HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-7-17, Page 51_ :I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i 11111110111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111.111111!111!!II!lllllllllilllllllllllllllll! E From H M. DEGAN'S - OF TEM TOUCH TYPEWRITING IS TAUGHT EXCLUSIVELY IN THIS DISTRICT< BY TIIE School ®f Commerce �' ^ � 4+ V Clinton, Ontario YOU CANNOT ATTEND A BETTER SCHOOL, SO WHY NOT REGISTER NOW FOR TIM FALL TERM? SCHOOL RE=OPENS Tuesday, Se 2�. d 1924 , Sept.� ' COURSES • Stenographic -- Commercial -- Secretarial Special Courses For panti lar p cu s apply to A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, Vice Principal Phone 198•" B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal NOW AS THE WARM, WEATHER BAS COME. THIS IS THE STORE FOR e lecti - �t0 S vs ----- and - Electic Fans DO ';£•OUR COOKING BY ELECTRIC AND KEEP COOL INSTALL A HOT WATER a • HEATER 1 AT ON YOUR BOILER AND IAVE HOT WATER ANY TIME YOU WANT IT INFORMATION GLADLY. GIVEN ON THESE SUBSECTS 'he Hydro,;. Shop J. Passmore PROUDFOOT, KILLOR AN & HOLMES \Barristors, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from 'Hamilton St., Goderich. private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, 'O-, D. E. Holmes Mr. Holmes will, be in Hensall *very Friday Trona 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP bilonor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- stion School, Special course taken in registered Live Stock '(all Breeds,) iderchandise, Real Estate, Farm Aisles,- etc. Rates. in keeping with - prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or wire 18-93, Zurich. DR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C. Physician and Surge6n rheas' 70 HENSALL DR. J: W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, $cGiil 'University, Montreal; Member )f College of Physicians and Surgeons *f Ontario; Licentiate of Medical %Council of Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident Medical'staff of general Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 3 doors east of Post Office. Phone 56, HenSall, Ontario. Lumber has Advanced But we are Still Belling White Pine %tressed on both sides at $45.00 per Ihous i.nd. 1x6 dressed and matched white Vine $50.00. per M. i0. No. 1 XXX Shingles Shingles XXXXX Shin B. C. No.'1 g Bird's Ashphalt Twin Shingles 3irc3's Ashphalt Roll ,Ttoofing 18 in. 'wide, the heaviest made. ,. fklhozie No. 12 A J. CLATWORTH GRANTON dr Mr, Jackson, of Goderich; has taken over the business formerly run by Mr. R. Donaldson. We are pleased to 'welcome kir. and Mrs. Jackson to our village. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson and Miss Grace are living in the house recently vac- ated by Mr. Jas. Sangster, ;for the present. METHODIST CHURCH W. M. S. ANNUAL PICNIC .The W. M. S. of the Methodist church held their. • regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon last at the hone . of Mrs. E. Broderick, the president, Mrs. J. D. Wilson in the chair. The topic for the meeting was "Mite Boxes,"and aver Y able paper on that subject was given by Miss -Ida. Coulter,.. Mite Box Supt. After 'a musical- program and the usual business, the meeting was br Ought to a close by all repeating the watchword. iiomiiiinuiimimmiiiii►imiiiiiiimiu HENSALL Mr. Roy Parimer of Brantford, spent Sunday in town. Mr. W, 0,AGoodwin returned from London on Tuesday last., Mr. Fred Steacy spent the week end with friends in Godericlt, Ur. C. Heiser, of Detroit, is at present visiting with relatives in this vicinity,. Mr. W. C. Davis, of town has been enjoying life at Grand Bend. for the past week or so. Miss L. Ortwein of