer him? After all, the can g To him _the mountains were locomotive:. If my reports.came up to old engineer silhouetted against the ward and outward,` coaxing the, magnificent obstacles to be overcomeath air expectations they would keen sky as he stood waving his hat had Riding the air as a ship from port? wrinkles and lines awayfrom the Hehad1 me at its until I outlived Methuselah; ns worked in •vain. onged for a chance to blast mouth and eyes. and burrow and tunnel his way to but the chief of construction down That night, which happened to be Select thepowders and creams with', fame, and now the C. & W. had ac-, there who has never built a mile of Saturday, Cameron spoke to the men P road' in his:life believes I'm wasting the utmost care; be very sure that comrnodated him. Up went his chin time. And so he will retire me—be-as they stood in line for their pay. even as he straightened his shoulders With the unlimited confidence of youth they are pure and fine. An astringentcause he thinks a lot of me. yy pores and drew a long breath. j magnifying the importance of his isexcellent, as it closes the Where another had failed he. would' Cameron would have interruptedslender—and provincial—experience which the cleansing cream opens, and l succeed. brit the'. other silenced lifer. in' Mexico, he had mapped out a dras- a boric -acid wash for the eyes afters I "No, let us face the matter square tic-' policy which he determined to Y Paul Cameron` found the •engineerPo Y the beauty treatment will leave them 1n char e cladlm his white head in y maintain. g g refreshed, rested and bright. his hands elbows supported by a rick- ' "Men," said he, "the Montreal office The cottonpads are merely folds of et table The en 'neer arose at once with all my brother wood burners. I° is not satisfied with the speed of the T eY Y g hope you succeed and there is only work up here. From now` on you've absorbent cotton. The patter is a d i I venture to offer: ! square of absorbent cotton placed in some o P g "I got'top'lut out There will be a bonus a basin of cold water, and folded under the water, so that a firm sur- face is obtained; when finished it is On the Old See -Saw. David and Jonathan -in Feathers Ono cola fall day, "Uncle J� Miner, who delights in feed' se' great flocks of- Canada ge'esE come- each spring and ruutulnn < 'is 1101le g"ro'untls, saw a wounded gander floating en the pond outside his house, A churge of shot had smashed its wing, anti it 'would never fly again. To save `the gander's life "1Tntle, `Jack amputated its wing, '1'ha bird stood the operation well and soon was able to enjoy its food"and,swinl round with the others. „ But winter was coining, The geese ,e to the • OTl OUin -ziust resume their 1 g j y south. It seemed that the' injured bird would soon be left alone. And: then a strange thing happened. One gander stayed round, unwilling to leave his crippled : coinpanion, ' The two were evidently friends,.and :the' brave bird would not desert his chum, ;though in: tinct told him it, was time to go, and though thousands of his fellows were filling the air with 'their clamor as pools.. theyleft thep To , „stay meant ' that the 'gander would sacrifice ;the freedom so dear' to all wild creatures.' probably never again would he' join the long wedges of his comrhdes on their ' journeys. Never; -would he, find among, them a ehos'en mate. No, lie would live like a tame go -nee, and in the cold weather he would be shut up in a barn with the poultry: The two, wild geese were nota pair, remember. „The'. Canada goose orates for, life, and for the male to stay with lira , injured, partner would not have been strange. But those two were ganders, "just_ friends. The `old'see-saw swung to and fro The remarkable friendship was,, the With its merry load, in the long ago; talk of. the country side, The neigli- hors called the wouud,ed bird David,' and 'his devoted friend. Jonathan,. No wonder David loved Jonathan! No wonder they:were always close to - Now as bird • that sailed the "air gether as the nights grew longer and the': days colder till all the ponds were frozen. And then, as a rider so brave and bold Something yery practical resulted. Whose fiery steed he scarce could hold. Because: of: the lhterest aroused by' one-winged David -and loyal Jonathan What of the on' that shared the s ort,, the res -idents of the district petitioned w n the gover-nreut to have the' land for two square miles .round 'reserved as •a, How could I tell if his dreams rang bird sanctuary in wluoh no hunter true, - s'hould be allowed 'Co shoot. The gov- For he; sat in silence the whole game ernment agreed,"" and •now, thanks 'to through, Jon athan, each year -many thousands of his species enjoy protection there: With his shaggy -coat of. white and tan Poor Jonathan! ” He had' yet to pay And eyes timet• looked as man to man; the full price 'of his -friend -Ship. ' At dusk'. one evening a; great owl carne Yet Pals more true you'll never see swoapiug down to prey upon the de` On the.. old eee-saw, than my'dog and fenceless David. It was -Jonathan that me. rushed to the rescue,, Jonathan that —Georgina Stimpson. with flapping wings and angry hiss put himself in the forefront of the battle. An act of pure selfsacrifice! ,Escape was easy for him, for no owl would pursue him far through the air. • But ho dross to stay and fight for David's t111j ?u •+r� �Y l� g=1 life, The owl was• bold and 'leece.'Un- able to reach its easy victim, It goat a • One mind so filled with fanefee sweet As skyward bent or the earth to meet; With its happy song so free from care;, 1 , You have been sent to hurry up the job; and I am to be junked along with that forced alertness with which' lder men attem t to dis uise onepieceof advice their years. I understandyou you've been 'handling for the foreman of. whatever gang Stanley Robertson must have been Mexicans. These men are not loafers: ,covers: -the most ground next week—a sixty, his' burned -out eyes offering .Don t undervalue them. Don t go right i sufficient bonus to be divided .among evidence of all he had given work. on with your ,Mexican policy, but every member of that gang. I want— lar clients of the beauty specialise g study them,' find out what theyare " spend 'an hour a week in her comfort- l about four inches long and two wide. His Was a pleasant, worn, weather and why. ',`Your: success -even your and .expect—results, prize would Use the patter by holding one end of marked face. The jaw was still , The prod and the p .e have able chair, whereas real seekers of brisk- square,yet itsaggressiveness had de- life—may depend upon it—ah, there's made a favorable impression upon the it in the hand and slap the faceq , „ beauty are even more frequent pa- 1 byflapping the other end against parted; and his neck was seamed, Supper- Mexicans whom Cameron had been tients. y pP g g J wrinkled with a inched a earance' Somewhere outside the tent -a nasal ac- customed to handling, but these men the skin. Ice is very beneficial to the p PP voice roared: "Come en' get it! Come But it possible to keep one's good behind his ears. it!"were of different calibre. Driven by looks, even if one dwells in the desert, skin; it makes the muscles firm an The new engineer, having expected on, you hoboes, come an'get the same relentless spirit which sent for every one of the beauty special - awakens the sluggish circulation. Use almost any kind of reception, was As Cameron arose° he smiled to him the first wagon train across theaf prt it after the ma sage and you will agreeably surprised at the one he re self. The old engineer had warned fes they had chosento become the ad ist's methods may be followed at home ill uta e moments need no rouge. ceived. I him against doing precisely. what he vance guard of civilization.' Why, if one w devote s few- "Glad to se, you. It must have been al Robertson! What a pity such a valu- once wasto cost him marry an anxious cold ride up the mountain."able machine had worn out. day, Tiley were a cosmkaphy its, an xi re- I 11 Cameron took the remaining chair couldn t efficient men ahvays remain septation of the work{frig classes—a "Come in," said Robertson heartily. had been sent up here 'Co do.Poor ' Cameron did not know; and his ignor- night: and morning to good bolts; and RONDEAU OF A HOT STOVE. y Y ' a very satisfactory little home course of beauty treatments- may be evolved. "When winter comes," says Ma, ` All that will be' necessary in the go and unbuttoned his mackinaw. e was efficient in spite of, the insidious dis- farmer, from the wheat lands, an ex - way of equipment will be two or three. To where the summer's overflow a tall young man, raw-boned, loosely ease of age? Cameron vowed he him- cowpuncher, a stevedore, a reformed ads of absorbent cotton, a good Of all the things our garden grow; hung. His eyes held all Robertson's self would accomplish this, beat Old hobo, several Irish laborers, and doz- cleansin cream a 'skin tonicwhich Our berry patch; our orchard too; eyes had lost—vigor, determination, ! man Time at . his own game The ens of others, all far from the place g r v Stanley Robertsons•F +1,., professioneach chose' .... to call home. may be nothing more than witch Stand waiting in a shining row. self-assurance "To -night after supper," went on suffered too much, giving everything' .The young engineer.missed the sig n ;wind for`'I lenow it 'means that fly to and fro between the far north hazel, a skin food,' perhaps also a ' Robertson with his friendly smile" we and—losing everything! nificance of this. He merely saw them etre g{ r What a vanishingcream and thepatter, of "Atop my pantry shelves. You know, y these same corners will ;be frayed and and the sunny `south, 13ut w will go over the work before I Hack 1 "Quit while the quitting is good," I as an exceedingly sullen gang of lab- which more, shortly. They're pretty, even as they grow, my stuff," would be Cameron's slogan. When overs lined up to receive their pay. worn. On a .really wnidy day, L al- -friendship! At night,h justdbefore going to bed, But prettier, I'm telling you, Cameron felt the awkwardness of his mechanism bA an to n down he I They evinced no e rthusiasm over his ways double'these large pieces length- the face should be cleansed carefully When winter comes! g with a pad of cotton dipped in diluted "But stoves are hot in summer, so witch hazel,. then into the cleansing There's many hunts the portico cream, following the motions adopted by the beauty specialist. This treatment should be followed by a brisk patting with the patter The same hot stove's a ' blessing, though When winter comes!" SECOND -DAY SANDWICHES. It :Burns as It•Goes Down. "There's a wonderful flow of water 'along the Canadian border." "Fire-water,,I suppose you mean?" grip on. Jonathan's head with its cruel talons and drove then' into the "gan- dere brain. Mr, Miner, who was, too late to avert the tragedy, set a trap among the feathers of Jonathan's poor: torn body, and when the owl returned to its feast it was caught and killed. Next day the'' telephone bell rang IT SAVES 'MENDING, frequently a,s neighbors called up to It always worries me to see the inquireabout the death of Jonathansl corners' of tablecloths, sheets or and to express their sympathy. Just blankets flapping on the line in a 'a wildg000e! One of the millions that the situation. "Iguessyou'll be lad would be watching for `it andresign l promise of a bonus • indeed. he ,felt wise"and pin the four corners to the g c g res gz , to get back to civilization," he ven- bu ore his employers became aware of . that his words had fallen on hostile -line. tured. I the trouble. ears. Later, thiriking it over in'his 4 and takes they The older man shook his head. "No, l The' next morning saw Robertson on tent, the engineer decided' he had Let same one else play the fool;' it And fans themselves, vies I m not looking xorwarcl to civilization,: the little gasoline, section car with his spoken the but having. is too easy a. part to be worth your yr (I understand their feelings, too) 1 >....+ to rest. Twenty-eight years __ tom.,,.,. piled _'--__1 L_.=_ With-__ieon- spoken, he would of course. standeffor° his guns. (To be continued.) moistened in ice-cold water. This will awaken the tired and sagging muscles. Then, if her pores are large and con- spicuous our woman may apply a spe- cial pore cream that will in time make then less noticeable, or perhaps eradi- cate them, or she may simply use a skin food, leaving enough on her face I1ghtly on both sides. Serve at once. When sandwiches have been left over and have become slightly dry, place them in the- toaster and toast to feed the hungry ,cells while she. The Etat will freshen up +hr' sand sleeps. with es good as new and will make a In the morning she will cleanse her titbit, erten more appetizing than the face with the cream and skin tonic,' sandwich was in the first place. After Every Meal It's the 1nest-lasting co: 'leen' : you can buy —anit's a help tr d R oestion and a cleanser IIs° tale mouth and teeth. Wrigley's means iF ...., tDee:ali as well as pie insure® SSU } No,- 30—'24. One point to observe is to serve the sandwiches in a very neat and attrac- tive manner, perhaps cutting them into triangles. If there has been let- tuce in the sandwiches, this should he removed, and if it is at all wilted, replace with fresh lettuce before the toasted sandwich is served. KEEPING CURED MEAT. When hams, shoulders, or other pieces ate taken out of the brine and dried, sew each piece in a taut cover- ing of cheesecloth, •,and brush ''it all over with melted paraffin. ` When taken out of this covering, the meat emerges clean • and 'there is no loss of meat .or; tithe in getting the paraffin out of the', crevices,; -, gineering, fighting rivers and moun- tains and canyons—that's my his- tory." "You were at it before I was born !" exclaimed Cameron. The other smiled. "Yes, but it hurts I "Good luck!" PAPER LIGHTERS. The little old-fashioned paper light- ers are convenient when using a gas or oil stovef