HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-27, Page 18,f Page 2A—Crossroads—Nov. 27, 1985 Day of Remembrance Continued from Page 1 MOVING CEREMONY At exactly 8 p.m. two minutes of silence are ob- served. A deep stillness reigns, not soul stirs in the ,square. A single bird sings in the branches of a nearby elm and up in the sky the clouds glide silently by, as they did 40 years ago when Friesland was free again. The subsequent placing of the wreaths allows an un- forgettable insight into the "sentiments living in the hearts of the people We cannot begin to men- tion all the wreaths. First 1 there are the official ones, di those placed by the mayor, by Lt. -Col. Whyte, by the c chief of police, by the people h of the resistance organize- b tions, etc. They keep a fi delegations o e th carrying wrea floral tributes in su stream to be g wh e- posited at the a di monument. Po Senior citizensfa tribute forward r r dren step to the r: - fr w to the Memorial Stone, where it takes up its position. Next come the bands, after having played the Dutch national anthem (Wil- helmus) at the close off the ceremony at the monument. Behind them a solemn pro- cession sets in motion. The marching order dif- fers from that of the parade to the resistance movement. The mayor of the town and Lt. -Col. Whyte lead the way. After them come the Cana- dian veterans and their wives, followed by the other invited guests. Remember this ceremony is exclusively n honor off the fallen Cana- an soldiers. In the street nea itizens of Sneek undreds particip ringing solemn hom Lt. -Col. Whyte 1 rst wreath, the dep e mayor of the tow bsequent floral e ceremony is co ith the playing of th an national anthe pulace joins in a miller tune rever om the massive ails, 70 feet or mor coming, th off the people, ihs.and floc an unending lovingly d foot of th carry the: school chi front, girls i scrubbed r impeccably groups itsown wreath Scouts come for Guides walk up to followed by officers. movement Army did r'any sympathy from the Nazis. ,Both had their origins pro in England and were con- sen sidered enemy organiza- Fris tions. Touching is the tribute brought by the Salvation Army men. They lay down F their wreath and point a even fingers heavenward for a chu moment in memory of their plan comrades who perished in Chur Nazi camps, but now have The been promoted to glory. the Very moving is the sight of bein the children and young Day, people filing past the monu- enjoy ment, their faces serious, , jamm very serious, for in Europmally there is a longing for peace 1400, as perhaps nowhere else in audie the world. It is reflected -in ber c° the faces of the people, young and old. The recurring ered The theme in magazines and who news publications is an Whom ardent desire for peace and daet brotherhood among the direct nations. Mrs. First the victims of ag- local gression and foreign vio- tarParlia n lence must be honored and attend on and on they come, the attend H bearers of flowery tribute, the e until the base of the monu- where rby the in their ate in age. ays the uty and n place tributes. ncluded e Cana - m. The nd the berates church e high, L. M. Montgomery Is it far away across the land and across the sea? Is it really there or is it only a dream? How do we find the right track? Do we go to the left or, straight ahead? Is it not here and is not there? Is it just a dream or is it really somewhere? Are all dreams then decep- tive? Have we sought in vain? Is it a fairy tale only and not true? Is it somewhere or really no- where? We want to know, we want to see, We want to know, we count till three, Give us a sign of peace on. our way That once we may see it clear as day. To which we say from the bottom of our heart, Amen. Coming Events TEA AND BAKE SALE Celebrrate Christmas - Tea and Bake Sale. "Celebrate Christmas" is a tea and bake sale with a craft room, toy room and game room, put on by Brownies, Girl Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers and Guiders at Trinity United Church, 21 Arthur St. North, Elmira, Ontario on Satur- day, Nov. 30, 1985 at 2-4 p.m. Tea room $1 per adult; 50 cents 12years .and under. RESERVE NOW Planning a special event, Country Lane Dining Room, 178 M-• • .3treet S., Mount Forest, would be pleased to serve you, reservations nnw being taken for office par- ties, family gatherings, special holiday events. Seat- ing available for 44 persons. Phone Irene Neal 323-1048. 