Toronto, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein, • Mr. and Mrs. F. Smallacombe, of Guelph, were week -end guests with relatives in town, Miss Rosa Stone has been'. visit- ing her sister, Miss Eva, in London, during the past week. Mrs. G. T. Mickle and Miss Mick - le, of Ridgetown, visited Mr. Laird !Mickle on Friday last. 1VTr. and Mrs. Turnbull, of London were Sunday visitors .with Mr. and Mrs. Drummond, of town.: Mrs. A. Hemphill and familyare spending the fine weather at their cottage at Grand`Bend. Mr. and, Mrs. Duncan, (nee Miss, -Phillis Young,) were recent guests at the Commercial hotel. Mr. Williams of Toronto, is act- ing manager of the Sterling Bank, Mr. .T„ L. Meek is on his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. Appleton, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Appleton of 'town. Miss M. • Germain, of Toronto, was the guest of her sister, Mrs, A. Sinclair, at the parsonage this week. Mr. and 1VIrs. Hill and Miss' Ruth, of London, were the guests of Mr. T. Shaddock and family, on Sunday. The strawberry season is in full swing this week. A number of our local growers are doing a very good business. • The meeting was 'followed by theQuite a number from Hensall an Society holding their` annual picnic, vicinity attended the Ford picnic a and this year on the kind invitation Bayfield on Wednesday afternoon of Mrs. E. Broderick, it being held of this week. on, her spacious grounds. A 'good A- goodly number of our citizens ;program of.contests, races, etc: were together with' the local Iodge of Or provided_ , tege(:hei with prizes for angenien, spent the "glorious 12th,' 'same, by a committee appointed for in Goderich. -that. purpose, Everyone present eizt- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott and :ered most heartily into this program faintly of Toronto, were recent .,vis - which was followed by an even more, itors with friends and relatives in interesting feature, namely. supper, the village. set on a long table on the lawn with Mr. and Mrs. 8,• Coulter and fan - the usual. `picnic .delicacies: 1VTrs• ily, of Toledo, Ohio, are the guests 'Broderick had a very: pleasant sur -of 1Ir. and -Mrs' J. Coulter and Miss prise in -store tor, the society in the •Ida, .this week. way of most generous helpings of - strawherries and cream, The entire ; On 'Friday last, Mr. Sam Rennie, attendance joined Wiest heartily into who is.cruising up the lakes on a this phase of the program and when . yacht, spent the evening at Grand overwith, perhaps, felt more uncom `, Bend with friends. fort:able than after the races and' Mr. and Mrs. A. Cudnore and son contests earlier in the afternoon. .of I%itchener, are visiting the for - The entire company joined most uzer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. heartily in tendering Mr. and Mrs. Cudzitore, of . town, this week, Broderick a well 'deserved vote of The ,annual Sunday school picnic thanks for their unstinted kindness. of the Methodist church was held to -day, (Thursday) to Grand Bend, GREENWAY 14 goodly number took in the occas- Ala Bvroa Brown..has been i:ery i.11 ' 'Mr.. Andrew Boa, who has taken with grippe and congestion of the • Lung, but we are gaud to ;report he us charge of the services at the Meth- r.ui� con4'alescerut;• odist church, Melbourne, since MVlay M,:. Chas Stewarclson „ vis'iLing ',n 18th, is now visiting at his 'home -on London and St. 