HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-01-19, Page 11.1 4-4 _ 4 *Sics„ -Of prOMmt a st. vitae amination meetings r. a , off .and running with cornmittee. of. .• -.-five soil and crop appointecj farmersk :set :up. toreviewvai) 0400*. TAO. a cornmittee has hrehnHazlitt ap 0ayinnthe ransorgidtoderierir tempdaoprogrn to: a t.,posth:sot".thli400.410 a . Carl and Leona Freiburger of Bluevale celebrated their 40th wed- ding anniversary Saturday, Jan, 9, To help celebrate, relatives came from as far away as Gull Lake, Saskatchewan: Leone's sister, Phyllis Nyen and her husband Allen and Leona's brother, John Zettel and his wife, Esther. From Kitchener came Leone's sister, Lorraine Hauck and her husband, Jerome and Carl's sister Mari friends and relatives attended from 4040 -miles away atadlteral& mediate area. The Freiburger family was happy'lhat 'clad attend to make the day one that Carl and Leona will alwayStemenibe.r. The eelebratiOnbegitikwith a supper voth the tapilyi,. followed by a reception at the Blueitale-- Com - minty Halll Musickept-eV-in/me:op their feet, e variety.providing.. fUn for the young and old present. EverYtine enjoyed a mock wedding performed by the cotiplOa Seven. children. - . • Son George spoke briefly and mtredneed, granddhik Julie Hen- derson, who presented her gan*: parents witli..a plequeentehalftll r gran cij twotiered cakeby,the gutsc h oiui dren. Cutting -Of the A' • The newly -formed Huron -Bruce Federal New Democratic Party Association will hold its founding meeting on Jan. 30 atLucknow. The meeting being held as a • result of redistribution which has increased the number of seats in the • House of Commons from 282 to 295. AU political parties roust adjust to the new bouncbries. The meeting will be held in the Lucknow Town Hall and begin at • 12:30 p.m. with the adoption of the • new association constittitibla and the ° - election of (eters. The constitution • has an -aftirmative-aetIon clause regaling el numbers of wolnen and men on the executive. This is part of the NOis's ongoing Cent; • mitment to political equality. , There will be a discussiOn of free trade and its impact on workhig . people and family. farmers. The• • NDP*440044011calliPal0.41 ee, Pie a vete 00 - • . for an election, on free tradeto give :the -anadian ti Sue: • Planning _will begin for a federal nominafi�n sheeting " Petersojt, a Kincardine councillor .. and TOny Oita, a Huron - Bort of EdUcafion- trustee forme ica. • they *en„, • • i'ollowing the business' portion of the meeting, New Democrats will reconi!ene# the, •4 • U farineast of.imetknis.:forsied4ingt:ehijpg400. refreihmentisi:A...In case of bad weather, 4fieeting .*111be - reseheduledyto Feb: 6 at the. sane thne and hi the same location. Our mistake photograph in last. Week's , edition of this newspaper Of the Wingharn Board of Pollee tow Milisioners failed tor, 'identify Winghani Mayor Jack KoPialvho second front the left'in thebialt row The Advance-rnues apologizesfr0. this -error. . , • ava • heani established:' Jan. 26,/2t-30-'tO 4 30 p7.404., C tr • aliai -Middlesex ROIL, Room 210.;- Jan. -1,30 to 3130 p.m., Brussels Arena; Jan. 28_, 7:30 to: 9:30 Pa-, Goderich Township Hall, )10 eav • . • Fari show The Second thternatioj Farr iShow„ t?'!*.4"11, ai t Mak: centres • kanCaPtioneOrgn ••••-.2 Reciiects receive .k -a : ..4.erenie e'shek!*erOSS:e00.r* , • e•1 e Luck e 4 ,• fPS Ambassador'tea the !Miln , '4.•• nounced on Murraygs fro the TJnit:: Bruce MP r 'Ifat4teterar9: 77, Canada hospitableCanadjaj Visitors' ng to nominal Valcourt �f business andto '" "and ma it se, a •Tt• ivisitLeana have, goliel, °VC A - • - ,,t , • -- • ,A• ,Lianchect .in •. , nathet '••• 4,14 Toinioni casth., - 0 roigrain 6-. Inv to tleen - McDaniel • program which re. • retognises„ Can A ' as nt • been especially knnmnf 1111 It* cenadiali visitors to- Canada. TO date, ever, economy. e Toronto 2,000' tanadiant have- been viafters Cana ,enjoy their aLL - • • . , eto y. factor ensuring Feb. ; ignited astOtiriint innbasSatiOrs.• ad.400nie alioni:O.1.1841*m a brochure: ,Contahning fattnal- _ • 1988, has exPaadadiflto the new--The-nominationtestroatatauied i. (1uare-foot a(, utilizing 4W. " to lts •"..-: „, -theatook PaPaZi their The ,.,features e s t , , , - . success ne * fro . . •. North American. inanufacturers, -aa_ .. The Ontario Provincial Police well as many.ether• nations,and' is eight-week Christmas -New Year's the largest-,inthior - machhieri- HIDE,blitzin Huron County finished show in Canada4 and_ one at the With the -'following results Out lOrgost in NO4thAmeriecYear' figures htbrackets): lhee*ceilenteihibii,faeiitY whichons is located tn"dPersargedwihai.. alcohol -re the Pearse-Ounlit11t latedcrinlfrivingafterce9Airporkmakitneabiw.my 10 get (12); 12 -hour liceneatuspentionsa 5110 and Abe teeanfights vgreat(56): iehidesekeekedo60637(7,M)i. -.1,kitioelje Licence charges 56(89) provided . from the many 'Virg)* "..- Officers at the Exeter, dederich Vine Bus shuttle service will be' , them right t011te door and Walt UpOn . ' areas to pick up visitors d deliver- and wingbam OPP detaehmen6 47"'11,..4, - _ -•" :ilaixeliarg'edattotherlipersousiath ''' ..,„ . .,,,..„ coAekrgoiated criminal driving - Free educational seminars tror t '2-cff1' aas a'uligeh"nitt°fatreMgillanaYr . - patrols.- farm: family will 'be . --i6- " 'c **rechecked this year, the daring the Is* 04,31#* agricultural., ro a has been caned very place in et*** eii ' . by The OPP and- has in; 48811480t18448* e ereased 011blie awareneSc ana as Agrieidtbreirieek, media first On the im *paired „driVer. . 7 • • • • • - •• .4' • • '" • • • (-4 . • 95 Plus Tax 1,000106; • 2 tiighlsi-Ddluxe Accommodation - • 45.00 itestaitrant-Voncheta ,L. Healedinickii Pool &, Whidsoof '• ReIaxiflgInuimaleLounge • 1 Night package $64.95 • -Luxury rackaget, Also AVailstsle • . • For Reservations Call • , 19) . • lox • 1144 oolitio • 01144 ti GWI • �ii • • • r yok, ai�nti Ihe,Jahhary thaw early was toed neWsOOfer.a0ne Oncerlie 8 FordWjchparMsocjatjOr 'f • • 41i4f0t:4:: the • einretirement r sp9use .nuity, rVII flo e 46i1957 • 72- 44 • :;', ' I . ' , ViV.Matil)/010101MCNOVVON1tWM9m0P111010,711IMMR1VMAVOMMPARVM12MOVAIVIsentmmiRATOM0. r,7 X:pjygymta Ii.i 0.64 110 •tief1414114141, ad,.2 4