HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-12-04, Page 16Page 2A—Crossroads—Dec. 4, 1985 COPY fdr Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 5 p.m., Thursday of week prior to publication. FOR SALE PIANOS - made by Kawai, Samick, Wurlitzer, Lesage and Roland. Sorensen Music Centre, 204 Main St. W., Lis- towel, 291-3341. 023-D25 WEIGHT bench with squat rack and leg curl attach- ment. Phone 343-3196, before 2:30p.m. 4,11 MORE good used desks, chairs, 34 office dividers and several lateral files have just arrived. We have a complete line of new desks, chairs, standard filing cabinets and fire-resistant file cabinets as well as portable, compact and office typewriters; new and used electronic cash registers; electronic cal- culators and plain paper photocopiers. For Christmas giving we have a special on electronic portable type- writers 'and two -drawer and three -drawer file cabinets. We carry everything for the office and we service most makes of office equipment. K. A. Hammond & Co, Limit- ed,' Moorefield, Ont. Call Keith of Greg Hammond (519) 638-2914 or (519) 638- 2912. • 20,4,11,18 BARRELS: Wet rye whiskey barrels, Also rum barrels available by order. Phone Barry Sage 291-2972. N27 -J2 PIANO Special from Village Piano Shop in El- mira. Pianos refinished, guaranteed, delivered $1095, five to choose from. Piano, apartment size, 37",. only $895. Anniversary Sale. Phone 669-2280. 27,4 BUTCHER pigs. Choice of pick-up ,date, including into 1986, Priced week of pick-up, formulated to market hog pool. Manuel Albrecht, Mill- bank. 27,4 ORDER little Dutch wind- mills now for Christmas. Phone 357-1403. rrb FRICTIONAIRE furnaces: A new concept in home heat- ing. Maximum efficiency. Safe, comfortable, fully automatic, even heat, easily installed. "No fuel or chim- ney required". C.S.A. ap- proved. For more informa- tion call Linwood General. Store, 698-2600. tf GESTETNER. Need very little work to make opera- tional. Ideal for small busi- ness, church group or clubs. Call 595-8921. No reasonable offer refused. tf WEDDING supplies — Pom- _.ponsa_,nlas-ti-c,_avail le—j.n — yellow, pink, white and light blue; 412" white, silver or gold doilies and ribbon for wedding cakes, also Guest Books for weddings, anni- versaries, showers and all other occasions. Items all available at The Listowel Iia-nner; -188-Wa-l9aee Ave7N, Listowel. WORK WANTED CMA (4th level) with experi- ence in payroll, receivables, and other aspects of ac- counting seeks challenging position on full or part time basis. Phone William 595- 4587. 27,4 cc 0 W 0 HELP WANTED YEAR round work available, full and part-time (shorter hours for students). Call Brian's Poultry Services Ltd. 367-2675 or call free 1- 800-265-3009, between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. tf Please contribute to: USC Canada. 56 Sparks Ottawa K1 P 5B1 (613) 234-6827 HELP BREAK THE PATTERN OF POVERTY SAVE AT CAR CITY CHRYSLER Trust Listowel Chrysler To Repair our "WE'RE EXPERTS AT REPAIRING" 'S Scratches . Dents and Complete Collision and Painting FREE ESTIMATES Y Car l Mon. to Fri. OPEN 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m SAVE AT CAR CITY CHRYSLER HRYSIER Plymarrfh dougo rrulins D m Come in today and talk over your repairs with... LLOYD McLAUGHLIN Body Shop Manager "You Really Matter To Us" L tSTOWEL CHRYSLER 291-4350 0 7D 0 2 cn r Help Wanted 1. Experienced Body Person 2. Licensed Mechanic If you have these qualifications and would like to join a fast growing dealer ship withgood working conditions, modern shop and equipment and excel- lent benefit package: Please contact in person: Roy Brocklebank LISTOWEL CHRYSLER 754 Main Street East Listowel, Ontario DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Open: .Mon. Fri, 8:30 