HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-01-19, Page 8•
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Ruttin and faintly o
fkrmsseisvisiMdSunday' with -Mrs;
_Oeoge, Betheriogtoo, Bar and MX - . , undelt a,
rrtsfri -RA-1; Listowel and Thar.,..apsj_ lacauce,.co f„the.
MivTixtilKiil and Aoshila visited Funeral Chapel, Ties
day at the same Wine.
4. t, s. 'felon StePhens came t fl, 4
. .,
W 4kigilia....," and District Hospital from
*onto: General Hospital on Sun,
day. M. William A. Smith is also a
Md Mrs, Mrs. Dennis Hearn of
-SuMMerside, P .E .1., visited
recently" at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
KevinSteWart and family.
Miss -Jean Sparlitig and Don
Gedejce, RR 1, Gowanstown, spent
Wedneaday in London.
141i. .4n4 Mrs. Roy Burchill of
Odderfeh. visited recently at the
:home. of Mr. and Mrs, Robert
New Year's Day guests of Mr. and
Mrs: Robert Strong and family were
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Boultinghouse of
Essex, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hastie,
Brian, Don and friend and Don
Montgomery and friend of
Robert Grainger of Waterloo
, --'"-
, Goderich
The Square 5247661
W. Bell
,e •
.11irS•44".- •-•
GORRIE -- Peter Keil Was, the "tsuada and Mrs. WO
guest speaker whenthe,Come Alive •-•*
Club met Jan. 12. ,Iiisgeneral tOpie opened.- the —
was insurance and he gavea brief YeiX'S
history . of Keil Insurance Brokers
Limited in particular and ,the in-
Surance industry in general, 'Mr.
Kell further explained the Value of
Life Insurance to sealersgave
advice on the intricacies Of Mule -
owners' insurance and auto/While
A question period followed. Mr.
Keil dealt competently waken
Dining tlieh
Faust and. Alv
pointed- auditors.' A Oa arty...104
`,•;ev tf,i• o
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be . reditilltetortini!iiiit$),fr
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queries, quoting personal ex- Bluevate-seni r
periences to add humor to his
replies. Mrs. Alan Ilyndman
thanked the speaker
A potluck dinner preceded the
meeting..Atter Grace was sung,
silence prevailed until the pangs of
hunger were alleviated. The ,rneal
was delicious, affordingboth variety
, and abundance, When the tables
were cleared, all joined to sing "0
• • .
To:determine the need for revisions to the HOWIGK TOWNSHI
Secondary Plan and to consider a proposed Official Plan Amend
mint affecting the TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK
This notice is a reminder of a public meeting to be held on Thurs-
day, January 28, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gorrie Community Hall.
hold ot3en etichr•
BLUEVAl,t The village senior
citizens heldan---mken euchre -party
Jan. U with A tables in play.
Reeeiing: prizes for high scoria:
were Mary Turvey and Ted ,Sifiltk•
Low Prizes went to Anna -JOhnsteni
and Hugh , Mundell. Special draw
prizes were won' by Marguerite
,Fiteher and Harold Jolmston.
AfterAxichre, lunch was sere!,
hosted hy. Bertand Isobel Gam
p George and 1VMnie- Carter and
_ .Mundell.
Additional information is available through the Huron. County .
'pjtment of Planning and Development, Court House, Goderich
4 18 -AnC,at the Howick Township Municipal Offices in Gorrie
The Maitland Women$ Institute
opened its January Meeting with „a
pathick supper -And The rest of the
meeting with the Mary Stewart
Collect. , -
Roll tall was answered by emh.,
lady naming a'iountity4hi would
like tO ViSittilld-WhY. three g
told how they came to Canada_
; •
JAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of th
Town of Wingham proposes -to pass a bylaw pursuant to -tn
Provisions of The Municipal Act, R.S.0„ 1980, Chapter 30
Section 298, and amendments thereto, for stopping and„
closing' and telling' all of the lane (West of Lots 344 and' 30)
Registered Plan 410 for the Town of WinghaM, County ot
Huron, more particularly described as follows: „ •
ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of larid-and,
premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Vifinghdth,*1
the County of Huron, and being composed �f tlarIEr(WeSt of
Lots 344 and 345) Registered Plan 410, more particularly d
scribed as part 2 on a Plan of Survey"
as Plan 22R-2204 on the 21,st day of September,
AND FURT 0,0t. the.' .Shallnear
alirPerson who claims Ian fa.* af-
fected by the bylaw -and 0 • let fl*ard e eegiaar:-
meeting of 'Council on, 8,
and further take„-noticethe --proposed -bylaw ma,
exartlined by all pe interested atifier office of Clerk
theTown Of Wiflgham, mg, business - hours,-any-iti 1
beVie the same s finally passed. -
three231* dayef,,,,Pecenitieri AA, 1911/-
•. "
r -i Liv
7 •
W W.111080" aft. elnoon Klndergarien students at - e
inglmit? Public School took -110i playing on the the 0110 day
recently., going_down one at a tirne. backwards and, s. ojretknea to.
gethfir. - - • .
. . „
o : ••••• o
theix-countries. 'The gifting Guikl St. paure-tidth which It Paul's and Trinity,,
The meeting closed With a film A.nglican Church Met In'the parish 'Belgraveg is; twinned. The lite:*
whithwasenj ' toy . ; hall; ,president Elda -Netherr --liortante of the mission bales” was
.4 4, • -• •
- " opening wfth ,Prayer and,Eletlty --4,„emphasited, The cost of food is so
- - ,
Skidmore reading a devotional Aislx, th-'11410- money is left for
• -......................£,t_.iotiun
Mr. Griffith
L,,,,.- - • :4- 1 , s ." Canon Foster and and .-
act fetid (it:Carton answered taanyquestions about the'
' 7i ' .:"1 y °I 1 : '.:Mliaise obit, officer between Indians, their way of life- and the
- RE' • Ild- Foster, .••,, -, of the church to them.
4 , .„ . lopiLeatheeoefexeose tfaiitillitiron: and -Or importance .
The :BehnereH fdub „started AS Griffith ,iyho2opent4ast,stuntner at .tldrenc 0 D.elmage
anCi4e*.1?avi and lunch was
David The speakers were thanked by
*1*44' .various
Indian missions tedin served.
• were welcomed from
Griffith- 'Pres"' 4. Pordwich and Beigrave.
•icgth- meitirigo.yetan..
e ing$ .01 a
n cpbersom Keewatin. Mri,
ssed oars tor the . ,odes of his .0d ?Turk among Gorrie,,,
gram to be;4h, ,„ people, -of parti ular‘interest were 'Many of St Paul's parishioner, also
A chtb,*'n lge441a Of Kasabonika, !Mission, attended,
re. '9,
tiheri vat,
, • • • • •
reproductive efficiency by Bob
Belmore- Berry, -dairy specialist, OMAF; and
ay, Jtii: '•a thiry pr�ducer panel on feeding capitalize on genetic
aji'USeof young A.I. sires in
reedit* programs and
n proveuki. sires to develop
WS and exnbryo transfer.
are Bob McNeil, David
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