HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-12-04, Page 111COURSES OFFERED IN COOPERATION WITH
These courses are designed to aid the
Production & Inventory Control practic-
tioner in writing the APICS (American
Production & Inventory Control Society)
certification exams. Certification is de-
signed to provide a uniform unbiased
measure of a person's knowledge in the
Production and Inventory Control pro-
fession. Certification can be obtained at
two levels:
Practloner Level - CPIM
The candidate must take four of the five
tests and earn a score at the 'Passing
level' of 65%.
Fellow Level - CPIM
The candidate must pass all five tests
and earn a score on three at the 'Fellow'
level of 85%.
The five examinations offered three
times a year, (April, August, November),
are Inventory Management, Production
Activity Control, Capacity Management,
Master Planning and Material Require-
ments Planning.
See below for courses being offered this
Please Note: The Priority Planning and
Control course includes the content re-
quired to write the Capacity Manage-
ment and Production Activity Control ex-
Inventory Management - 4290040 A
Encompasses the principles, concepts,
and techniques for deciding what items
to order, how much to order, when they
are needed, when to order, and how and
where to store them. Topics include ABC
analysis, safety stock, lot sizing models,
financial reporting, physical control, cost
parameters, Inventory control systems,
Japanese productivity and distribution
requirements planning.
Tues. 7=10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 21 $61
Fee includes a $25 C.A.P.I.C. Adminis-
trative surcharge.
Priority Planning And Control
-4370100 A
overs the principles, approaches, and
techniques used by managers to plan,
schedule, control and evaluate the effec-
tiveness of shop production operations.
Topics include production environment,
scheduling techniques, shop planning
and control, production releasing, priori-
ty control and dispatching, production
reporting. "
Mon. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 20 $61
Fee includes a $25 C.A.P.I.C. Adminis-
trative surcharge.
Capacity Managment - 4370110 A
Capacity planning and control is the
function of establishing, measuring,
monitoring and adjusting limits or levels
of capacity in order to execute ali manu-
facturing schedules. Topics include
rough cut capacity planning, determin-
ing capacity, factors affecting capacity,
input-output control, handling changes
in capacity, capacity planning and
control techniques.
Not offered this semester.
Master Planning - 4370120 A
The function of master planning is to
bring the demand and supply sides of
production into equilibrium. The major
sections of the course are forecasting
and master production scheduling
(MPS). Topics include forecast source
data, basic forecasting techniques, fore-
cast accuracy, management considera-
tions, planning and control, developing,
maintaining, and using the MPS.
Not offered this semester.
Material Requirements Planning
(MRP) - 4290050 A
MRP or time -phased material require-
ments planning is a set of technqies that
evolved from an approach to inventory
management which combines calculat-
ing dependent demand items in a time -
phased format. Topics include MRP con-
cepts and principles, system Bills of Ma-
terial, master schedule, inventory accu-
racy MRP logic (mechanics), uses of
MRP and implementation.
Thurs. 7-10 p.m. 12 wks.
Jan. 23 $61
Fee includes a $25 C.A.P.I.C. Admin-
strative surcharge.
Zero Inventory/Just-In-Time
Production - 4290060 A
This course is, designed to help produc-
tion and inventory control practitioners
to understand the philosophies and
changes required for just -in -time or
stockless production. Stockless produc-
tion is a rethinking of the basic funda-
mentals of our 'current manufacturing/
business philosophies. The Japanese
have proven that this philosophy works
very well in today's manufacturing envi-
ronment. This course will start practition-
ers towards understanding and applying
stockless production/zero inventory
APICS/CAPIC feel strongly that changes
in basic business philosophy such as
stockless production are necessary in
order for North American companies to
continue to grow and prosper in world
Not offered this semester.
Conestoga College, in co-operation with
the Canadian Society for Non-destruc-
tive Testing (.CSNDT) is offering a series
of courses in Ultrasonics, R..adlography
and Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Par-
ticle Inspection. These courses will pre-
pare the student to write examinations
for a C.S.N.D.T. certification of educe-
tion.This certificate serves as proof of in-
struction and as a qualification toward
admission to certification examinations
set by a certifying agency to meet the
rquirements of the Canadian General
Standards Board (CGSB) or personnel
Note: Students may be required to at-
tend two or more Saturday classes at the
CSDNT facility in Hamilton.
Fees include course tuition, membership
in the Canadian Society for Non-destruc-
tive Testing, administration charge to the
Ontario Chapter of the C.S.N.D.T. and
an examination fee for the C.S.N.D.T.
certificate of education.
Liquid Penetrant And
Magnetic Particle
Inspection - Levels I And 1I - 443016
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to instruct the
student in the theory and practice of liq-
uid penetrant and magnetic particle in-
spection. The course meets the class-
room training requirements for Levels 1
and II certification as stipulated in
C.G.S.B. Standard 48 -GP -9M and 48 -
GP -8M, respectively.
Thurs. 7-10 p.m. 16 wks.
Feb. 6 $300
Fee includes: $35 membership, $50
exam and $70 Ontario Chapter adminis-
tration charge.
Radiography - Level I - 4430120
This is a course directed to the Radio-
grapher who is preparing to write the
Level 1 Industrial Radiography examina-
tion and provides formal preparation for
all phases of the examination. It is also of
interest to personnel in supervisory,
quality control or affiliated positions who
require a knowledge of the fundamentals
of radiography.
Tues. 7-10 p.m. 16 wks.
Feb. 4 $275
Fee includes: $35 membership, $25
exam, and $70 Ontario Chapter adminis-
tration charge.
Radiography - Level II - 4430130
Prerequisite: Industrial Radiography 1 or
Certification as a Level 1 Radiographer
or equivalent experience satisfactory to
the instructor.
This course is specifically directed to the
person whose work requires that he be
able to interpret the results of radio-
graphic tests. While some time will be
devoted to discussion of basic principles.
and equipment, the emphasis will be
placed on film interpretation, evaluation
of film in accordance with codes and use
of codes. Inspectors, Engineers and Su-
pervisors will find this course of value,