HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-27, Page 19l DISC JOCKEY STEVENS SERVICE ECTORy COUNTRY GOLD CENTRAL VACUUMS & ROCK `N' ROLL • Available in 3 inlet kit 10 Years_ Experience • Do-it-yourself installation Good recorded music foi • costs less than you think weddings: dances, • 3 year warranty anniversaries, parties • Money -back guarantee Dance Prizes Phone Brussels evenings DORKING GENERAL STORE RR 3, Listowel, E. No Mileage Charge Hw8. 698-266 5 I 8905 R87-6159 Septic Tanks Pumped For Fast Service Call Nels Pierce 334-3734 tache !hack Authorized Sales Centre • CAR STEREOS • CAR RADIOS • HOME STEREO • RECORDS AND CASSETTES • CB RADIOS MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE Listowel 291-4670 Hanover and Walkerton Sorensen Musie Centre. • Fender, Gibson and Takamine Guitars • Peavey and Traynor Amplifiers • Music books • Records & Tapes • Hammond organs • Pianos • Piano Tuning & Repairs Phone 291-3341 204 Main Street West Listowel nitntrg f pPrturlr,n * Piescriptions filled , ° Cataract prescriptions filled ° Repairs on premises ° Sunglasses *Safety lenses =C: ompJate_O p ti c a l -Se r v i c e— DROP OUT AND SFE OUR L4 TEST IN OPTICAL FASHION.! No appointment needed! R. R. 1, Listowel, Hwy. 86 West, Phone 291-3089 Mon. to Fri. 9 - 5:30, Saturday 9 - 12 DIAMOND CENTRE • Watches •Diamond Rings *Wedding Rings •Gemstone and Birthstone Rings •English Bone China •Crystal 160 Main St. W. Listowel PHONE 291-3280 s.u.8. the disc jockeys with perfect music PEOPLE SAY NICE THINGS ABOUT OUR PEOPLE Local Area People serving the communities of Midwestern Ontario. To place bookings: Elaine Rhame - Palmerston 343-3007 SOUND UNLIMITED SYSTEMS INC. Let us sort out your office supply problems! Canadian Crane Rentals Ltd. .• 15, 25 and 40 ton hydraulic mobile cranes reach up to 175 feet, • 1.'/s yard backhoe. 15 years experience. 357-3721 RR 2, WINGHAM GOODYEAR, MICHELIN, SEIBERLING TRUCK TIRE B.EIREADING_ TRIANGLE TIRE Distributors Ltd. LISTOWEL On the Farm Service Call 291-2521 STONE'S TV 'and Appliances Electrohome Zenith Inglis TVs, Stoves Stereos, Freezers, Washers, Dryers - Satellite Dish Antenna "We service all makes" TV Towers Installations--and--Repairs STONE'S For Rock Bottom Prices Gorne 335-6374 Cleaning & Service Chimneys 'Oil & Wood Furnanes B & M CHIMNEY SERVICES 291-2876 Brian Dinsmore Mike Dinsmore BY SPECIAL REQUEST D.J. Service Phone evenings - Terry or Gail 887-6185 Repairs to all makes of SEWING MACHINES FREE ESTIMATES , ALL WORK _ GUARANTEED,' SEW AND SAVE CENTRE 149 Downie St. (2 doors S. of Hudson's) STRATFORD 271.9660 Closed Monday use preDS1. . IRON -ON -LABELS Adhere permanently to clothing and linen. 50 labels for only 33.95 PRESS -ON LABELS Sticks to almost any .dry ,sur- face. Identify your books, envelopes, etc. Featuring a new transparent waterproof plastic. Available at • The'llstowel Banner 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel • NEED SERVICE? =TRY THESE FIRMS Earl C. Koenig Upholstery Kurtzville * Custom Wing Chairs Phone 291-2409 LUCILLE'S ELECTROLYSIS featuring "THE BLEND" A modern, efficient form of permanent hair removal. Certified Electrologist Confidential consultations at no charge. Tuesdays 343-2261 DURHAM MOBILE HOMES & PARK LTD. Mobile Homes - New & Used General & Northlander Modular Housing Hwy. 6 South End of Durham Douglas St. West Phone 369-3723 HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a call for - MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER Hogs by the half and whole Beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS Hogs - Tues. Beef - Thurs. 338-3330 . - a" atilitatith BOARDING Dogs & Cats Breeders of: Samoyeds & Golden Retreivers For more information call: 323-2588 Include us in your plans I,f you're planning a wedding,' plan to visit us first for wedding ,stationery and accessories. Listowel 291-1660 Mount Forest 323-1550 Milverton 595.8921 Wingham 357-2320 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC P. FEIGE. D.T. 129 Main Street North Mount Forest, Ontario 323-2331 Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday - 9.30p m - 5.00 p m By Appointment Only 4 Crossroads—Nov. 27, 1985—Page 3A FOR SALE HAMMOND organ model 144. Factory authorized sale. Reduced in price from $4,995 to $3,495. On display at Sorensen Music Centre, 204 Main St. W., Listowel; On- tario 291-3341. CONESTOGA III airtight 30" wood stove. Good shape. $350. 