HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-27, Page 36' •a Pa e 8B—Crossroads—Nov. 27, 1985 r The following programs, listed as supplied by the TV stations, are subject to change. Wed., Dec. 4 AFTERNOON 12:00 QO®® t9 News 9 Beaver ® Flintstones 00 Ryan's Hope ® Midday ® Sportsdesk Om Thundersub 12:25 is Agri -News Ii 12:30 crT The Young and Restless 99 News Me Loving to FYI Noon Edition. ® Super Password ®W Headline Chasers ® Strawberry Short- cake ® Bodies In Motion © Kathy's Kitchen 1:00 © Freestyle ® Sportspage 0 Intermezzo ® Lifetime ® Soapbok 090010 All My Children Eon 0 Days of Our Lives 1:15 © Nona Et Romani 1:30 1OO T As the World Turns ® City Lights m Thirteen Minutes To Wait 1:35 © Well, Well, Well With Slim Goodbody 2:00 Let's Make A Deal Q Parenting 00 Midday eD 20 Minute Workout 0 Dallas Q One Life to Live Dom Another World 205 ©' Sesame Street 2:30 CDC) Capitol ID Soapbox ® It's Your Move Q Wok With Yan 0 Pitfall . m Hockey: Canada vs Soviets 3:00 ©t4 Jeffersons gm Parenting ®.Laverne & Shirley 00 General Hospital 0 Coronation Street .9 Santa Barbara i0 Fitness Break OOT The Guiding Light • 3:05 © Mister Rog' Neighborhood 3:30 9 The Green Hornet 00 The Facts of Life (DM Sale Of The Century OWL TV © Friends of Man 6 4:00 © Six Gun Heroes Q Good Afternoon Detroit C =1) America re The Brady Bunch I® Bob Newhart O Super Pay Cards O He -Man O Parenting OT Divorce Court 90 Video Hits ® Toronto Rocks 4:30E0 People's Court 0 Jeffersons 99 One Day At A Time O Tom and Jerry ® The Edison Twins ® The $100,000 Pyra- mid O Soap Forum 5:00 © Changing Life on Earth TOO Soap ® WKRP In Cincinn- ati 0 Diff; rent Strokes ID Pink Panther Q Video Hits 009 The Price Is Right u00 News. 5:30 00 News 0 Three's Company OO 0 Benson m Gobots ®,Too Close For Comfort ® Grand Prix Auto Racing © Hanukkah EVENING 6:0001130.1113M1 CD News ® Citypulse 0 Star Trek ® Scan Newshour 0FYI at6:00 6:30 O Sportsdesk IDLKD News 7:00 0 Wheel of Fortune OQ tv Jeopardy 0. Entertainment Tonight QO® News is MASH 00 Diff'rent Strokes Q Gunsmoke 0 Knight Rider 0 Neighbourhoods ID Australian Open Tennis Champ. © Nightly Business Report. 7:30 © Miracle on Fort . Street • ID Leafs on CHCH (New Jersey at Toronto) ID MASH Q Entertainment Tonight . TOO The Price Is • Right , Q The Ted Knight Show Edison Twins return for their third season The Edison Twins returns ' to the CBC Television net- work for its third season in its new Sunday night family viewing timeslot, December 1 at 5:30 p.m. This highly ac- claimed, award-winning half-hour series, combines entertainment and educa- tion. The Edison Twins presents basic scientific principles and solid drama- tic action that has fascinated children, young teens and the whole family alike over the past two years. 7PERA--AN—ECDOTES. E3y Ethan Mordden. Oxford Uni- v2ersity Press; Toronto. 288 pp. $23.95. Reviewed by PERCY MADDUX "Opera Anecdotes" by Ethan Mordden is h collec- tion of amusing little inci- dents involving persons con- nected with opera — com- posers, singers, musicians, impresarios. While these are often informative, we are told that by and large they are not true but that they are characteristic and have be- come legend. A few of them '. erge on the risque. Apart the anecdotes themselves aresketches of the singers, composers, and conductors, so the book does offer a lot of operatic knowledge insofar as com- posers, singers and other people involved are concern- ed. It is a book that can be read through or that can be dipped in now and then here and there. 1t is certainly en - Andrew Sabiston • and Marnie McPhail star as Tom and Annie Edison, 16 -year- old brother and sister twins with an adv.enturous enthus- iasm for science and prob- lem solving. Their 12 -year- old kid brother' Paul, played by Sunny Besen-Thrasher, has a delightfully mischie- vous knack for etting into trouble at all the, wrong times. The storylines for the Edison Twins cover a wide range of topics and ex- plore many scientific principles, such as laws of motion, nutrition, primate intelligence, •solar eclipses, attd_ why parrnts talk An_. animated segment at the end of every episode succinctly explains the principles in- volved. 