HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-12-04, Page 3Grain was Canada's big seller last ycar, accounting for $5.5 billion or more than half ti,e value of all agricultural exports. 4 The trouble with the average family today is that a person can't support it and the government on one in- come. If y u had to entirely rebuild your home :tomorrow, could you.? With State Farm's Homeowners Extra Policy, you can get guaranteed 100% coverage on your home plus extra protection for your con- tents. '.,Just call to see if you qualify. RICHARD GIBBONS 25 Alfred St. East, Wingham 357=3280 Like a good neighbor. $tate Farm is there State Farm Fire and Casualty Company Canadian Head Office Scarborough, Ontario I• WINGHAM SALES ARENA • WINGHAM SALES ARENA • TEA TIME—Janet Hubbard, Irlma Edgar and Edith Gibson, all of Wingham, took time out for a refreshing cup of tea and Christmas goodies at last Saturday's craft, bake sale and tea held at the Wingham Armouries. The sale was sponsored by the Wingham and Area Day Centre for the Homebound. cn r cn m 33 m z The Wingham Sales Arena offers you The Wingham Sales Arena offers you DECEMBER DISCOUNT PRICES Clothing & Footwear For the entire family. Ladies' Johnathan G. stretch jeans special purchase $16.95, ladies' assorted fashion - sweaters $15.95, men's insulated coveralls - $49.95 & up, men's hydro style parkas - $34.00, men's insul. Green Patch work shoes - $38.95, children's pillow boots - $29.95, children's 2 pc. snow suits - $27.95, coveralls for men, ladies & children (Canadian made), work gloves, work pants, shirts, socks, rubber boots, snow joggers, bush -boots. Bulk Foods - Bulk Baking Goods "Truly A Baker's Delight" Whether you're baking for one or for many, we have what you need! BULK BAKING GOODS sultana raisins golden raisins - currants - glaced mixed fruit -- sweetened, unsweetened, .strip • or flake coconut - 1.69 Ib. bulk cookies, bulk honey, bulk peanut butter .89 Ib. 1.59 Ib. 1.30 Ib. 1.29 Ib. BULK NUTS salted or unsalted blanched peanuts barbecue peanuts red skins walnut crumb's pecan halves BULK CANDY Dare .99 Ib. jubes 1.59 Ib. gum 1.49 Ib. drops 1.49 Ib.. black 1.29 Ib. balls -2.94 Ib. scotch 2.99 Ib. mints 1.99 Ib. bubble , 5.99,Ib. gum . 1.89 Ib. Discount groceries. pet foods New & Used Furniture & Antiques Water beds, complete - $299. & up, living ° room suites - $488. & up, 5 pc.• kitchen suites - $279., china cabinets with.sliding glass doors - $179., book cases - $59., desks - $79., 54" box spring plus mattress - $189. set., adjustable roller frames -- $24.95, bunk beds complete with matts - $439., carpet and no - wax flooring, carpet remnants, roll ends, in various styles & colors, jute or rubber back. New &. Used Guns Ammunition, knives, scopes. The Wingham Sales Arena 680 Josephine St., North of Wingham on Hwy. No. 4. 357-1730. Open Mops. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.', Friday nights till 9 p.m. ARENA • WINGHAM SALES ARENA •. WINGH m z • C) CJ r- ( m z • 0) z 33 C) m m z •_ z C) AM cmn The Wingham Advance -Times, Dec. 4, 1985 --Page 3 Christ ► as•t'he''e f UCW, geriraI rn:-etin BELGRAVE"—,The gener- al meeting of the United Church Women/was held No- vember 28 at/8:30 p.m. Mrs. M rray Vincent opened tl meeting with a Christmas worship service assisted by Mrs. Bob Gor- don. assisted/ Night" was sung follo ed by scripture read- ing/from Luke 2: 8-20. The offering was received by Mrs. Les Shaw and Annie Cook and dedicated by Mrs. Murray Vincent. Mrs. Bob Gordon gave a reading "Look at Christmas" and "Joy to the World" was sung. The president, Mrs. John Roberts, welcomed Miss Ali- son Coultes and Mrs. Paul Cook, who favored with the Horticultural society holds annual meeting The annual meeting of the presented the nominating Wingham Horticultural Soci- committee's report and the ety was held last Thursday following were elected of - evening in the Court Cham- ficers and directors for the bers of the Wingham Town coming year after the re - Hall. The president, Roy quired number of calls from