HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-7-24, Page 3lit Scoutelieft. A Scant! .> HeB enjoylii a trek through the .*Voods more -than he does a"walk over the city's' Sstreefin. `' He can tell North ,.or South from' the moss that grows on tidos, and East -'from Welt `by ' tile' shadows that trunks 4 'and blanClieS cast, ',When matches are far - gotten ' he rat ghs and proceeds to bindle a firo bY' rubbing two ticks to"° gether,, or by etrikiug steel 'on.:Sinf. The fire once started, what a break- fast, dinner, or supper, he' Gaal: prepare • out there in the open!'Does he`enjey the -meal?'• Just watch, tiro and `Carni - pare ,'his appcitite with that of ,a bdy who lounges in.. a tea room. in a crowd-. A Scout does not run away or call i `for help when a'n accident occurs. He devotes. ail his 'strength and energy to assisting those; who 'are in need,. If a ' person has been cut he 'uses his flrs•t- t` aid 4t-now,leclge in stopiiiiig, the flow of blood, gently ``and "'carefully' binds up the - `wound; `' then; elf '',necessary; , he soeks•` other 'assistan e. ' If a person has, been burned his:.knowledgo tolls e 1 1 ti . o i V tb salrev ate the suffei•ing If, anyone should he dragged from the Water unconscious• a ; Scout at once 'sets tu Worle•to restore :res ilation and `circulation: Be knows' that nota min- Ate can lie lost. A Scout.car tally te`a-brothier Scout without making a sound by ,signalling •-with: flags; 'or ',by tapping on a log he Can iinitate the. click of a telegraph key .,azul in•either niann•er he_;ean-spell ,out..words andesentences.., A Scout can tie a -knot that will hold; he can ' climb;,a tree' the ascent 'of which seems 'impossible to- tethers,' -he can swim a river,'he can pitch a tent lie can mend 'a,tear inhis trousers, he can tell you erhat'weedls are poisonous and what are not, he can Aright nut bearing trees from "a distance; if live Aug -'near sea' or lake: he Can reef a sail And take his turn at the wheel, and if ear -water "at all,.he can pull an oar or use pa.ddleseand -sculls; ;. in the woods he hollows the names..of birds and animals; in the water he tells you the different varieties of A Scout is kind to everything -that lives. - He knows' that- horses, clogs .:.''and cats -have ,their rights, and he. re- specteethem. 'A Scent prides. himself 'upon doing kind deeds and nb clay in his lifeis conljiete unless he has been of aid to- some person. Ae;°Scout is. quick of eye, quick of hearing; and his muscles are ;w'eli-"'developed. -,_ In other Weeds, a Scout is natural, and the' bet- ter. a Scout the further away he is frons the artificial. -k—Spout .never usesalcoholic liquors.. because he does not wisdr to -poison his body; he desires a, Clear, active brain and so he avoids tobacco. .He never. swears,' because swearing 1s a> sign "of weakness as'well as being sacreliglous. In fact, a,.Scent •aims to'be, in this, --the twentieth century,,as nearas• Dos- sible like those men who, two . and three hundred years ago;'laid the foun- dation 'for or -what has 'becomebeCome the Bri tish Empire. • -In those days .ours fore- fathers, ha'd, to. be ready for any emer- - gency,-and as a: Scout 'cif the- present enlula;tes"the Scout' of the past,,he'hes chosen as his- motto,.,"Be Prepared, and a better phrase could. not have 'selected, been i se ci for if is .bo thea, th•:a motto� b and a slo an all in oneBe°prep g ared' for anything -to do akind actto res , cue a companion, •to'ford a, stream 'to gather :kindling, to salute the; fleg,'to build a fire—always bee 'prepared: Launch Out Into the Deep. Launch out into the' deep!' Venture thy craft upon the. open. sea; There waits. the thrill of' new- dis- cov`ery '` br ships that do -not tea the "shallows keep. Let out the idle sail!. Reefed 'canvas never won a golden fleece, „ Brave hearts'ne'er chose the shelter- ed -pools of peace In preference to the ,onward driving, gale. Hug not the leeward ,shore! The Cautious barque is wrecked ' on hidden shoal, While ethers, trusting greatly, reach their goal, And new domains of hidden wealth ex- plore. xplore.,• Launch out into the deep! Life yields its' richest prize, to those who dare; -• IIold to thy corirse 'neath tempest. skies or'' fair— The- sea is thine and the horizon's wet -S. J. Duncan -Clark in Success Maga. g zine. Good Idea. "What., has: becime'of that bad curve just outside of Pi'unkvilie? "The town did away with it.''