HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-7-17, Page 4Yo
1,7tho 92
Fall Fair: datee
for Sept. > . 1. and 17th.
e i s..
I1i1 dred Horton of Toronto
is epe�ircliuglies vacation here,
lalnaafi 1nngaxat a ndGradY
s Pen-
hae,'vieltod in Clinton last week.
Mrs. John Snell returned Mor
evening after visiting in Sarnia for
Wix naired Townsend and Mr.
Jackson are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs, jos, Sutton,
111r. and Mrs. Geo. Eiiber, of Cred-
ironrr'were Sunday visitors with Mr:
and Mrs, Frank Taylor,
Mr, and 11Tre. John Ford Sr. of Ex-
eter North, spent a -week iii Detroit,
-with relatives and friends.
Orbic Keetle returned Friday
to -Detroit, ,atter a short visit
with ,ids parents ixi Usborue,
Andrew Eastona
Mr, is a using a
palatal. finger these days, the result
of baying it caught in a pulley.
Mr. W. D. Sanders returned Mon-
day, from. attending the U.F.O. exec-
ittive meeting at Toronto last week,
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Smith, and
faintly, of London, spent: the past
week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pen -
Mrs. J. N. Howard has moved with
her household effects over ,tlie store
premises of Mr. C. L. Wilson, on
Main St.
Misses Lila Snell and Marguerite
g e
Hackney, who have been visiting for
1v week in Detroit, returned home
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamden and
Mrs. Crews, of Toronto, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Bawden last week
and are now camping at Grand Bend.
lylx's, Jos, Statoaareturned from to
visit in London last week,
Nu er o ia. c Clint are reported
an u s oaaapl � l
in town of people's hail! grown chick-
enbeinta allowed to run at large and
doing a lot of damage to garden
ell F '
Mr. and Mrs. Raass aayne and
family end Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Markle
et Brantford, visited for a few days
last week with. Mr. and Mrs. P.
av' li the former's
have been visiting nt
$ g v
mother, Mrs, R, Delbridge, far the
Peat few 'weeks, lett for their house
at:1.11s Ste, Marie, Out, :Tuesday
Mrs. • Gordon u 1 ells and
child who'
tilts. cr ndo �,,
have been visiting with the forrier's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. 5, Davis,
returned, to ,their honne in Windsor
Tuesday morning,
Mrs. J, W. Mallett, and Dorothy
and liennetix Mallett, of London, vis-
ited for a few days last week with
Mr, and Mrs. Bali Heywood, , and on
Saturday, Mr. J, i , Mallett and Mr.
Art Tdynd also of London, visited at
the same iiouie, all returning' to the
city on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Enos Down, who
have just returned from an extend-
ed motor trip to Montreal and other
places in Quebec, spent Tuesday
night and Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs, C. B. Snell. TheY were accom-
panied here by the Misses Emma and.
Pauline Down, of London.
Mr. Eric Joyce, who has been as-
sisting his brother hir. Albert Joyce
in Evangelistic Services at the Tent
on, the corner of William and Gid -
ley streets, returned to his home in
Toronto, Saturday, Mr. T. G. Wil-
key who has been indisposed for
some time, has sufficiently recovered
to join Mr. Joyce in the services.
Miss Tinsman is spend her holi-
days in. London, Sarnia and other'
i nu ,
JulS fln was a quiet day town`
from the standpoint et the Battle of
elle Boyne celebration. A few fife
and drum selections broke the morn-
ing stillness, but all died away as
they drove in cars northward to God-
erich, Mr. John Preszcator, of town
and Mr. George Burden, of Port
Franks., neglected usin the evening,
contrary tp past years, 10,Xeter and
Crediton lodges celebrated iii God
e l g s
oricl_ this year,
Mrs. H. N. Anderson' and son, who.
The Mission Band of the James
St, church held their annual picnic
in Victoria Park, on W ednesday July
nth, with° nearly all the members
present. A very pleasant time was
spent in games of various kinds.
