The Exeter Times, 1924-7-31, Page 31111IE `i.,17:111)`!"(.)11S, OV )14)01) I. e • Show in Pale -Faces,,, Tired Feel- ing and Breathle$sness. Peenle who are pale, languid, `with palpitation of the heart and shortness Sound Troop Orq' anization. , of breath at slight exertion are suffer- The`summer time Is a•gbed time for - ing from thin, impure elood. If they persons inteiested in- Scouting , and have the resolutien to, take the, right desirous of making its benefits avail- remedy and stick to it, they will find able to local boy,s to start thinking and new health ana strength. The reMedY planning in order to achieve this cob- that can always be relied upon is Dr, ject an the fall—after schools reopen. Williams' - Pink Pills. • With every It is with this in mind that the fellovv- dose they improve and invigorate • the Ing notes on sound troop organization -. blood, and this new bloodmeans are .Inibliehed in this issue. , health and strength. Mrs. A. Griffiths, Like' any other body, a Boy Scout Pierson, Man., ' is one of the manY Tee°1) will ,not be a' success if 'ergan- thousands who have- provecl the value ized in ilastf, haphazard 'Iashien bY of these pills. She says:—"I was SO those who have little knowledge of, badly run down in health that / was what Scouting -really is, and the Troop almost ballast.. The least exertion foundatipn required. Numbersf o would leaVe me breathless.I snffered troonS ' llaVe been Started only to die from headaches ancl backaches and, withina few rro'nths because of an hid no appetite. I could only drag . unwise begitming. about the house and found even light • Practical exPerienee in Canada has houseworlt almost impossible. I 'tried produCed the following general _rules several remedies but they dicl not do for the organization of a Seaut Troop me a particle of good.. Then a friend that will last, and that will realize for the, hoys the real intent and possibili- ties of the Scout training: (a) Select a Troop Committee of capable men really interested in" the church or community boy work, aud who have first read such informative literature as What Scouting is and Does,, What Are You Going to Do With Your Boy? The Wolf Otila, the Troop Cominittee,- furnishecl"..free on applica- • tion by Pro-I/Metal Headquarters, Blow - and Sherbourne Streets, Toronto. 'came for a visit and ShOurged me to try. Dr. Williarns',Pink Pills. When I had finished the second box I, could feel that they were helping me. By the time I had ta.kea four boxes more I was a well wonian and ever,' synip- tom of my trouble had disappeared. It would not be possible for me to .say' too inu,ch in favor of this medicine, and I always recommend it to run- down people, and. h•ave seen it prove just as satisfaetOry in other cases." If you are weak and run down'you - (b) A stiitable meeting place. eall begin getting new strength to - (c) A Scoutmaster suggested by the day by taking Dr. William's' Pink Pills. boys themselves, preferably, if there Is choice, a man with. sons of. his .•• (d) ,In'spite of pressure, a small be- ginnihg, made by selecting threeor • four natural boy. leaders as Patrol Leaders, and the selection by these boys Of their Seconds. ' (e) The 'training of L's and Seconds by the Sdoutmaster until they haye passed, their Tenderfoot and Second Class Test.. -Then, (f) The adding to the Patrols, one strong rooms and boxes. Of late years by one, of Tenderfoot candidates manufacturers have used the most re chosen by Patrols themselves, and sistant materials in combination witii trained to pass their Tenderfoat tests the finest workmar.shi-) and the most by the P. L. or Seconds.. intricate examples of, the locksniith's (g) Study by the Scoutmaster of craft. Side by side with those efforts Scouting for Boys, The "Handbook for has gone the adoption of explosives by Canada, Aids to_Sc-outmastership, The • the burglar and finally of the oxyacety- Patrol SYstern, Scouting Games. lene torch. •' (h)' Monthly reading by the Scout- • The use of explosives the inanufac- • master of The scout Leader. , turer countered, by making the doors (I) Finally, if at all possible, taking ,of...,safes and strong reams gt so- close the Gillwell Course by the Scoutmas- ,that no crack was available in which • ter; if not. the Gillwell Course, one Of to insert the nitroglycerine for blow - the correspondence courses ^provided by Dominion Headquarters. Sold, by all druggists or sent by mali at 50 cents a box by writing to The Dr. Williains' Medicine Co:, Brockville, Ont. • • Ai idea of -the size of this pair is obtained by the, -presence of the young man, in the picture. The larger is a 'lunge, 35 pounds in weight, the smaller a lake trout of 241h pounds: Both with many iithera were landed in one. trip' -early this season at KenoranOnt., on Lake of the Woods. • A Napoleon of Science? In Any Case a Revolution. There is one great man who has not yet emerged—Abe Napoleon of Science. And, considering the desire for power with which humanity. Is. inibued, it seems surprising. ' • -Whether .it has been due to 'it want of ambition in this • .