HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-12-04, Page 120FOR HEALTH
Responding to the requests made by
Health Professionals within the commu-
nity, Conestoga College's Continuing
Education Department will offer courses
to address the current needs in various
health care areas.
These courses are designed for people
involved in helping professionals, as well
as those with special personal interest in
a specific topic
Holistic Health - 3010090 S
Health professionals who want a differ-
ent and refreshing viewpoint of healing
patterns, are able to utilize techniques
investigated in relation to a wide vareity
of topics such as therapeutic touch, mu-
sic therapy, colour therapy, and kinesiol-
og y.
Wed. 7-10 p.m. 10 wks.
Jan. 22 $30 LOCATION: Health Sciences
Division, 40 Green St., Kitchener
Overview Of Human Anatomy
And Physiology - 5050060 A
This course is intended for those who
need review in Biology to update their
knowledge and for those with a general -
interest to learn about the subject.
This is a non-credit course.
The main focus of this course is to pro-
vide the student with an overview of ba-
sic human anatomy and physiology. The
body systems included are the Integu-
n'fentary, Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascu-
lar, Digestive, Urinary, Respiratory, Ner-
vous and Endoctrine Systems. Related
medical terminology will also be includ-
ed with an emphasis on prefixes, suf-
fixes and combining forms.
Wed. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 22 $36 LOCATION: 70 Westmount
Psychogeriatrics - 3050260 S
Society's changing attitudes toward the
aged and the emergence of aging as an
identifiable stage in the life cycle provide
the environment for the development of
psychogeriatrics as a specialty within
health care practice. The extent of psy-,
chological, and psychiatric problems in
the elderly necessitates attention to their
unique psychodynmaics. This course
provides an overview of the aging pro-
cess as it relates to mental health and
illness. It will include mental health as-
sessment and the management of com-
mon psychogeriatric problems seen in
the elderly in hospitals and in the com-
munity. The emphasis will be on the in-
terventions health professionals should
find most useful in working effectively
with the aged and their families.
Wed. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 22 $36
Mon. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 20 $36 LOCATION: 70 West -
mount Rd.
Preparatory Biology
Please refer to page 33 for more infor-
Understanding Disease:
Interpreting Lab Tests - 3050210 A
The purpose of this course is to present
health professionals with an outline of
the pathology of common diseases seen
in hospital patients. It will also empha-
size the use of laboratory tests to aid in
diagnosis, and in the anticipation •of haz-
ards to the patient and hospital commu-
nity. The course will be essentially prac-
tical in outlook, rather than academic, to
develop a more useful Iiasion with the
laboratory, and enable the health pro-
fessional to control situations to the
benefit of patients and staff. Topics will
include hematology, biochemistry, mi-
crobiology and tissue pathology,
Wed. 7-10 p.m. 10 wks.
Jan. 22 $30
Basic Massage - 3010100 S
Touch is., important to everyone. This
massage course offers the opportunity
to learn basic techniques to ease the
aches and stress of daily living. The
class provides limited theory and plenty
of practical experience in the 'How to's
of basic relaxation massage. Itwill be of
particular interest to health care profes-
sionals and sports enthusiasts who wish
to enhance their skills in the proper use
of basic massage within the guidelines of
their own practice. Itis not intended for
those wishing to become professional
massage therapists.
This course will be taught by a Regis-
tered Massage Therapist licensed by the
Ontario Government.
CLINTON (Goderich)
Thurs. 7-10 p.m. 6 wks.
Jan. 23 $18
Sat. 9 a.m.-12 noon 6 wks.
Jan. 25 $18 LOCATION: Health Sciences
Division, 40 Green SI.,Kitchener
Wed. 7-10 p.m. 6 wks.
Jan. 22 $18
Sat. 9 'a.m.-1:30 p.m. 4 wks.
Jan, 25 $18
Thurs. 7-10 p.m. 6 wks.
Jan.23 $18 LOCATION: Health Sci-
ences Division
Note: Students are requested to bring 2
sheets, a pillow, coconut or almond mas-
sage oil and a bathing suit to class.
No refunds will be issued after the start
of the first class:
NOTE: To enrol in any of the following
courses, applicants must provide a pho-
tocopy of their current College of Nurses
of Ontario Certificate of Competence as
a Registered Nurse. Recent graduates of
nursing programs in the Province of On-
tario who have written thelast scheduled
Canadian National Testing Service Ex-
amination to qualify as a Registered
Nurse are eligible to apply. Recent
Conestoga graduates waiting to write the
next scheduled examinationsare also eli-
Coronary Care Nursing - 3050180 A
This course has been designed to pro-
vide Registered Nurses with knowledge
of the • care of the patient with Car.-
diovascular disorders.
Anatomy and „physiology are studied in
detail with emphasis on myocardial con-
traction, electrophysiology, control
mechanisms of the heart and car-
diovascular parameters. Topics dis-
cussed also include patients with patho-
logical disorders and disease processes.
In addition, the module includes a study
of nursing interventions and an in -class
Laboratory skills component including ar-
rhythmia interpretation and. treatment,
assessment of the cardiovascular pa-
tient, hemodynamic monitoring and spe-
cial patient testing procedures.
Note: The required learning package
and text must be purchased prior to the
first class because familiarity with the
contents is.essential.
CLINTON (Exeter)
Tues. 7-10 p.m. 13 wks.
Jan. 21 $82 LOCATION: South Huron
Hospital, Exeter
Mon. 7-10 p.m. 13 wks.
Jan. 13 $82
Tues. 7-10 p.m. 13 wks.
Jan. 14 $82 LOCATION: 70 Westmount
Rd., Rm. A4
Fee includes $22 for course materials.
Pharmacology For Today's Nurse -
3050190 A
Today's nurse must have a current body
of knowledge concerning drugs and
their effects. The variety of drugs used in
the treatment and prevention of disease
has increased dramatically during the
past decade.
This course provides an innovative ap-
proach to the study of pharmacology us-
ing a nurse and a pharmacist as team
teachers. Emphasis is on the body tis-
sues, and cells within specific disease
states. Clinically specialized case stud-
ies ensure the practical application of
this knowledge.
Mon. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 20 $36
Wed. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 22 $36 LOCATION: 70 Westmount
Rd., Rm. C10
Physical Assessment Skills For
Nurses - 3050200 A
This course for Registered Nurses is de-
signed to provide registrants with knowl-
edge of the fundamental concepts and
procedures underlying physical exami-