The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-27, Page 16Page 16 -The Wingham Advance -Times, Nov. 27, 1985
Mrs. Ella D. Irwin
passes in 90th year
Mrs. Ella D. Irwin, a
resident of Bray Lodge in
Wingham since March of last
year, passed away Friday,
Nov. 22, at the Wingham and
District Hospital after an
illness of six weeks. She was
in her 90th year.
Daughter of the late
Samuel Thompson and Ellen
Chamney, Mrs. Irwin was
born on Feb. 14, 1896, in West
Wawanosh Township. She
received her education in the
Donnybrook area before
marrying her husband, J.
Herson Irwin, on Aug: 6,
The Irwins farmed in East
Wawanosh Township until,
their retirement to Belgrave
in 1957. Mrs. Irwin moved to
Wingham in 1977 following
the death of her husband.
A member of the Wingham
United Church and the
United Church Women, Mrs.
Irwin also was active in the
Women's Institute, the Mary
Hastings Club, Huron
Chapter No. 89 of the Order
of the Eastern Star and the
Wingham and Area Day
Centre for the Homebound.
She leaves to mourn her
passing four daughters, Mrs.
Alex (June) Nether)/ 'of
Burlington; Mrs. Gibson
(Gwen) Armstrong of
London; Mrs. Scott
(Audrey) Reid of Wingham;
Mrs. Hugh (Barbara)
Laviolette of Scarborough;
two sons, dim and Marilyn
Irwin of Dunnville; Bill and
Barbara Irwin of Goderich;
20 grandchildren and 11
In addition to her husband,
Mrs. Irwin was predeceased
by two sons, Stanley in 1936
The Cokes lead the league
with 32 points, followed by
the Seven -Ups with 28, the
Pepsis with 24., the Walter
Root Beers with 19, the Coke
Classics with 17 and the
Cream Sodas with 16.
Erin Skinn had the high
and Dr. Richard Irwin of single of 130 for the girls and
British Columbia in 1984. She the high double of 212. Arley
also was predeceased by six Pautler had the boys' high
brothers and two sisters. single of 161 and the high
A memorial service was double of 279.
conducted by Huron Chapter Other games of 80 and over
No. 89 of the Eastern Star on were rolled by Erin Skinn 82;
Sunday, Nov. 24, at 7:30 p.m. Julie Lisle 84; Missy Bieman
at The McBurney Funeral 95, 94; Carolyn Pike 105, 89;
Home, Wingham, where Ansley Simpson 87; Lisa
Mrs. Irwin rested until Moody 81; Paul Deslauriers
funeral service was conduct-' 106; Ryan Robinson 80;
ed Monday at 1 p.m. by Rev. Arley Pautler 118 and Ryan
J. Rea Grant of the wingharn Moffatt 115, 90.
United Church. JR. BANTAMS & JUNIORS
Six of. Mrs. Irwin's grand- The Snorks lead the league
children werepallbearers: with 34 points, followed by
David Armstrong of the 'Pussy Cats with 30, the
Burlington, • Brian Reid of Wuzzels with 23, the GI Joes
Ottawa, Valerie Johnson of and the Muppet Babies with
Thunder Bay, Gail Hayes of 20 and the Masks with 9.
Mississauga, Danny Lavio- Sherry Dekker had the
lette of .Scarborough and girls' high single of 191 and
Jeffrey Irwin of Goderich. the high double of 335. Todd
Harrison had the boys' high
single of 186 and the high
double of 313 was rolled by
Danny McPherson.
Other games of 125 and
over were rolled by Sherry
Dekker 140; Carrie Skinn
135; Danny McPherson 164,
149; Derek Knight 126;
Adam Deslauriers 151;
Steven Marks 140 and Todd
Edgar 138.
Flower bearers were five
more grandchildren: Judy
Tiedemann of London; Dr.
Brenda Muselius of Calgary;
Pamela Deichert of Orono;
Sandra Young of Stratford
and Michelle Laviolette of
Final resting place
Wingham Cemetery.