Bennett, welcomed the 25 the floor: president, Roy persons present at 8:30 p.m., Bennett; first vice president, when the meeting was Stewart Beattie; second vice brought to order with the president, Mrs. Iris Field - reading of the minutes of the ing; one-year directors, Ger- ald Belanger, Mrs. Margaret - Bennett, Mrs. Priscilla Bray, John Haines, Doug Rathun; two-year directors, Clifford Bray, Wayne Elston, Don Fraser, Mrs. Shirley McKague, Mrs. Merle Wil- son. The office of secretary and treasurer wilt be filled by the. directors at a later date. The auditors will be ' • Mr. and Mrs. Colin Camp- bell. A number of announce- ments were made, including the date for the next District 8 annual meeting to be held at Owen Sound .on Saturday, April 12, 1986; Ontario Flow- er and Garden Show at International Centre, Missis- sauga,- Feb. 8 to 16; OHA convention, Peterborough University, June 24-26,1986. -The meeting closed with the showing of slides by,Mr. and Mrs. -Bennett of their recent horticultural 'tt5ur of Norway,' Sweden and Den- mark. The committee in charge served light refresh- ments and. a social half-hour last annual meeting by the ' secretary. The audited financial statement was presented by Mrs. Jean Ellacott. The statement showed the society to be in a strong fin- ancial position. The pres- ident thanked the Ellacotts for their many years as auditors and wished them happiness in their retire- ment. Committee reports followed. • The membership report by Stewart Beattie showed the society to have the highest number of members in its- history tshistory With 372, a gain of 30 over 1984. Wayne Elston pre- sented the public planting report as follows: over 1550 plants in six different loca- tions, 600.tulips planted this fall, as well as 28 trees - planted in spring on town. properties. The show report was presented by Mrs. Iris Fielding, who reported there were 18 .exhibitors with 243 entries at the Aug. 10 show held in the Wingham Armouries. Mrs. Margaret Bennett was enjoyed,; J.O.Y. Uflllmit�d-- Christmas meeting The J.O.Y. Unlimited, group from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Wingham met .last Wed- nesday evening in the Fellowship Hall at • the church for its Christmas meeting. Verna Brown extended a ' warm welcome and read the poem "Going Home" to start the meeting. A sing -along followed with Sylvia Procter at the piano. A group discussion ensued about what the Bible has to say about hospitality and how members can become good hostesses, especially during the holiday season. It was decided that a good host RANDOPEN Alice MacDuff's or hostess puts forward an extra' effort to. make guests feel welcome. , The discussion was led by Audrey McKague. Barb Taylor reported the group has raised almost $11,000 through grocery tapes to buy sewing machines for people in un- der -developed countries, but it still has further to go to reach its goal of $30,000. The meeting closed with a demonstration by Merle Underwood on how to make a rolled turkey for Christmas. About 20 groupmembers dug in with their own turkeys and followed Mrs. Underwood's directions. duets, "Christmas In Killar- ney" and "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day", accom- panied on the piano by Mrs. George Johnston. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the treasurer's report given. Correspondence was read from Town and Country Homemakers, Alma College and the Resource Centre. It was decided to buy Bibles for the Sunday School and a poinsettia for the church sanctuary. Donations were made to Town and Country Home- makers, Children's Aid, Alma College, Youth Groups and the World Development and Relief Fund. Reports were read by various committee conven- ers and the nominating com- mittee reported the new of- ficers for 1986. The next meeting will be held January 30 at 6:30 p.m. with a pot luck supper, music by Mrs. Les Shaw, worship service led by Mrs. Laura Johnston and'Mrs. Lawrence Dorothy Logan and Mrs. Laura Johnston. Mrs. Roberts closed the meeting with everyone