HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-12-04, Page 10II
Page 10—The Wingham Advance -Times, Dec. 4, 1985
GIVotes from Fordwkh
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kelley
returned home last week
after spending 10 days with
their granddaughter in Elora
while their son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George
Kelley, enjoyed a holiday in
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart
and Jason spent one day last
week in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Camp-
bell and family moved their
household belongings last
Saturday from the sixth line
of Howick to a house in the
Listowel area.
Brian and Sandra Montoux
of Orillia spent the weekend
with their father, Don
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haase
of Sault Ste. Mar*, .Mrs.,
Mary McClement and Bill
Leeming visited last Wed-
nesday with Mrs. Jim Inglis
in Acton on the occasion of
her birthday and also visited
with Mr. Inglis at the nursing
Mrs. Eva Harris spent last
week with Mr. and Mrs. John
Harris and family of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Magill of
London spent several days
last week at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Hallman of Listowel were
Sunday guests with Mrs.
Alma Hargrave and David.
Mr. and Mrs. Me Wray of
Scarborough spent the
service offered
People of all ages share
the desire 'to read. However
stairs, illness, inability to get
out or too -small print can
sometimes cause problems
for some or most readers.
If you are unable to reach
your local library in person,
call and arrange for delivery
or inquire about the books -
by -mail service from Marian
Doucette at the Huron
County Library head-
quarters, Goderich, by
calling 524-2105 during
business hours.
She will mail you the
material requested for a
four-week loan period. Once
this time has elapsed, the
material may be returned by
mail as well. If you know
anyone who could take ad-
vantage of the books -by -mail
service, pass the message
The library offers large -
print books in many fiction
and non-fiction titles. Due to
the number of branches in
the county, the title you are
looking for might not be at
your local branch, but the
librarian will be happy to
request it through the inter-
library loan service.
Call your local library
today and take advantage of
the services available.
weekend at their home here.
Mrs, Glenn Johnston spent
the weekend with Mrs.
Clayton Anderson at
Shelburne and also visited
last Saturday with John
Winter at the nursing home
in Creemore.
Bruce Agla is visiting with
friends in Essex.
Jamie Baker of Waterloo
spent last weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Congratulations are ex-
tended to the Howick Ban-
tams for winning the con-
solation trophy Sunday at a
hockey tourney at Clinton.
Jeff D'Arcey accepted the
trophy on behalf of the team.
Seniors host
games night
GORRIE — Winners of the
progressive euchre spon-
sored by the Seniors' Come
Alive Club last Tuesday
evening in the town hall
were: high lady, Mrs. Jack
Leppington; low lady, Mrs.
Nellie King; high man, Peter
Brownie and low man, Mrs.
Harold Robinson (playing as
a man).
Mrs. Peter Browne won
the lone hand traveling prize
and the UNO winner was
Mrs. George Brown.
The next games night will
be held Jan. 28 at 8 p.m.
Anglican Church in Wingham.
Centre Street in Wingham
Christmas tea and bazaar was held laat
Katie Skidmoreand her young
looked over, the craft table at the
week at St. Paul's
brother, Christopher, of
bazaar. I;
MRS. ELDA NETHERY of Wingham was one of the ladies serving tea at last week's
Christmas bazaar held at St. Paul's Anglican Church in Wingham. Mrs. Nefhery offers
a refill to Mrs. Percy Harris and Jean Wilton, both of Wingham.
DONATE TO HOSPITAL—Jack Tweddle, a representative of the Wingham Lions
Club, presented Hans Kuyvenhoven, chairman of the board of governors at the
Wingham and District Hospital, with a cheque for $3, 500 last Tuesday evening. The
money is to go toward the new emergency wing at the hospital and is part of the
$10,000 pledge the local Lions made to the new wing. The,club has donated
$6,500 to the hospital so far and has another $3,500 to go.
