HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-01-19, Page 54P1'21`1,11,71,
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t For the
Health Of 11
by Sheryl Feagan
Health Education Consultant
Huron. County Health Unit
Do you smoke because you think it
makes you relax? You may think
that smoking calms you down, but in
fact, the opposite is really hap-
pening. When you inhale cigarette
smoke, the nicotine enters your
bloodstream and like any other
chemical, stimulates your nervous
The body responds to nicotine th
same war it prepares to respond to
any stressor. Your heart rate in-
creases, your blood pressure rises,
your pupils dilate-, your mouth may
feel dry, and your stomach may
cramp, All of these changes occur
because your system is adjusting
a "stresser". So in contrast to wha
• most smokers think, smokin
doesn't relax you. It puts your bod
into a stress reactim If you think
about it, it's probably the "time out'
you take frola• Whatever. you"r
doing while Suitnoke — and not th
cigarette — which makes you fee
• relaxed and ready to get back to
If you really want to relax, there
are a number of things you can 'do
instead of smoking a cigarette. The
next time you start to feel uptight,
try some of these suggestions:
—Exercise regularly. Swim, walk,
bicycle, sld. Any of your favorite
activities will help you let off steam
and work out stress. You can have
fun, get fit, and enjoy good health.
—Talk it over. When tensions build
up, discuss the problem with a close
friend or without the people in-
volved. At times, just talldng about
your problem makes it easier to find
•a solution.
—Be realistic. People who expect
• too much of themselves get tense if
things don t work out. Set practical
goals and expect to be successful.
—Take a break, but not a cigarette
break. A change of pace, no matte
how short, gives you a new outlook
on old problems. Go for a "walk'
break instead of a coffee and
- cigarette break.
• —Plan your work. Tension and
anxiety really build up when work
seems endless. Plan your work to
use your time and energy more
e effectively.
—Practice positive health habits.
You'll be healthier and feel great if:
you eat regular meals which include
a variety of nutritious foods, get
enough sleep each night to keep you
alert and ready to meet stressful
to situations thrbughout the day,,
t exercise regularly, quit smoking,
g and use alcohol in moderation.
y —Have an escape activity, Par-
ticipate Ma hobby or pastime which,
is strictly for your own enjoyment
e and make time for enjoyingit•
Dear Editor: •
As a member of Coalition 51
(united to oppose- Bill C -At, the
Tobacco Products Control Act),
r am concerned. by the general
-aliaandarstanding of the issues
eureouridhig 'this bill en&WOuld like
to take this opportunity to few
facts straight. •
--Fact: I am a. Coalition 51
member bemuse I believe tido bin is
wrong.Allmenibers of the coalition
have. Volunteered their services to
fight this bill, and no mentherfias or
could be paid to express hit or her
--Fact: Bill, C-51 plainly, -and
simply proposes a ban on 'ad-
vertising and brand sPOnsorship by
tobacco compardes.
—Fact: The minister of health,
Jake Epp stated in the House of
Commons on May26, 1986 that the
effect „Adv.er_ti'sing bans had _on
reducing the number -of smokers is
"painfully few".
—Fact: Maw :algal:1901g-, studies
e IzAviddstresi, iilThaneVeripossible,
1 plan to avoid- too Inakttig agages
at the same . time. You.c.an centre'
the stress you experience each day.
—Practice deep breathing,
stretching and other relaxation
techniques throughout the day. Deep
breathing can help relieve the
tension you may feel when trying to
quit smoking. It mimics the action of
inhaling smoke without the ill ef..
fects, and is an excellent way to
relax at any time.
Try to practic,e these stress
management tips regularly. During
periods of extreme stress or
depression, use these tips to cope
more effectively rather than
reaching for a cigarette. You can get
through any, situation without a
cigarette. People do it every day,
just for the health of it.
If you smoke and would like help
to quit, call the Huron County Health
Unit at 524-8801.
•(continued from page 4A)
was elected ehairman of the Huron
CoUnty Property Committee at
• geimtx-councirs inaugural meeting
WA. Ole of, the first projects the
Alto ichairman wilI overs -is the
titian of the new $150,000 ad -
the ftegionti) Assessment
alio house the
Whighani •were
t$ated to Tatelfigliton Tuesday. It
eonedeCjded to move,'
• -PP
ed arteseort'
rtiet for the
called out
the town
State on
•ire was
The daily ward rate at the
Wingham and District Hospital -will
be $55.25, according to a report pre.
sented by Executivetiirectortlitat,1.
E. Morley at a Meeting itthe
directors.An additional .$6.20 pet
day will hoOhOrged for seifll-prjvate
Care:and-00;20, tor -a- privateroofli.
Charge for the'
The Howjok. -Lions burned'
bete •:,,Offe.7*# tbnt Epps
Staten:Milt ;is! true. In fad, Some
countries- Where '-irdiertiaiiig of
tobacco products is not allowed,
have shown a higher rate of cen-
surnption than Canada. ..
