HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-01-19, Page 4SO. ”ritetiovs 41.00 Secconii'Vias mail Re istrstion.ir. nackincommtvw neVogilmvoity,NeW $23.96 laexencl: e -to • R to age ra t 1nsensittv stice If it were not fur the seriousness of the insensitixity, the Ienientay of a sentence handed down Ia St week o. a Sault Ste. Marie man: convicted of rape could have been .can sidered laughable. However, in view of the insensitive remarks made by District Court Judge e 1. 'A.. Vannini In sentencing Bruce Glassford, 22, to a 90 -day jai term ta-be. served on weekends, we are led instead to question the judge's competency to dispense the fustic w filch .is the very mandate of his appointment. Glassford, who according to evidence raped and beat a 27 -year-old woman, comes from a "god`famil "and.has. learnedya lesson, Judge Vannini gave 4$ reasoning for his sentence. We are unable to comprehend:'how rc©ming from a good family could possibly contribute to such a Seng %flee. If he were instead the product of a :brokenshome,. would Glassford have received the maximum sentence for the charge, 14 years in a federal penitentiary? As a result of the _ judge citing an ulcer developed by Glassford since the charges were laid 'as proof he learned from the incident, that type of medical evidence could soon become a trend in an accused's detente, proof positive he "has learned" from his crime. How v"er, - perhaps the most severe insensitivity is ex- presse ,'In• the judge's opinion that there was no to indicate the victim suffered anylasting evidence physical or emotional harm. Not only is it difficultfor psychological experts to assess the long-term effect such an attack leaves with its victim, it Is certainly beyond common sense to suggest one would recover from sexual :.assault as - simply as recovering from bruises or even broken bones. Evidence showed that Glassford ` tdok the ` wornan by force to a secluded area behind an arena,.where. he plriped her to the ground, struck her and tried to rape her. Not only as GI h . as f s or d beenen i a sentence g of only 90 days, he is being allowed to serve that sentence on weekends and has been granted a two-hour extension on the time in which he has to report to fail on Fridays so jail won't interfere with his soccer Coaching. `• :i- nit:Must >�lon Ipetice,be done, It must also appear to be Io do �, � � g bee' r claim of the. legal profession and the Ire` f ustice system. The 90 -day sentence meted out by Judge Vannini surely can be considered nothing buten injustice to the victim of his crime. In this instance, perhaps, Justice wears her blindfold in shame. Favorable response To date, seven people have been nominated for The Wingham Advance-Tamest:987 Citizen ofthe Year award. Two of the nominees have been nominated twice and the entire group presents a reasonable cross section of the. area+, ills encouraging to see such a favorable response from the comrnunity when asked. to recognize the people who give unselfishly of themselves to serve their neighbors. At this time, we nudge those who have been Intending. to submit a nominationto do so now. The deadline ,for. nominations is Feb. 3. It would, -unfortunate t1tf�-~ the deadline edeadline were tp pass without that �l�nationsubmNext step is the -appointment. of el. selection'.cormnittee to fudge the nominations which have .. -been - submitted and pick a winner to receive the award. Presentation will take place InMarch. Department to 70 fire c r r. ,, r rCr 5 r�iF•�Fr$" `FrS ,E! r Fr�Ftir#F �f• �f 'Ff r r �( r;•% . f ?Farr F. rfYrF rr. •��,•F;!,41.^if�'r� r`FYr;{r"re'lt' Frr i, :!