'Marys. the London road, south.' W , 5. Brown ihias"i a n e\iv sedan.' - tifaster Ford Oliver of St. Marys, i - Mr. and Mrs. J. L,,, Meek are in visited bis gramdmlother, Nies. T Toronto this week' visiting their ;Stewardsor last week.. -.daughter, Miss. Winnifred, of that 'she members'" of L,OL..219 went to city. Mr. Meek, local manager of the Gociericb to celebrate, the 12th • S ' uterling bank, is on his holidays. Mr. Reuliien 'Wilson has:returned from the, hospital somewhat improved He asked a miss, is, a kiss iitt health, • Gramatically . defined, The neighborhood was slrocicecl In "A kiss is a conjunction Tuesday, -morning to' ,!lean of the. (sud:.; And, cannot be declined."• den death of Mr, John Poster. He had gone for the cows and his 'continued ' .tbs,ence .alarmed his wife, so she ,ii snit. It is with great regret that ',ere to look :for him. He had taken ' a have to announce the death of an old stroke not far :from the orchard -and • and estimable citizen of our village, death was instantaneous. He was a,p- in the -person of Mr, Thomas' M'ellis, pareaztly in the best of health-pn l has who had carried on the blacksmith - never t n never been ill so that it collie as ,a great shock to all. Besides his widow and three small children,, he tis mother, hlrs. Jos, Foster and six sisters 'Lid three brothers, Joseph of Bay -field; never entirely.,, recovered,• but which David ;af. Parkhill and ; Rev, Jas, of kept • sapping his vitality. He was a Watford, all al whom were present nit { man of strong, robust constitution the funeral, which wail Meld •on, 'Mill's- I until this injury, an upset out of a day and conducted by his pastor, Tvev. buggy. He is survived -by three sons W • J Moines p,n,d was largely is !tend- I•; nd three eta, He wasma good ` neighbor and i t� k place Thursday to The s funeral friend and ,of a quiet, retiring die- ; y position, The sympathy of , ail ,us ,ex- etery. tended r tended to the bereaved oli,c,s; Tlie "Treasurer of the ' Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives, desires ,E !..rat f 11 g e u y to ackirowled e the fol - t lk g lowing contributions received in Mensal! btr the Field Secretary of the ` ni7'f a j National Sanitarium Association ing business here for over forty years. Mr. Mellis received an injury some two years ago; from which; he HA S, E.1 Elli 01 Wi11 spoil your stammer and make : DI'. J. W, Peck $5, 13onthron & Drys- your company distressing to your 'dale $3, Manus & Farquhar 82, Mrs. friends unless yon get relief. I G. -Scott $2, T. 0. Joynt $2, J. & C. Get a box of RAZ -MAH today. Most 1 1VIODonnell '$2, MTS. 13. Urquhart. $2, people feel better from the first close. i Geo. Brock $2, G. T, Mickle $2, Your druggist will refund your honey i Moore Bros. $2, Thos. Welsh $2, R. if $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- Donaldson $ 2, Jno, Passmore $2, A. solutely harmless. Generous sample W. 11 Hemphill $1, F, I S. Simmons for 4c in stamps.Tenipietoiis, To- $1, A, 1Vlttrcloclt $1, 7 E. Ranine $1, W. ionto. IB12 A. McLaren $1, R, E. Cook $1, G. L. Caee & Son $1, Jno, luefle $1, Rev; A;.J. A ,1f!fcConnell $1, :Ino. Young $1, l D. 11 McKinnon 50c, A, L. Case GOc, A. W. E. II mn HILL ' D. A. Cantelon 50e, Chris. Campbell HiiNSALt ONTARIO/Gee, Mrs. Dougait 250. total $44.25. THIE EX :TER TIN1;ES WHALEN Itir, and Mrs, - Earl Johnson spent Sunday with the latter's sisirer, 'itfrs. Win, Jeffrey, near Exeter. , n• ; S' ' 1 monthly meeting of 1 1` z o tie to the ,N n t c e z n 1 zi I ,S. Y i,Webb 1 ego 'Mfrs, ah met1 the ..cin! 1, John on. Thursday u.rsday last. Mr, and ;blrs. ^Delbert Morley ,ani Mr. and !Pars. Fred Foster motored ,:to Brantford and spent the week arid/ with friends. Mr. and Mrs, 'Thos. Gunning are; fen- tertai,n4ng, three F -esh, Alfd children from Toronto ;for a month, n th, Mr, and ,Mrs.. Clarence. Gunning spent Sunday with Mir, and Mrs', Albert Gun - ming. . There was' sw services here on, Sufi:- day