. "A good idea:" • a,; "Yes, it was cheaper to do that than to build a hospital. j, ww ' people* �`1lI 82F.yt�9 e41ir. Might calms iAT"I•i BY DR. J. ,Ja MIDD `roN •Prgvinoitil board ref: Health.'ontMrio Or. ediddleton eau be mod to, avower' Osirksttealsi®a PublW Health Milia tsrs thi'otigh .;this cniutan. 'Lddraalas him a t elaaalectees ioie'OP sea Creneont, Toronto " A few evenings ago • T, visited an Ontario town where a meeting on Public Health was. being ;held. Just before the meeting' I was attracted to a baseball game' played between local' teams.. Quite a considerable crowd of people were present, but only the players :were getting any exercise. How mu chb tt e ei ,it. would be, I thought at that morn.ent and since, if all .the:pecPle could take . part' in. sports p 3 is and games instead` of only a few. Nothing is better for maintain- ing and promoting public health than exercise in - the open' air, and yet a compaThtively small number of people do get enough exercise. Especially in. cities • do • sedentary occupations pre- vail, and even then the journey to and from --business is made by - street car or automobile. - Iiave you ever noticed a 'familygo. ing. for nil outing?' How often this outing consists of a spin around or outside the city,the occupants of the car never leaving their seats until they arrive back at the door of their house. And yet many people regard this -as exercise. True, an automobile ride is exhiliarating acrid beneficial, but it is not exercise in the true sense of the word. . Exercise to be really beneficial should aim to put the mus- cles into action and the'rnore of these muscles are used, the more effective the exercise will be. How much bet- ter it -would be for city folk and coun- try folks to take a brisk walk of at leastfifteen minutes -twice a day. Brisk walking is one of the finest ex ercises a .person scan indulge in. It is said that of all ethe natural -exercises one can take, swimming occupies a foremost :plate. • Swimming, however, is not so easy tei indulge in. Walking is accessible to everybody. The Con- venience of a street -car system in cities and towns is a mixed blessing. The tendency is to ride coma eratively short distances which could be covered Much bywalking with h gxeater benefit to. health. Some -day the health auth orities will take a keener interest in exercise and recreation for the• mass- es, and better health will be the re- sult. To -day -the' practice of attending t h and other ball amen' cricket maces a games, forms of outdoor amusement is bene- ficial to only a few.. In; time to' come facilities will be provided for all the people at convenient, • times to take suit- able forms of exercise. When that day, comes, the public health will be improved and a happier and healthier race of people will be the result. GREEN TEA IN GREAT DEMAND. • Twenty-five years ago, Green Tea was mere popular than 13lack, but due to the heavy importation of poor quality Japan and China Green Teas, the demand fell off. Ceylon and India started producing Green Tea on a large scale only in recent years. They were of such fine quality and delicious flavor that Green Tea drinkers im- mediately recognized their superiority and demanded them in ever increas- ing quantities. Salads Tea- Company is practically the sole importer of Cey- lon and India Green Teas in Canada. Keen Mustard with water to the Mix of a thick paste Add Fater' consistency hickness as obtained. If a ym .'unt ytheud flavor; desired tis desired mix with Mix ' every .Mex mustard freshly for meal. nr r � as' s F, .milk. een - rY+ rf ia,.. Y',� r,;9�i:at F,,,1,' "�'''''.�Y y'•' "'`q'i, ''`-, ' 30,000 I 1. mute .Str.