0 0 0 Patrick Loubert, Michael Hirsch and Clive A. Smith are co -executive producers and creators of The Edison Twins. Patrick Loubert explains, "we'•ve always believed in the value of showing kids that science can not only be useful, but interesting and entertaining as well." Michael Hirsch adds, "In our third season, we've expanded on many -them-a and-tntroduceac'new characters. We've also made the show more appealing to the entire family by inviting well-known celebrities to appear ,in feature roles, The lineup of guest stars for our new episodes includes Kate Reid, Winston Rekert, Gale Garnett, Douglas Campbell, Lois Maxwell, Kate Lynch and Toronto Blue Jays star tertaining. Doyle Alexander. 99 Three's Com- pany Q Jackpot EX") Wheel Of For- tune 8':00 EREI Highway To Heaven 00®0 The Nature, of Things ID Highway To Heaven Q Insiders 0 Movie "Fast Com- pany" O Special: Last Great Vaudeville Show TOO A Charlie Brown Christmas © Tennessee Ernie Ford's America 8:30 TOO Twas the Night Before Christmas 9:00 00®0 Market Place 0 Dynasty Q TBA 00 Hell Town I® Magnum P.I. CDE) Charlie and Company 9:30 TOO George Burns Comedy Week 0000 Man Alive 10:00 ® Citypulse (0Q Hotel C)t9 St. Elsewhere 0000 National 0 Knots Landing TO The Equalizer I D The Best Downhill Racer Woody Guthrie 10:20 0000 Journal 10:30 IID. Don Cherry's Grapevine 11:00 m Sportsdesk m FYI Final Edition 0 Newsfinal O®000CD O 99 News ® CTV National News ® SCTV 11:20- 9 Lotto 6/49 11:25 ® Ontario Report 11:309 Barney Miller ® Three's Company 99 Entertainment Tonight O Sportsline WN Tonight -Show OOT Taxi Q Nightline ® Movie "L'Ange Et La Femme" Di Canadian College Magazine © Latenight America 12:00 Q Eye On Hollywood ® Movie ''Man- power" I® Carson Comedy Classics OOT Charlie's Angels O Movie "Franken- stein" Om Donahue O Benny Hill O Mery Griffin IID Grand Prix 12:30 El Lou Grant 0 Late Night ENE) Barney Miller Q Movie "TBA" © Wild, Wild World of Animals 1:00 m Millionaire Maker C ;4] Letterman 00 The Saint ID Medical Centre m The Best Downhill Racer 1:209 Movie "Death Scream" 1:30 co Soap Kung Fu 2:00 00 Maude ® Nightwatch C)0 Movie "Boomerang" 0 Highlights ID Ben Casey ® Sportsdesk 2:30 9 Australian Open Tennis Champ. Q Entertainment Tonight 0 Rat Patrol _ 3:00 00 Eight Is Enough Q Name That Tune © Woody Guthrie 3:20 9 Movie "Fast Com- pany" 4:00 00 Night Watch 00 The Lone Ranger 4:30 © Latenight America JJNews 5:00 00 Telling Secrets © Understanding Hurria n Behavior 5:20 is ITere's Lucy 5:30 0 Action Packed Cliffhangers ID Canadian College Magazine 5:45 es Abbott and_ Costello Documentary examines wife assault Thursday, November 28, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. CTV pre- sents "No Place to Hide", a gripping documentary which examines the full range off is- sues associated with wife as- sault. Conservative estimates in- dicate that one in every ten Canadian women will be a victim of wife assault. Ex- perts working in the field place the figure at five our of every ten women. "No Place to Hide", with host Isabel Bassett, takes an in-depth look at why women are abused physically, sexually and emotionally. The pro- gram also focuses on the husbands who batter their wives, a well as thechildren who get 'draught in the cross- fire. Isabel Bassett travels to women's shelters, hospitals, schools and community ser - 1 vice centres throughout On- tario and Western Canada, to speak with women who are victims of family violence. They talk openly about the abuse they endured, and how it affected their lives and their children. The documentary also pre- sents dramatic re-enact- ments of wife assault