.Even if8111C-5111 passed,
Canadians will Continue to see
tobacco advertising hi European
and American publications entering
this Country. hi fact, 60 per cent of
all print publications in:;fitif3 country
comelkont foreign markets.
—Fact: This bill will only thwart
our own''economy ' by placing Unfair
restrictionis CanadiantoMPanits.
—Pact Cosditkiiill IS argOingthat
Oh; bill violates.. the,Charter of
Rights and Freedotui. Three op,
pellate courts (Manitoba, Quebec
and Alberta) haver recognized that
the freedom of speech extends to
advertising, and a fourth (Ontario)
has confirmed that the guarantee
protects At forms Of expression.
Quebec and.AlbertiattOpellate courts
have also indicated that total ad-
vertising bans nevertaithe justified
under the Charter. All Cattadians,
must be free tO: Make:. irational:
choices based upon truthful
forinationThjs me. the r,ight to
say "yes" Or "no", t the decision
must be ours to mike*,
and not for the government to dic.
• -Feet:: ;Weathers Of 'tttalillieti 51
would Support In .principle-- any
legislatiou WhicbWoU1d reduce
If OW 1 addressed this- 'tine
dealt a effactiv ,therewon't'
open proc
operate as '
It will le'
and a panel
establish a ra
Under thi
systein, automi,
be able to diserin
of age, sex or marl
The board, thro
a secretariat, wil
information oni'
the public hear -
Sumer groups, individuals and
companies will be able to present
their cases during the , public
Conflict of interest legislation,
introduced by Attorney Gthierallan
Scott, received second reading on
Dec. 2, 1 t and has, since been
referred to the Legislative Assembly_
Committee, The bill is based on the
report by -Hon. Jolla black Mrd,
which emphasizes 1611 public
disclosure. •
Key, elements of the bill include a
workable dermitionLoc,,,conflict ol
interest and the requirement of a full
djsclostire of the financial interest of
eachakernbact)iisi,9t her *OW, .41.10
any minor FilliAre *011the
STVI 11"
•process. Cou
includes apraCtidarefer nieinberaio
obtain advice. and a procedure for
the invesflgation of allegations
Lynn Garrison
• Nutrition Consultant
Huroritounty Health Unit
gOvernmeitit. 9,
to,,,erea 'attire nittajrne
- •
The '-, Soyt.p*Ont',' 01,41
teeduee le *Vet
indtviditalinhadi ti
Sunday oPellMia By announcin
intention muuR3P
option; the:government believes
tiuniCipalities will have an :0
portiMity tneanaider their responses
and prepare for Chang,* intheltier.
Interest• thenew-Ontariorar
• ore
held:' last " week in Clinton, The•young people witb information unhow the lrogram works and who is
in Huron compty
came ihkeffeCt Jan. 1, will provide
eligible producers with -$38,000,
grants aver seven years. •
•. „
From before birth to old age,
• almost all of us consume caffeine iti
some form or other. The unborn.
baby , may absorb. fit„.. from the,l
• mother's hloodstretun,lhe breaStfted
fern% of
infant from, her milk:
adults consume it i
Coffee,: 'tea, 'Vela: dr
level* in the,' blood Within.As .te
minutes. ditrjl
tissues including
The Mita
he '' in
lacteal Se4 activity. It also
ethafe effects
Mat eti *ifiai Teat 04606
mt .:0 ' : il!:1$0,easbtlieletint,;twiti:oittet:inji:e.lehunisioeillia:d::
Os get most of
eaffeine (Jo "fteea°4 tea; it
" snit in c „certabi,
he rellever,..ooqoa
'oduets.guch ehocolaternilk, hot
-eootittelintis aad,
milligrams or three to four cups of
• coffee. To test if you are getting
more .caffeine than you should,
, remove all ources from the diet for
one day. If a throbbing headache
occurs one day later and can only he
relieved by more caff,,eine, then
• thanees are yOu ire suffering from
caffeine withdrawai.
eit are' at particular risk.
taffeUie'seffect depends on
weight, so a child who drinks a
164tince- cola could expthence the
Sante' effect an adult who drinks
tiiur clips coffee. Children who
ingest aS emio as 300 milligrams of
caffehni- a day — from four or five
rola drinks and a chocolate bar —
may show signs, of "eaffeinism"
such as being amdous, edgy and
restless.,, •
There,- is- no -tonclusive evidence
that tnederate amounts of -caffeine
(about 450 milligrams per day)sare
harmftli, 'to the. average healthy
adult. This amohnt may be foetid in
follow ems coffeg or gitorte teo
floweieti, caffeine intake should be
Bruited certain segments of the
po4- - flow Ca1161'ne. fr-atIV infant
350 healthier choice.
• .:17.1"...k.:79