-ldl[idland City: e r i , i ay Daily service' between Midland and "Parry Sound. Fishing and -Scenery- unexcelled. Excellent train ser- vice from Toronto. ' Good Auto roads to Midland. Our Boat trips will please you. Berths and Information on boat: Rates Reasonable: Automobiles carried. Come where the fishing is good. Information—Any Canadian National -Railway Agent, or Box 862, Midland, Ont.' Water your' horses before you feed them in the 'niornin ; they heywill be e able tb digest" their food more easily and perfectly, be more healthy, - and consequently better fitted for their work—to say nothing of the humane features of the act.; - • .. ze Its S,n The ayera e -sized Canadian family's potato bill is $25.00 a year. That warrants the,use of a special pot., Here it is. The SMP Potato Pot: ,The ideal thing. Fill with water through the spout without removing cover. Note how the handle locks: the cover on. You can drain off water leaving potatoes mealy and dry without spilling potatoes or scalding hands. Selling at low prices in hardware anise eral' stores. Note I mark on the the trade he g n pots Be sure you get Cleans Easier Enameled Ware has •a very hard, tinnooth surface, like your best china, and is as easy to clean. • Re, Quires no steel wool or special, cleansers. Aiwas clean, sweet free from 'taint and odors. The enameled ware deluxe.. S PenowiedWARE Three finishes Pearl Were, two'eoatel of pearly grey enamel inside and out: .-Diamond- Waro, threet coots, light blue and white., outside, white lining. Crystal; Ware, three coats, pure white inside and out, with Royal ;Blue edging. ,"-r: �rIeRr MErac PsPRODUCTSa®. utt,�. $1D c lHAt., TOrto&To" W1nNIPPG aamcostTONd; vastco lvaa„cAt8ARY • iyo pie#:C 4 ,r I �rr4r);ti<ia heir 'fxL,tit.;�;!:'7 1 y„1�e3�i.aY` e, Her Birthday. 'When 1 ryas a little boy, On it certain day, Fate provided cause for joy Aid& hid it far away;. ., Heeded not my ehildish iteor; . Smiled whenes I wept. • And her egret through the 1aftlfully.414, ept.r. years; Millen I was a little boy, ;, On e '4V'interei, morn, I'afe prllvideta ;,cause •`or `joy— You had' just been born,. —erg. Alexander. 9 RED HOT JULY DAYS HARD ON •T �kRARY July—the month of oppressive heat; red hot days and .eweltering.nights; is - extremely hard on .little ones. Diar-' rhino., dysentery, collo and 'cholera iefantum carry,, 9ff' thott'sands of ere. cious . little lives every summer. , The'. mother ” must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles or -If they_ come on suddenly to fight them, No other' medicine is of such aid to mothers during the hot summer.tas is, 'Baby's Own Tablets. . Tliey regulate the bowels and stomach„ and an oc- casional doe'sgiven to well ell child will prevent summer complaint, or if the troiible ' does come' on suddenly The will banish it. the Tablets are sold by medicine. dealers 'or by email at;25. cents a box from rl'he'TDr. Williams e` iBrockville,' - silo no Go, Ont. Flood Transfusion Now Rejuvenates, _ Rejuvenation,' the eternal dream of humanity, may soon 'be within reach of both men and women, according to Dr. Jaworski, who communicated this afternoon to medical, society practi- tioners the result of leis experiments with blood transfusion. Jaworski's method of restoring youth is to inject into the veins of men and women 'a few drops of blood from another person showing certain biological affinity with the patient. "Blood marriage," Jaworski calls it. He explains there is a biological analogy between the cells of the hu- man body and a composite liquid in which his patients bathe, and that .if the liquid is renewed frequently enough cells can be regenerated al- most indeflnitely, Before operating he analyzes the blood of different per sones•until he finds one offering the re- quired biological affinity. Transfusion is then a simple matter. According. to Jaworski, his opera- tions have been attended with extra- ordinary success, old men and women having recovered uihoped for youth- fulness. Persons suffering from ar- terio -sclerosis or other diseases symp- tomatic of premature sentlity have ob- tained a complete transformation of their general condition. The medical profession here appears to take Jaw- orski'-s':dit9r.iivery. ser1dit 1y. Wealth From. Waste. r There are enormous sources of snort wealthby-products of 1 we t in the�, every 'industry, though few people, realize