HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-01-26, Page 1. 4 ' • 1444',0.1"Vv.0.42e „.-T4 140 ••, \$- -1 a vice-presid de McGillivray, Rq1ey, iS secnd Vice ,11*Ct010 McGillwray, Allis • „ EdiartaildPat lad eso Ki Cardillo is treasurer and Margaret Shornved, `,..Walten-is-secietary' 11 district vice-presidents. are: Joe Hogan, dOlit Chisholm,clasnceaenomme,-Jack Horan, JoeSenp1e, MW'lel Murphy, Ken MossafldAjjjjSchjIth - -LifiERAL-ASSOChir *Vt0144- meetitti: „ :75 • :•• •1; 6..141100*k cam Mittea will tign dett.of Elleet Palmer, A. Y. iguirmy; von chteraheaiowlm, study.„ v -P4 • i":44.p • '. •e• • • • -- . • _ riix mai was found not animalneglect:in- a provincial coOrt appearance at 1. • Goderich 'last Tuesday. Iii his ; acqbittal, Judge Robert Reilly of Kitchener said he did not think Elbert. Vari Aillt11111 wilfully failed to • provide adequate care for a female mule he had purchased few years earlier to help with halter-bre.aking his cattle. Mr. Van Anhiun was charged early last year with Wilifuloglect of an animal after the Kitchener - Waterloo Humane Society seized the animal from the K -W Stockyards where it was discovered veith • tended front hooves. ..,,......„,„441.,.caurt last Tuesday, Jiidge Reilly said two factors led him to the fact that the itinleivialound to liethood condition excelhooves which bad etileiP like *will 04, Mt.. .; yin Atifini*s extegent reputation *tatting tare Of the beef cattle °tibia/00444401m 41i,e!etetntily reckless and did. not care' about; itt=ttlikMO:WaY ConditiOn;1 unot1Iveexpeeted lini"-10"014It care nd through this - ° dgeReW 41 Wax allegedto ve ni aniznalhifa' ' ' . In his .feticO, 'Van 'Ankum testified , that lie first noticed the iradetsegie ed "Moire; the fall of 1906; sai ;tile animal had fair- , size'. V , ore then; but the :'; as, , r ive ,for;an animate Of; r ir Munn's -la .Alan • . • wAdltddl the eves - tv AmtriOctober or Ne • - • 'vnAnKum SO/ lie' tioli!no action b. eival,the mule didnot,! „appear:to in, andbecaute ' wast'decide what to. de/With , , the'i itieh wits partly fa MW, a while li!s,lien ight be guilty 'rr he did -not deserve a criminal record *bleb' would be disastrous for his business Poin out that procrastination (ContinUedOn ge2A) - Morris Township callildTir preference is that the tax assessment for county nd ooltuirposes remainsas is i would favor a county -wide market valueaaSeeatient (Section 70) PrQgfg[Shoulti "-a Majority Of th muniiipalitiei within the county vote for a diange. • At its gist regular January ses- sion, council reached its !decision tollowingconsiderahle discussion on -cettne3T-Wide assessinent studies which -had been presented at- the January Meeting of HuronCounty, Connell breflietalsof 0ml/finistry - Revenue and other provincial •,42 - Ministries. '• - At Alutt,..011ar • county ..entat, • 'A atter-aient.:16 Hurell'Iveuld awn* Similar prOperties' "-Of. '.00itiStable market vali**01144Y-01!...'',1".'fr•county and wheel taxes regardless of ,their location:Within the county. The county- _lie .program would result in sM*edtalitalculatians. alternativesTwo for countywide assettmenkareiskittdedin, jot* Section:43, Reassessm ';and Seeion4.74)' Market Value, l)2nclir ?adoptiOnlif the See • • .(Contintied , . age 2A) 'klibOugit bo. had mule tf*: the halter bie0,otg;4t two° Mike for • YeaYtand was tie the = IdtheaniaIft 'thne , He teatifi tte' the' Onee he ti ; • et 11S - : 4 that ertop scotsbo�t evit ii0PeSieritative 1. de Autbrerry *re', zoning enMicil and Or the. county Jepianntag :totting to "e toning been ay, S. 1. e reanC etiout eetiOns: the railway ia asking- for sethaek Of 0netrtg (50 feet) from its ,right-of-way for any new residential deVelop,ment,i, clause in all alert tO *rebate, agreements of sale,. purcbitsev or leases warning of the railway right- ; of -way; prior concUnince from die railway for any drainage projects undertaken uibi01 deald affect Jalitivay lands add that *elopers Atiatall a sigfeot dmin fence �nII•1 • • OW, Mk:* ttrb*exfled ihe township is anticipated, • Mrs. -Minikittiek said, she would • suggestfto the railway that it object only when such development is , 1,6 ed. She also said the 15 -metre te mit it "not unreasonable" and perhaps it could be incorporated in the bylaw. M. tr1Ws objection centres around 1, 00acre parcel of land whith--4,Zoned agriculturl, but he feelt totally unsuited for agi!cultue_ a(co itittinisueot‘oantaturage-41121) Classifieds Page 12A Sports figure dies . Page 1B Sports • "A , "•, , I , • ' , • ' • : ' 4.14. • • Ip •11-4r41. • • *. '14.1.661111K. .1l 1 14' • ' • ,,,