a.m 5.30 p.m Eve. & Weekend by appt, Horst Feige D.T. By Appointment Only Telephone Sarnia Wallaceburg Neustadt Godench No Charge (519)3366580 (519)6276056 (519)665 7818 (519)524 6688 1 800 265 1415 tf DENTURE WEARERS Did you know...that it is important to have your dentures examined, regularly? Your mouth is one of the most important areas of your body, but often the most neglected when dentures are worn. Improperly fitting or neglected dentures can cause severe health problems. The tack of .ublic information -regarding d -e lures is alarming and often ,leads to problems and unnecessary ex- pense. Your local denture therapist (denturist) is a professional- specializing in the construction, repair &nd, modification of dentures and provides this service directly to the public. If you have pro- blems with your present dentures or think of get- ting new ones, see your local denture therapist, consultation is usually free_You_wjlLiind__dentur-e---- theraTisTT, (denturists) listed in the yellow pages. This information is supplied through the Denturist Association of Ontario and. your local therapist. crossroads Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and entertainment section of The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance - Times, The Mount Forest Confederate and The fvlilverton Sun. Members of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association and the Ontario Press Council, Controlled distribu- tion in Arthur, Drayton, Harriston, Moorefield, Palmerston, Elmira, St. Jacobs and Wallenstein. Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5:00 p.m. Thursday week prior to publication date. Advertising and Production Accounting and Billing The Listowel Banner 1 88 Wallace_ Ave. N.. P.O. Box 97, Listowel, Ont. N4W 3H2 The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1 550. The Milverton Sun 595.8921. The Listowel Banner 291-1660. The Wingham Advance Times 357-2320. HELP WANTED SOCIAL WORKER - Family Service - Protection: MSW, BSW to provide: investiga- tion; assessment; protection and therapeutic cotdnselling . to families and children in North Wellington C9 -linty based from our Palmerston office. To function as part of the North Wellington Serv- ices Team. Relevant Child Welfare experience pre- ferred. Car necessary. Start- ing date January 1, 1986. Please reply in writing by December 13, 1985 to Dan Sibley, MSW, Superviser, Operations Dept., Family and Children's Services, P.O. Box 1088, Guelph, Ont. N1H 6N3. 4,11 EXPERIENCED counter person for building supply yard. Duties include custom- er sales and purchasing. Ap- ply with details of previous experience to Lloyd Stewart Lumber, P.O. Box 118, Mount Forest. LEN'S MILL STORES Upholstery Fabrics Flats 588 yd. Tapestries 797 yd. Velvets 997 yd. 130 Moore S., WATERLOO 45 Cross, GUELPH 215 Queen, HESPELER CLEAN SWEEP MAINTENANCE Have your carpets cleaned for the holi- days. Because we do not "steam" your car- pets they dry very quickly. No shrinkage! Proven Method for over 25 years. Very reason- able rates, free esti- mates. SPECIAL 15 % off' WALL-TO-WALL CARPET 335-6466 SALE Used ,- - 1, Mobile Horne i Sale 48x10 Canadian Star $ 3,995. 50x10 General $ 5,500. 56x12 Northlander $ 8,995. 60x12 Leader $10,995. 68x 12. Bendix $1.4,375. 65x14 Homco $17,500. For COTTAGE or YEAR ROUND take a look at manufactured housing ...