HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-7-31, Page 5THE EX TER TIMES k ii L19►r. arv',i 8isc, 1924. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lU11111111111111111111 1 H 1 �lpllll 11 1 _._ 1 # IIIl111N11111111111111i11111111 i11 11 11.101111 HensaII- I' �lllli111111111111�1: , '1 III I li � ' I l l Il 1 111 Ilil11 II�IIII 11111111 �• -111 Ili. ll I I III � 111111 li I Illlsl Ili11111illlli 1111 � 1 l 1 .#1�1 I ._I 1 l 1 111 1 i 1, , ll�ll lll�dlll ��11111, D' G A 111' S; — OF M"1 TOUCH TY ',.�. I-�YV RlTA/ g r NI IS TAUGHT EXCLUSIVELY IN THIS DISTRICT BY TI'IE School of Commerce Clinton, Ontario YOU CANNOT ATTEND A BETTER SCHOOL, SO WHY NOT REGISTER NOW FOR THE FALL TERM? SCHOOL RE -OPENS Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, 1924 COURSES Stenographic - Commercial - Secretarial Special Courses For particulars apply to. M. A. STONE,COM. SPECIALIST, B. F , .WARD, B.A., Vice 'Principal Principal Phone 198 NOW . AS THE WARM WEATHER HAS COME. THIS IS THE STORE FOR ElecticStoves — and — Electic Fans DO YOUR COOKING .BY ELECTRIC AND KEEP COOL AL INST L A HOT WATER HEATER ON YOUR' BOILER AND HAVE HOT WATER ANY TIME YOU WANT I'I JNFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN ON THESE SUBJECTS The Hydro Sho �' e J. Passmore PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & HOLMES Barristors, &e. Office on the Square, 2nd door ;from Hamilton St., Goderich. private funds to loan at lowest rates. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, D. E. Holmes Mr. Holmes will be in Hensel' hevery Friday from 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- jtion School, Special course taken in p3egistered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm *ales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, 'Zurich, or 'wire 18-93, Zurich. DR. A. MOIR, L.' MCC. Physician and Surgeon Phase 70 HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of r Medicine, McGill University, Montreal; Member :of College of Physicians and Surgeons f Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Post Graduate Weather of Resident Medical staff of !General Hospital, Montreal, •1914-15 ; lo3iice, 3 doors east of Post Office. 'Those 56, Hensall, Ontario. Fertilizer 16 p. �. A.ciAcidPhosphate For Fall Wheat Per - o To e PLACE YOUR t ORDER WITH ME ry YOUR ONCE AND SECURE0 :AT 0 NCE PRICE. SUPPLY' AT THIS, A.J. CL THY. ► 0 1'► A1 GRA.NTON Miss Kathleen Doyle, of Detroit, was the, guest of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hudson: a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy White of London visited with relatives in town this week., The tatting of wheat has started in this neighborhood and the yield is considered good. • The Misses''Grace and Ruth Chap- man are visiting relatives in Brant- ford and Hamilton this ween, Mrs. Dick ;of Hensel •s sending a y spending few "weeks' holidays, at 'the home of her brother/Mr. Wrn. Winer, Stephen. Last week we published a news item regarding the Oddfellow's pic- nic to Hayfield, which, owing to a anis-print, read. July. 3rd. The � correct date -was July 31st, (yesterday) . The. picnic was well attended by the bre- thren of the lodge, who enjoyed a good afternoon's outing. THEY GOTTA EAT, TOO If we all could keep well, It would be nice, but say, How then, I'd like to ask, Could doctors earn their spay. GRAND BEND - Mrs. McKay, of Toronto, who has been sojourning -here, was painfully injured„last week. She was about to descend a number of steps at the cot- tage and misjudging the number, fell from the last step, injuring her shoulder and received a shaking up. Rev and Mrs. Grant left .last week to, i iisit dun- Torch -ea. Union services will be held for the next six weleks i,n . the Presbyterian Church, beginning on Sunday at 12.36 o'clock. Farmers in thus fseictiion have corn- nienced to cut their fall wheat. Tne. crop 1:s' a good one. - We are pleased to report that M- Down, who fell from a load of hay, is =proving. Mr Bruce Tiederman of Port Huron I ntVended the funeral ,on Saturday of , the. late VLrs. Tiederman. CHISELHURST Mr. and Mis: Pybus and daughter visited Thos. Patterson's near ^ Mit then last Sunday, The