ita-day on account "of Rev. Lately attend- ing sumnse,r school at St. Thomas, Mrs Geo. ,Milison Is visiting !tet= . aughter, .Mrs. Geo. ;Mardlicn,+ London Twp. for a fe,w.days. iVliss Florence 'ollfed returned home on Monday after atteaclirtg ,sluntrniar school at St. Thomas during the boast week. Friends in this coiumunity re gret -very much 'to learn of 'thea death of Rev Hunter of Granton, pastor 161 tt.he, 1'flethodist church,` On Sunday beim,; perfectly well he preached both anorphng and evening service cad, at- tended the 'funeral of the late Mr. Jackslon in the afternoon. , `Monday morning he was found dead in his bed, He is survived by his sorrowing fwufe and two daughters. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon and iin- tteruLent was made in 'tate London 'cemetery. MOTJNT CARMEL i'he C.W.L. is planning a ` garden. party to take,(plaoe..in the near (Culture. 3M,rs. Ryan, accompanied by Misses Elizabeth add Alice Ryan at Chicago arrived hene last week to visit M,rs, Ryan's son, Michael for some tinge. Mr, and tMrs. Delaney and family motored hare last week acid are vis- itors with ;Virs. Delaney's brother Mr. John Hay,e`', Mr and ,Mrs. Edgar Morrison and babe, are a-isiiting .friends ,anti the hetgh- borhoad. Miss Clara Glavin ifs visiting friends in London. . i,1r. Cohan land itwo sisters of. Detroit are the .guests of Mills Geraldine 1H1r rues. i1Lrs. O'Hara and sister Miss O'Neil of Milwaukee 'arae visiting their sister Mrs, J Houlihan. ZURICH iVIr. and Mrs. Fred. Schiele, of Seb- ringville, were visitors at the home of r. and Mrs. John England, Gosii- en 14Line south. Mrs. Harry Gellman, of the village. DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S. D. D, S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday. MAIN OFFICE Hartle o ziy s Block --- Dashwood, Ont. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Held, of Buf- falo, visited with friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs, August Wolper, of Fort Wayne, Ind., are visiting with relatives at present. Clarence Yager, of Toronto,, spent the week -end with hie parents, Mrs. Wm. Held is confined to her bed with an attack of pneumonia. We hope for :a speedy recovery. Miss Mina Ehlers, of Kitchener, is visiting' in this vicinity. Rev. A. Kellerman, wife and fam- ily, of Chesley, Spent the week -end with relatives here. Mr. Kellerman occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening. Miss Della Baker, of Detroit, is visiting her parents here. Mrs. A. Hooper, of London, is vis- ing here with her daughter, Mrs. E. Guenther. Mr. PIeideman,- of Stratford is vis- iting with his daughter Mrs. Schenk. Mr. Verne Schatz has returned, after spending his vacation in De- troit. Miss Lucileit W lent, of Windsor,. isvisiting her parents. Mr. C. Stade, wlio has been on the sick list for some time, is ,at present very' low: Rev. and Mrs. Yager visited in Toronto, last week. Miss Martin, of Windsor, is the guest of Miss E. 'Guenther. Mr -Lancelot Beatty, of Varna„ a former resident and business man of Exeter, died at his home in Varna, on Sunday, July 6th at the age of 70 TIWI )A , ti l# 1924, CLANDEBOYE CZANDEnoyi SOCIAL The 83rd birthday of IVirs. Robt,- Hodgins, of Clandeboye, was pleas- antly celebrated with a motor picnic attended by her cltiidi•en and grand- children and held at Goderich� on July 12th. Atter a much -enjoyed dinner, Mrs', Hodgins was congratu- lated d U the e guests and the after- noon *as speizt iii, a social kvay. It is noteworthy that Mrs. Hodgins, with her husband, made the journey cProm Clandeboye to Kincardine `,30 years' ago and that she saw much improvement both in the roads and in the