� 08IUFE RV C 4166 King St. EastNTRE Kitchener, Ont. N2G 3W6 Hwy. 8 W. 1 "z Mi. from 401 (5141653--578'3- GORRIE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Gorrie Community Hall For Sunday, December 8 9 30 a.m. - The Lord's Supper 11 00 a m - Family Bible Hour Sunday School Speaker Allan Weber, Elmira 7 30 p m. - Praise & Prayer Meeting . , Speaker: Allan Weber ,Tuesday, Dec. 10 - 6 45 p m. Awana Boys' and Girls' Club, Wingham Bible Chapel Friday, Dec 6 - Young Peoples Bowling in Molesworth Friday, Dec 13 - Parents' Dinner at 7 p m Young People's Variety Night at 8 p.m Mit LISTOWEL LIVES ' MURRAY REA MANAGER 291-2319 JACKSON & JACKSON AUCTIONEERS 291-4450 - 291-4528 Serving the Community for 40 Years Where seller & buyer establish market price EVERY TUESDAY - 1 P.M. Selling Day Cows, Holstein Heifers, Pound Cows, Calves, Stockers and 800 to 1000 Farmers' Hogs Every Wednesday 8 a.m. till 12 noon Market Hogs, Sows & Boars Listen to CKNX Radio for weekly reports on Wednesday FARM FOR SALE The Farm Credit Corporation via Power of Sale offers for sale LOCATION: Approx. 2 miles east of Kenilworth. LEGAL DESC: Pt. SVz 11 Con. 4 Arthur Twp., Wellington County. LAND: 90 acres with approx: 65 workable -Harriston silt loam. BUILDINGS: Attractive 3 bedroom aluminum clad house, a good, functional farrowing barn with a capacity of 90 sows. The purchaser of this property must rely on his or her own in- spection and knowledge of the farm and not on the above or any other particulars or representations made' verbally or in writing by or on behalf of the Farm Credit Corporation. An offer to purchase must be made on a form obtainable from the Farm Credit Corporation on request to the address below or from any office of the Corporation. A certified deposit of $5,000.00 must accompany the offer. Offers to purchase must be received at the Field Office listed below by December 6, 1985. Closing is normally 30 days after acceptance unless other arrangements approved by vendor. Before making an offer, those interested should ascertain that the property can be used and occupied for the purposes intended in accordance with Provincial Legislation and Municipal Regulations. Cash offers are preferred. If F.C.C. 'financing is required, this must be discussed prior to offering with the Corporation's local representative listed below. The highest or any offer will not necessarily be accepted. The Corporation could request new offers to purchase after the above mentioned date, if deemed necessary. Purchaser will be responsible for all taxes and all assessments whether local improvements, tile loans, or other- wise charged or assessed against the said property from date of closing subject to the usual adjustments. All offers to purchase and inquiries should be addressed to: FIELD OFFICE FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CANADA Attn: E. Van Hoekelen 242 Inkerman St. East, Box 39, Listowel, Ontario N4W 3H2 Tel: 291-3450. If no answer; telephone 824-6360 Please refer to file number: 39390-539 BUYING A BUSINESS? GENERAL STORE. High volume money- maker for over 50 years. _Exc.e.11en.t resj_ dente. Bruce Penin- sula location. DOG KENNELS. 25 year history. Beautiful attached residence. Both air conditioned plus many features (in small town)'. TAXI BUSINESS. Well established in Wing - ham. Residence and car also available. 30 SEAT RESTAU- RANT on busy high- way. Plus owner's bungalow Well • known location on No. 4. TRADES ACCEPTED ON MOST LISTINGS. Call Geo. W. Prue, 1-357-3689. OnitAY II MAGI. ALL POINTS REALTY INC. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Bolens Riding Lawn Mower, M.T.D. 5 H.P. Snow Blower, Bench Saw, Men's & Ladies' Winter Jackets, Garden Tiller, Small Garden & Carpenter Tools, Misc. for Cliff Copeland (with additions) Queen St., Mount Froest. To be held in the Mount Forest Fire 'Hall Main Street North. (Note: Please park on south side or behind Firehall) on Fri., Dec. 6/85, 1 p.m. sharp HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: G.E. 24" electric stove, . good clean cond.; Hoover apartment size clothes dryer, top cond.; Woods apartment size deep freezer, top cond.; old model