343-2901. POOL tables, all sizes, balls, cues and accessories. Phone 291-3270 or 291-3617 evenings. TRANSIT level $350; single snowmobile trailer, $200; boy's bike, $20. Phone 357- 1598 from 6 to 9 p.m. ORGANS. We have a good selection of used organs. Sorensen Music Centre, 204 Main St. W., Listowel, On- tario 291-3341. BARRELS: Wet rye whiskey barrels. Also rum barrels available by order. Phone Barry Sage 291-2972. N27 -J2 PIANO Special - from Village Piano Shop in El- mira. Pianos refinished, guaranteed, delivered $1095, five to choose from. Piano, apartment size, 37", only $895. Anniversary Sale. Phone 669-2280. 27,4 BUTCHER pigs. Choice of pick-up date, including.. into 1986. Priced week of pick-up, formulated to markethog pool. Manuel Albrecht, Mill- bank. 27,4 STUDENT acoustic guitars, Anjo model F-44, $79.95. Con- tact Sorensen Music Centre, 204 Main St. W:, Listowel, phone 291-3341. 13,20,27 ORDER little Dutch wind- mills now for Christmas. Phone 357-1403. rrb FRICTIONAIRE furnaces: A new concept in home heat-' ing. Maximum . efficiency. Safe, comfortable, fully automatic, even heat, easily installed. "No fuel or chim- ney 'required". C.S.A. ap- proved. For more informa- tion call Linwood General Store, 698-2600. " tf GESTETNER. Needs very little work to make opera- tional. Ideal for small busi ness, church group or clubs. Call 595-8921. No reasonable offer refused. tf WEDDING supplies - Pom- pons, plastic, available in yellow, pink, white and light blue; 41/2" white; silver or gold doilies and ribbon for wedding cakes, also Guest Books for weddings, anni- versaries, showers and all thea occasions. Items all available at The Listowel Banner, 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel. tf LIVESTOCK , FOR SALE • YORK x Landrace bred gilts available for December and January farrowing, bred to coloured boars, as well as our usual selection , York, Hamp, Duroc and Hamp x iutocJ.ioars Priced reason- ably and guaranteed. Deliv- ery available. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, Ontario. Phone 345-2317. 27,4,11,18 SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE Vaha Christmas Yamaha Christmas Excite- ment begins with a BRAVO 250 for only $1899! Plus we will give you a Top Quality Adult 2 piece Snowsuit for only $29.95 with YAMAHA REBATE! Yamaha has 9 exciting sleds for Trail Rid- ing or Cross Country Rac- ing. We have 100s of instock ACCESSORIES, snowsuits, boots, gloves, helmets and shields at Pre -Christmas Savings! SERVICE! We offer top quality service and parts. We're. booking now for Fall Service; i.e. your choice of Free Spark Plugs or Ski Runners with this ad! Royal City Cycle south- western Ontario's largest Yamaha Snowmobile dealer, 409 Woodlawn Rd. W., (Hwy. 7), Guelph. Phone 653- 3861 or 1-822-7080. We Keep You Snowmobiling For Less MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE MOAT DA -- ME RE so .9 itouRm* Royal City Cycle has pur- chased over 300 1984-85 Honda Motorcycles at Vol- ume Savings! . EXAMPLES 1984 VF 500CE Magna, V4 liquid cooled engine, mags, electric start and more, $2395; VF750 Magna, V4, driveshaft and more, $3499; 1985 VF500FF 'Interceptor, smooth V4, sports fairing, $3499; VT1100CF Shadow, 1100cc V twin, driveshaft, mags, $4599.- Prices do not include freight, PDI, tax and licence. Many more models at great savings. Small down pay- ment will layaway your new Honda till spring. Bank fi- nancing available. Some models in limited supply, Royal City Cycle your Regional Honda Dealer, 409 Woodlawn Rd. W. (Hwy. 7), Guelph. Phone 653-3861 or - 1-822- 7080. . YAMAHA - 'Thank You For Making Us#1 In Ontario We're offering you our cus- tomer these Special YAMA- HA Prices Now! Brand new 1982 XJ650 Seca, $2199; TT250 Enduro, $1599; PW50 Mini Bike, $399; 1983 XV750. Virago $2695; XJ650 Maxim, $2395; XS400 Maxim $1699; YZ80_ MotoCross $799; 1984 XJ750I, Maxim $2899; XV750 Virago, $3299; XS650 Special $2099; XV500 Virago, $2199; XS400 Seca, $1799;; 1985 XVZ12 Venture, $6399; XV1000 Virago, $4199; XJ700 Maxim, $2999. Plus many more 1983-84-85 models available. Freight, PDI, Tax, Licence extra. Buy while selection is at its best. ' Layaway. your new bike till Spring. Financing available. 1986 models arriving soon. Open daily 9 to 8; Saturday 9 to 4. Royal City Cycle, 409 Woodlawn Rd. W., (Hwy. 7), Guelph. Phone 653-3861 or 1- 822-7080. e S ave You Money WANTED TO BUY MOBILE homes wanted. We buy and sell. Call collect (519) 364-5723. CANADIAN coins prior to 1966. American coins prior to 1964. Jewellery, watches, military items, scrap gold and silver. Pick up avail- able. R. H.. Coins,. Listowel. Phone 291-2732. 