HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-12-11, Page 2.,
Page 2—The Wingham Advance -Times, Dec. 11, 1985
GRACEHAVEN—More than 75 persons attended an open house at Gracehaven, the
new home for seniors in Fordwich. The holes is situated on Albert St. East. Accom-
modation can be provided for eight or nine residents. (Staff Photo)
HOSTESSES—Lisa Sanderson, left, and Stephanie
Long helped Grace and Robert Sanderson greet guests
attending open house at Gracehaven in Fordwich. (Staff
Fumace installations
Furnace and chimney cleaning
24 hour emergency service
We also install hi -efficiency oil burners
WINGHAM 357-3641
Home for seniors
open§ at Fordwich
F ORLD% IC1•II Mitre than
75 : r5 torp ,,iropped 1 rl at
"l,'rac'eha` en during the
weekersd,wtt>i ai an open house
was held to murk the opening
of this hone for seniors in
the community
The home, whsch can
accommodate eight u' nine
persons. Is 14 tila.ted on Albert
St l:dst
Gracie Sanderson, w no
operates the hones, w ill h,
assisted by her-dilughtcr
A Registered Nurser
Assistant, Mrs Sanderson
has six )eats u( experience
working in nur•is,ing home
and for thr, s' Years worked
out of the Vl Iip;ham office of
Town an 1 Country Horne -
She says t,h'• derided to
open a a violence in Ford-
wich st, torsi people who are
unable to continue living In
their own hi stew would not
have to lee it. friends and
New nursing director
is hired at Callander
BRUSSELS — The Callan-
der Nursing Home welcomes
Mrs. Yvonne Struke, its new
director off nursing. Mrs.
Struke is from Hanover,
where she was employed as
head nurse in the chronic -
care unit of the Hanover
A number of children from
the Brussels Mennonite
Fellowship sang hymns at
the Nov. 24 morning service
at the nursing home and in
the afternoon. Donald
Dunbar entertained at the
piano, after which the
Mennonite choirs from Ethel
and Zion Churches made
Debbie Trollope led the
Monday bingo recently with
Bill Close winning the trophy
again and Bessie Mc-
Cutcheon a close second by
one game.
Euchre was enjoyed on
Tuesday with the residents
Sympathy is extended to
Mrs. Adeline Smith in the
passing of her sister, Mrs.
Sally Orwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Hayward visited recently
with their grandmother,
Mrs. Stella Winn.
Exercises and other ac-
tivities took place Thursday
morning and a film about
Christmas was shown in the
afternoon. Jaek1 Stewart of
Oshawa visited with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Stewart, who are Callander
Church: Diredo
you to
St. Andrew's. Presbyterian Church
359 Centre Street
• Church 357-1340 — Res. 357-2865
Pastor. Rev. Douglas V. Whitelaw B.A.
Christmas Cantata
Sunday, December 15, 1985
7:30 p.m.
Come and Enjoy an Evening of Music
Everyone Welcome
Wii gbatnrt Pentecostal Clturcl)I
359 Centre Street,
Church 357-1340 - Res.
Pastor: Rev' Douglas V.
Whitelaw B.A.
' SUN., DECEMBER 15, 198'5
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
1 1 :00 a.m. - Morning Worship Service
7:00 p.m. - Christmas Concert
Listen to "Moods and Thoughts for a Sunday"
Sundays 8 a.m. to 12 noon on FM102
21 7 Minnie St.
Sunday, Dec. 15
945 am
Sunday School
11 00 a.m
Morning Worship
700 p.m
Sunday School .
Christmas Concert
Third Sunday
of Advent
Minister Rev J Rea Grant
Organist Mr Hap Swatridge
Church . 357-2961
Manse - 357-1072
St. Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
8:00 a.m. - Men's Communion & Breakfast
Speaker: John Cruickshank
11:00 a.m. - Holy Communion
Sunday School
Staff and Students will entertain the congrega-
tion at noon hour
'* * * O * * *
Minister: Rev. D. Madge
w w a w w♦♦ -
1 :1 5 p.m. - Trinity, Belgrave
Last Frldr' y' morning Mrs
Ann Smith acus at the piano
and Mrs Karen Cardiff,
Mrs. Jean Evans and Mrs
Jeannette Bilynton led the
discussion It, .the afternoon
In the event the monthly
Mennonite Fellowship
service was held with Mrs
Margaret McLeod reading
the scripture,
Unit holds
dinner and
GOI(1(1l Unit Four of
the United .'hurch Women.
held as lot luck dinner in the
church on ThiirSday,at 6 pm
Miss Margaret Uaane and
fanlike! surroundings;
' Ln r'ger cent re.. hp ve
I eo.ors' apartments. but this
is net alive s the case in
stn 0: townts, so thcst' people
sh,n ha ve to Ie ve their
triends and nevg tars " she
"tib heo my r, itlhhur was in
th.s posItlw'i 1 thirught t
'night be able to do
seen., lung ice- her and others
in I. ordy'ich and have a new
career ha myself "
MrSanderson has pre-
ser')Ied the home -like at-
mosphere o1 the house.
