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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-12-04, Page 98
r INDEX OF COURSES ' ,N 4 PROGRAMS OFFERED Course/Program Title rO6 NS page page page page page page page page page p Computer Assisted Part Proarammmg 45 45 Computer Fundamentals 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 Computer Literacy For Management 37 37 37 Computer Literacy For The Office 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 Computer Literacy: Advanced Wcrd Processing 37 • 37 Computer Literacy: Financial Applications, 37 37 Computer Literacy: Multimate 37 37 37 Computer Programming With BASIC Language I 38 38 38 38 38 38 Computer Programming With BASIC Language 11 38 38 38 38 38 Computer Programming With BASIC Language III 38 38 Consumer Credit. What Should You Know? NEW 40 40 40 Cooking, Basic 41 41 Cooking, Gourmet 41 41 41 Cooking, Oriental 41 41 Copperplate The - Engraver's Alphabet 43 43 CoronaryCare Nursing 30 30 30 30 Corporate Law Procedures 23 23 Cosmetics And You 41 --� 41 Cost Analysis And Cost Estimating 17 17 Crafts For The. Home, Creative NEW 43 43 Crochet, Introduction To 43 43 Customers, Understanding Your 29 29 29 Dancing, Advanced Social 46 Dancing, Social 46 46 46 -'-- Data Processing II 38 38 Decorating And Design, Interior 42 4242 42 42 Diesel Update For Licensed Mechanics 33 33 Digital Electronics 39 40 40 Digital Fundamentals 19 19 .-- Disease, Understanding: Interpreting Lab Tests 30 30 Drafting, General (Specialized Options) "Drawing 49 49 49 43 43 Duvet Workshop 43 4343 Economics, Small Business 2020 Electricity 17 17 Electricity For Electronics, Basic - 39 39 39 39 Electricity For Electronics, Intermediate 40 0 40 -! 40 Electronic Trouble Shooting In Industry, Basic 39 39 -� Electronics, Industrial 4040 Energy Design And Building Construction, Alternative - 42 42 English I And II English III 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 English IV Estate Procedures 32 32a 32 32 32 23 23 Financial Freedom, Searching For 4040 8