• direction, in such men as Watt or Fara- Foiling , the Enterprisiner t, day, or bad• business on the part of Burglar. those- who have bad such. ambitions, Ever since locks were first aPplied its realization • has somehow fallen to treasure chests, says Chamber's through. It may have been from. min - Journal, a contest of its has gone on oiple or from disinclination to worry between the' thief and the maker of about business ,prospects that dis- coverers have published their records The Horse to His Driver - • in Summer. - If a horse could talk he would have many things ,to say to his driver in summer. He woul&say:— "Water me often when the heat is intense, a, little at a time , if I. am warm; don't ;:stKaten ,to soon. after have eaten, and alWays'at night when I. have eaten my hay. • "When the sun is hot le.t rne breathe in the reconstruction Of the economie' condition, of England, after the de- vastating years ,of the Napoleonic wars. The 13ritish .Aasociation has been 'called the "Parliament Of Science," a cognomen which indicates in some degree the, nature of that body. It is'a parliament ef which any citizen may become a member for the week of its annual session, without election, merely by indicating his de- sire to do so. The reports of its pro- ceedings are noted with interest, for a periodical adjustment of our ideas to the new conditions of life is one of the Most needful requirements of our modern age.• for the free perusal of all. At a.ny rate . it was bad bUsiness, for what might ' nota man have done had he "corner- SUMMER .HEAT ed" scientific interests? It is, not, even yet, beyond the bounds of pos- • • . ost a grotesque position which science holdsin mod6rn society. It's cultivat- ors have already. produced a harvest beyond the dreams of Oti. ,ionefathers. It has been a great labor of love with men like Pasteur, a voyage of a,dven- , • It, is an anomalous, Indeed ing pieces off. But for a, long time now ture with, u ey an , a 1110 the burglar has been able. to cut time recreation with such as Kelvin-, • 'Ah D ON BABY No season of the year is so danger- ous to the life of Balcones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so , quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all human help before the mother real- izes he is ill. Suinmer is the season „ 7Prt,:, , . The Sun's a Gay Philauder. fhe,sitn's,..,a gay philander, ,,,, • As eaeli sWeet ildwer• 0' mornings early,- first of all, , Ile,YiS1ts eTer' roett"-- Then;While th,or leaves with detY are wet, He hovers near p.iignon,eGte• BY. noon Ite's kiSsecl the zifinias,, Likewise the lilies tall; • Flitting about impartially, iltakinge•ach bud a call --- ',ate afternoons the hollyhocks He courts—also' the purple phlox! Within this garden -Jose I spend The days, and!enti'st,cortfese The sun's mylover, too -my clieeks 'Are, brown from his caress. His worshipper ani I,'and he Thue sets' his -royal seal on me! ' ---Maggie V. Caruthers. when diarrhoea, cholera infanturn, through any, safe or strong-rbom door but it has seldom or never been a , - dysentry and colic are most prevalent. with the oxyacetylene torch. struggle for gain The esire for u I Any one of these troubles may prove . "-Recently, however, a metal ,alloy money and the scientific mind are in- ..nan,„•,,nn, time I deadly if not promptly treated.. Dur - has been Invented that succes.skulli .coilipatible; th.e- scientist I the -simmer the mothers bet resists, the intense.heat of that flame for malting money; like the artist hei Jag 1 friend is. Babyis. Own Tablets. They even If it is applied' for the-filteen has other greater -values in life.' Ile _ hours or So that a burglar can sa,fely work during ,a week -end. Moreover, .anlinpOrtant alteration has beennnacle irtf-the disPosition o,f .the, nialerials in safes and strong -room doth -s. Instead of 'placing the new alloy outside, the 'manufacturers,plaee-it near the, inside once in a whil,e-in, ti,he sthade bf some _ liningOfthe safe or of the door. That house or tree. Anything upon my , .gives the burglar far more trouble, for head, to keep off the. ,13,11, is ,bad for has _ to cut through twelve inches nae unless it is kept wet, or unless the he n or more of special steel and fireproof ...