Supper was : served shortly . after
four o'clock, at which every one.
seemed to do ample justice and to
enjoy that event as well or better
t g
than the ames. Two citizens, to
whom we tender our thanks, had
erected swings which added greatly
to the enjoyment of the girls and
The, Treasurer of the Muskoka
Hospital for Consumptives, desires
gratefully to acknowledge the fol-
lowing contributions received in Ex-
eter, by the Field Secretary of the
National Sanitarium Association: -
Jones & May $5, Dr. J. W. Browning
$5, C. F. Hooper $5,.M. R. Complin
$5, Rev. F, E. Clyesdale $2, Rev. W.
E. Donnelly $2, T. Harvey $2, Rev.
Johnston $1, A. R. Iiinsnan, D.D.,
$1; J. S. Harvey $1,'H. C. Rivers $1,
W. S. Cole $1, I. H. N. $1, Sid. 'Davis
$1, M. E. Gardiner $1, Rev: A. A.
Trumper $1, , G. A. Hawkins $1, B.
W. F. Beavers $1, J. Hind $1, Miss
A, Yelland $1, B. M. Francis $1, W.
H. Harness 50c, F. M. Boyle 50c, L.
B. Doyle 50c. totalling $41.50.
118 s
your coon °o .-
Made by Ames Holden Tire >Sc Rubber Co. Limited
will give o ore miles for each
dollar of cost -prove it -test them
with any other tire and
r1frrr ls
:Y,'INYI1miltl"r R, CREDE.P01/
iKie ` Ni)1OVIt,DiaSHWOOD
Mr. Sanx'1 Poplestone visited with HURON '1'Ir (7.'1`,'CI.
his mother here this" week,. surkowrs
Miss Marion Blatchford, of Toron-
to, is 'holidaying at her home here,
bliss Josephine shine Davis has: returned
1 ome after spending her vacation, In
The James St. girls played a game
o soft ball with Cei.tralia on ,Wed-
nesday evening.
Mrs. Otto Isrochem of Chicao,
and 1VIrs.. McGee, of Wallaceburg,
visited with Mrs. Wm, Walker and
other r relatives here during the week.
t e
Master Seldon and „TenureBucaaan-
an who have been here with their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rich.
Terry, t for The past' year and a half,
attending school, returned to their
home in the West Tuesday.
Master Hugh Creech, eon of Mr.
and Mrs. R. N. Creech, while playing
ball at Victoria Park, this week, had
the misfortune to have several ribs
injured in a fall and as a result is
now confined to his home.
Another other column will be found
In .n
an ad for the Westinghouse Perfec-
tion CookingRange, to be demon-,
theHydro Shop, Exeter,
strated at,
on Thurs,, Fri. and Sat., 'July 17th,
1 8t and 19th. This demonstration
will be of remarkable interest' to
Housewives and all such, . who can
spend a short time at any of these
demonstrations, will be well repaid.
Don't miss it.
reported the establishment of an L.
T. L. group by - the organizer, Miss
Duff. An invitation to hold the next
convention in, •Goderich was .receiv-
ed from that branclr:and was accept-
ed. • Mrs. A. McGuire, the president,
occupied the chair: During,the
meetings, a ,resolution of sympathy
was passed to be forwarded to the
editor of""the, White Ribbon Tidings,
Mrs. McAlister, of Galt; who was re-
EXETER, July 7:54 ---'file anembere 1
of the Woxnen'e Christian Tenener-
anee Union, of Huron CountY, held
1 annual con venticn in
tl?oir 27t a a t
Jellies St, Meth. church, Exeter, on
Thursday of last week, with a large
attendance, Enthusiastic sessoins
were held, g durin which the follow-
ing executive was";;eleeted; Honorary
president, Mrs. Daudsou, Goderich;.
Mrs. A. McGuire, Brussels; Vice-
pi'esadent,Mi .' T. Cooper,Clin-
. s A, T
cos. -Sec,, Miss E, Murdock,
Hensall; Treas. Mise M, Bailey, God-
erich "Y" Sec. Miss Deadman, Brus-
selsSec.,Mrs. Geo. Johns
sols: and L T.L..L, ..e
sten, Goderich. Features of the
event were the conference conducted
on O.T.A. vs Government Control, in,
which it was stated that the estab-
lishment of government control
would 'be unwise 'from a temperance
point of view; the, resolution which
was passed expressing the desire of
the membership that no change be
made in the present temperance leg-
islation unless it made for a more
boron In •enforcement and Ciao decis;
t g
log. to carry on a campaign of educa-
tion in order that the issues at stake
in the expected plebiscite be made
thatthe citizens can
clear sovote in-
n „
tel.ligently. •
a ent Reports
1)epaz t aa.
