HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-12-04, Page 71 i 1 r711.11 A lona.t at "IS QUEEN r4n ;ir t'1 " i Il IIIiIII'II ®0 isll�IIIII I�IIIL►-,ir C9441, dr d_ ` l REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER BUS. 482-8371 RES. 523-9338 300 ACRES - 10th Concession, East Wa- wanosh, 180 acres workable, beef and crop farm. Maitland River crosses proper- ty, very scenic. 43 ACRES - 4 miles south of Wingham, Targe brick home, good barn. 185 ACRE -1_ acres workatxte.46 shed, Third Line, Mor- ris Twp. 100 ACRES - Lot 2, Con. 5, Grey Twp., 80 acres workable. 1 ACRE - good brick home and garage, very scenic, Sixth Line, East Wawanosh Township. BLYTH - 1 acre lot on King Street. 2 floor brick, 5 bedroom home. All recently de- corated. ACCOMMDATION COUNTRY Road Lodge Re- tirement Home. For senior citizens and retirees. 24 hour supervision, home -cooked meals, bath assistance, many other conveniences for your comfort and care. All private rooms. Donald and Dorothy Farrish, RR 3, Lucknow, 395-5283. 4-18 LODGING for seniors with private bedrooms, meals provided and laundry com- plete. Phone Betty Campbell 887-6672. 27,4 FOR RENT Large two-bedroom apartment close to downtown. Phone 357-1343 For ent THREE bedroom house lo- cated on paved road one mile from Belmore available im- mediately. Phone 335-3766. TWO bedroom house in Wingham, $275 per month, hydro and heat extra. Phone 357-2732. 4,11 AVAILABLE December 31 spacious 3 bedroom home, 2 storey, carpeted throughout with finished basement, close to shopping mall in Wingham, $360 per month hydro extra. Phone 1-856- 9694 or 357-2989. 4,11 THREE bedroom farm house, excellent condition, new oil furnace, new inter- ior. Barn in need of major repairs. 25 acres for animal grazing. $250 per month. Long term lease. Phone Joe 1-884-6204. TWO bedroom apartment, Turnberry St., Brussels, fridge, stove, available De- cember 1985. Phone 887-6058. 4rrb TWO bedroom apartment close to main street in Wing - ham. Phone 357-1343. THREE bedroom house in Wingham, close to down- town, schools and hospital. $300 per month, stove in- cluded. Phone 357-1633. 20rrb ONE bedroom upstairs apartment, central location, fridge and stove included, available December 1. Phone 357-3053. 27rrb WELL -KEPT two bedroom downstairs apartment, close to main street, tenant pays utilities, no pets, available Dec. 1, rent $230. Phone 357- 2433 after 5 p.m. 27rrb Service Directory AUTO BODY ELECTRICAL THE IVU -LOOK AUTO BODY A division of Tolton Motor Sales Ltd., Bluevale COMPLETE COLLISION, AUTO BODY REPAIRS AND REFINISHING • Free Estimates • (Gravel Guard .Application • Sand Blasting • 24 hr. Towing • Glass Installation ® Side Mouldings • Re -Chrome Bumpers • Tape Striping Contact Bruce Campbell 357-3029 EARN. A BARREL FULL Sell in the Classifieds Call & p/ace arl ad today. .The Wingham Advance -Times 357=2320 WELDING SPIKE'S PORTABLE • WELDING In shop: repair work "General Fabrication, Stabling, ,Truck & Wagon Racks Ornamental Railings •Free Estimates Spike Bakker RR 5, Lucknow Ph. 528-2520 PLETCH ELECTRIC LTD. Electrical Contractor Motor Rewinding and Complete Motor Sales Exhaust Fans and Controls WINGHAM .357-1583 HEATING & PLUMBING LeRoy Jackson — Plumbing Heating — Tinsmithing 191 J sephine St. Wingham, 357-2904 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy -Enterprises Ltd. Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service Hwy. 86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357.3435, WINGHAM PRINTING SERVICE • PRINTING • PHOTO COPIES • REGISTER FORMS a RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING : STATIONERY 314 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM 357-3800 Leon Russell Appliance & Refrigeration Service Warranty Service for Hotpoint, Moffat. General Electric, Inglis, Whirlpool and Admiral Also available - Heat Pumps & Central Air Conditioning with Service Tor. 3 yvell-known makes Phone Wingham 357-3773 MacGillivray & Co. ( I1at' It' rut! \cc o lit .1 ti s LISTOWEL 291-12-51. Partners: GODERICH 524-2677 M. J. Hoyles, C.A. R. E. Takalo, C.A. N. MacDonald Exel, C.A. Managers: L. M. Gagnon, C A. R. H. Kaufman, C.A. CONSTRUCTION ASKES BROS. CONSTRUCTION General Construction Farm - Horne - Commercial Bert 357-3053 JACK WALKER Construction Hwy. 4 South of Wingham 357-2481 Houses -X.. Farm Builngs Renovations FREE ESTIMATES 9999,9, 1 Murray MacFarlane Carpentry Bluevale Renovations and repairs 357-1548 SALES Geo' S Farm • by Supplyt Ings • plow shares • drive shafts • roller chain • bearing, sprockets, pulleys George Marklevitz 357-1995 TOWN & COUNTRY BUSINESS MACHINES LTD. IBM, Olivetti and Smith -Corona typewriter service calculators & photocopiers Harold Jardin 673-4930 357-2139 Forever Yours Stationery " INVITATIONS • THANK YOU NOTES " NAPKINS, MATCHES • SOCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS The Wingham Advance -Times Office 1 WINGHAM BODY SHOP 14 North St. E., Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 