Inglis Brothers
entertain at church
BRUSSELS - The Inglis
Brothers entertained with
two gospel numbers at the
Sunday morning service at
the United, Church, con-
_ _ ducted by Rev. Carpentier.
The minister had "The
Human Vulnerability" as his'
sermon. Prayers were said
for those who are sick. -
It was announced the
Going to
The Fuzzies lead the
league with 43 points,
followed by the Alphabata
with 34, the Nimrods and the
Commandos" with 29, the
Afternoon Unit will meet TLCs with 28 and the Slinkys
Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. in the church with 27.
parlor. The roll call is to be a Lori Tiffin and. Rhonda
Christmas verse. Leachman tied for the girls'
The UCW Christmas high single of 196 and Lori
dinner will be held at 6:30 had the high triple of 534.
p.m. on Dec..4 in the church David MacRae had the boys'
auditorium. Everyone is high single of 207 and the
welcome. The _members of high triple of 593.
the UCW will be packing Other games of 165 and
Christmas boxes for the over were rolled by Debbie
elderly shut-ins of the Morrison 175; Lori Tiffin
congregation on Dec..5 in the 178; Rhonda Leachman 176;
church parlor at 1 p.m. Rhonda English 169; Ian
Donations of cookies and ' MacKay 171; Jeremy
fruit would be greatly ap- Bloemberg 181; ,David
A children's bazaar will be
Joe Kerr, son of Mr. and held Nov. 30 from 12:30 to 2
Mrs. Harold Kerr of p.m. to allow children to do
Wingham„ left last Saturday . their Christmas shopping.
for Geneva, Switzerland. 'Gift wrapping will be
Beginning Dec. 1, Joe will be provided, but volunteers still
working. as a financial ad- are needed and all items are
visor with the International $1.00 or less, including
Red Cross in. Addis Adaba, whales,' candles, spiders,
Ethiopia, for a period of four crazy pencils, boats and
to six months. more. Coffee and sweets will
be provided for waiting
Thanks were extended to
those who helped with the
Wednesday Morning Group.
The Impalas lead the
league with 35 . points,
followed closely by. the
Edsels with 34, the Mercs
with 32, the Essexes with 31.,
the Classics with 22 and the
Tempos with 14.•
Don Burley had the men's
high single of 225 and the
high triple of 543, while Jean
King had the ladies' high
single of 329 and the high
triple of 778.
Other. high games were
rolled by Betty Burley 231;
Florence Thompson 238;
Marg King 213; Shirley
Storey 251 and 262.
Linda's' Little Rascals lead
the league with • 52 points,
folrowed by Terry's Mrs. Ts
with 46, Dylis' Dagwoods
with 37', Pam's Polkaroos
with 35, Shari's Shirttails
wi t -32 and T s• tp-
munks with 30. •
Shari Good had the ladies'
high single of 224 and the
high triple of. 534 was rolled
by Lyla Ann Harkness. Gene
Kruse had the men's high
single of 298 and the high
triple of 732.
Other high games were
rolled by Pam Fischer 202;
Bob Pegg 216, 258, 238 and
Blair Bushell 238. - '
Ed's Easter Lilies have
taken a good lead in the
second series with 12 points,
followed by Gary's Glads
- Peg's Peonies with 7 and
Barb's Begonias and Mar-
ty's Marigolds with 2.
Donna Bieman had the
ladies' high single of 284 and
the high triple -of 6t18T „Gary Jamieson Jamieson had the
men's high single of 255 and
triple of 607.
high games were
")aryl Walker 223;
209; Ken Young
Non Fitzgerald
MacRae 185, .201, 202 and
Tom Darling 173. .
Bowlers of the month have
been: Bantam, Lori
Morrison for September with
the high score of 123 and in
October, Arley Pautler, 124;
Junior Bantams and Juniors,
Jenny Remington, Sep-
tember, with high score of
154 and Sherry ,Dekker,
October, 190; Seniors, Julie
Henry, September, with a
high score of 236 and Oc-
tobet, Tammy Cleghorn and
Jeremy Bloemberg, tied
with 236.