re- peating the Mizpah benedic- tion. OFFICERS FOR 1986 Past president, Mrs. Kay Roberts; president, Mrs. Edith Vincent; first vice- president, Mrs. Wilma Hig- gins; treasurer, Mrs. Donna Shaw; assistant treasurer and stewardship and finance leader, Mrs. Mary Taylor; Secretary and communi- cations, Mrs. Laura John- ston; assistant secretary, Mrs. Mary Hunter; Church in Society, Mrs. Mabel Wheeler and Mrs. Janet Mathers; World Outreach, Mrs. Muriel Coultes; Christian Development, Mrs. Wilma Higgins, Mrs. . Clarence Yuill, Mrs. Marie McIntosh; In -church ser- vices, Mrs. Margaret Taylor, Mrs. Thelma Pletch, Mrs. Freda Johnston; Social committee, Mrs. Mary Hunter, Mrs. Ruth Taylor and the program, Gordon, Mrs. Jane Grasby, medical electives, with Dr. Mrs. Linda Campbell; lead - of London. er development, Mrs. Doris Mrs. Roberts thanked Michie; auditors, Mrs. Ber- everyone for their support nice Higgins, Mrs. Donelda during her term of office. Cottrill; Mrs. Jack Taylor intro- Nominating committee, duced the program, a .play Mrs. Linda Campbell, Mrs. called "Gifts Money Can't Doris Michie, Mrs. Kay Rob - Buy", presented by Mrs. erts, Mrs, Helen Martin; Jack Taylor, Mrs. Les Shaw, pianist, Mrs. Freda John - Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs. ston; archives, Mrs. Olive Lawrence Taylor, Mrs. Bolt. Seniors' Day Centre News By Rita Rice Thanks to all who helped to make our craft and bake sale a great success. The com munity support is appre- ciated. The help of all our i volunteers, clients and board members also deserves, a round of applause. Winner; ,, of our fund raising draw were as follows: Jean R >'wick, Wingham, $20 gift cer- tificate; Evelyn Mair, . Brussels, wall hanging; Kathleen Williams, Mount -Fbrest, baby quilt. There is still a continuous fund-raising project on the .go. The day centre is selling 1986-87 planning calendars, purse or pocket size. These can be purchased from board members or at the centre and make ideal Christmas gifts. This Thursday is our last bus trip until spring. The centre is hosting a trip to the Stone Road Mall, Guelph, with a dinner stop in Elmira. During the next few weeks , the day centre will be deco- rated for Christmas and during.the week of Dec. 9 to. 13 clients, . volunteers .and staff will be preparing a float for the Santa Claus .parade Dec. 14. Day centre participants are reminded of the gift ex- change taking place next Tuesday, Wednesday and • Thursday, Dec. 10 to 12. The last foot clinic of 1985 will be held Dec. 12 from 1:00 12 Yonge St., Walkerton 2 doors behind Skelton Memorials DRAW & SAVE • R 550to to 3:00 p.m, Get your feet in shape for the Christmas season and remember to book your appointments by calling the centre at 357-1440 or 357-1445. If any senior in .the com- munity wants to get involved in the true spirit of Christ- mas, please drop off an un- wrapped gift for a child. Staff will. make sure the gift gets to CKNX for the "Gift of Christmas" campaign or to the Salvation Army. The centre's Christmas party will be held Dec. 19 with all participants, volun- teers, board members and staff invited. Any 'volunteers who could bake some pies or help to serve on the day of the party would be . appre- ciated. Please let staff know if you can help out. WI hosts card party FORDWICH — The Wom- en's Institute hosted a card party last Friday night in the hall with 12 tables in play. The winners were: high lady, Hazel Seiler; high gent, Eldon Ziegler; low gent, Elwyn Krotz;,- low lady, Heather Fothergill and. special prizes, Mrs. George Bartman and Charles Keeso. The next card party will be held Jan. 10, sponsored by the senior citizens. (C / ON YOUR PURCHASE caf5y a complete selection o Ladies (he. ' sses, coats, suits, spottswea7, /tats, and accessoties 3 DRAWS DAILY for gift certificates $10 to S50 We specialize in 1-wd .to find sizes. 6 petite to 16 petite, misses 10 to 20 and half sizes 101/2 to3 2 /2 t OPEN MONDAY -SATURDAY 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 p.m. Ike time to save at out new location .