this or the extent to which such potential wealth is actually util- ized, Take,' for example; wool. The grease and dirt which are washed out of this are full of potash and potasti'salts. In the wool -scouring factories of Prance and BelgiumYP these "by-products" are extracted from the water in which the wool is washed and produce profits ! running into tens of thousands of dol- lars. Slaughter -houses, too, are perfect gold mines in the matter of by-pro- duots. Bones, blood, grease, hair, all are saved and transformed into useful articles by chemical and- other pro- cesses. Talking of geld mines, one of the most important of the chemical by- products of the slaughter -house, cyan- ide of potassium, is actually used in mining to take the gold:. out of ground quartz. Send,a Dominion Express Money Or- der.' They are payable everywhere. snapdragons for Winter , Flowers. The Snapdragon has been so'iim- proved - in size of flower: and• in color that it is now used in 'thh'e cities as a cut flower, and the plants will. pro- duce very fine blooms;iin pots in the house. The flower heads are very much larger than wh•eii grown in the garden and the cglors ~purer' in tint. The solid colors,; pinle'easp'ecially, ate the favorites. YOU. may buy the seeds u now of any shade, 'Or 'yo -'play sow mixed • varieties; and -selects the ones 'you like when 'they ,begin ,to' bloom. Seeds for; winterblooming may be sown in June or July in bones and itbtted as soon as large enough and kept 'growing without check. and -make excellent winter bloomers, and if 'you have old plants you may take tip cut- tings - uttings.'"of- these in Aliirust and root them easily in moist-,sa;nd, and' these g th willbloom dur in ewinter. :. The seedlings make the' niece' branching plants, but if the,, tip is'• pinched from i 1 tell, 'rooted, slip t such, branch-,:: also, The largest • flower 1ipik•ed , areup,ro- dil ced When :a ;raoted cutting-- is, grown to.one 'singlo stem to`producc ono flower spike, though after this cut the stub will branch and•bloum. In argument the sharper h� point the, more easily it is blunted. Minard's Linirnent Relieves Paln. Dabble Your Feet in `Wetter. Some to the rest cure and some far away To mountainand -seaside{ theh ke or` Lis bay;, And many, s^o m'a'ny'*, Yost cooped flp and''tired - ; . Whete',the Cities are- fierce' arid the :,.'pavements are' fi.rsde--' Just.longing for someihing,"'they know r the/ can't do But this thing„you can and it's take; off your ;.ehgci- And dabble,your feet in tbe.waterl Why, it brings back such pictures of far, vantehed things—'---- A ,score, encs` 'green' trees; anti a myriad "~wings Of 'birds and of insects that flash • . 'through the air— And :y'oii tone. yqursolf ,back - in your - old office chair, And. gaze through the window, and skiers -turn to blue, And in fancy you're .taking off ;stock- inge and shoe To dabble youa feet in'the water! The mineows'come decking your heel and•,your toe, : And the meadows atretch yonder, the soft -breezes blow, "And the bees are so. busy, -the bloc eonie eo'br•iga,ht - Youvehefonrgoottqteunite—thec' i t—well, may - B t sufficient to help 3mfrom feeling so blue,'. ` As you take off your'stocking and kick oil your shoe And dabble your feet in the water! B.B. I WOMEN'S HANDICAPS Headaches and Backaches Often Make Life Miserable. A woman's health handicaps her al- most always,: , She has pains and dis- abilities which do not afflict men. Na- ture does not give her a fair chance. Her blood is macre often thin and poor than a' man's, and she often " neglects the first eeeginnings of ill -health. Many women' who seemed destined to a life; of frequent suffering have been freed entirely • from" their suffering through the wonderful blood -making qualities. of Dr, Williams' Pink 'Pills. Many a woman toils all day with a pain in hee. back and side,a burning headache; and a sense of having no spine left. What a pity' women : will ` not listen to their friends whom -Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills, have saved from their mals=" ery. Whenever a"woman suffers they wily .help her -in youth, middle -age. and .afterlife. ' Mrs. John