' In the presented reports ' by the
various departments it was shown
that much progress is being made
by the branches. The Blyth member-
ship reported the organization of a
Y.W.C.T.U. and the Exeter members
Supplementary estimates provide
200,000 to assist in cheapening the
carriage of coal from Alberta mines
to Manitoba and Ontario. Few people
will criticize an experiment looking
to the independence of our .country
in a commodity whicli' is used in al-
most every Canalian home.
cently bereavedby death of her bus-
band, Rev. Mr. McAlister,
HAY COUNCIL The officers elected for the follow -
The regular meeting of the council ing year are as follows: Hon. Presi-
of the.Township of Hay, was held indent, Mrs. Davidson, Goderich;Pres:
the Town Hall Zurich on Monday Ju-
ly. 7. All members were present. The Pres., Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Clinton;
minutes of the previous meetings Cor, Sec, Miss E: 11Inrdock, FIensall;
were adoptecl as read. By-law No, 5, Tec. Sec:, Miss A. E.
Consitt, Hen-
1954, re Stephen Drain, was read a sa11 Treas., Miss M. Bailey, "Goder-
third time, and finally passed;. and ich; "Y" Sec., Miss Deadnsan, Brus
Court of -Revision re said drain,- was sels; L.T.L. Sec:; Mrs.' Geo. Johns -
closed. The communication from 1VIr, ton, Goderich.
John Peuhale and others re Black.
Creek, was ordered filed as the mat -
ter referred to is now in the hands of,
hi i lieer. All agree -
the o 1 5
ment was made with Mr. Tlios. Laing
for a lease for one half acre of land,
being Lot' 15, con. 6, Hay township,
for a term of five years. Said land to
be used fol '•a gravel pit. Mr. Noah
Sararas ivii ':appointed as foreman on
work of cleaning out and improving
Masse drain. in accordance 'with En-
gineer's plans, and that said work be
proceeded with as soon as possible.
The- Council of the township of Hay
will enter into an agreement with M.
G. Deitz regarding ;the installation of
the new switchboard of the Zurich
Central office in the Deitz block, and
all material and labor will be suppli-
ed and paid for by M. G,"Deitz. When
occasion .shall require, the switch-
board shall be moved back to the old
location, the said M. G. Deitz to move
it at his own. expense.. Sufficient bonds
to be lodged,, with the Treasurer of
the Township for due performance of
the agreement. A number of ac-
counts were passed.
i SSi illlfl116fIf1ShllIii lJlI1iIhf1 hflhii flli)llIilPJi lIIIII ullhiIIiillilliiil
"Where .do
we sleep?"
"Has someone: called. up by
Long Distance and reserved
CUT rooms `?I ".
If not, you will ,be rimming
a greater rzsk 'this yeax
than last. -Some of the
party, have been' looking fer-
-Ward for weeks,
erha s
to. -this .trip. Double their
enjoyment with the definite
assurance of a good might's
Reserve your rooms by Long
Distance - always - and
make sure they will be wait-
erg for you inn just a
few minutes you wall know.
The evening rate en Station-
-to -Station calls (after 8.80
standard time) is only about
onerhaIf the day rate. 'The
fright rate (afters midnight,
standard titre) is only about
one-quarter the day rate.
Eneri/ Bell ,Telephomxe ie a:
Lon .g'Iristaricr# , tation.
Thee council of .the , Township •of
Stephen, convened' in the Town Hall,
Crediton, an. Monday, Jul} 7t1-1, 11924
at 1 p.m. All members were present.
Minutes read and adopted.
Sw.eitzer-Hayes; That Peter Eisen-.
baclr' be awaeded'thte contract to, erect
euh.a's culvert on Concessions 4 and'
5 far the price sd 59.56 per ,,cable
yard and is to furnish, all material, and
tot build and keep intrepaira, temporary
bridge and that George. I itlber ,be ap-
pointed 'overseer for the construction
of the said work: Carried.