�,{! ¢ f t rr f ,` r. Y F.rFrS .JANUARY 1941 The annual meeting of the Wing harp General Hospital Association Limited was held in the council chamber. Miss Schultz, the super- intendent, gave a very complete statement of the work carried on during the year. Many improve- ments were made. A new.; boiler Win operation and kitchen .equipment has been updated, as a new. steel stove.and some new cooking utensils are now in use. Mrs. H._ Angus Sr. was named president of the Wingham Horticul- tural Society. Vice-presidents are. Mrs. George Ross. and E. M. Snell; secretary.. is Um. E. 'J " Nash and treasurer is W. A. Galbraith.. Hand: resting .onan old A' telt fa y Bibleand eyes stiniin a , te. the bright, noonday. sun, F .. n klm D. •Roosevelt " sloWly ':: re' eated the United ' States presidential oath of office for thethird time. -Norman Fry, who has been on the local staff of the Dominion Bank for the past WO months, hashitabeentransl. faired oto=the"hawreence Park brand,. Toronto. - Rev. .1 R ttnirnend installed the new -president d secret of the ! ' omens . Missionary r. Soele±t'y :°of.. %to, United Church, "!"l r,,+f �hpg,�, Mrs J. Wig tan then meeting Premier Leslie Frost announced. Ile will serve with three other com- missioners. Mr. Hanna was the first commissioner to beappointed by the governinent under an act .passed by the legislature at the last session. Miss Margaret Ninimo, home eco- noriics teacher at the Wingham Dis- trict High School, has announcedher resignation from the staff. She is to be married this summer to Rev. George Malcolm of Hamilton and the couple will" work .in the mission field in Formosa. William Dale, reeve of Hullett Township, was elected warden of Huron County for the coming year. He succeeds Alvin Kerslake, reeve of Hez salt, who served es warden in 1958. The trustees. of SS No. 10, Kinloss, near V'lltechijrch. are having an oil furnace installed in the school this. week. There was no school there on Mooday.. _ Mr.,and Mrs. Harry Press had a television' set installed in their Selmer* home this past week. That 'rakes We in the Small village:.. The. Wingham and Area. Fire Department responded to °fire calls in 1987, Fire Chef Harley. Gaunt reported, atr. the J 3 Want meet g. Accorrding. to thee " • C.OUNdL Ames ae :ear 01 the 'Ontario' alttett ' t:iub1. • 0f. newsi `yYy,��i e f` ociitit tire" test* in MO eider w it O OnA i,1 1� 1080 ,Ot-8113. ' ` r • rF4�fn}F . �'•rFr4•.'.'%� r'• r !r ..r :r r" F .r r:•i}• � �f.• :�•:??G.{ es?' r�rl'Fi'h;•� r'�"F,•4:... :.:�5 F �F., JANUARY -1964 Gordon Moir of Gorrie, repre- sentative for i owit k Townsh` ' on the ; Wingham District High School Board, wasnamed chairman of the board for his second term at the inauguralmeetieg of the board. Dr. W. A. McKibben of Wingham was returned as: vice-cha>rrrnan r a- sectoid tern' ..• E k Y Reeve Roy Adair of Wingha will be one of the candidates for the wardenship of . Huron County. The town of Wingham has not • been represented by 'a warden for almost 40 years. The 1964 slate of officers for Wingham Branch 180 of the Royal Canadian Legion was installed by a team from Seaforth. Dave Crothers is president; Willis Hall and John Strong vice-presidents; Lloyd Elliott and Ken Simmons secretaries and William Hogg treasurer. A specialservice of dedication will be held at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Gerrie. Dedicated will be new wood paneling in the nave; a new broadloom carpet in the aisle and across the front of the chancel; a service book for use on the Holy Table and a set of burses and veils in the illurgicalcolors. Dale Murray, chairman of the Wingham Public, School Board and Vice -t ai rma►n Dr. E. P. Shaunessy, welcomed_ a HOWLmember, Murray Gerrie% who replaces Herb Puller. Mr. Puller retired after a tenure of 18 years. Doug McPherson of Teeswater, owner of Mt he n's Garage in t`t cents has',Opened another ga at the corner of and'ctoria Streets. Bert Johnston of Wi ghain wilt manage the lol outlets JAN mor 19'4 DepUty leve Harold Wild, a MentherOf 's town (myna, i(2