13,20,27 LIVE THEATRE The Grey -Wellington Thea- tre Guild presents: "I'll Be Back Before Midnight" by Peter Colley. Warning: Some, scenes may be frightening. At Harriston Town Hall Theatre, Main Street, Harriston, Ontario on November 21, 22, 23 and 28, 29, 30. Curtain time 8:30 p.m. For tickets Brown's Family Pharmacy, Listowel. 6,13,20,27 pigtails, freshly rol boys, their hal m parted; high school each carrying an Y � an or bundles freshof flowers. T Now Boy ward; Girl mo the monument, the Salvation Army meo The Boy Scoutand and the Salvationand not especially benefit•from Maki ling along the street in a documentary airs assive display of solidarity On November 28 anada d friendship with C d its people. here is no end ments of emotion. moving tribute befo morial stone, the ceed up the Markt break into the F onal anthem. The es over and roars i val in an unforge nifestation of po timent. Who said ians do not sing? The spunky and spirited to the Anne Shirley of Anne of After Green Gables, has been a re the heroine to several genera - bands tions of Canadians. Anne's straat creator, Lucy Maud Mont- risian gomery, is the subject of crowd CBC Television's Lucy Maud is ap- Montgomery: The Road to ttable Green Gables. The docu- pular mentary was based on her that then unpublished diaries, CHURCH SERVIC and telecasts on CBC Thurs- day Night, November 28 at E 8:00 p.m. The Road to Green or the evening of tful day a memoria rch service had ned, in. the Ma eh, beginning at program was main Dutch language, g the National Mem and yet the Canad ed it. The church ed with people: it has a capacit but on this occasion nce exceeded this n nsiderably. key speech was de by Mr.' .Jongeja we met before. A po address was a ed to the audience Zylstra; wife of member of the Du ment. The parliam himself was unable ; his duties kepthim ague this eveni the intricacies At wit's end by Erma Bombeck COMING EVENTS TURKEY BINGO Brussels Legion Hall, Fri- day, Nov. 29; Friday, Dec. 6; Friday, Dec. 13 and Friday, Dec. 20. Fourteen regular games, three specials at $25 each, one share -the -wealth, door prize. Admission $1.50, extra cards 25 cents or five for $1. 8 p.m. sharp, doors open 7 p.m. Help Wanted 1. Experienced Body Person 2. Licensed Mechanic If you have these qualifications and would like to -join a fast growing dealer- ship with good working conditions, modern shop and equipment and excel- lent benefit, packaae: Please contact in person: Roy Brocklebank LISTOWEL CHRYSLER 754 Main Street East Listowel. Ontario PERSONAL BELLY GREETING Belly dancing, tasteful en- tertainment for your party. CaII Najwa 744-1354. (tfl FOR RENT NEW two bedroom apart- ments in Listowel with gar- age. Available November 1st. Phone 291-2322 or (519) 744-1335. ROOM and board available in my home for an elderly person. Phone 291-1663. 27,4,11,18 In New York recently, I had occasion to watch a bag lady go about her daily ritual of pawing through trash bags at the curb. She was wearing a plaid blouse, a green sweater, a mauve vest and a tan coat with a blue scarf over an versized skirt that stopped n inch or so short of a pair of tennis shoes worn with baggy socks. I gasped. With the excep- on of the blue scarf and laid blouse, we were dress - It's hard to admit that style -wise" bag ladies were years ahead of their time. someone had told me that I. ould be walking around anhattan in a pair of gym oes wearing a skirt with ore wrinkles than my andmother, I would have ughed myself to death. Like the bag ladies, wom- of the world have finally ccumbed to comfort. Each ar I expect the Nobel com- ttee to honor the person or rsons responsible for the stic waistband. I have the st one ever made and have curiosity whatsoever as to at is growing underneath this Gables airs in conjunction ° ]and with the release of Oxford a been University Press of The Selected Journals of Lucy rini 8:30. Maud Montgomery (early ly in portions of her diaries) and ti this the telecast of CBC Televi- p oriel sion's drama special, Anne e ians of Green Gables which will was air on December 1 and 2. This romantic and sensi- 20 Nor - y of live film portrait of an out- If the standing woman at the turn „ ivy urn- of the century, is the life story of Canada's still best- sh selling woman writer, 43, m liv-' years after her death in 1942. gr ns, Her bestknown book, Anne la ig- of Green Gables, established Iso its heroine as a Canadian le- en by gend. su theye tch When this film was made m in 1974, producer Terence, mi en"MacartneyrFilgate.was Pe to given access to Montgom- ela in ery's 10 diaries, containing no ng, over two million wordsof, which Montgomery began tvh writing.at the age of ,14 and it. which she continued until a few years before her death. nal She wrote, "There is so WO much of myself in theseat volumes, it would be like nea murder to destroy them." rea The diaries form the basis of jac „this program, filmed largely bac my on location in Prince Edward Island, her hT ome province he and the setting of. her world- The renowned novels. 