The following orders were passed:
Edwin Fanner. dragging side -road,
$4.50; Centralia Farmers' CO -operative
Co., cement, ¢15.00;;- C. 4. R., 'reight
and express, 3.35; Geo. Eiiber, paint-
ing, S4.00; B. Brown, statute :Ia'car,
Herman Beaver, gravel contract, rd 4,
521.00; Michael F,inkbei,aer, work and
teaming, 541.30; A,a,ron. Wein, tile,
5L60 ; Hydro Electric Coin., acc't.,
517,72; Henry' • Shenk, grading, rd. 4,
56.00; Paul Shenk, comaniss,itoner, rd. 4,
533,73; Wellington Haiet; 'tile, rd. 12,
$6,38; Municipal World, supplies, $9.45;
Dr Williams,, acc't. re .Abri Williams,
al9.s0; Paul Shenk, corn. rd. 1, ,$3,00;
W. Haist, rap. rd. 4, 313.25; -german
Powe, grading, ,etc., rd. 3, -$1e9,05;
Phos Neil, gravelling, Bddulph 13dry•,
510.00 Lows Love, neap. road.,.-llIk. 3,
541.00; W. B. Oliver, removing^R. Can-
ning .613,3 ; W. J. Anderson, tile' for
road 3, 39.10; Lewis Ziler, statute
labor, 36.00.
Council adjourned to 'meet la Cred-
iton, August 4, 1924 at 1 as..m.'l
H. EMBER, Cleri .
Thate having claims a-
all . persns g
gainst the estate o1 WILLIAM
HENRY KE$TLE, late of the Vil-
lage ,
of Exeter, who died on the
Eighth day of July, 1924, are
required to forward their claims,
duly proven, to the undersigned, on
or before; the Eighth day of August,
EN: That after the said date; the.
Executors will proceed to distribute
the estate, having regard only to the
which then shall have
claims of w they yl t
DATED at Exeter, this Ixft er
h day
of July, 1924.
Executors' Solicitors.
Tire death occurred suddenly in
Granton. on July 14th of Raevv. hJ
Hunter, pastor of the Grantoin. Metn-
octsnt church and secretary ;ot the
London Methodist • Conference, • Air.
Hunter went to bed Sunday might in
nkat speemed to be perfect health,113e.
hail only beien, nip a.,(s!holt w,hailie;`btcin,-
da yin • s -ming when he was streke,nl;and
diel beiora a d could be. ,sununotned,
He had always been an. industrious
an,J rr dltgcn warkera, and it is that
lieu of bIt friends that he wo>rl.ed
Mae -self to 1eseiest where. lie .ul:cered
a complete t'e isrealscloevn, and lad .not
the strength to light off de.atit,
IOW n asio-da,iate,,d as, 19 03 et .tie
T�;istoweli- co'a,ierietncc and ,i,.rce that
time has l:ae live. parishes They
were ldarmony5iIhrsch,• Dungannon,
Lambeth and Granton.
He wa^> selected seciretary et the
London, Conference at the meeting ,in
Windsor during the I,i,rst week of
June'Ellis, coupled with his ditties
in the Lointtl,an Epwourth League, tae.
which he was president, inc riiosught
to have brought togs Creech work. {.
lIe is surv,Ivedi by 'axils widow,
formerly bliss Minnie R,oi union, slaugh-
tier of Rev, J, ,,W. Robinson, 'mid two
daughters. 1 -Is is -also survived by one
1:•other, llisv, William Hunter, who ',s
con,noctetl with 'thc !rvletod„s1 church
tri Pennsylvania,
The deceased was borer in Morris
Te'ttrm,f SR, Huron, Gouh7.ty,, and ltd rill
.his early schabiin.g there.
Ailsa Craig; -On Monday night,
July 7th, robber:4 broke' into the Can-,
adieu National Railway, by prying
open a window. A. few' dollars in
silver,were taken from the tillwhich
WAS also pried open, and a valuable
package' is also akiong ther'auissing,
That all persons having 'claims a-
gainst the estate of HUGH - JOIN
MaQDONALD,• late of the. Vil-
lage of Heusall, who died on the
Twenty-third day of May, 1924, are
'required to forward i their claims,.
duly proven, to the undersigned, on
f u
or before the Eighth a day o August
EN: That after the said date, the
Executors • will proceed to distribute
the estate, having regard only to the
claims of which 'thein then shall have
DATED at Exeter, this Fifteenth day
of July, 1924.