Phone 357-1102 • Paint & Collision Service • Radiator Cores & Repairs • • 24 Hour Towing • Frame Straightening SID ADAMS RON BEECROFT Owner 357-1 171 Shop Foreman 357-2950 Cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Contractors !» Appliance & Refrigeration Sales & Service bug& SALES & WARRANTY SERVICE Open 6 days a week WINGHAM 357-245 39 Years Built by Quality & Service �, To place your action ad in Crossroads classifieds, Call: The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320 CUSTOM ENGRAVING Name badges, room numbers, door signs, attractive desk sets. Also engraving of names on our fine line of pens and pencils. Available at: The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320 The Listowel Banner " 291-1660 The Milverton Sun 595-8921 The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 TWO bedroom apartment in Wingham downtown area, hydro and heat supplied, available December 1. Apply to Box 2411 The Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont., NOG 2W0. 4,11 FURNISHED apartment near school and hospital, suitable for nurse or young professional person. Phone 357-2252. 27,4 SMALL one bedroom apart- ment in quiet older home suitable for single person, $215 per month plus utilities. Phone 357-3545 after 6 p.m. 27,4 FARMHOUSE one mile south of Bluevale. Can be rented as of Dec. 1. Refer- ences required. Phone 357- 3001. 27,4 THREE bedroom house near Bluevale, $300 per month. References required. Phone 335-3240 after 7 p.m. 4,11 FOUR bedroom farm house near Wingham. References. Available January. Phone 357-3808. 4,11 THREE bedroom duplex for rent available immediately. For information call 357-2890 after 7:30 p.m. 4,11 TWO bedroom house central Wingham, available im- mediately, $275 per month. _Phone (416).827-9384. ONE bedroom apartment in Gorrie, fridge and stove in- cluded; heat. Phone Dale or Joanne McLean 335-3930. 9rrb ONE and t�vo bedroom apartments, • like new condi- tion. Central location Blyth. tteferences. Phone 482-9210. 2rrb. , AVAILABLE in the near future, building size 50' x 40' for rent. Can be used for many purposes such as re- pair shop,.body shop or stor- age space.;located near the centre of town. Interested partjes phone 357-1268. 27-11 AUCTION SALES ONTARIO'S 'Largest Farm Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ont., Friday, Dec. 13, 1985, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each month). Approx. 15°- 175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consign- ments welcome. For more -information—WI (msy 442C 9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamulecki &'sons. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 11 DO YOU have listings to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage of Ontario or specific' areas of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 16rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT THREE bedroom house in Wingham, newly renovated with car port. Phone 357- 1912. 4,11 CAREERS FREE career guide describes 200 learn -at-home correspondence diploma courses: Accounting, art, bookkeeping, business man- agement, clerk typist, secre- tary, journalism, television servicing, travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, To- ronto. Phone 1-800-268-1121. 21rrb LOST Seven month old Dal- mation dog. , Strayed Friday, November 29, in the vicinity of River- boat Restaurant, Wing - ham. Reward offered. CALL 357-1633 or 357-1893 The Huron County Board of Education invites applications. for membership on THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE This Committee consist - it ig of beard, hSSembets and ,volunteer citizens may make recommendations to the Huron County Board of Education in respect to any matter' affecting the estab- lishment and development of special education pro- grams and services' in re- spect of exceptional pupils of the board. Volunteers must be nom- inated by a local, incor- porated association and ap- pointed by the Huron Coun- ty board of Education. THE SUPERVISED ALTERNATIVE LEARNING FOR EXCUSED PUPILS COMMITTEE This Committee reviews applications from parents of 14-15 year old pupils re- questing alternative learn- ing programs. The Commit- tee devises recommenda- tions which permit such pupils to be excused from full-time attendance at school to participate in alternate programs. Any qualified, interested elector is invited to apply. Applications should be forwarded to: R. B. Allan Director of Education Huron County Board -of-Edu'catkar 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1 LO, The Wingham Advance -Times, Dec. 4, 1985—Page 7 MOTORCYCLES FOR SLE 1982 CB650 HONDA, 4 cylinder, 17000 km., Wind- jammer fairing and saddle- bags, crash bar, foot pegs, cover, presently stored, ask- ing $1795. Phone 357-3229 or 357-3812. 27,4 SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE 1980 SPORTFIRE 440 rebuilt in February 1985, new crank bearings, seals, etc., excel- lent condition, asking $1395. Phone 357-3229 or 357-3812. 