6,13,20,27 WE buy pianos - cash for your piano. Phone 669-2280 or _.._.--- 016-D25 WILL BUY used pianos for cash. Michael Lipnicki Piano Tuning and Repairs. Phone 357-1049 rrb CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1977 FORD Granada 4 door, 302, automatic transmission, power: brakes, certified; 1976 Ford van, 6 cylinder standard; 1968 Ford 3/4 ton pickup, 4 speed, as is. Phone 357-3258 after 6 p.m. LOGEL Enterprises RR 3, Listowel, Ont. TOP DOLLARS PAID FOR - SCRAP CARS AND TRUCKS Parts to fit most vehicles Check Our Prices! CaII us at 291-1464 HELP WANTED TEAM EFFORT, unlimited earnings, opportunity for husband and or wife. Start a joint career with one of the nation's leading companies, good income, flexible hours. Benefits. Call 1-824-3.540 Guelph. 20,27 YEAR round work available, full and part-time (shorter hours for students). Call Brian's Poultry Services Ltd. 367-2675 or call free 1- 800-265-3009, between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. tf SERVICES COMPLETE piano service: piano tuning, repairs, re- finishing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Before you buy or sell, call 742-1432, Kit- chener. tff FARM Taxation Service (Registered). Edward Street, Fordwich. Phone 335- 6363. Specializing in farm re- turns since 1968. tf CHRISTMAS PARTY CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAYS MAGICIAN Professional • Reasonable Humorous • Amazing Ages 3 to 103. , HARTLEY: 658-6811 WORK WANTED CMA (4th level) with experi- ence in payroll, receivables, and other aspects of ac- counting seeks challenging position on full or part time basis. Phone William 595- 4587. 27,4 COPY for. Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 5 p.m., Thursday of week prior to publication. SALE Used Mobile o rrj Home ' 45- - — Sale 48x1 0 Canadian Star $ 3,995. 5Ox10 General $ 5,500. 56x12 Northlander $ 8,995. 60x12 Leader $10, 995. 68x1 2 Bendix $14,375. 65x14 Homco $17,500. For COTTAGE or YEAR ROUND take a look at manufactured housing .11,10cuirt • RV CENTRE 4166 King St. East Kitchener, Ont. N2G 3W6 Hwy. 8 W. 11/2 Mi. from 401 (519)653-5788 G,ORRIE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP GorrieCommunity Hall For Sunday, December 1 9:30 a.m. - The Lord's Supper 11:00 a.m.. - Family Bible Hour/Sunday School Speaker: Laverne Bramhill, Palmerston- - followed by fellowship dinner & slide presentation by Mrs. Grace Richardson (Zambia) 7:30 p.m. - Praise & Prayer Meeting Film will be shown. Tuesday, Dec. 3 - 6:45 p.m. Awana Boys' and Girls' Club, Wingham Bible Chapel Friday, Dec. 6 - Young People's Bowling in Molesworth • YODER ROOFING CONKLIN PRODUCTS Specialty roof coatings for flat or sloped roofs. Urethane roofing and coatings. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Paul (519) 335-6497 AI (519) 335-6228 P.O. Box 117, Wroxeter, Ontario NOG 2X0 BULK OIL VALVOLINE 10W30 - $1 .25 litre 15W40 - '1.40 Any Quantity Kralinator Oil & Air Filters Titre LISTOWEL -MOTOR..._ SUPPLY -- 291-3270 U -PPL: Y--.---- 291-3270 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Open: Mon. Fri. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m ' Eve. & Weekend by appt. Horst Fe*ge By Appointment Only Telephone: Sarnia (519)336-6580 Wallaceburg (519)6276056 Neustadt (519)6657818 Goderich (519)524-6688 No Charge 1 800.265.1415 Did you know...that it is important to have your dentures ' examined regularly? Yol it mouth is one of the most important areas of your body, but often the most neglected when dentures are -worn. Improperly fitting or neglected dentures can cause severe health problems. The lack of public information regarding dentures is alarming and often leads to problems and unnecessary ex- pense. Your local denture therapist (denturist) is a professional specializing in the construction, -repair--and-inodification Z5f- dentures and provides - this service directly to the public. If you have pro- blems with your present dentures or think of get- ting, new ones, see your local denture therapist, i consultation is usually free. You will find denture therapists (denturists) listed in the yellow pages. This information is supplied through the Denturist Association of Ontario and your local therapist.