„...,air can circulate freely underneath it. material before.he can get at the re- - istant alloy. continual squabbles as to which pro- With ,cobweb -tented grasses shine "If I stop sweating suddenly, or if e• -- I act strangely, byeathe- phort and At a 'recent demonstration at, the duces most. Now these last hundred And buttercups between. . quick, or if my ears droop, get me into works of the originators of the metal years probably as much real wealth ploughs and tills and sows, but leaves the harvest for humanity. And some- times humanity is apt to forget that money given for scientific research and to scientific,societies is not a be- nevolent donation, but just a little of the great harvest returned to its pro- ducers. The three classical economic fact- ors, Land, Labor and Capital, have been credited with producing wealth for thousands of year'S-, and there are still regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by maiI at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Qnt. • After Rain. - I never saw the sky se blue; The ram has washed it clean. The wisps of cloud are white and few; The pastures, diademed with dew, the shade at once, remove harness and an oxyacetylene torch was played on . has been produced as in the thousand So shine the spirit's earth' and sky, bridle, wash out my mouth, sponge Ine one spot of a plate of the new alloy all over, shower my legs, and give me for fifteen minutes without any visible two ounces of aromatic sPirits of am- effect other than raising a slight blis,- mania, or two ounces of sweet spirits ter. The same torch when tried on or - of nitre in, a pint- of water, or a pint. ,of warm Coffee. Cool my head at once, using cold' Water, or if nececssary "chopped ice 'wrapped in a cloth: "A warm night in a narrow stall honors are with the safe -maker. dinary steel cut throUgh it rapidly. It will be interesting te see. whether the burglar will be 'able to overcome the new obstacle. For ,the present the neither properly cleaned nor bedded unfitsme for work. "Turning the 'hose on me is too risky a thing, to do unless yoli are - looking for a sick horse. Spraying , the legs ancYfeet when I am not too warm o11 a hot day would be agree- able. "Please sponge out , my eyes and -nose and dock when I come in tired and dusty at night with clean cool water, and 'also sponge me under the collar and Saddle of thoreharness." Brook Trout. "0 tell Me,"' asked the artist of a man' Who gazed into a dell through which • . there ran A little babbling brook— "What, do you see in yonder silver stream?" -. The 'Man replied ---'-aa 'if elie.` SpOlte-in drearit-e- "I wish I hada hook." ; "0 that, you cannot mean!" the artist. "To ;catch those Wondrous shades, , long have tried,' ' . • 'But ere my paints are-inixed, ' From bronze and green they've changed to argent grays— To catch a hue, I've waited many days— A tint that is not fixed." hen there Passed by a man with rod n and line, 'And 'twas agreed that they two should )3ut when the f4h lay still upon the bank; , The , artist's finer soal within" hith , combine Th' illusive glints to snare; shrank— The .colors were not Chore! —,AJ. —,Arthur Peel Last year 19,5,000 people emigrated from Great Britain -92,000 more than in 1922. It is not enough to keep only your hands going—a clock's hands keep on going, but only in circles. Ten thousand Finns expect to emi- grate to Ontario this summer. Of course, it's a new beginning and yet it virtually means Ontario's Finnish. Say 'Bayer Aspirin" INSIST! Unless you see the -"Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Payer Aspirin proved. safe by millions and prescribed by phy- sicians for 24 years. Accept only a Bayer package which containS proven directions Handy 'Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles ,of 24 and 100—Druggists Aspirin Is tbe trade marl( (registered in ()nada) of Baser lumnifacture a taono-' Act cao es r y , before it; yet the three factors have not changed. What has changed our wealth producing power is a fourth factor—discovery--the revealing of the means for the utilization of the accumulated energy of the ages. Scientific discovery has provided the plunderers- of hidden treasures with tools, and as a\ society we are for the most part living on this heritage which we laave now found how touse. When we have squandered our riches it will be for science to find other mean of obtaining energy, if the world Is going to support the same number of people an the same standard of liv- Swept clean by storms of pain; White thoughts go drifting, soft and high, And gOlden-starred the grasses lie With doteds,of grace like 'buttercups That open atter rain. —Victor .Starhuck. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism, • So we see that, accurately as our, busluess men balance their assets ana debts, their books are not strictly square, , Some of their assets were °earned by scientific ,discovery which our present system of acconntancy I does not take into consideration. It has been stated that it one tenth of one per cent. of the wealth produce& by science were at the disposal of scientists, then the scientist -could work in comparative luxury. That is—why a Napoleon of Science Is still postsible if neither probable nor deeirable. Whether he emerges or not the greatest andmost inevitable revolntion of the age is that being , wrought by the poorly paid soldiers of research. It is a revolution that will.atfect the life of the ordinary citi- zen probably to an even greater extent than it has already altered. it. It is a force which will affect philosophy, and religion. There are some Societies already in existence to clear the way for thie new ji'dwer which will shower bleeSilagS 00 hU111011,11Y if We can direct it rightly, but may inflict untold misery as long as men remain blind to the dieta,tes of reason. fnmi- nent among these are the Royal So- ciety,. the parent among British sciontific societies and the flrat to re,alize the necessity for placing the Services oC Science at the disposal of society, and the British Association fer the Advancement of Seience, ivhi0h was instituted for tile purpose of ass is tin g • How Many ,Words Do You r. Speak? • The average uneducated person uses but 400 words in his or her everyday The average school child'uses' about 300 words in daily conversation. The average business -T./an has a vocabulary of about 3000' words -'-but gets along on 1,500. „ • The average college man or woman speaks about 000 words—and knows 8,000 or more, The average Literary Person uses 10,000 to 12,000 words—and knows 15,000. — The scholar knows and uses about 20,000 words. .How many warddoeyou.,Itnoat? Cinderella's Song. 0 little cat be,side the stool, My grayish cat, my ashy one, 's good te The ()RANGE -PEKOE QUALITY rnakes finer tea and more of it '4 • Oracles In t. towers. EASY TRICI(S . n.,,, • F'ulling off the petals is the most i''' familiareof all ways of consulting fate The Mystic Figure by means of a flovver; but it is not the only Way. An .A.merican in England, staying recently in an ancien.t and re- mote country inn, one day missed her way in its rarabling corridors and en- tered by mistake the neat bedroom of her pretty Chambermaid. The 'girl was there, changing her dress, and of- 1,ered presently to guide the lady back to her aPartment; In 'the brief wait the visitor noticed samething that struck her az odd. "Why have you pinned that little plant up en the wall?" she inquired. "Surely it will fade unles sit is put,in water." don, it won't," said the girl -with pride The trickster's favorite number "Oh, no raa'am begging your par - and satisfaction in her voice, "That's ought to be the number nfue be - a pin plant, and it's been growing cause many of his best tricks are there a week. very bud has opened based upon the mysterious quan- ta°. It's doing grand!" ties of that number. It W• ad" a: pretty tuft •of yellow stone- Hese is a simple stunt with crop, Starred with tiny golden flowers. hich few are acquainted but A few questions about ita uses as a lvvatich' Is decidedly interesting. "pin plant, and the girl, laughing and of Wpraipteerthaenddipgiutt "9" 011 osnli'pa fsalcilt),, , blushini, admitted that it Was custoin- , down on the table. Ask a friend ' h ill t to write on another slip of paper axa =27 (21-7 Z3K27..6Z1' (4÷7,341a5) 82)54 $7Z Spas48 $i-51-2,4-8+448 iv 34 (..34-(12'.4 a) ary among tlite girls of t e -v a,ge o I'll tell you something in your ear— pin a tuft of the budded plant upon any 'number he likes ti.nd to inul- The cinders all will brush' atvay, 0 little eat beside my chair; And I am very beautiful ' When I comb down my hair. - . My dress was gold, my dress was blue, I3ut you can hardly think of. that. My dress came to me through the air, ,0 little cinder -cut. , My dress is gone a little white; My dress was sweetand blue and cool; But it Will come again to me, .