farming district, - when she passed through puce again' on Satur- day. Mr. Meit,ii Trcvethiek, • who has tlrecu working at theeC,N.R• depot`here, has been transferred to J*crest, for trhirh place ;ale lett a 'week ago. r Mrs. ,e R. L. Atkin rr ,is :v� tngg re- lati� es' it Harn,aton and Toronto. A number of the local Orangemenfrom this town spent;, the I2i1v in Gods. rich, if The Clanrdeboye. baseball team play- ed ar{gtgaac art Centralist the otncr;ftl ht thiels resulted ,it a victory for Cen- tralia. Our boys won the game pla,yed heirs last week. Mr, Burt Hodgson who has been learning the telegraphy at the G.N.W. office ice has bereri working at. Clinton; going; there a few weeks ago• Miss .i'VMable., Hodgson, who has been teacldn,g &t .Toronto, has returned to her home !here for the holidays. J W. Lewis, C. N. R. relieving oper- ator, was home for a d ay recently. Mr. Clayton George of Ingersoll is spending the holidays with his. parents. here. 1 Mr.. and Mrs, Pem,phrase and daugh- ter and Vlir. Fred Brown of roroirrtoff motored up and spent: Sunday and part of :Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Thous. Bissett, Us�bo!rne. The. crops in ,this viicriiriflty arerhinr rex- cellent condition,. after the welcome' rains of late and a bumper crop ds looked for.. LANCELOT BEATTY DIES CHISELHURST Years. About five years ago he was The Strawberry Festival at Chise. elhurst was ' a fine success. The Cliiselhurst Ball Teain won the game with Staffa by a score' of 9 to 6. After the supper in the church, a splendid program was given hyi the Goulding Orchestra, A reading .Was given by Miss Alda Bolton which was i eceivecl tine sad zietus of,the death of much enjoyed. The proceeds a - her, father, Mr. William Laurie, in mounted to $100.00. Petrolia, on July .7th, aged 73 y,oare. Both. Mr. an'd Mr's. *H. 'Gallman are attended the funeral at that place. Mr. and l'Trs. Q. Taggart, Miss Ad- elaide'Pilcher, 1VIrse Raebe and little daughter, who had been;;risi:ting.. here for a few weeks, left Tuesday morn- ing for their home in South Bend, Ind. Miss Ida Brill is visiting relatives - at Kitchener and New Hamburg. There passed away at theoliome of her brother Mr. Oswald Fisher south of the village, on Sunday July 6th, Elizabeth Fisher, relict of the date. Andrew Smith, who pre -deceased, her soine years. She was twice married, Tier first marriage being with 1Vir_ I3. Holtz, with whom she Iived for many years on a farm near Blake: She is survived by three brothers, Oswald Fisher, of Zurich; John Fisher, of Hensall, and Dan Fisher, of Kitchen- er, also by five sisters. Deceased had been an invalid for the ; past few months and suffered considerably during this time. CREDITON Mrs. 0. F. Holzhauser ' and son, Russell, also llrs. C. Willert, of Pit- tsburg, Pa;, are visiting the latter's slaughter, Mrs. Wes. Wein and other. relatives in this vicinity. They will later camp at Grand Bend, Mr. O. F. Holahauser, and Miss Edna F. Cam eron accompanying them. !IVfir. Frank Fi.nkbein,er of Lakewood, Ohio, 'renewed acquaintances -in the village this week, 's Mr. Eddie Guenther of Buffalo re- turned home: after 'visiting relatives n this. community. !-Mr. and fairs: Chas. Ko elztort, Mr. aaild. Mrs .R,oy i\'Iar shat and family' returned t.i 1),etnoit'after iholiday.un wirtii rela tires' and fifends i,n this va;cinity. ilirs, Allaert King .usvisiting 'in, Wind- sor '*For a couple fo:f weeks. . The 'Misses ,11at,iida and Lydia Oet- L-eicher axe holidaying itt their home here. lMr. Erin Sweitzer Is visisiing, ;at Alis h+onie;, 1tGr. Starr Wein is home from 3),e - volt 0o,i a while, (. 1'Lr, IT K. Bilber- ansiI family; fare, campiing cit the 13e,nd fort \a Jew fweelrsi .r. 