Chiselhurst girls played Kip - pen girls in a game of soft ball last Friday evening. The score' was in favor of .Chiselhurst. Mr. Morrison from the West, is visiting with the McNaughton Bros. SUNSHINE Mr. incl Mrs. C. B. Routley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. God- bolt, of Centralia. Mr. • John. Fowler; of Dungannon,, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. F. Fowler. Mrs. R. Hodgins, of Saintsbury, is spending a few weeks with her dau- ghter; Mrs. C. Fletcher. ' Miss Agnes Creery spent the week- endwith her friend Miss Ina Jaques. One of the most sensational mur dere that has occurred for a long time is the one being tried in Chi- cago, young Loeb and Leopold. They 'confessed the murder of a 147 -Year- old boy, siinply ',`to get a thrill.” The rope gallows a•e ptit quickerthe z e andt 1 1 into action for such criminals, the better it will be for the world gen- erally. • U Ew RAZ -MAH Snuff fir �61i1 ---�® �' f� IYI ----�0 � No � a � � Y � Just Swallow a Capsule Restores normal breathing, rig, stops mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, gives longnights of quiet , sleep; contains no habit-forming drug. t'9 $1.00 at your drug'giets. Send 4e in stamps fox a generous ,; sample. Templetons, 142 King West, Toronto. 1111Ys GUARANTEED RE UA.Ii.A.N'Jt'SEiD A.W.E. przArrivaiL HENSALL. Mr:'J. 'W. Ortwein has purchased a• new Ford sedan. Mrs. Arinstrong, of town spent Tues- day last in Exeter. Mr. Allan McDonell spent the past week at Grand Bend. " Mr., and Mrs. H. McEwan •visited in London 'on Tuesday. Miss Amy Laramie, of Toronto, is holidaying at; her hone Here. Hensel'. Civic Holiday will be oh= served on 1VXonday, August 4. The .monster Sea1orth Old Boys' Re -union commences on Saturday. Mrs. Foster of Varna, visited her daughter,'lVlrs. 5.• Cameron for a'few days recently: Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole, of Ontario, California, are visiting relatives in this. community. Mrs. Stevens and i family, of -Tor- onto, at present with Mr. onto are visiting v v g and Mrs. A. Reichert. r from numbe town atten- ded the Ford picnic to Grand Bend on Wednesday last. Mrs. Edith Sylvester and daughter •Miss Edna, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. De Shirray, Miss Lynn Ortwein of Toronto, rec- ently ''visited her parents, Mr. aiid. Mrs: J. W. Ortwein, of town. The 'raspberry season has been in full swing this week, and a number of pickers report a plentiful supply. Mr. Hy. Volland and Miss Volland _. spent Sunday wi_'i ^elatives .is God- erich. • Mr. Chas.; Cook, of Chicago,' last week visited his brothers, ;Messrs: Norman and Cornelius,; ,Cook, of town. Mrs. T.,Murdock recently returned from Torontb, where for some time she lips been the guest of her daugh- ter, Mrs. . Dr. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs, David Snaith, of De- troit, Mich, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Biggins and other relat- vies in town this' week: A number of the young ladies of town have formed a softball team. We are expecting to witness some interesting games in the near future.' Mr. Jas. Sangster and family, and Mr. Herbert Hoggarth returned from Birkton last week, where Mr. Sang- ster has been engaged in building a house. Rev. J. A. McConnell and fancily left •this week for a month's vacation visiting Guelph, Fergus, Galt and Toronto. Dr. C. Fletcher will have charge of the work here: - . On Sunday evening last the con- gregation of the Meth. Church, were favored with a much •appreciated solo by Mr. David Smith, of Detroit. Mir. Smith is visiting relatives in town. In Bible Times Lot's wife was cur- ious and turned to salt. On the street the other day a young lady, wearing a modern summer gown, walked along and three men turned to rubber on the spot. SULLINS—HUDSON A puiet wedding was solemnized at the manse of the Rev. W. G. Boitinan. of Detroit, Mich., on JuiylSth, when Inas, eldest daughter of Mr. and i1Trs: George"Hudson, of :Hensall, Ont., was united in, marriage to Louis E. Sul- lins, of Nashville, Tenn. ` After the ceremony the Happy couple, accom- panied by C. C. Hudson, brother of the bride, and many other friends, of the` bride, attended