- 0 little cat beside my stool. , --Elizabeth Madox Roberts. ' YOU SAY MR.FL.Y FVxeELL ir INTO A BOTTL.E. or,.,,. INDIGO INK -WHAT APPENED TO ti Ill, ir.6.. THEN? tr - - . come to nothing; if it withered and nootf UP19 it DY nine or a.ray mult'L"- love. biefdroittOrnlivewdalfleebasly abnutordaicale of nine. When he does this, he bloom, their present love affairs would died, they, -would meet disaster in Yon will show him ethe slip on -which you wrote the digit "9." Then it is your. job to show him that his product really totals nine. Here are a few examples but you , will have to look carefully some- , times to avoid missing the ar- erangernent. ' . (Clip this out and paste it, taith other of the seriese_in a serapbook.2. love; but if at the end of a few days the little plant, suspended by a looSe- 1Y-tied thread head downwards from Its pin, began to curve its stems up- ward till they stobd upright and final- ly the tips burst into bloom—then all was well, and they might expect to marry and live happy ever after. In France a similar curious experi- ment with another plant that will open for a while and simply live on air is practiced with the common houseleek, which the French call herb of St. John. They drive two hooks or long, project- ing nails inbo. a wall about a half a yard apart in a horizontal line. Across them in eai-ly June they lay a budded stalk of leek. Gradually the leaves (along the stalk dry up and fall off at others andless about your own. - the end near the base and new ones put out near the tip; the flower buds in swell and finally open a pretty rose- colored corymb of blossoms. When the leek is first placed on the wall a 1 wish is made; waiether or'not it will come true depends on whether or not the leek blossoms before the twenty- fourth at the month—the date of the feast of St John the Baptist. This floral oracle of St. John was .a serious affair seriously believed in a century ago; it Ls still commonly tried in many peasant cottages of Prance, Minard's Liniment 'Relieves Pain. - Needed In Her Work. - Maid—"I feel terrible, mum, about losing my two front teeth." Mistress—"Oh, you don't look badly without them." Maid—"I don't mind the looks so much, but they were my pillowcase teeth." ' • Think more abdut the troubles of Carlyle on Health. "We do say, that ill -health of body or of mind, is defeat, is ba.ttle (in a good or had cause) with bad success; that health alone is victory. Let all men, if they can manage it, contrive to be healthy! He who in what Cause soever sinks into pain and disease, let him take thought of it; let him know well that it is not good he has arrived, at yet, but surely evil—may, or may not be, on the way towards good." Grey Parrot Is Best Talker, The gray parrot found principally on the west coast of Africa is the best ta liter. HEIALT', E UCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario kliddleton will benglad to answer questions on Pubillo Health mat. tars through this column. Address him at Boadina Houma, BP24,1ilis Creacont, Toronto. Brooklyn's bobbed -haired bandit has in the morning be aroused and sent been landed in prison. The *record of out on the street to beg for pennies to crimes committed by this dare -devil buy their father' whiskey. Half the young woman has occupied the front time they were scantily clad and had page of all the daily newspapers for very little to eat. some weeks past. What is the record It is a sad story all the way back of all this hectic career that led through. The mother, heartless and to prison? It is a sorry story, but one indifferent, the father, a drunkard. too often told. The young girl, Cecilia What is the likely fate. of the children Cooney, had no proper upbringing, of such parents? Just what we see She was born on the Eaat'Sicle, the here, a life of crime and then the but nowadays only in the same spirit of simple curiosity in which any,little Canadian girl appeals to the daisy to tell whether the coming husband will be "rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief." Buy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Get Horses to Work Without the Driver. In hauling concrete from the mixer to the point where it is needed in mak- ing pavement, the horses of a Chicago company have been trained to work without drivers. One man at the mixer turns them around and spots the carts