'Merton Morley ,,and Faiust matored to ,Detr oft on Sunday, inturning on Tuesday faccompan,ued lay 11v 1-I I.M. ,p•aast',and `Viaster Lewis, who, have been vtsliltihzlg foci <a, w;'eek.Isa ',Detroit (suite a number of lour local Orange- men attended the ,walk: iiL.Gocicruch on. the. 12th, 1' i S. S. NO. 1 STEPHEN The following is the report of S.S. No. 1, Stephen', Naives are in order of merit, .a+s they will appear iii their Classes in September. Sr. IV -hazel Hay. Sr. III -Ruby Hedden (honors,) Mabel Hay. Jr. III ---Mina Flynn, Sr, II -Pauline Hodgine. Sr, I Harty Flynn. Jr. I ---James Corsaut, Willie El- liott,Geraldine ikedden, Aaron Holl' gins. M.' Ford, teacher. stricken with a stroke ofparalysis, from which he never recovered. Mr. Beatty avas born at Varna and near- ly all his life was spent` in that place. He was a years w r e ears resident here, during which time he conducted a farm machine agency, after which he returned to Varna. He was twice married and is survived by his wife one son and four daughters. A nuwherof,a yroa colts died fately. ', Mr. acid Mrs, John. Aiidz e sv visited with Mr. and Mars. John.Iohns,, lAr,Gordori Delbridge arid friend, Miss Yeo, of Qroanarty,;visited et the home of W. Batten, , Miss Alda Squires andStanley y Stephenson, of Devizes, visited with Mr, and Mrs, John T. Hera, OU Have the free- d om of the ship - bright artistically .furn- ished drawing rooms and lounge, card rooms, smoking rooms and dining roorns-spacious decks -comfortable. restful state rooms - with cuisine and service always up to the Cana- dian Pacific standard. For full particulars ask Local Agent. rain eariq C yr 0 ,a. attPacific V rpt t4+ NOWE,eI y Si ikm r Resorts of Ontario in a Nutshell for, the Motorist. 2 "The Dunlop Trail" is the "new -idea" touring book, which rep- resents the first attempt to lay Ontario before the holiday -seeker in such a way that he can rnotor over the Province systematically. The whole story of Ontario is told in sequence -Ontario from Winnipeg to Cochrane, to Windsor, to Montreal -yet -the boox only comprises forty. pages, and is pocket size. Not a refe.•encea e from cover to cover -in other words,- P �' you get the whole story of a district when you are at -the two pages covering that particular district. No advertising of any kind in "The Dunlop Trail." All maps and illustrations specially drawn; all material specially compiled. Think of this feature: All fi your mileageured out for g you over the entire Province -the first time this has been at- tempted in the history of motoring. In "The Dunlop Trail" you find every River and Lake trip in Ontario that has a schedule; also special Train trips; combination - Auto, Boat and Train trips; the first complete list ever published of, .laces in Ontario where Summer Hotels are a e located; every Golf Club and Camp Site in the Province, and real information where you want it,about steamer and ferryservices for taking' i autos aboa.rcl. In order to*.eep the circulation of. "The DunlopTrail"in the proper channel a nominal price of fiftycents has been ut-on it. p Any Garage or Tire Dealer in Ontario will take your order for "The Dunlop Trail" or you can procure it direct from this Com- pany at any of the Ontario Offices mentioned below. 1 i Er3 t:r tf:rTG'ri�- hr Y ''>a i rs GOODS lR 1 i M1 HEAD OFFICE AND FACTORIES: 870 Queen St. East, TORONTO. HAMILTON B NCH: 18-24 Park Street South: LONDON BRANCH: 571 ' Richmond Street. OTTAWA BRANCH: Dunlop Building, 306-312 Sparks Ste Dunlop -Tire Makers to Canada for Thirty rears. DUNLOP BALLOON Less it Adore J?-tfort 3 era .....: �ksitronna^-zsxe::•rtnewee•an r teea�ue�rnr=