HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-12-04, Page 123tions. Prerequisite is Grade 10 or Level lll. CAMBRIDGE Mon. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks. Jan. 13 $27 GUELPH, Tues. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks. Jan. 14 $27 STRATFORD Wed. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks. Jan. 15 $27 WATERLOO Mon. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks. Jan. 13 $27 OR Tues. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks. Jan. 14 $27 Science ID (Technical) - 5130030 A Topics include: Heat, Water, Air, Sound, Light, Mechanics, Electricity, Magne- tism, Metallurgy and Biology. Prerequi- site is Grade 8 or Mathematics II. WATERLOO Thurs. 7-9:30 p.m. 12 wks. Jan. 16 $23 Science IV (Chemistry) - 5150020 A Topics include: Matter, Atomic Struc- ture, Aggregates of Atoms and Molec- ules, Language of Chemistry, Chemistry of Water, Ionization, Acids, Bases and Salts and Families of Elements. Prere- quisites are Grade 10 (or Mathematics III) and Science III - Chemistry or equiva- lent. WATERLOO Wed. 7-9:.30 p.m. 12 wks. Jan. 15 $23 Science IV (Physics) - 5130020 A Topics include: Measurement and Math- ematical Operation, Fluid Mechanics, Ki- nematics, Dynamics, Heat Vibration and Wave motion, Light and Sound, Static and Current Electricity, and Modern Physics. Prerequisites are Grade 10 (or ;,I .thematics III) and Science III - Chem, iffry or equivalent. WATERLOO Thurs. 7-9:30 p.m. 12 wks. Jan. 16 $23 Preparatory Biology - 5050030 , A This course will enable students to in- crease their knowledge in biology. Top- ics will include cell structure: genetics, muscles and bones; the endoctrine, ner- vous, circulatory, respiratory and excre- tory systems; nutrition and the digestive system; reproduction; drugs; and micro- biology. Students will be expected to read and interpret related technical in- formation. Note: This is a credit course and will be of benefit to persons desiring entry to a career in the health professions such as the Diploma Nursing program. DOON Tues. &Thurs. 7-10 p.m. 13 wks. Jan. 21 $78 LOCATION: Health Sciences Division, 40 Green St., Kitchener ADULT LEARNING Facilitating Adult Learning - 1170010 A This course is offered as a practical orientation for anyone interested it maximizing his/her teaching effective- ness within the field of adult education. Building on the principles of learning and the concept of the adult learner, partici- pants will study the design, delivery and evaluation of adult education programs for both formal or institutional and infor- mal or community-based settings. While the course is designed to cover such concepts as learner orientation, teach- ing methodology, learning objectives, student evaluation, and program evalua- tion, the time spent on these and any re- lated topics will be based in part on the needs of the group. DOON Wed. 7-10 p.m. 6 wks. Jan. 22 $23 Fee includes $5 for course materials. AUTOMOTIVE Auto Mechanics For Women - 4470190 S This basic course includes theory and practical shop work. Topics include: starting a car in difficult weather, oil change, minor repairs. It is preferable that students have their own set of basic tools. GUELPH Wed. 6-9 p.m. 10 wks. Jan. 22 $81 . OR Sat. 9 a.m.-12 noon 10 wks. Jan. 18 $81 Automotive Electrical And Carburetion Systems - 4470200 S This course will be of interest to both beginners and more advanced students who wish to know the operation of and have a working knowledge of electrical and carburetion systems and compo- nents for automotive engines. The em- phasis is on theory with some opportuni- ty for practical applications which will assist students when doing repairs them- selves or having repairs done. GUELPH Thurs. 7-9:30 p.m. 10 wks. Jan. 23 $25 Diesel Update For Licenced Mechanics - 4470210 A This course is for Class A Mechanics who wish to update their skills in diesel motive power. Topics include: types of diesel engines, components, fuel sys- tems, lubrication, cooling and electrical. Class A Mechanics who successfully complete this 60 hour course may write the Diesel Endorsement exam. GUELPH Tues. & Thurs. 7-10 p.m. 10 wks. Jan. 2j $60 Do -It -Yourself Auto Mechanics - 4470220 S Students who have a basic understand- ing of automotive repair will learn how to make their own repairs. Topics include: Tune-ups, electrical and cooling system maintenance and repairs, etc. It is pref- erable that the students have their own tools. .rt -time Courses CULL4h9 M vn. 6-9 p.m. 10 wks. Jan. 20 $81 OR Thurs. 6-9 p.m. 10 wks. Jan. 23 $81 Propane Vehicle Installers - 4470230 A This course is for licenced Motor Vehicle Mechanics only. It was developed by the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Energy Fuel Safety Branch Technical Standard Division. The objec- tives are to train personnel to install, re- pair and alter propane carburetion in au- tomotive applications competently in the interest of public safety and consumer confidence and to complete the (S6A) examination successfully to be certified as a Propane Fuel System. GUELPH Tues. & Thurs. 7-10 p.rn. 4 wks._ Jan. 14 $71 Fee includes $7.50 for supplies. Note: No refunds will be issued after the start of the first class. Propane VehlcleJnspectlon - 4470240 A This course is for licenced mechanics who hold S6A Propane Fitter Certifi- cates. The course was developed by Centennial College in co-operation with the Ontario provincial government's Min- istry of Energy and Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. The objec- tives are ,to train personnel to perform propane vehicle inspection competently in the interest of public safety and con- sumer confidence and to complete the examination successfully to be certified as a propane vehicle inspector. GUELPH Tues. & Thurs. 7-10 p.m. 2 wks. Feb. 25 $50 Fee includes $7.50 for supplies. Note: Refunds will only be processed if request is received three working days prior to the start date. Basic Servicing And Repair Of Small Engines - 4210090 This is a practical course for the person who wishes to diagnose problems and make repairs to all types of small en- gines. Students may work on their own small engines in class with the assist- ance of the instructor. GUELPH Tues. 7-10 p.m. 10 wks. Jan. 7 $30 Advanced Servicing And Repair Of Small Engines - 4210100 S Prerequisite to this course is the Basic course or its equivalent. This is a practi- cal course and students may work on their own small engines in class with the assistance of the instructor. Students will receive advanced instruction on car- buretors and overhauling engines similar to the Basic course. GUELPH Thurs. 7-10 p.m. 10 wks. Jan. 9 $30 33