HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-12-18, Page 3TOWNSHIP OF
The Township of East Wawanosh and Snow
Plowmen SHALL NOT be responsible for damage
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LLOYD CASEMORE of Wingham does not look the
least bit afraid of these odd-looking structures on a re-
cent trip to Holland. They are "Ball Houses", a new type
of housing unit built by the Dutch government to save
Afternoon Unit
Visits Lodge
BELGRAVE — The after-
noon unit of the Belgrave
UCW held its Christmas
valuable space. They are designed for couples with no
children and the rent is approximately $1 75 Canadian
per month.
Lloyd Casemore enjoys
recent European trip
meeting at the Bray Lodge; Wingharn's goodwill an-
Wingham, Dec. 10 at 2 p,.m. bassador to Europe, Lloyd
The residents joined in the "Casey" Casemore, recently
• singing of carols with Mrs. returned from another stay
Glenn Coultes at the piano. overseas and as usual has
Mrs. Ross Higgins opened made a number off keen
with "Lord Bless Each observations about the
Merry Christmas" and "We Dutch and their lifestyle.
Too Are Bidden". Mr. Casemore termed his
Mrs. William Fenton read most recent trip "the best
"Christmas Is the Time". ever" and renewed many
The poem "This Time of acquaintances with Dutch
Year" was shared by Mrs. friends, even taking part in
Sara Anderson and Mrs. 01- the Dutch, celebration of
ive Bolt. Mrs. Glenn Coultes Christmas on Dec. 6.
gave "The Priceless Gift of Although he was far away,
Christmas" and "A Christ- Mr. Casemore kept up with
mas Prayer". the news at home by having
Christmas cake and cook- his copies of The Advance-
ies were served and a social Times and Crossroads
time enjoyed. mailed directly to Holland.
Mrs. Mildred Vannan, on He reports receiving one
behalf of the group of resi- paper in only four days.
dents, thanked the ladies of Holland is the place where
the UCW for their visit. the 1960s never ended, says
Mr. Casemore. But the
Dutch are not a people who
'give up easily, otherwise
they would have lost their
vulnerable low lands long
ago to the ceaseless attacks
Camels were once used to
transport -passengers and
mail on the Caribou Trail in
British Columbia.
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I, is
of the North Sea. said the government of that
The Dutch people seem to country has decided against
think that little real purpose imposing speed limits on
is served by locking up expressways. The decision
prisoners with fellow was denounced by the West
criminals to serve out long German environmentalists,
sentences in resentment and but is expected to please the
country's legion of fast
Back in Holland, Mr.
Casemore reported the
Dutch government is
building a new type of low-
cost rental unit. They are
known 4s the "Ball Houses".
In one new subdivision, 99 of
these new homes have been
built. They are constructed
in groups of three on one lot.
These odd-looking houses
are designed for couples with
no children. Mr. Casemore
said the rent works out to
approximately $175
Canadian per month.
While visiting friends in
Ieper, Belgium, Mr. Case -
more had the opportunity of
hearing The Last Post play-
ed at Mein Gate, as has been
done every night at eight
o'clock except during the
war years of 1940-45. At 8
p.m., he said, all traffic is
stopped. '
On the walls of Mein Gate,
are the names of over 55,000
Allied soldiers of World War
II who have no known grave.
One example of the Dutch
attitude concerns the taking
of illicit drugs, Although
smoking marijuana is of-
ficially illegal, the Am-
sterdam council has ac-
cepted that it is better to let
it go on in a controlled and,
regulated way in clubs which
are partlysubsidized by the
city. A new city on the out-
skirts of Amsterdam is home
to many "junks", or addicts
4,.s„ the Duteh people call
item. • Mr. Casemore
reported in the centre of this
new eitY is a"shed", a two -
room structure where ad-
dicts go to take drugs under
the supervision of the police.
"At least we know where
they are," the police com-
mandant has been reported
as saying.
"Kill the Pope, Kill the
Pope," was the angry
"welcome" many Dutch
people had for Pope John
Paul II when he visited the
Netherlands last May, which
made foreigners realize
Holland ,isn't all windmills
and wooden shoes, reports
Mr. Casemore.
There evenis a program to
encourage artists and
sculptors in a most practical
way, he says. If no one will
buy an artist's works, the
government buys'them and
stores the work in
warehouses. Mr. Casemore
said he visited one of these
warehouses in Bosch.
One issue that does divide
the Dutch is whether 48
American cruise missiles
should be deployed 'n
Holland. These rockets,
pointed at the Soviet Union, "
would be part of a total
deployment of 572 Pershing
and cruise missiles, weapons
approved by NATO to
counter new installations of
Soviet SS -20 missiles aimed
at Western Europe.
In early November, the
Dutch government approved
the installation of the
missiles by a very close vote.
Mr. Casemore said he spoke
to many Dutch citizens and
found that 75 per cent are not
in favor of the missile
deployment. An election is
scheduled for next year in
the Netherlands .and Mr.
Casemore reports deploy-
ment of the U.S. missiles
could be the main focus of
the election.
On a side trip to West
Germany, Mr. Casemore°
WMS holds
Dec. meeting
Christmas meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society
of the Melville Presbyterian
Church was held recently at
the home of Mrs. Isabel
Gibson with 11 members and
one visitor present.