fridge, working; chesterfield couch, 2 mat. chairs and ottoman, good; coffee tables; small tables; old oak cup- board; maple 3 drawer fold down front desk, good cond.; upholstered chairs; 2 rockers; vanity dresser & bench; chest of drawers; small oval top table; parlour wood stove, good; cedar chest, good; Flectrohome 21" coloured uctbirret moder TV set, good; BW TV set; humidifier, top cond.; Franklin wood stove; small desk; utility stand; 3 drawer filing cabinet; Kenmore power spray car-. pet cleaner, like new; Bell & Howell projector & screen, good cond.; 7 speed blender; new toast- er; small appliances; odd dishes; pots & pans, etc.; other small items not listed. NEW JAC1CflS:_Appr-ox-25---new. _men's and— ' ladies' and youths' nylon quilt lined jackets, some - vests, used as salesman's samples. RIDING LAWN MOWER, SNOW BLOWER: Bo - lens 10 hp. riding lawn mower, complete with mower, rear end tiller, 38" snow blower, chains,. new motor 4 years ago, good cond., if not pre- viously sold; MTD 5 hp. 24" cut walk behind snow blower with chains, working order; Lawn Boy 19" lawn mower, good clean cond.; Unival 5 hp. gar- den tiller, in like new con. CARPENTER, GARDEN TOOLS, ETC.: National 8" bench saw & motor, real good cond.; Skil heavy duty skil saw, good; Wen electric chain saw, good; Pan type furnace humidifier; B & D sander; Wen 3" belt sander, top cond.; snow scoop; 3 gal. hand sprayer; 24' alum. ext. ladder, good; 6' picnic table, good; small electric heater; 2 alum. windows, 25 x 44; small..wh.eel-barrow; 2- -- new single air mattresses and pump; small shop vac.; wooden step ladder; toilet for camper; good forks, shovels, garden tools, etc.; other small items not listed. TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I.D. only. A small tidy. _sale_ Mr.-.-and.--Mrs-. Copeland have moved to an apartment. Owners or auctioneers or Fire Hall not responsible for accidents, injury, de- letions or loss of property sale day. Auctioneer JOHN D. McPHEE Mount Forest 323-4058 Clearing uction Sale Of farm machinery, household effects, antiques and misc. items to be held at the Milverton Stockyard Building in AQjIverton on Sat., December 7 at12:30p ANTIQUES: washstand; cabbage cutter; single bed; day beds; milk bottles; medicine cabinet; Singer sewing machine; chesterfield and 2 chairs; small china cabinet; 7 piece bedroom suite con- sisting of bed, dresser, bureau, stool, chest of drawers and 2 chairs; hall tree; dresser with mir- ror; bureau; 3 blanket boxes; wood box; coal oil lamp; blankets and quilts of different stitchery; crocks; dishes and knick knacks. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Wooden arm chair; leather rocker; step stool; rocking chair; ,hat stand; garbage can; pots and pans; floor lamp; pil- lows; mats; games; chrome kitchen table and 6 chairs, apartment size; oil space heater; colored jugs; 30" stove; automatic washing machine; re- frigerator, Philco; and normal kitchen utensils. MISC. ITEMS: H.O. train set, complete with all locomotives, cars and 200' of track, in good con- dition, set up on plywood; lawn chairs; tools; saws; garden utensils; etc. FARM MACHINERY: Case No. 230 baler; M.F. pto trail mower; New Idea side rake on steel; 32' pipe bale elevator; wagon and 18' flat rack; J.D. ground driven manure spreader; 3 ph scraper blade; Ferguson 3 furrow plow; Kongskilde 12' cultivator; 5 section harrows with pole; Case ham- mer mill; circle saw on wheels; wagon and hay rack; trailer; wooden farm gates; steel gates; steel fence posts; barb wire; chicken wire; windows; doors; barrels; water troughs; pig troughs; plastic pipe; butchering kettle; rabbit cages; air compres- sor; 200 gallon tanks; steel roofing; forks; shovels and misc. items. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper ID. 7% sales tax in effect. Proprietors/auctioneer not respon- sible for accidents on day of sale. Proprietors: Mrs. Lorinda Debus and Carl Diehl Auctioneer JOHN NICHOLSON Milverton,, Ontario 595-8596 Clearing Auction Sale Of Property, 3 Trucks, Trailer, Shop -Office Equip., Shelving, Etc., for Elora Farm Equip. 1 mile south of Alma in Nichol Twp. on County hardtop Rd. -7 or 3 miles north of Elora on Sat., Dec. 7/85 11 a.m. sharp PROPERTY consists of approx. 4 acres of land with Armco 50 x 100 steel frame & metal clad building, built in. 1976, all insulated, oil heat, washrooms, offices, good 116' drilled well, 3' phase hydro, good gravel drained -lot, loading dock, property is well located, building in real good condition throughout. Terms on property, 10% down sale, day, balance in 60 days on clos- ing. Sells subject to reserve bid. Property offered for sale at 1 p.m. To view property call 846-5558 or 846-5386. TRUCKS, TRAILER: 1978 G.M.C. 5000 truck, V8, 350 motor, 4 speed trans., single rear end, with 12' rack steel deck, sells certified, good clean cond.; 1976 Lafaye 20' bed tri axle trailer with beaver tail, good clean cond.; 1974 Dodge 1/2 ton truck, V8, PS, PB, standard, sells as is; 1972 Chev 1/2 ton truck. SHOP EQUIP., SHELVING: Webster 5 hp. 3 Phase air compressor, real good clean cond.; McW Gear Co. dynamometer, P-400, good cond.; Weatherhead hyd hose crimper & cutter, 1/4" to 11/4", all complete, top cond.; Weatherhead fitting cabinet;. Hein -Werner 10 ton floor jack, good; 20 ton hyd press, good cond.; MF 600 pressure washer, good; tire calcium pump; • snap on puller set comb, long set; MF 2800 tool kit, complete, good; MF MFN 100 A set; Allen -Dwell Tach meter; diesel compressor tester; injector tip cleaner; good 3/4" air impact wrench.; clutch pilot; pipe cutter; pipe wrenches; tap & dies; Nuday Hydra Analyzer with cabinet attachments, good; bolt cutter; 3/4" drive socket set, up to 2"; 2 good 12 ton hyd jacks; sleeve pullers; valve spring _ compressor; Lincoln 180 amp. welder, complete; set of gas welding torches & gauges with cutting head; good transmission & tractor splitter; good 6" vise; bench grinder; various chains; 3 good 1 ton chain falls; MF 10' dealer sign, real good cond.; 4 jack all jacks; Weaver floor jack; 4 steel tables; splitting stands, etc.; safety stands; hand cylinder lift; good 12' steel work bench; approx. 150 hy-d-hosei--2-1-0-t-on-safety-stands; battery charger; fire extinguisher; hand grease guns; cylinder hone; crow bars; stone hammers, etc.; ext. cords; trouble lights; growler; 3' parts clean- ing tank; wooden ext. ladder; 2 bag carts; step ladders; used tires, rims, etc.; MF manuals, serv- ice, etc.; small tools, etc.; 90' 7' parts shelving, complete, good clean cond.; 4 Bawman metal bolt bins, all good; air tight wood stove; small display racks; 18' wooden bench; good selection of new bolts from '/4-3/4; other shop items noflisted. OFFICE EQUIP., ETC.: Miklta 310 dry photo copier, complete, top cond. ; 4 office type desks; oak office chairs; swivel chair; 2 MF scan ma- chines; approx. 200 MF part boxes; Lathern time clock, good; older model fridge; electric type- writer, good; 2 electric adding machines; posting machine; card file system; 3 drawer filing cabinet; 2 typewriter_ stan.cts:...other_ small -office. items--not-- listed. TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I.O. only. Property as stated above. Certified cheque may be requested on truck & trailer. Lunch booth. Sale held indoors. Please note a good clean offering. Owners -or- auctioneer not responsible for acci- dents, injury, deletions, or loss of property sale d 9 ay. Proprietor: Elora Farm Equip. 846-5386 or 8465558 Auctioneer JOHN D. McPHEE Mount Forest 323-4058