HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-02-02, Page 5av:r pax e•Ki v r .
tor '0
Dealt Editor.:
f wouldlike to: congratulate- the
W ngl n -filisineen Association On
their unanirn,us . stand .against
Sunday shoppi . It is .,v
portant and 'lir
urgentt w
grass roots `
a •our M� --�..
as •:Premier Da d' I"eteltes . of 'or
stand on.fh s
Since atten►d +the organizsar<ttonal
rneeting the Coalition' Against
Open.,Sunday Shopping (CAOSS —
pronounced chaos), I :have some
facts I would like ` to share with -
Support is evident from all major
church deiri`Orainations, many
business ass ciabons, retail and
wholesale- -associations, trade
unions, large companies and small
businesses. There is also support
from the Progressive Conservative
and New Democratic MrPs, as well
as some prominent Liberal MPPs.
David Peterson's poll In .i987
showed that 71 per cent of those
polled want_a_nniform -layr_ visa
t term.
e � �sao#s �:xn auaider_ about
Saadi Shopping:are:
–rt will
be less convenient because
stores will close earlier in the
evenings so they can remain open on
Sundays. Some people will have to
shop on Sundays whether they want
to or not.
–Sunday shopping will mean a
price increase of up to 15 per cent to
cover; extra costs of labor, overhead
and depreciation.
--Sunday . shopping means no
common pause day for thousands of
families, and the destruction of their
quality of life.
--The ripple effect of Sunday
shopping will impact on one-third of
theentire work force — police,
public transportation, service in-
dustries,day care centres and
--F'uUrtime staff will be reduced in
Reader wants
rd placed
in window
Dear Editor":
Is there anyone in this town who
would,go along With toSuggestion?
It Would -Week* hive a funeral
card placed in a window on the main '
street to let people knew of 'the a
shot** it nt one"
workforce had gbh
--Would ' you support Suns
shopping .if prices crease d ;
The ,CAOSS- needs the sub
all local �bussinessassociti
local organizations interess_�
effort. 1 can provide 'ye'nr
org,anization or association with a-
re: in 'Our
RFt5, Brussels
(Continued from Page 4A)
presentation win ask .that the match
be located near %iipghain.
Lori. Goodall . (junior) and Janet
Wood (senior) were, the first pig.:.
speaking Winners at,Ingham
Publiei.$ch>rol, :fin
by a former ins. ector
Ire presented to Miss GoOdalt and the T
S. Beattie trophy', donated by,the
school's former er principal,was
presented to Miss Wood after they
placed first in their divisFiiOns•
A federal government grant will
help finance a special project un-
dertaken by. a group of retired
people in 'Wingham. The'grant
$6,653. has been awarded to
Wingham Senior Citizens:. to fix up,
furnish and equip - the formerR
Armouries as a senior citizens' drop-
in centre.
11+fay; 31, 19/, 4, has, liieen set athe
compietien date for the. new $ 7,0
Township �:".4onAi�hunit
strupture, housing, both
wl ice--arena�:ancLa con -
with the • a ► JAI
=nifty. centre;. is being,built:on land, .
coimtii s y
the 5
anal"ys s is brasei+d'� o�pr,lstutl>tes by
ministry ataiff. A question and an -
sorer session°will ffiolow:
Meetings will ;r take H 1a>Ae i
The Mildmay !eetln vv r 1
place at the? y -
. Hanlon"' or,
i_is- fry .t
marketing :legislation has been. Herz g's visit.
-_ re ed to create:: si igl e. agency
responsible foroverseeing all of the .x,...
pr'�ue'n mma d d 1�:i
dry £ j!k+ . y. e.
a n to **wick Central School in Marketing- . enhanced r :;tea as d
g wards enhanced
the centre o f the ls�wnshlicensing x
�!. , : Powers, �
Versatile Canadian actor William..
Hutt portr
,,: In amendit existing legisal�tian,
a►ys� .tabu � A. Mac- minor : ehang+es were o mane' u►
dons in z -TV's new the operation-. ration�of'.t�he Perm Products
.; ma►t'Y"` series, • "The Appeal Tribunal. The . chs went
Natiari y am b d 'og' Piert'e
into effect when.. the legisladoz� was,
Herten's bis tsellers• about the
b pt�o+rlaimed on Jan 22 The bill
Theseries received third reading and royal
oeamsuedw_ �rar assent in earl Jan'
The revised legion creates a
single agency to replace the Milk'
Commission and the Farm Products
Marketing 'Board, , th�e two bodies
which supervised : Ontario's
marketing boards.- The new.. agency
is known as ;,the Perm .Products
Marketing . Cemttiisssion. The
co »mission will administer the
Work is: underway on a new
history book for East .Wawaiiosh.