Mrs. Margaret McLeod,
president, opened the
meeting with a poem from
Psalm 100, "Make a Joyful
Noise Prayer", by Mrs.
Helen Elliott. Mrs. McLeod
is to lead the prayer at the
annual meeting of the WMS
-at the presbyterial in
Wingham in January.
Mrs. Isabelle Adams read
a Vetter from Alen Waltlock,-
who is a missionary in
Zambia and whose parents
live in Molesworth.
The roll call was answered
by a Christmas verse. The
hymn "His Name Is Won-
derful" was sung.
Several members read
about the Christmas story
and a carol was sung bet-
ween each reader. A
discussion on Christmas
Mrs. Mc-Leod closed the
meeting with prayer. A
Christmas lunch was served
by Mrs. Martin, assisted by
the hostess
For i of a 4-H Beef Sneer
The Wingham Advance -Times, Dec. 18, 1985—Page 3
Mrs. Greig to head
Gorrie church r roup
GORRIE — Mrs. Mel
Greig was elected president
of the Gorrie United Church
Women when the Christmas
meeting was held in the
church on the llth. She
succeeds Mrs. Raymond
Other officers are: first
vice president, Mrs. Dewitt
Adams; recording secret-
ary, Mrs. Robert Gibson;
corresponding secretary,
Mrs. Eileen Johnston; treas-
urer, Mrs. Ronald Mann;
pianist; Mrs. Velma Mann.
The new slate of officers was
presented by Mrs. Edna
The Christmas theme was
presented by the Christian
Development committee.
Mrs. Robin Bolander and
Mrs. Lorne Mann opened
devotions with the reading,
"Innkeeper's Lament",
followed by passages of
scripture interspersed with
carols. A duet, "Star of the
East" litg by Mrs. Gowdy
and Mrs. Bolander, was
much appreciated. Mrs.
Donna Nay read a Christmas
story written in three phases
and worship closed with the
singing of carols.
Business was conducted by
Mrs. Gowdy. A successful
treasurer's report was given
and money was voted to be
donated to the board of
stewards. An invitation was
received frons Exeter to the
annual Huron -Perth Presby-
terial on January 27.
The meeting closed with
the president thanking mem-
bers for their cooperation
during the past two years.
Fruit salad plates were
served by the lunch commit-
tee and a social half-hour
was enjoyed.
Education is theme
of WI Dec. meeting
en's Institute met recently
with Mrs. Fina Boonstra
giving the devotions. The roll
call, a school the members
attended and what it's ussed
for now, was answered.
Mrs. T. Klaassen gave the
motto: There are few suc-
cessful adults who were not
first successful. She told the
story of a large man at
McMaster University, who
was kind and wouldn't hurt
anyone. Today that man,
Lincoln Alexander, is lieu-
tenant -governor of Ontario.
Three guest speakers
addressed the topic of
"Education — Yesterday,
Today and Tomorrow". The
first speaker was Mrs. N.
Fairies, who told of teaching
in a one -room school near
Oshawa, ' teaching eight
grades at once in cold rooms
with no indoor plumbing.
They even had to . heat soup
on the stove for lunch. Mrs.
Fairies also said ..she has
filled in as a supply teacher:
Mrs. J. Wilson of Fordwich
was the second speaker. She
teaches.. Kindergarten and
Grade 3 at Hillcrest School in
Teeswater and works in the
afternoon with children who
have learning disabilities.
Mrs.' Wilson had videotaped
the children participating in
all activities and this was
shown to the members
present on a TV screen. Mrs.
Wilson, who has taught for 17
years, works with 24 pupils
and there are 12 classrooms.
Mrs. Wilson brought along
a computer (there are two at
the school) on which the
children can play 25 games
from one disc.
The third speaker was
Wayne Stewart, who teaches
the younger children at the
Howick Central School. He
spoke of the future when a
computer could be in every
classroom, possibly on every
desk. He said children must
be taught about robots and
computers that feed pupils
information. Mr. Stewart
predicted a lot of changes in
schools and even how teach-.
ers spend their evenings
preparing for the next day's
Mrs. L. Ruttan read a
story on the Indians, follow-
ed by a sing -along. The
meeting closed with lunch.
WMS group holds
December meeting
December meeting of the
Belgrave WMS was held at
the home of Mrs. Ivy Cloak-
ey Dec. 9.
Mrs. Mac Scott presided
and opened with the call to
worship and followed the
Christmas service .4n Glad
Tidings. "Away in a Man-
ger" was sung. Scripture
frome Luke 2 was read by
Mrs. Cloakey. "Holy Night,
Peaceful Night" was sung.
Mrs. Scott read a scripture
passage. Mrs. Garner
Nicholson led in prayer.
The secretary's report was
given by Mrs. Robena Mc-
Burney and Mrs. Agnes
Youngblut gave the .treasur-
er's report. The program
committee was named: Mrs.
Nicholson and Mrs. Cloakey.
Roll call was answered
with a Christmas verse.
Each person present read a
poem or Christmas story.
Mrs. Scott closed the
meeting..' with prayer and ,
lunch was served by the
LESLEY PIKE, a junior student at the Wingham Public
School, did a fine job as master of ceremonies at last
Christmas assembly at the school.
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Draw to be made Sat., Dec. 21/85