Mitchell, of Middleville, Ont., gives her experience for the benefit' of other women suffer- ers. She says:—"Some years ago I was so badly run down I -could hardly walk around the house. I tried to do a few chores but was able to do very, little. My boys and husband had to do the rest. If I started up stairs T had to go very slow or 'I would, fall,+ and I was just played out when I. -got at the top of the stairs. My head ached to 1 , rrTfa Y, and m heart would y beat violently. t1 y. Iu this deplorable condition I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I had finished six boxes I felt much better. Then I, got a further supply, and by the time I had taken these I could walk .any where without being exhausted, the headaches had disappeared and I am now perfectly well. Any woman who is run down w should not hesitate to b - e gin- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at Cress, as I am sure from my ownexperience they will build her up.", You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cts.` a boic from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. For Refrigerators. Liquid carbon dioide, the sante gas that is used for the charging of soda- water, is being used . successfully in place of ice as a refrigerant in refrige- rator cars. ee •,. Making a confession is getting an opportunity to tell the whole truth. It will sound no worse than the half truth you are ;tempted to'.tell, ,and it will', clear the air. ' , NEW DISCOVERY ROUTS CHICKEN LICE ". Mineralised' Water Gets Rld: of Misting 'or Greasing. Birds Delouse. Themselves. `.Fine for Saby. Chicks and Ail Poultry. This wonderfulproduct, beeps the poultry always lice- free without ,the poultry rinser' doing any work. .10 is the simplest, easiest surest and best method over discovered. Llco-Go, which Is the name of this remo.rltable.lIeo remedy, 'is • dropped -1n 111e chi ken's drinking water. Tiller( Into., the , nyetem of the . bird,. It (Truest, out through the ole glands of the ntin and,. every louse mite leaves tho body. - It is guaranteed'• to help 'the hatchability of the 'eggs and cannot injure, the flavor of the eggs or . meat; tt, Is .h irinloss to -chicks and does not affect the plumage. A few days' treatment et the startand then a little added to the drinking water each month is all that. Is necessary.. SealiA4d ROC which kap P.s the tobacco i div In its original c'Y7n in o t also n ® tL IPiis: ins Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited EASY TRICKS IMitating A Duck Poliyphonism, the "art" of Imi teeing the sounds :•' made, by ani- • ''mate and .inanimate objects, Is an - ever welcome form of parlor en- tertainment. It consists more In careful and 'intelligent observa- tion of sounds than 1n ' either talent or skill, although each imi- tation requires. p actice. A duck can be very easily imi tated if you paid attention the last time you heard a duck. A duck does not say "quack." He says something that is much nearer "Whuack." Open your mouth , very wide and get the "ack" part of the sound as far back in the mouth as possible. IY you willimitate a duck which hoestringof hacks a~ 1 w says starting very loud and getting softer and faster as you approach the end of the string, and imita- tion will• be better. It is a good idea to pretend,, when you are doing the imitating, that a sofa pillow is a duck and that it is trying to get away. This gives you an opportunity., by act- ing the episocle, to enable the spectator's eyes to help their ears a appreci t® the imitation. ((lip this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) Some seaweeds - reach a length o'f 600 feet. Be happy to think that you are use- ful, but don't assume that you are indispensable. Say ' ;Bayer For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds Accept one a yf Bayer 'i package Courage. One who never turned his back,but marched breast forward, Never doubted clouds would break, Never dreamed though right were • worsted, wrong would triumph, Held we fall to rise, are baffled to fight better, Sleep to wake -Robert Browning, • Minard'a. Liniment for Rheumatism. There is a majesty in nature, take