Executors' Solicitors.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Fletcher,; spent
Srhruday with 3'lr. and . Mrs. 13. M.
Francis of Exeter.
\Ii,ss Helen Trothan of London is
spending her holidays wall her cousin,
Verna Brock.
Mr. and 1'Irs, F. .Fowler, Mr. !and
trs, G jacjues anti i t spot "Tills i>✓:
'Brock 'took • in Cite Uranige delebrat&az
un G,oidarickb sin Satiirdarp tuiad also}
visited friends 'Sit D1404140n,�
M,r, Naris. ` a retfce F,it -r e anti
an+c! 1 'i�..Odase
girls sp,eait Sunday w,uth
P �
sister, MzS. Wietlhani
Miss Inez Cr,ery,'_oaf Sydenham,
s,peneli g her vacation at her .horse
A4.t, and Mrs, , spent Sin
dar with friends St, vlarys,
r, �
And , s rs'. J, W, Skinner tad, ivjr.
` [M �
and hairs. ,M, Routly called on 'friends.
In St. itVlarys On Sunday evening.
1il]SS Gertse Frances .spent a few, days'
last week with her friend, Mies lea:belles
iilc Cdllagh
Mr. .Ibax,nS �
it a,.of Exeter conducted'
service here last Sunday nm''ag and'
also taught the ,adult Bible 'class in
the Sunday School. Mr. Johnson's
services were much apprecirated.
As there was ,no. church service) here
Sundayevening, quite a. number wen4
to H,ensall to again heear their old'
past. •
' The brick for, Mr. Thomson's new''
househas arrived.
IMr. Byron Hicks was in troronttedosi-
Monday. •
'FM farmers are "beginning to or
their s.1 s with sweet cloven
Mss \Vanda Vlydilliw ;passed her
Theory iexamiination ild music with first
class honors,
'alas. Webster and`,daugliter of nxear-
Toronto as visiting with her fattier,
Mr, Thos. 'Mitchell and other relatives,.
,Mr A. Luxton of South Bend, ds.d.,
is visiting with his uncle, .Mr, Thos.
W illus
Mr. and Mrs, F. Hill el IStritford`- -
visited at the home' of Mr, i . l aloft.
and other friends last Sunday..
1Lrs Anderson and baby of London
are speli:ling a few days at .the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Essery.
Mir. and (Airs, j. Anderson and family
of Philadelphia are spending a few'
days at the home. of Airs: tA. Brooks.
-firs, Tl:as. Neil spent tii,e week end'
in London with her mother, Mrs. Lewis
avho, itt quite ill.
The +alliisses Wilson sonsp ent the week-
end at Be;nmiller. '
Mfrs •Mason. of Parkhill spent the -
week encl with her daughter, ales. Tante
Deposit Your Savin$ in
•aa::,,-;;.;:.:v.H�a•..��..��.�'m\IANks \ •IS, \\ rea •\\
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL $4,000,000
r RESERVE $5,000,000
Our service in 1855 was up -to -date -or even
ahead of the requirements of those ' days. ' In
this year, 1924, we offer the public all modern
banking facilities afforded by a courteous and
efficient staff in our many branches throughout
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Vice -President, JAS. McKI,JNZII{3
JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for
Uaborne and Biddulph. '
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for
Hibbert, Fuilarton and Logan,
Secretary -Treasurer
Box 98 Exeter, Ontario.
(MADMAN & STANl3'CT[i.3'.
Solicitors, Exeter.
OR. V, ROULSTOI , L.D.$ , D.D;
Office over 1.R. Carling t Lae'
, *Rico).
Coloda everi, Wednesday afternoaii:.
D.B. A. B. lfiii NSNITAra, 1141S.D., r),IO.S,
Honor aritd.usts of Toronto D:iv�xa.
Office over (Badman & Stanbury'e-
office, Main Street, Exeter.
We hales a large amount of privet
!undo to loan en farm and villas;
propertieb, at lowest rates of
Barristers, Snlicltara,
Main tic, Exeter. Oxtario
Sales conducted' 'in any locality.
Farm Stock sales a specialty. Satis�»'"
faction guaranteed. Charges mod-
erate, - Orders left at this office will-'
be promptly attended to. P.R., No.,
1, Rirkton. Phone Irirkton 54r2.