'When it I premiered in 1975, one critic clot said "The CBC launches its no r they new season with what may Now be the best documentary Woo film of the year." He also called it "brilliant". tenn the Gordon Pinsent is heard as pub! the narrator, and the off- Shep camera voice of Lucy is actress _Jackie BurrouMaudghs.- ......gownshoe Playing the on-screen Lucy cere Maud in the years of young Th womanhood is Linda of f Goranson. Prince Edward some Island -native Jill Cody plays dust Montgomery as a youngster. Tha ment is hidden by the multi- cutch tude of tokens of patriotism policy and gratitude, welling from cruise consta the heart of a nation: Soa nation honors its dead. Both So Sneek honors the victims English of World War II in an unfor- Besid gettable, J massive demon- tone e stration of solidarity with the event c su forces of freedom, justice m l and peace. songs a Deep down in the soul and have s buried in the recesses of guests, one's memory remains an was sing indelible picture of the Never tender youth ppf Sneek, yes of perhaps a certai the whole world, carrying nos their wreaths, in their eyes a andd nos mute prayer for peace and times, w life. a naggi MEMORIAL STONE about th The ceremonies at the The' n revea lin monument are over and general attention shifting translate ing poem to what in Dutch is called ' `De Gedenksteen" grIt (Memorial Stone) imbedded and gam. m. of th in the church wall, bearing Europe a It the names of three Canadian too little ch toucc h soldiers, fallen at the ap- proaches to Sneek in the THE L spring of 1945. Where, o The-'cer"emoirral1an "steps peace? put of the formation around Will I eve the monument and proceeds Iam litt domestic and foreign , in particular the missile issue, were ntly under review. speakers spoke in es pervading over - of thankfulness, the ould be termed a cul- ani'festation and in its nd music cannot but truck the Canadian for a happy nation ing and rejoicing. theless, was there , below the surface, n cultural pessimism talgia for more quiet hen no one felt such ng fear and doubt efuture? hoice of songs was g. We will atempt to from Dutch .a strik featured in the pro - speaks of the fears e hopes of many in nd the world over. hing in itsll eference ildren. y dolman arms have fi- ly found a home in those nderful sleeves that start the waist, fan out and er touch skin until they ch my wrists. And the kets that cascade over fanny and stop at the k of my knees could be d for a circus tent. y're wonderful. m a convert to comfort in hes. I used tothink if e was no pain there was eason to get dressed up. I publicly apologize to dy Allen when he wore is shoes with his tuxedo' Kennedy Center, and I icly applaud Cybill herd for wearing gym s with her strapless -.to-the -Emmy 'award mony. ese are the golden years ashion, and it's time one thanked the in- ry. nks for the shoulder that eliminate every of my- neck so_that_my looks like it's being AND OF PEACE wheteJs-the-.].axis#-of eahi rg used to be punishable by death. The last hanging for that crime r get there, though le? took place in 1832: crossroads Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and entertainment section of The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance - Times, The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun. Members of the Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc of t,jjon, Ontario Community Newspaper Association and the Ontario Press Council. Controlled distribu- tion in Arthur, Drayton, Harriston, Moorefield, Palmerston, Elmira, St. Jacobs and Wallenstein. Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5:00 p.m. Thursday week prior " to publication date. Advertising and Production Accaunti o and Billing The Listowel Banner 188 Wallace Ave. N P.ZS. Box 97, Listowel, Ont. , N4W 3H2 The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550. The Milverton Sun 595-8921. The Listowel Banner 291-1660. The Wingham Advance Times 357-2320. pads trace head served on a platter. (The neck was going anyway) Thanks for the sweaters that slipcover my entire body and stop just above the knee. Thanks for cummerbund waistbands that can fall any- where there is a groove for them to hook themselves into. The bag ladies of the 1980s are the women of the hour. Their casual mix of design and fabric have been copied and reproduced by the best designers in couture houses in Europe and America, If there was an ounce of.integ:._- --r.Torrecognizing original- ity, rightfully they should be on the covers of Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and Wom- en's Wear Daily. The style may only_ he in Tor -15 minutes, but for one brief moment, for those of us with hips, thighs and knees that blouse, it has been a visit to Camelot. As I rounded the windy corner in New York, I stop- ped and went back for MORTGAGES another look at the bag lady. Her hair was pure punk, standing straight up, un- combed, unstructured and unbelieveable. I wanted to ask where she had it done. WE BUY and arrange first and second mortgages on residential property and farms. Phone Greg Cowan now at 291-3800, 8:30 to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. TF LISTOWEL LIVESTOCK. LTD. MURRAY REA MANAGER 291-2319 JACKSON & JACKSON' AUCTIONEERS 291-4450 - 291-4528 Serving the Community for 40 Years Where seller & buyer' establish market price EVERY TUESDAY - 1 P.M. Selling Dairy Cows, Holstein Heifers, Pound . Cows, Calves, Stockers and ' 800 to 1000 Farmers', Hogs Every Wednesday 8 a.m. till 12 noon ' Market Hogs, Sows &c Boars' Listen to CKNX Radio for weekly reports on Wednesday AUCTION SALE .of 'horses, Suzuki Quadrunner, Ski-doo, lawn tractor, guns, some household items, antiques & misc. fpr Ross Smith Lot 16, Con. 1 7, Maryborough Twp. located 5 . miles west of Arthur on Hwy. 9 or 5 miles east of Teviotdale on Hwy. 9, (sideroad 15) on Sat.. December 7 Sale time: 11:30 A.M. NOTE: This sale will be held under cover, 'with a lunch booth available. HORSES:, Matching team of Welsh -Hackney, mare & gelding, approx. 14 hands, sorrel 9-10 years old, (if not preyiously sold). EQUIPMENT: Set of light britchen show harness; 2 western saddles; halters; collars, etc.; tack box; Tight show wagon complete; corner stall feeders; plus horse equipment. GUNS: Cooey single shot 22 cal. rifle; Cooey bolt repeater 22. cal. rifle; Win. single shot 22 cal. rifle '(antique); gun buyers must have FAC. VEHICLES: 1984 Suzuki 125 Quadrunner 4 wheeler (good); Honda 65 bike running,_selling a __ alympic,manual start; snow -machine sleigh. LAWN & GARDEN: JD 214 lawn tractor, electric start, 14 h.p. complete with 39" mower (good unit); Aries garden tiller. OTHER EQUIPMENT: Burgess 500 lbs. portable hi -pressure. washer; 2 wheel road grader; portable air compresor (no tank); steel stone boat; spreader wood--tr-ailer -set--of-sloop-sieign- ; cu er gear; "10 ton hyd. jack; handyman jack; snow fence; steel posts; quantity of cedar posts; large sugar kettle; smaller iron kettle wooden picnic table; patio table & umbrella; two 5' ladders; 10' step ladder; mail box; cyclone hand seeder; steel welding table; scrap iron. HAY: Approx. 75 square bales of hay. • BELLS: Collection of polished bells including chime bels, string bells, shaft bells & a cow bell; horse collar with brass mounted hames. HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES: Variety of everyday dishes; stereo cabinet with B&W TV, working; bedroom suite with double bed, vanity & bench, chest of drawers; gun rack; ant. press back high chair; oak library desk; gingerbread clock case only; wood box; blanket box; trunks; ' 2 cant hooks; cistern pump; wash stand with towel bars; steel lawn swing; _records_ & :stafld;__wQodel_ba •-.-.- rels; gas lantern; plus misc. Owners or auctioneers not responsible for ac- cidents, deletions or loss of property sale day. Terms cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day. SALE ORDER: Starting with household effects, horses at 2 p.m. _ Proprietor: Ross Smith Phone 848-6735 Auctioneers: BOB & DOUG GILMORE Phone 519-291-3489 or 519-291-3421 FARM FOR SALE The Farm Credit Corporation via Power of Sale offers for sale LOCATION: Approx. 2 miles east of Kenilworth.... LEGAL DESC: Pt. S'/2 11 Con. 4 Arthur Twp., Wellington County. LAND: 90 acres with approx. 