where you can light one flame from another, and they save striking a: snatch crVery time.. Ott a newspaper into strips an inch wide and about a foot long and start at one corner to roll. diagonally. Turn over the top when done. They "must- be rolled tightly: We always keep a lot of thein handy, For Bort Feet --MI cl's Liniment. suiting Cameron the men dropped their work along the cliff and cluster- ed silently to speed the white-haired engineer,who smiled at them. "Good-bye, boys!" he shouted. THE KITCHEN -SHEARS. - Keep a pair of clean, sharp shears hanging on a convenient hook in`" the kitchen.., You will find them the'great' est possible convenience for many un- expected purposes. They are. much better than a knife for trimming off the rind of bacon. They are espe- cially , desirable' when snipping up marshmallows for a salad, and often save getting out a chopping knife and,' bowl when only a few pieces of green l pepper or other garnish is to be cuts in strips or small pieces. The shears should always be wiped and hung up where -steam will not strike thein to. .cause rust. THE MAGNET CIRCUS,. ° For . the boy . who has -'outgrown blocks or for the convalescent,, there issprobably nothing which Will furnish more entertainment thaxi•ttatrge pow- erful, horseshoe magnet, and a box of - assorted nails preferably of the sina11er sizes. I With the nails may bs.built swinc*s:� with tack children 'swinging in them and trapezes tot the: most exacting .acrobats: On they top may be -built an Indian : wigwam with 'weather vane atop, 'and a I-'drizontal` bar with its crew of acrobatic actors. Even oaks .and dogs May be made with tack legs and ears, a nail body and a shoe -tack tail. The Supply of Doctors.' There 18 one pbesiciailto every 721 persons in the United States, one to The main line is usually -open for the fellow who travels with a full. head of steam. a� 'JN 1 ..a di 7 ......< -- - ...... •,., °ha.r ever y..,057 in England, and one to gun . , .: � � �� � � �, � �� every 2,000 tn. 2;5d0, persons in Central Honey and lets et it---ahondred pounds in caoll,lli`"�e �-is to be 'found en the Felly bee rarer at. Oakville, and 111 the photograph above Mr.'Kelly is shown °urope, at Work with his busy little friends, Minard's Linlrent Heals, cute." ¢. SI'RAYrnS•.. DIQOnRS. S l o w aii 1• n'A11is, Immediate shipment on machines or repairs. Alt goods o1 1ppod' from tvarebouso at .Guelph, Ont. All diggers, equipped, with 'short turn truck. Sprayers: 100 gallon tank;' 12' noz,. zlas, Triples utunp. Catalogue and prices on request.. A. E. COMAR, 20 Park Ave., Guelph, Ont. . Ontario and. Maritime :Distributor, Here BsThePump You Need SMART S TAN o0u9L� �tcri/vG PUMP Pumps more easily, more .silelltlyand ' more efficiently than the Wing type model which it has definitely replaced with household is. airseasily .madefriin{Tous d tools. i�ep •. Can be drained to prevent freezing. ` Easily primed. ,ASIC ABOUT I Ar YOUR FIAROWARE STORE Jr.MF5 SMPJiT PLANT 6ROCKVLLLE,ONT. Y -1 Real Education. In the first days' of summer a great nr,any young people are trying to sell to the world the training, they reeeived at school and :ooile,ge. • They have been forewarned that they cannot expect a door ajar' the moment they knock. And they have been, forewarned as, well with all that books and pedagogues can impart:" But now they mush learn for them -- selves that fire burns and water drowns and they must depend on their own wit and will. Their true educa- tion is beginning. We are told of certain great men that they laoked formal schooling: Yet it is • clear Prom what they' did that they were forever learning. Pain and adversity may have taught them more than ease and pleasure, thaugii: in•. s,truc'tion need net always be a bitter medicine.." - Life itself. - is the : great school for life. That Harsh taskmaster, expert once, whose rod is ever ,lifted ready tofallelias pupils of 'all ages; and every social condition. Those who crumple and give up beneath the punishment are trio weaklings and quitters; those , who acre' t .the disclplin�e,as a salutary 1? chastening and apply the ;lesson are those whosel' ultimate suceees is as- su r ed. I1 you can meet with triiimp and dis- aster And treat those two imposters just the same— then you have had an education that. serves you well. Por the mere piling of fact lnlet is but the' mechanic, eleiirent of train- ing. The accumulated data matter, little until- by an inductive process Something is erode of them. As long as the facts remain mere raw material. ' and are not used tomold a character and abet-, o at desitiny, the teacher's work, le incomplete and the object of the p,tpil'si education rennino unreal feed.