Advent I service held
at the United church
BRUSSELS — The Advent
I church service was held at
the United Church on Sunday
morning with Rev. Charles
Carpentier officiating.
Following the opening of
the service with "Holy, Holy,
Holy", a prayer was said and
CWL holds
card party
The weekly CWL card
party was held in the Sacred
Heart Parish Hall Nov. 26.
There were seven tables in
play. Conveners were Kay
Rich and Ike Templeman
and their group of helpers.
High lady was Mary
Chamney;..high man, George
Drehmann.; low lady, Kqy
McCormick; low man, Olive
McKay. The door prize went
to Marg King.
Lord's Supper
is •celebrated
The sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was observed
on Sunday when a large
croWd attended the morning
service at St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church,
Wingham, • with Rev. Paul
Mills officiating.
The choir .sang a timely
anthem, "In Remembrance
of Me". Mr. Mills explained
the meaning of 'the Lord's
Supper to the children and
chose "The Lord's Supper in
the Church" as the theme for
his sermon. He said he had
experienced some of his
most memorable com-
munion services in homes in
small groups, a sharing not
always possible in a large
group. A new song,
"Wounded For Me", was
sung, which was very ap-
propriate for the sacrament.
T e choir will present the
Christmas cantata, "Born a
King", on December 15 at
7:30 p.m.
Many enjoy
ppe-rrat --
family night
BRUSSELS .— The local
community centre came
alive last Saturday evening
when close to 500 people
were served a delicious
supper at the Brussels,
Morris and Grey Recrea-
tion's annual'Christmas fam-
ily night.
Following the dinner
several draws were made for
prizes with Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Stevens • in charge.
Dancing was held for the
children with the parents
ltd--gr-andpalref tt-s-jointing-in-
. Later Santa Claus arrived
and presented with children
with candy canes. Many
thanks go to the committee
in charge for 'such as en-
joyable -everting ,
Earlier in the.day a parade
was held with Santa arriving
in town to hand out candy to
the many children who were
on hand. The children also
were treated to a special
movie presentation.
a hymn sung. The topic for
the Sunday School children
was "Mary Wonders When".
The prayer was: Oh God, if
we wonder when we can
serve, teach us to act now,
obedient to your commands,
remembering how Mary pu,.t
her own comforts second to
your purpose in her life.
The choir had an anthem
presentation and Mr. Car-
pentier's sermon was "What
Do you Expect from God".
Prayers were said for Susie
Morpn, Nettie Bartley,
Elvin McWhiitter and Harold
Wallace, all patients in the
Wingham hospital and for
Clarence Clarke and George
Pearson in • .the Listowel
The Sunday School
children and' staff have
chosen to share an "Advent
Wreath" with the .congrega-
tion. • •
During the 16th Century,
the Lutherans in Germany
decided that a light should be
used in the homes of
Christians •to remind them
that Jesus is the light of the
world. • Just • as they did,
today we also use four
candles to represent the four
weeks : of Advent and one
candle to represent Christ.
Traditionally the four
candles have reminded us of
God' gift of forgiveness,
peace, joy and love.
The wreath of the Sunday
School children focuses on
the people who were in
Bethlehem at the birth of
Jesus. It is hoped the
presentations will help
members get ready to
celebrate the birth of, Jesus
and to welcome Him as Lord
of their lives.
The UCW Christmas pot-
luck • dinner is scheduled for
Dec. 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the
church auditorium. The
guest speaker will be Doug
Zehr and the "Whitmore
Family" will entertain;_
Marg will bring her message
in song and the children,
Brent and Melissa, are
bringing their violins.
The members of the UCW
will be packing Christmas
boxes for the elderly shut-ins
on Dec. 5 at 1 p.m. in the
, church parlor. Donations of
fruit and cookies would be
greatly appreciated.
White -gift Sunday is set for
Dec. 8 and the Sunday School
children will share in the
worship service as well as
making Christmas brighter
for other families with their •
white gifts.