a wedding dinner given by the brother of the groom. Mr, and Mrs. Sullins left on a short honeymoon, after which they will reside in Detroit. HOUSE TOTALLY DESTROYEi[) BY FIRE Fire, the cause of which cannot be accounted for, broke out on the low- er floor of the residence owned and _occupied • by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wil- son, : Hensall about -' 3.30 a.In.: on Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson' were sleeping in the upper part of the house and when awaken- ed, faced rooms filled ;with smoke and rapidly catching' fire. Mrs, Wile SY1to salvagean :ro on did not wait p erty, but rushed to .a window and called for help and in a few nninutes with the aid of a ladder, she- safely reached the •ground. Mr. Wilson; thinking cloitbtless, to save some property, endeavored to go down stairs to 'where the fire had reached quite an advanced stage and was badly faceand about the )' 11 burned y hands, but luckily, managed to get out of the seething' mass of flames, which pervaded the lower part of i ) r the loose; after whichhich znearc.aaid l was summoned and he wap taken to a neighbor's home. The flames gain- ing such a headway before the fire fighting equipment arrived, to- gether with the fact that Ito water snpliy was within reasonable mable di s tante, rendered the firemen helpless to give any assistance ta. tco whateer, and the entire building- together with the I3ENSAI.,x c ONTARIO content$ wasat t a ois. CENTRALIA Mrs. Boyle, of London,visited the home of her, daughter, Mrs. Boyer. Mrs. Wes. Ilodgins, of London, spent a few days this week with. friends here, ' Mr. Walter Baynham, of Brandon, Map., spent a few days at the home. of his parents here. Mz and ,Mrs„M."Baynham and eon ;a'''-vSti ,Tlt1#xuas eaPet0etthe,4weel -end with friends here. Mc and Mrs. L,Hodgson on . gs were era at Highgate last week' attending tile' wedding of her brother at that place. Miss Schultz and friend, of Detroit visited at the horde of, the former's sister, Mrs. Frey. Mr. and Mrs." C. Mason visited with .friends at Aylmer over the week -end. Several , from this district were at. the picnic on Saturday;, held for the section men at Springbank. T CREDITON Arr. and . Mrs. Haylock and two boys, Mr. and Mrs. Pope and daugh- ter, of London, visited the past week with Miss Lena Sweitzer and Messrs. Sam and Joe. "Dein,” "Higher Ground" will be the sub- ject in the Meth. h church next Sunday ,even'ing, communion service at the close of public worship. Everybody. welcome. • On Tuesdayevening of g last week a large ' number of "young g people spent a very 'enjoyable time at the honiie of Mt and Mrs. Win. Sweitzer of Shipka. Mr. Martin Morley, wife and de/ti- ghter, Mrs: (Rev) D. McTavish and two children are 'camping at Grand Bend. Mrs. C. Zwicker, Master Gerald' Mrs. Hallam and `Miss' Dorothy, are holidaying at Grand "Bend. irr. Michael Finkbeiner 19 laid up as the result of a fall. We hope he will soon be out again. air. and ;Mrs: Henry Mote, spent - Sunday at Daslawo16d, the guest of Mr and Mrs. Jacob Messner. Mars Albert King eeeturned home from Windsor last week. Mrs. Wilson and two, daughters of London spent,a few days; here visiting" friends. alias; -Melina Siennsi spent a week's holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sims, ZURICH Mrs. Stark, •01 Port Huron visited with Mrs. P. Koehler, • • Mr. C. Fritz visited with friends• at Morriston. • Rev. and 1V1'rs. Lloyd Kaibfleisch of Brantford are visiting their par- ents here this week. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Edighoffer and family of.Pigeon,.=Mich., visited rel- atives here. y , Mr. and Mrs.'M E','"Switzer and Messrs. J. 'F. and Ed. Moritzlefton Tuesday for a visit with friends at Guelph and Kitchener. Mrs. Weismiller of Toronto, Mrs. L. Peine, Miss Deichert and Mr Al- lan Hostetler of New Hamburg, were visitors with relatives here last week. Messrs. J. 