Township, but the committee . ib
charge is looking' for more members
with established roots in the
An organizational meeting was
held late last month at the township
office. Publication of the Wok is
planned. to ' coincide with the
township** 125th anniversary in X9'92.
A New Iarixo grant'frorrt t
federalgovernment has:. been
sus3.a s
publication costa. Such a grant is
unable only to grouPe With ; i
passing of a friend or`%ers. •
Tyre are many'people vrho miss
this card and who also miss out on
"In Memoriam”.
majority of niorcitiz , thez afore
more seniors are being asked to
Come out and help with the bfioli.
A .4litattonneirewill `heAejivered
Yours truly .to
Mrs. 5. Vanstane .
townshippuha he s over a d people
_,_.,11,11m,tiniditioils •
muni tions ' � . a regional 4-
ferseniormen hers, will
aturday, larch. 6, at -
ow in' doit
irri,.� it
1 of i9econtl City,, Lonuon,
will foe On coil. "cation°
and e use
pa cipantss
compiling their . own fancily.
The, new book will update..the
volume p lished h : 7 ron the
occasion of"the township centennial
l w ' contain aplpo as i _y 300
e , nom-
r Fab..
, 2,
ce a odfl Bibb:
lzttttr for of th '
be the
guest speaker. Those wishing tinore
information are asked to . contact
Mr Marie Toll at 523 9.
°Mad° hiStOrY
Heritage Sl owcase 'is a "one -day
special event to be sponsored by the'
Ontario 'Historic .• Society on
Saturday, Feb `1 c+ vanities.
in Ontario: a oro : rd-
"i initi( and institution's wi l .be is.
r ived in the iteeinfli ii es -- the.
tg 5 F erita e reran' ever
am 'Products Marketing Act and
beM lkAct.
High-powered business : and
- :r
rio.last fir.
Together. ora
''Dente' be
I/Aces In the high
field, OPO ning„the way for a visit to
Welt German y by the Premier's
Council* May of this year.
After travre1iiing to EuropeTRADE as part
of the Ontalio delegation, Industry,
Trade ; and Technology Minister
Monte (,winter will continue on his
eight:country trade mission to'
Europe, South Asia and the Pacific.
Rim to promote, foreign trade.. and
investment for Ontario, meeting
with government : officials -and.
business leaders in several coun-
. Recent grants` corning to the
Huron area include;
46,800 to How.ick Township and
$375 to the Village of Hensen under
the Ministry of Energy's Municipal
officials from around Oil and Energy Conservation
t a crash course' Program for cornrersit►n to oil at
nextfe a weks oil why . their cotnmitnity centres.
> !
..40016 -invent. 7,x die Clinton and District
Mier David Peterson Snow
moiile Club, from the Ministry
leading A delegation of Ontorio of •Tourism, and Recreation
., 1 _T to
Ministers aid' i s leaders on a purchase a new trailgroomer.
Dear Editor:
The me hers. of the board of
directors, of the W.,ingharn and Area
Day entre. for; the Homebound
would like 1 -take this opportunity -to
thank the *w theis of the busin
and ` dustt i coniinuniity►, groups,
ani ions;,. attd" hidlifidto40.,:for
their do tVila to the Centra e
to °Or
�._. _.
,we. w.
for hcmebaund
inks for support
to thank the
blin atf a for its snpport of our
aisitig Avents and"
(,r. `I'he.
special -events). Therefore, this '
response is essential to the co>f -m
tiriued operation of the centre.
Signed oribehalf of:the board, staff
and -clients the W l
and At°-
Day Centre for the Homebound:
Jeanette ardrop
O`baf moa
Gordon Wail
�[1 TRAG . i Y
Culross on July 2, 1901,..
Mildred, daughter of Jain
Ballagha aged aid :yeaars
:month, lost
accident whi
wagon. driven
st,rittrlt4 Piss