The kitchen has a dining
area and an adjoining space
for conversation and tele-
vision ,., watching. Comfort-
able chairs are grouped
around a woodsltove which
will be used for bread -
Mrs Sanderson admits she
knows little about the history
of the house She is hoping
local residents can provide
some information
' For t he open house.
I;I•tie ehaven Was decorated
with floral arrangements
and ( 'lout Mali OHM MOON
01h11t'I•s were greeted by,
Mrs Sandi slime Lisa San
der P41111, M I'S Saanderson's
husband and thein' neighbor
Stephanie Long
HOMEY ATMOSPHERE—A wvoodsfove is the local Po,
Gracehaven, the new sensors' residence in Fordwich 0
hopes the baking .of homemade bread will be among activrtn,
Y 1414 i
Trinity ACW opens
meeting with dinner
FORUWICH -- The Trl• ty Daunt to be in charge of
Anglican Church Women gifts.
held their Christmas Secret Pals names were
meeting In the church exchanged for the coniintj
basement last - Thursday
evening, commencing with a
turkey dinner tit 7 p,m. Mrs.
Glenn Johnston was in
Following the dinner Mrs.
Johnston was thanked by
Mrs, J. W. Daunt on behalf of
the group.
Mrs. Doug Bunker
Mrs Itayi n and (iswdy were welcomed the 40 in al-
•io charge of the Christmastcndarnce land Mrs. Aline
program Mrs (;rowdy react Hargrave led in devotions
scripture 1,.i In tete Gospels uy.with Mrs,
Bill Sothern
andSt. Matthew and St Luke, atetating,
which With trrspt'rsed with The roll call was anaawered
singing ul ,• ar'I,IK with Mi•s with a gift for the Fordwich
Harold 11yrrdnro aI Iht' nursing home. Mrs.' Harold
piano Bev )on 1�ia1;h spoke
Foster reported that 14 bales
on "Whirr Ir, Right with the have been packed and sent
United ('hurl h Vb'cirnon'' north. The ladies also were
reminded to remember the
shut -Ins at Christmas with.
Mrs. Wally Nixon and Mrs.
Mrs Pugh installed lhe
officers lot' 11816,: I'aast
president is Mrs Jur Sim
mons, pra'nle c'nt, Mrs Lionel
Johnston, forst vire
president • • Mrs 'Itoherl
Edgar, seer,!lury,. Mr's Ivan
Haskins, assistant, Mrs
Melville ' Derinrs, nisi:4urer;
Mrs; Brut'e • Ituher tson •
flowers; tan.1 cheer, Mrs
Robert h'eri',uson, catering,
1V1rs Itchen Iiolan(ler•,
cornntur111) .'t'i('n(L'1hil.), Mrs,
('loyne 'MI, het, pr•ograanl,
Mr's 14111 'Val)' and Mrs
Itohr1 I:.iy tu•.. . 1101111 n'a t it1g
committee, MI'ti Simmons,
Mrs It • G )wdy, quilting
c•onunittee. Mrs Smiroo11a,
Mrs Geurgc. I4rown, pianist,
Mrs Haaridd Hyndrnun,
telephone committee,. Mrs
(' Cooke, pars M 1)t'nnis
Mrs M 'Taylor, Mr's
Gowdy, Mrs 11 Ilyndinan '
Mrs Summons conducted
the business flans .were
'lade to '('711 ('111 b.'r' the
shutnln and a donation wa►5
ma(c to the general 1,'('W
Mr's Simmons • ther1
t'elulyulshe,I her office to
M)'s .1(111nnton and the
n}eeling clu;(Y1 with prayer
The January meeting will
1M' held at the hu710' 7)1 Mrs
Allan I1y 'Oman on January 6
Mrs Bunker, presldent,ia)r
the past year, WW1 thanked
-for her leadership Mrs
WW1( will be. president for
1986. -
A Christmas ptirty for the
-children is scheduled for
Dec 15. Rev. William Gray
has announced the Christ -
mas Eve service will be held
in Trinity Church al 9::10
p.m. ,and church members
and fr4ends will be caroling
on Dec. 22 at 7:30 p.m. Those
interested are asked to meet
at the church building.