'F. Moritz of 'Cavalier, N.Dak., and Mr. Ed. Moritz of Wal- halla, N. Dak., attended the funeral of their mother, Mrs Hauch and are now renewing acquaintances dere for time. Mr. Louis Prang and children Leonard, Veola and Marguerite vis- ited for a few days last week in De- troit. Miss Smyth, who had been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Prang're- turned with them to her home in that city. Mother Hannah Hauch (nee Bae- ker) widow of the late Philip Hauch, bora on November 26th 1844, slum- bered peacefully away on 'July 16th, 1924, in her home in Zurch, aged 79 years, 7 months and20 days. She was twice married, the first union to -Mr. J. F. Moritz, of Sebringville, the hone then also of the Baeker family. Ile deceased her here in Zurich, many years ago. On Nov. 3, 1891, she ;was united in rnarria.ge to 1Vrr. Philip Hauch, who was "also well known in this community: ' Mr. Heideman, of Stratford, visit- ed with' his brother, 'Mr. Albert Heideman. Mr. John Schluchter, of Michigan, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Ben.. Surerus, 14th con. Miss Hazen Finkbeiner;" of Strat- ford, is the guest of :her cousin, IViiss Mildred Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter and dau- ghters, Merle and Mabel, spent a few clays at Kitchener last week. Thursday afternoon of last week the Evan elieal Sabbath School pic- niced g. at Grand Bend. Miss Johnston, of Kincardine;' -is visiting her sister, Mrs. Juliul Thiel. We are sorry to learn of the sud- den death of Mr. Ernest H. Reste- died at his home at Ca niayer, who - v Aller, N. Dak. Mr. Restentayer• was a former IIay Tp. boy. Mrs. Felton and family of Biggar, Sa:sk., are visiting with her parents, n 117r... Leno Kipper. ae:r.: bLr.. d . q a 11 ' MOORESVILLE lvlis> JeacFalser or Detroit, form- erly-. 0t1-e'ly. of • iMoonesvilillje, daughter of the ra s late::lVtia.lcodm :Eraser and Nits. Fraser: was parried last week July 23, to 'ivlrt v.'ls I Week,: T y Elrsl•ell, VJiggp,ng .0 of ll li E' i\Jr; and `,Mrs, Martin Inst,in andt bane Aitkens, Mao, attended the wedding' of her isistee un iDetrolt, .also spent, a Cew days 1visntv gher mother here ahc her brother,' INtr, Wm.. Frasier, in Ex- eter. r. ''s li 1rEt and o ' and'Mrs. . Elrn�ei Ca l� t c Son AcU . of P tIuaon and Miss lteit ne Eras- er of IDctrttyaftez spedtno a few clays liege and in Exeter, returned halve; this Week, DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Bloch, Zurichl every Thursday and Saturday: MAIN OFFICE Hartleib's Bleck Dashwood, Ont. Mr. 0. W. Hartiieb has • returned home- to Detroit after visiting his. parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Hart- lieb. Mrs. A. 13. Jones has returned to her home in Lake View, Ohio, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartlieb; Mrs. A. B. Jones, of Lake View, Ohio, and Mr. 0. W. Hratleib and wife, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ilartleib, of Windsor, visited their! parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Jacob Hart- ieib, last week. Mrs. Chas. Hartieib and twins will remain for a couple of weeks. The, Eyaiigelical Sunday School turned outwell t their picnic,at 0 Grand Bend last Thursday. Weather was ideal for the afternoon of sports, the rain keeping off 'until evening. The grove rang with shouts of merry sport and all who went with a child's eagerness for play, found ample op- portunity to keep on the move. The results of the races and contests are as follows: Girls and boys, 5 years, and under —Maida Wein, Phyllis Reid, Grace Wein. Girls, 6 to S years—Ruth Tienian, Hazel Desjardine, Gertie, Hoffman. Boys 6 to 8 years—Milton Willert Albert Goetz, Walter Weber. Girls 9 to 12 years—Eugene Tie man, Earl Witmer, Ervin Guenther_ Girls, 13. to 15 years—Flossie Kleinstiver, Grace Guenther, Pearl Bender. - • Boys 13, to 15 years—Lorne Tie - man, Harry Hartbieh, Gordon' Ben- der. Peanut Hunt—Milton Willert. • Jumping Contest—Waiter' Weber. Sheldon Wein, Albert Goetz, Milton Willert. Potato Relay—Florence Baker, Gertie Hoffman, Pearl Schade, Edith- Weber. dithWeber. Wheelbarrow , Contest— Eugene Tiernan and Earl Witmer. Clothespin- Relay—Flossie Klein- stiver and Lorne Tiernan, Florence Tiernan and Leonard Bender, Grace Guenther and Eugene Tiernan. ' Thread the Needle—Pearl ' Kraft and Vernon. Schatz, captains. Spool Contest—Mrs. D. Tiernan, Capt. • Tug-of-war—Soldiers of the Cross Cocoanut contest --Edith Guenther. Sack contest -Lorne