27,4 A CAREER IN TRUCKINQ Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A License. For prescreening inter- view and job place- ment information, contact, Mery Orr Transport Driver Training Cambridge 1-800-265-1260 • Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. 150 ACRES - 3 miles from Wingham with cosy 3 bedroom, sided, home, hip roof. Beef bam and insulated hog bam, tower silo and 2 implement sheds. Mature trees around buildings. $135,000. REDUCED TO SELL - Victoria Street, close to downtown, neat and nicely finished 3 bedroom 11/2 storey house on large lot. Good rental or commercial possibilities. .$29,50G. HOWICK IRY Good implementDshed, - exe9 a 5 ttstyle dairy barn, bedroom home. 99 acres complete with. cows and quota. BUILDING SITE - Scenic 36 acres close to Wing - ham on good all year road. $32,500. F R BEST SELECTION OF AGRICULTURAL PROPERTIES CALL "CULLIGAN" Contact ' BRIAN`POTTER Belgrave 357-3622 The, Man To See Is EXCEPTIONALLY NICE-- 4 bedroom home in Wingham. Tastefully renovated with three baths, family room with patio doors and fireplace, com- bination living and dining room, pleasant large kitchen, closed sunporch, attached garage and your choice of land (from a quarter acre to almost a full acre -- adjoining lots optional). Owner leav- ing the area and SEEKS YOUR OFFER. BEEF SET-UP - Paved road near Wroxeter. 162 acres with 100 workable, self draining; irnple- ment shed, choice bam 42x56, immaculate and roomy 4-5 bedroom' house in mint condition. Owner retiring and desires rapid sale. A gorgeous productive farm. Asking $145,000. BUNGALOW - comprising kitchen, dining room, TV room, 2 bedrooms and bathroom on main floor. Finished rec room and 3rd bedroom in basement. Fully insulated, electric heat. Large lot. Asking $36,900. CHOICE COUNTRY LOTS - Each 1/2 acre, some have river view, just outside of Wingham, $9,500. Call soon for best selection. INVEST FOR TO- MORROW! - EXCELLENCE ON ONE ACRE - A fine 5 bed- room (one down) Wroxeter home, tastefully reno- vated with large modem kitchen and adjacent spacious dining room, ample living room plus den, utility room and contemporary'4 piece bath. New electrical, roof and insulation; beautifully treed comer lot. An amazingly low price of $42,500. Contact: OFFICE 357-1344 STAN CHADWICK 357-2497 MARGARET DAY 357-2196 H U TTO-N------- - OWNERS,say SELL - this fully updated aluminum sided home in Wroxeter. New features are elec- tric furnace, new 200 amp service, . new roof. Good kitchen with custom cupboards, 2 baths. Lot 124x124. Workshop. Immediate posses- sion. Asking price $23,900 but do try an offer. DO NOT - consider building until you see this newer brick bungalow in Wingham. Large living room with brick fireplace, kitchen has top of the line cupboards. Master bedroom has bath en - suite. electric furnace with central air condition- ing. Paved drive to carport. Covered patio. COUNTRY - 17 acre hobby farm on highway four miles from Wingham. Three bedroom house with main floor bathroom, new family room, spa- cious_kitchen.__Young-orchard-now- fearing-Steel-- bam 28x52. All offers now considered. 15 YEAR OLD BUNGALOW - on a choice lot in Wroxeter. Home in spotless condition. The extras include new attached garage, new electric furn- ace,' basement rec room Owners_have moved endure reducing the price for quidk sale. 7 ACRES - on highway with' river at back. Newer '1-% `i fdrey home, 30x40 painted bam as well as 12x66 shed with.new robf. MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM 357-3208 Representing Lloyd W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine 396-2061 REAL_ ESTATE 199A JOSEPHINE ST., 357 WINGHAM, O TARIO. • .1117 TIRED OF RENTING? Come and view this two storey three bedroom home in a new subdivision, 'tastefully decorated —thr-ougnout-sliding---door--from -diming--area—tom--- large backyard, full unfinished basement awaits your decorating ideas, affordable. Call Magda Moody 357-2943. HOBBY FARM Fully renovated home on a five acre lot with a spring fed pond. Good location close to Wing - ham, detached two car garage, excellent decor, must be seen to be appreciated. Give us a call! NEW HOME WITH SIX ACRES Private location less than two miles from down- town. Late model home built in 1983. Open concept design, custom made pine kitchen adjacent dining area, large bright living room, three bedrooms ,800 sq. ft. of finished living area. 'In very good condition. Owner moving. WROXETER HOME Very large 99'x440_ lot,-.Newly.r_eno>_vated three bedroom brick home, recent )family room addition with wood stove; updated insulation, new elec- trical and plumbing systems, detached garage. Good value at $39,500. Negotiable. 100 ACRES Highway frontage, 58 acres workable' 4U acres - bush, 36'x48' coloured steel shop, insulated, 200 amp electrical service, concrete floor, second floor storage deck. Good location. Call us! REPRESENTATIVES Ken Ducharme - 357-2594 Magda Moody - 357-2943 G. W. Prue 357-3689