Carols were Hung, led by
Mrs. tan Marsh and EIver
Foster, The meeting closed
with a prayer and gift. ex-
change The ladies also
exchanged cookies and
White -gift service is
held at United Church
• BRUSSELS. - The 1905
While -Gift Service was
conducted°-• Sunday by the
children of the •United
.Church.. The youngsters
entered from ttie backlit' the
'church and proceeded. to
reserved seats al the front.
Following the call. to'
Nine tables were in play at
the weekly euchre which waa
held in the WI• hall Wednes-
day evening, December 4'
Whiners were: high lady,
Mrs Pearl She'll, novelty
Iasi)', Mrs Garner Nichol-
srurl, low lady, Mrs Verene
Boni', high man, Leslie Vie -
corn ,
incr'nl, novelty man, I,t'WIS
Stonehouse, low man, Mel
•Iacklin •
There will be euchre•ugani
this Wednesday starting, at
8 00 p m I':veryone isi wel•
I- MRs 0e. 'Rrie BROWN
Gerrie Personal Notes
Mr and Mrs, .lames
Alcorn speer. 1h(' W1'1+14'4'10
I "neon 1'ls1l.11g Mr and Airs
Doug Alcorn, Kris and('herl,
a,id 4111e111rd a concert
.presented 'iy the General
Midnr14 ('ho r of c)shawai in
Saunders S.''ondlry School
Mrs ( MY Ia ! )etlor, a sister of
MIN .lames Alcorn who 1s in
the chino joined them on
Saro slay Tor iTa nate r
Mr' and Mrs (;serge
[ire wn w,•11' guests at the
Sch erulga Pardon wedding
In Cha Mows 1'reshyleriaul
('hal (h V, hili church, on
11'] Thi• reception
In 1')e ( (slnlnllnity('entre.
1.nck• ii
W', Ileslel SI rung is a
peel, nt 171 W ng ha ,771(1
ihstr , I Ilu' pilaf
()el hu' alit .lerrlck Ama1s,.
Dant'' le ,ori 'Tiffany of
W'alal ,rr Ito ail visited) the
former s gl andn)olher 11,-14
A 1. Stephens
Mr and Mrs l;nrdun
Malan enIerla1ned • at 0
family runner on Sunday In
honor of hie birthday of their
mol her, 51rs Sheldon Mann
Present were Mr and Mrs+
Lorne Maun,4Mr aid Mrs
Jack Mann, Mr and Mrs
Ron Mann, Ms Marilyn
Mann and fr'r'nd of Clinton,
MI ant; Slrs ('larrrrr•e
McCallum of V ngha01
Mr and Mrs Alvin
Grainger and Gary, 1111 2,
roxeter. ai(c orn pa n led by
Mrs A 1. Mt'ephei'ts MY ii nil
Mrs Wayne Williams, ('het
;171(1 Drew of 1111 1, 1•Istu'vel,
51 r and Mrs (;res Stephens
of Innerkip. Mr and Mrs;
Jerrrl'k Ames, Ilane'lle and
Tiffany of Hawaii, spent
St)n(1a)t al 0 family gathering
ai the home of Mr and Mrs.
W <)�
tie .Stet co.'. Lira rna lea
worship, a carol, "Come
Thou Long •Expected Jesus",
was sung. This was followed
by the Grades 3 and 4 class
presenting (he Advent
Wreath. The senior choir
sang a song, as , did the
nursery and primary Sunday
School clastics
The senior class sang
"Mary Had a Baby" and the
carol "On a Day When Men
Were' Counted" The story
presentation was "Only a
Stable'.'.. . -
The presentation of white
gifts was .held and Mrs
Bonnie, Jacklin favored the
congregation. with a solo • A
prayer 'and the singing of
"Away in a Manger"
After the service the
congregation joined in
fellowship at a pot -luck
dinner and the children were
presented with Christmas
Black Forest
E3nvelr lain
Butt Chops
We are still here• and hay.s
for you le our rot,
A,ma your I(•& )J, )CO, lot 044- !ti
B Line Wet of Jose
Granny 10's,
Butter Tarts
Se'l111e'iclt'r's 900 gr.
Whole• ('111.1111 lirc'lulrcl -
Fried Chicks
S 'IilleI(trr's, No. 1
Wieners .
Nalhuh ;i(it) gr. V. i'atc h
Post '100 1;r. --
Bran Flakes .
('lover I.c.11 7
Pink. Salmon
1'r'rill I3a1.sI(t'1M trim'(
Large Ot-ainges,, !Ione.
also I'tc•s,Il Gees,' art lilt
Store !lours
Moil•..Sin. 7 :40 77I',711. l(
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Thos►' :157 2240, •1,'r
Fantastic Selection...
Greatly Reduced Prices!
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Quality, More Selection and
Value for most
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