Tiernan. Men 60 years Aupd over -Mr. Dan- iel Haugh. Young Ladies— Flossie Kleinstiver. Young Men—Charlie Snell. - Married Ladies—Mrs. T. XIinup. Married Men—Garnet Wildfong. Fancy Walking -Mrs. W. J. Yager. Orange contest—Miss M. Johns. Alphabet contest—Miss M. Johns. Capt. Beauty contest—Miss E. Guenther. Cripple Race—Earl Geiser. Miss Carrick, of Sarnia, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Betchei, and family, of Baden, were visitors over the week -end with Mrs. Jane Guen- ther. Miss Luella Schatz, of Mitchell, visited with friends in town for a few clays last week. Mrs. J. Kellerman is spending a couple of weeks in Guelph and Tor- onto. Messrs. Chester Gaiser, Mervin and Lorne Tiernan are this week visiting in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross, of Stratford, spent last week with Rev. and Mrs. Yager. ` Mr. and Mrs..Enmil Schroeder and family, of Detroit, are visiting with relatives in this vicinity. Messrs. Lorne Preeter and Court- ney Eidt of Detroit, 'spent Sunday in town Mis.s Letta Guenther Is visiting friends near Blyth at present. Dr. H. Cowan spent Sunday at his home in Fergus. Mr. L. T. Rutherford moved his household effects to Exeter .on Fri- day. Mr, and Mrs. Hesse and daughter, of New Hamburg", and Mr. and Mrs. Boyce and family, of S'dbringville,. spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Witzel. ' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Iiartlieb, or Detroit, are visiting with the for- mer's parents. Mrs. R. Baker and Mrs. Go 1 ' tic7. d are spending a few weeks in Cleve- land. M. and Mrs. J. Lafferty,of Owen Sound and Mrs. Stadelbatter, Ing- ersoll, 'In g ersoll, Mi•. and iVfrs. `Vin. Staclelban- er, of London, and Mr, and Mrs. Vic etor Heywood and son Tari, of Exteer spent . SLuiday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft.-• mr,s L Nelson and daughter' zvli;>c. J daughter, Kathleen, al Fort Wa'nn, hide . a;; gtuests.. at the home of C. L. Wadpo,,; n.. Mieses. Eleanor, heliJth and Ilene Snad- ca' of Deteak, .Nile h are slpend ;ing the 1 th so( ' August at the ionic ,o l' C IJ a Walpole ' Mr. Ar ur Blower has been a. p - pointed Municipal Clerk and vTrees - rer of Mitchell to fill tito vacancy tE� cera n: do a t of caused by the g 'a z Mi' Wm. Byars, through illuesss. DEATH OF MRS. SNIDER, ---There' a se a at the home her d w tz orae f h. ta, a Y f o r daughter, 1VIrs. 1.1. ,Schroeder, Dash- wood, _ on Thursday, July 24th, Sarah McCalluin, beloved- wife of William Snider, at the age of 70 years, 7 mos, and 3 days, Mrs, Snider had been in poor health for some time. She was born in the vill'age pi Kreinburg, Tp. of Vaughan, in the County of York, and -was highly' ghly respected as a friend and neighbor: and her demise is much regretted by a large circle of friends., Besides her husband she is survived by three children—Mrs. Henrye-Scttroeder. •off! Dashwood; ...Dr, G. A. Snider, of ' Cardington,` OLIO, and Duncan, of Dashwood. The re- mains were laid to rest in the Exeter cemetery on Sunday 'last, I,4UMLEY Quite a number from here attended the N F. O. P. ( • `The,N F. W. 0. meeting nt the Home: of ' Mr, and Mrs. Willime Pepper of Tuckersmi:th was largely at- tended and;the address of 'Wm. Black NI. P., was of deep Interest and much enjoyed by an, Vl'iss ,Mauch Glenn. of London ;,s at present visiting friends Vin, and around !, her old 'home an the Boundary. The people 1 of the..: neighborhood p n z bar 1 head a g re pleas- ed to have ;tier in their midst :;gain;. Miss Russell of 'Russeidal,e is spend- ing a couple weeks at the McQueen home here. _Mae and';il2rs. Wilkinson of Stratford spent pen the week -end wyisttit NIr, and Mrs. Noah rHorton. Nies' Wm. Kerslake and little daugh- ter, aughto, Mary, .are at present v;:siit nig friends; in Delhi and Tilsonburg, MOUNT CARMEL A. number Iran this neigh born or: cl attended the Ford Picni,e at !Grand Bend on Wednesday. . avfack Cohen and two 5istees,' neturned to their home ;it',iri' JJqerc(,L after spending several weeks with friend's in this neighborhood. Miss , Kathleen alorrissy is 4ii,iting friends at rDe.troit this week: Mr. Frank Pickering, of Detract 1i's spending a few days at th-e home of