65 workable -Harriston silt loam. BUILDINGS: Attractive 3 bedroom aluminum clad house, a good, functional farrowing barn with a capacity of 90 sows. • The pUrchaser of this spection and knowledge of hisoperty must rely on own of the farm and not on the her or any other particulars or representations made- verbally or in writing by or on behalf of the Farm Credit Corporation. An offer to purchase .must be made on a form obtainable from the Farm Credit Corporation on request to the address below or from any office of the Corporation. A osit Offers dpurpchasefmustt be Orece received at thea heaField the Office • listed below by December 6, 1985. Closing is normally 30 days after acceptance unless other arrangements approved by vendor. Before making an offer, those interested should ascertain that the property carp be used and occupied for the purposes intended in accordance with Provincial Legislation and Municipal Regulations. Cash offers are preferred. If F.C.C. financing 'is required, this must be discussed prior to offering with the Corporation's local representative listed below. ghest any offer will not necessarily The he Corlpo Corporation rcould request new offers to purchase after the above mentioned date, if.deemed necessary, Purchaser will be responsible for alf taxes and all assessments whether local improvements, tile loans, or other- wise charged or assessed against the said property from date of closing subject to the usual adjustments. AH offers to purchase and inquiries should be addressed to: FIELD OFFICE FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CANADA Attn: E. Van Hoekelen 242 Inkerman St. East, 113ox 39, Listowel, Ontario N4W 3H2 Tel: 291-3450. If no answer, telephone 824-6360 Please refer to file number: 39390-539 AUCTION' SALE of house, property, car, appliances, furniture, antiques, dishes, tools & misc. Estate of James J: Ferguson • 496 'York Ave., Listov'jeI Property will be sold at resident on Wed.. Dec. 4 - Car and all household effects will r1 bold ld at the m� Kurtzville Community Centre on Wed.' Evening - .6 p.m. PROPERTY: With 11/2 storey, white brick house with 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 piece bath upstairs. Downstairs has dining room, living room, kitchen with cupboards, oil furnace, separate double garage. House needs some repair & decorating. Corner lot, good locaton. TERMS ONTROPERTY: Selling ,subject to 'a very reasonable reserve bed, purchaser shall pay -10% cash or cheque day of sale with balance on clos- ing date Jan. 15/86, when possession will be given. For information on property please call 356-2439. NOTE:'Sale of property only Wed. Dsc. 4, sale time 4 p.m. at the residence. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES: RCA no frost white refrigerator, good; RCA 24" white electric stove; Wood's apt. size chest freezer; GEllsquare tub wr- inger washer; Inglis electric clothes dryer; ' small - electrical appliances; Hitachi color TV table model; TV stand; stereo radia, cabinet model; din- ing room ext. table with leaves, 5 side chairs & arm chair, buffet, older suite, good; chesterfield bed; swivel rocker; mag. table; small tables; plat- form rocker & footstool; vinyl Laz-y_boy chair, _ geod;—bronze--lzitdiTen siife with oval table & 4 chairs; pole, floor & table lamps; wall mirror; hostess arm chair; metal 2 door & 2 drawer cabinet; utility table; electric broom; vacuum & at- tach.; humidifier; record cabinet; bedroom suite consists of double bed, chest of drawers, double dresser with mirror, nite table; steel double bed; luggage; some bedding & linens; pictures & frames; smalLr-adio. • PIANO: Bell upright piano & bench, good condi- tion; Hohner 10 button small accordion; Magnus electric, chord organ & stool. ANTIQUES: 3 wooden rocking chairs; lar9e cor- ner 2 piece cupboard with 2 top 6 pane doors,.2 drawers, 2 bottom wooden doors, painted, old & good; top part of cupboard with 2 wooden doors; sideboard; captain's chair; odd wooden chairs; wall med. cabinet; drop leaf table; child's hand sI - ed; wooden stool; wooden double door wardrobe; comb. dresser with mirror -wash stand with towel bar; dressing table with wing mirrors; 2 wash stands with towel bars; chest of drawers; dresser with oval mirror; Singer treadle sewing machine; 1/2 round end table. 2 coal oil lamps. DISHES: 2 complete dinner sets for 12; variety of everyday dishes, some good pieces; 2 partial chests of silver; silver pieces;--pots._&_.pans__.._.___.-_- -CAR;-1972-1i71-ercury 4 door, V8, auto., p.s., p.b., 31,000 original miles, all good cond., selling as is; '/2 ton pickup cap. . MISC.: Lawn swing; lawn chairs; garden & hand tools; gas push lawn mower; hand push lawn mower: wooden step. _ladders--quantity--o-i» used - e ectrical supplies, Executors or auctioneers not responsible for ac- cidents. deletions or loss of property sale day. Terms: cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day. Auctioneers: BOB & DOUG GILMORE. 291-3489 -- 291-3421