situa- tions; shows women, who have been victims of assault, taking lessons in assertive- ness training; and illustrates children undergoing play therapy to help them over- come the trauma they have been through. "No Place to Hide" also presents various legal options available tg battered women, and shows people there is away out. 0•.0-0 Only , four per cent of Canada's population is ac- tively involved in farming, but the total agri-food sector accounts for about 15 per cent of the jobs in our country. WATAHur\TrmBEx2 Don't Get Left Out In The Cold This Winter. Call Me And Warm Up To Conventient, Carefree Home Heat. If your heating supplier is giving you the cold shoulder, call me. I'll give you the service you need - when you need it ' -a heart-warming thought on afrosty morn' Consider these Esso Home Comfort advantages: • • Automatic fuel delivery,- based on local weather conditions, we "computer track ' your fuel oil con-• sumption and automatically deliver more, as you need it. • Burner service plans -protection • against the unexpected cost of replac- ing expensive burner parts. • 24-hour emergency service - house calls when you need them, not "first thing in the morning" • Equal Payment Plan -easy payments spread over 19 months take the'ouch out of high mid-ilinter bills. • • Tune-up service - our annual check-up ensures your furnace won't run hot and cold. To find out more, call Me -and come in out of the cold. JOHN RANKIN FUELS LTD. 260 Victoria Ave. S. Listowel, Ont. 291-2810 HOME COMFORT Esso is the Official Petroleum Supplier to WITH EVERY NEW or USED CAR PURCHASED BEFORE DECEMBER 31, 1985 HURRY DON'T BE LEFT OUT IN THE COLD The Grey. t Mirth American Vac .tea iveawa ® incl des Four D; ys ,lid Three i' °d i hts of... Deluxe Ocean Front View Accommodations at Ramada Inn Surfside or Pirate's Cove for two adults and two children under 18 * plit of Champagne Upon. Arrival * Welcome Continental Breakfast for two * Discount Coupons for Shows, Restaurants and Attrac- tions * Walt Disney World 1 -Day Passport (Choice of Magic Kingdom or Epcot). NO GIMMICKS 0 NO LAND TOURS a JUST FUN IN THE SUN PICTURE YOURSELF ON DAYTONA BEACH IN ONE OF THESE FINE NEW OR CERTIFIED . 1985 HONDA CIVIC four door five speed, one owner 1983_H_ N.DA_P_R.ELU.D-E--f;ve speed one owner 1983 HONDA CIVIC four door, five speed, stereo cassette, one owner 1 983 ALLIANCE DL two door, five speed, stereo, one owner 1981 ACCORD LX four door sedan, automatic transmission. AM -FM stereo, one owner 1980 HONDA CIVIC four cylinder, one owner two door hatchback, automatic, 1980 HONDA'PRELUDE fivF• speed, stereo, sunroof 1979 HONDA CIVIC two door hatchback four speed, radio, one owner 1979 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE convertible 1979 MG MIDGET convertible 1978 PINTO two door hatchback, automatic transmission, radio 598 Lorne Ave. TODAY'S ANSWER $7495. _'-1 fCr,95m '6995. '4995, $5995. $3995. '5995. '2995. $4995,, $4995. '2995. Across from the Drive -In Theatre 271®2793 1-9-78 GLKSWA-GEN-RABBITt odoorautoma tic transmission $2995. 1978 CHEVY NOVA two door coupe, eight cylinder, power steering, brakes 1977 FORD VAN - transmission, power steering, brakes, radio. 1977 T -BIRD, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, brakes, stereo, AIR CONDITIONING, CRUISE CONTROL power steering, 1976 MONTE CARLO V-8 engine, automatic transmission power steering, brakes, radio 1977 FORD CUSTOM 500 two door, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio 1973 FORD RANCHERO six cylinder, automatic, power eight passenger, six cylinder, automatic steering, brakes, radio PLUS MORE TO CHOOSE FROM .. Open Monday_ ®-Thursday, ..9-8 Friday, 9-6; Saturday 10 - 4 pm * TRIP CAN..BE TAKEN ANYTIME --UNTIL JANUARY 5, 1987. This vacation transferable to relatives or friends as birthday, anniversary, promotion, wedding, retirement gifts, etc. 11 '2995. $4995. '2995, '2495. '2995. '2495.