under the chute, another at the dump turns them around and trips the gate, and a third, midway betweeni the other two, keeps the horses mov- ing. Once the animals are broken in, It is said that they rarely give any trouble. Making Rugs in Persia. The making of rugs is the chief and almost only industry in Persia., Elret S IRRITATED BY SUN,WIND,DUST 6.CINDEAS ,PECOMMENDED Cr SOLD IVY DRUGGISTS & OPTICIANS wnere, FOL1 rex. L'Elt CANE BOOK WAISt cILLGAGQ.U44 Thin :Pepe Th,1, nervous, underweight people squalid section of NeW 1.ork City. prison., take on healthy flesh and grow sturdy Her father was a drunkard..." -She was Character-biailding, uprightness, arid ambitious when Bitro-Phosphate reared in neglect. Sometimes she was honesty and decency are products -of as guaranteed by draggists is taken a cased.for by the children's Society and heredity, but they are also products offei weeke. Price $1, per pkg.e. Arrow somethnes she slept in the eoal-cellars environment. The family 11 e, the her. As a child she had tolive by her our co no ether ;shelter for: home eirele,,ninst never depart from Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, matey ur its doom is sealed. A when there was Toronto, Ont. wits, and gro-Wing tip, She liVed With nation's greatness depencl. whatever men she nhanced't•to meet. character, 'uprightness • arid trust - Finally, shetadopted n heat:Philosophy worthiness of its people. the emmemoriat attitude of, criminals, What' a lesson there is here for par-, "What the World doea lief give me, I ents: learn, What a clarion -call ft take:" Prorn. the. Very, day 8he was is Ter theIn to hring up a child In the horn Cecelia got a;.bad start. I -Ter 'way he on she shotildgo. The care of mother could nether read not write. the child; does not cease-. at weaning - The father had verY!little education time; or when it goee to 'scheol. Intel - and had been an -habitual drunkard •ligent suPerviSion, kindly,interett and all his life. He beVer worked steadily tinfe comradeship, are necessary even and never supported the family. Whatn up' to cellege days and after if 'the little' support came into the amily 1 young person AS to benefit to the crime through the mother, The est from parental care. Ti mere of dren7---therte were eight of them, and the old family spirit, carried. out amid ; was the youngest—were sadly ;the- tiglit environment, was in eVi- neglected; they were sent out to beg dence, it is most likely that fewer 1 ;and as little children, had been known l young folks would stray from the to sleep all night in a ecaj cellar and ,patlis of uprightness and honesty. S upon. the - • „ ...,....r. After -.5having 1 ,.. . Rub the face with Minard's inixed i With s,weet., oil. ,Very- 'soothinf,,,, to . the skill. , Women Tell Each Other How They Were Helped by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Woodbridge, Ont.— I took Lydia E- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for fe- male troubles. I would have headaches, backaches, pains between my shoul- ders and under my shoulder -blades and dragging down feelings on each side. L was sometimes unable to do my' work and felt very badly. My mother- in-law told . me about the Vegetable Compound' and I got some right away. It has done me more good than any - other medicine I ever took and I rec- ommend it to my neighbors. You are quite welcome to use this letter as a testimonial if youthink it will help some poor sufferer. —Mrs. EDGAR SIMMONS, E. R. 2, Woodbridge, Ont. In nearly every neighborhood in every town and city in this country there are women who have been helped by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in the treatment of ailments peculiar to their sex, and they take pleaSure in passing the good word along to other women. Therefore, if you are troubled In this way, why not give Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal in edients of which are derived from roots and herbs, has for forty years proved its value in such cases. 'Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink- bara's Vegetable Compound. , , Rough Pimply Skin Cleared By Cuticara You may sely on ettieura Soap arid Ointment to care for your skin, scalp, hair and hands. Nothing better to clear the skin of pimples, blotches, redness or roughness, the scalp of dar,druff and the hands of chapping. Se.mtae EncIt Prea 13y rue, Address Calmat:In '11vticark, 151. 13,ex 1615, Nterareel." Prme Sorlp 20e.0,,t,,,ct261n615C, Teleurn2Se, BIZi- 'Fry new Shavinc Stick. ISSUE No, 30—'24.