White gifts of toys, canned
goods, grooming items,
sporting equipment, games,
clothing and money are
distributed by the Huron
County Family and Chil-
dren's Services' Christmas
Bureau. ,
White -gift Sunday at Ethel ,
is Dec. 15 at 11 a.m. and
everyone is invited for a pot-
luck dinner after the service.
(51 9) 291-3040
60- 89 Days
($5000. Minimum)
60 0 89 Days
($50,000. Minimum)
30 o 59 ®aye 9Q5%
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For Further Details Contact:
237 Josephine St., WrngtiliStn, Ontario
Telephone 357-2022
OPEN 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon. to Thurs.,
Fri. till p.m., Sat. to.1 p.m.
Rates Subject to Change
Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
The Square 524-7661
Huron County
(co-ordinated by Family and
Children's Services of
Huron County) •
requests your support
. Christmas 1985
Donations of toys, games,
gifts and clothing canbe left
at your local centre:
Salvation Army,
December 9-13/85
91:30 am to 4:00 pm
Capt. Linkletter
Please direct financial
contributions to Family and
•Children's Services of Huron
4 County, 46 Gloucester Ter-
race, Goderich, Ontario.
N7A 1W7.
Reg. No. 0184192-01-05
7,03`14 t4 0
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of
Wingham intends to designate the property, including lands and
buildings, at the following municipal address as a property of archi-
tectural and/or historical value or interest under Part IV of the On-
tario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, ;;Chapter 337.
MUNICIPAL ADDRESS - 130 John Street, East
was constructed for Helen E. McInnis, widow of Donald McInnis,
builder, of the designated Heritage Property located at 302 Cen-
tre Street, 'apparently in 1901. The design and construction was
the subject oLcontemporary admiration and, like the earlier McIn-
nis house, was copied by the famous Wingham builder; William
Rintoul, for further construction.
The • building features a triple composite • gable window,
sculpture - shingled gables, an ornately pillared, bracketed and
pedimented corner verandah, an occulus window and original
window pediments and .siding. This house is one of the best .
surviving examples, of the period, of a dwelling of modest
Notice of objection to the proposed designation, together with a .
statement of the reasons for the objection and all relevant facts
may be served on the Clerk of the Town of Wingham before the
27th day of December 1985.1
Dated at Wingham this 4th day of November 1985. •
J. Byron Adams
Here today, here tomorrow to
serve your hearing needs.
Beltone has been serving the hearingeeds of
people in this area for more than 25 years.
More important to you, we expect to go on ser-
ving them for many years to come.
When you buy a hearing aid from us, you know
we'll be here to provide service when you need
'Come in and see us at the regular monthly ser-
vice clinic at
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
J. D. FAIR Reg.'O.H.A.A. Hearing Aid
Specialist -
/� Stratford Office
145 Ontario Sit.
AID WILL HELP 273-2118
Saturday, December 14th
sponosred by the Optimist
Club of Wingham-and District
with local business.
Starting time 1:00 p.m. sharp
All participants to line up starting at 12 noon to 12:30 p.m.
Bands and marching groups to start at Josephine St. Ball Park.
Floats and vehicles to start at Joe Clark's Truck & Trailer,
Josephine and Albert St. E. •
Parade to end at Joe Kerr Construction.
Santa Claus and Mrs. Santa Claus will be at Armouries behind town
hall after parade to give out free pop and candy to kids.
All participants please notify
Bill Henderson Jr. 357-3762 or Dick Elliott 357-1180
Bands and
Marching Groups
Wingham Optimist BAnd
Canadette Majorette Corp.
sponsored by Wingham Op-
—timists--- .
Western Ontario Air
Cadet Corp Band
sponsored by Wingham
Legion /
Seaforth District High
School Trumpet Band
sponsored- by .Westerr _.
Lion Hamper: Accordion
Baipd - Kitchener
droonsored by Wingham PUC
Approximate floats
to date - 25