her as you will. The essence of poetry comes breathing to a mind that feels from every .province of her empire. —Carlyle. exivIE70 cl) Ca`t11 New Eyes w isui you can Promote es �'�+� eleaa,Neaal!bycoadtilea u E Ua°Murine Eye Remed+� Night andMor`nuig. Deep 'Cdr Eyes Clean, clear and neultiar Write for Free Eye Care Book. =at Eaa:g8n ex Co,.fl Erase eld®ditcsl.Clue;, SUFFERED WITH ECZEMA 3 YEARS Itched and Burned So Could Not Sleep, e a led^, C ut►cara Healed, " I suffered for "three years with eczema which broke out on my limbs, arid eoon spread to my neck and fore- head.' 1t itched and burned so that it was most impossible 'to. sleep at night,arldevery time i scratched it, it would bleed. The breaking out caused disfigurement. " CuticuraSoap began using I b� g t the firs and pintnjcnt and after weak I got relief. I continued the treatment and in about six months I was completely healed." (Signed) Mrs, George Pottle, R. F. D. 1, Box 22, Freedom, Me., Aug. 15,',1923. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. Sample San)p Tree by Mail. Address Caledini} Depot; " Outiettra, P. 0. Sex' 5618, Mac-re0.1,. Pr leo Soap 25c. Ointment 26 and 50c.. Talcum 26o. ' Try our new Shavin--Stick. , RS �UDGE SO EAK C HARULY a LI Insist! Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham'el Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. , which contains' proven directions Handy `Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists Aspirin is the ". trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer, Manufacture of Mono- acet1eacidcpter or seiierliencid Corns and Bunions 1 John it. Cooper, Seeforth, Oat, says;—X purchased A package, of Liao-gofrom you last summer, and Ir Rub dell with,Mlnard's. It iztltcs lin& it.,gond. I gave some to l frlond for his duolce' y that wore; very lousy.., and Inc. • was - ae imivtlned at., the ain. one of thein. • is t me to send, for -s more. : P ' azo results that they Iran d some t r . 1 : tnc'toao..SO,, for .pacleases Yid A , 'Urquhart, 7.eptivr, Ont.'; soya —•The L1ce+Go tiblets.}ard' alt you, say they dte. Win'send farts r ordef later. ::• , e Send he. money—Just your name and address', A. card will. do, We aro so confident that. Lice -Go ~111 pet rid of: every louse•or mite that •wo willpend you: Inc large double strength' $1.00 package, enough for 10'0 ganons'of Nater,. When It arrives, pay postman' only 51,00 and row rents postage; if you aro not', absolntaly 'satisfied after 30 days' trial pour Atone'. will be refunded wlU,Ittt question or argument. t3 $1,00 pkg.!. $2,00,' Sell tevo, have your owvn tree,)': Gash Orden, uoatpald; The A, S. wenorR Ce,; or sole Distri*utorr - Pox 11.55, .~stem,' one w Nyiarl 1X "1i, IIlr,'i` me ls'f a sb-n-woe niilitovsx,i i'ttviJ tt zer ti to • lo ` . rlee cal d Lite e to Dlhosh • t 'en eine,'e) `i,} delete titisiiat,rl r:t, syee ',ores i Y1V'o ,l •Oii.!- • t ,lift,- lY.+„ t h..'it.f vert ..el, tl" ,nn a 4 t° is fPtir n 5,1 el 6'f I,Y River Desert, Que.—'' I used to have a severe pain in my side. I would be un- able to walk fast and could not stand for any length of time to do my ironing or washing, but I would leave to lie down to get 'relief from the pain. I had this for about two years, then a friend told meto try Lydia E..Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound as she had had good results. 1 certainly got good results from it, too 'as the last time 1 had a` sore side was May and I have a not had it since. I am also glad of having,ood nursing for my baby, and I think it is your medicine that helped me in this way. — r . L. V. BUDGE,, 1.Quebec. River Desert, b , S you aresuf£erin from: the tortures fyu ,g of a displacement, irregularities, back- ache, headaches, nervousness, or a pain yousl "� lose no time i in the side eo uld s n trying LydiE.Pinkhalti's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkharti's Private Text- Book e t -'Book upon. Ailments Peculiar to Wo- men ' will omen"will be rent you free upon request. est. Write for it to the Lydia E. Iindthan Medicine Co. CobourstOntario. This book contains valuabliformationthat everywtnian should know. c iScee;, �'it !' 1 E No �a