his/+l�c�other, John P.ickerirng, 12 :ec�n ler .GiU i -ray... Hiss. AIari,e Carey ;;s visiting friends'' at Stratford this week. Miss Nora McKeever, is visiting her. cousin Kathleen !Moir, London, Miss Margaret Carey, of .Hana,i on.1 is spending two weeks at her Lorne here. Mr, Vincent, Guinan, o To:are anent a fear days last week with ,e. L^ath•ez,rIr. Joseph Guinan.. •Alissei Betty and Alice: Rr r<r left this week for their home. in C1 ago. after spending several days;'with tl form,er's broth:ei, 'M. Ryan,' Here;_ O'Riley of -near Stratfor d,.,is the guest of Miss O'Hara for the aveek. e -rd, Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrison, and l baby left last week for their home, De li o: t after ,spending several- weeks with friends .here. jx1l EBING liA. E$..• Exeter Times $11;66 to the United States. Times and London Advertiser Tinter and London Free 'Pres $ri.25, Times and Toronto Globe ,.. $6.25 Tizzies and Mail and Empire .. $6.25 Times and The T'orpnto Star „,.,$6,g5 Tiiues & Family Herald & Stas $3.25 Times and Fanners' Advocate $3.00 Times and The Former Sun.,a•$2,90 Times and Christian Guardian ;$3.40 Tithes &: Presbyterian 'Witness $3,40 Times & Canadian Cottatrynian $24E) Times and World Wide .<,.,., $3.757, Tunes and Montreal -Witness ;$3.40 z r. Hines and Saturday•Night, zt ...,.,:.$5,25 Times and McLean's Magazine $4:25 The above publications may be obtained by Times subscribers in any combination, the pirce for any :pub- lication being the figure given, lase $1.50, representing the- price. p1; The n"Oeeare of PleasureITUROPE tYEMPRESS or MONO- CLASS CABIN SERVICE —The exhilarating sea air, the fascina- tion of the restless ' ocean;" the entertain- ` ments aboard the ship • —and what ships. Large, speedy and luxuriously furnished, they represent the very highest in ship- building g p building art—while the cuisine and service leave nothing' to be desired—truly a voyage of enchant- ment. Ask Local Agents - A PIED PIPE 4: In Billy's job, as in many positions where men have won fame' and distinction it is personality that counts. It is his mission in life to inspire confidence and to lure innocent sheep and lams to their , p p a destruction with as great alacrity and lightness of gait as if they were skipping to the fields of Elysium, and this he does to the King's . taste; he was born for his task. Though 'but two years old he has a substantial beard, and long white hoary locks. His mien' isb' entle and there rare ' e e no horns visible i b which might give rise to fatal sus- picions. But in his eyes there is an airr of command, backed, by the force of a portly frame which enables Billy to do what he will wit% the sheep and lambs which come within his ken, and even influences calves to keep a straight path. In the busy season lie eaves the salaries of five mala; in ordinary times he does the work oftwo or three. ale was three months old when he arrived at the. Canadian Pacific Stock Yards, Montreal, but he took to the work at once. He followed the heels of the men, and while other. animals tried at the work' had tox e coaxed c a ed tolabor f r byrewardsof cakeI and biscuits, uz s I�il 1 needed , y no such 'spur; but in three month thine would glance at the sheep comfortably,start off at a cheerful' trot and without hesitation the he doomed animals would surround lrn and happily arcedd the Winding runway to the abattoir nearby. Then at a command he would go back and coax any s ggl rstra e, till i 1 he had all at hand recti, to be., slaughtered, Now't 116611 o tat Bill . y, it might s ern -that he did this work in all innocence,and that he was quite unaware that he had led his charges to any harm; but that would 'be doing an injustice to Billy's mighty intellect. He leads the. flock ..1 ock right to the edge of the platfarin, where they are killed, but t then he carefully edges tothe wall, keeping & as s far as possible from the dangerpoint till he rathes the only s o of safety, then he slides s backfrom the bol less sheep, wriggles lc5 aui and goes bac� for another lot, , fi" , His treachery does not weigh on his spirits, he is utterly ronin �?laeeiil i�nd se sai,zeJiec1, impatient to be on the job r 4 4