NEW HORIZONS GRANT -MP Murray Cardiff was in Wingham Monday to present a
$3,000 cheque to members of a residents' committee at the Copeland and Bray
Lodges. Accepting the cheque •on behalf of the residents are Olive Lewis, Reuben
Appleby and Mabel McRae. The money will be used to purchase a piano, card tables
and lawn furniture for use by the 32 residents of the two lodges.
Notes from Fordwkh
Mrs. Jean Wilson and Mrs.
John Baker have returned
home from Edmonton where
they visited with relatives.
Mrs. Edna Doig returned
home Thursday after
spending a few days with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mit. Harvey Bride, at
Don Mills.
Ron Reed of Orono visited
Saturday night with Mrs.
Alma Hargrave and David.
Mr.and Mrs. Doug
Wildfang of Mississauga
visited one day recently with
Mrs.. Nellie Simmons.
• Mr. and -Mrs. Lorne Kelley
attended the 40th wedding
anniversary celebration of
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Stickney,
held at the' Palmerston
Legion Hall Friday night.
Fordwich and area
residents are .asked to
remember the card party
Friday night, November 29,
in the Fordwich Community
Local friends of Emerson
Ferguson will be sorry to
learn that he was apatient in
K -W Hospital a few days last
week. He is wished a speedy
return home and to, good
Mrs. Jean Wilson ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Karges of Listowel to
London on Sunday where
they visited with Mr. and
Mrs. James McAlister.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Nickel who
celebrated their 51st wed-
ding anniverary on Sunday
when a family dinner was
• Bruce Agla moved last
week' to the home recently
purchased by Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Miller. The Millers
will move shortly into the
home Mr. Agla purchased
from the estate of Mrs. Mary
The Square 5247861
The Square 524-7661
1 year G.I.C...... 9 1/4 %
3 year G.I.C. 101//2 i'f 0
5 year G.I.C.. 10'%
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Head office Goderich
Thank You
To the public school supporters of East
Wawanosh, Blyth and Morris
/ thank all those who voted for me
I thank all those who voted against me
Those who were too lazy to vote for
either candidate, do not value their
franchise and therefore, do not de-
serve thanks from anyone.
John Gaunt
Great PreChriStns . Sale
l en Thursday and Friday Nites to 9 p.m.
200 Men's SUITS
Sizes 36 to 46. Reg. to $299.00
For the Early Shopper - SALE
800 Men's SUITS
All new tall arrivals
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Save $80.00 off all other SUITS
Choose from 2000 famous brand suits
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Single & double breasted- styles.` Navy, black and fashion colours
from Merit, Shipley, Crombie, Guy Laroche & others. Reg. $129.00 to
$269.00. Sizes 36 to 52. .
$8900 SALE $19900
Great Selection fine wool flannel
poly/wool blends
and stretch corduroys
Sizes 28 • 46. Reg. $50.00 to $70.00
Save $10.00 off all other
SLACKS - SuperfetetTion over 2500 pairs.
All famous Canadian brands. Sizes 28 to 52.
ALL $10.00 OFF
Save on Entire Selection men's
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Sizes 38 • 48, All this season's newest
SALE $8900 -
$169°° --$24000
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TOPCOATS • zip -out linings
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SAVE 200/0 OFF entire selection
London Fog & Croydon All Weather
TOPCOATS • Sizes 36 to 52
Men's warmly lined Leather or Suede SALE
BOMBER STYLE JACKETS $990 Reg. S139.00 to S169.00, 0
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Great Selection warmly lined SALE
Sizes 36 to 46. Reg. to S99.00 se 77
Save on 3000 SPORTCOATS
All new this season from famous Canadian makers. Great selections
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$8900 $129°°. $179°°
1000 Mens [tress SLACKS
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SALE $ 695 and $2695
Save 20% Off all other fall & winter
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For The Early Shopper
1500 DRESS SHIRTS . Reg. values to
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Limit 6 per customer SALE $9.95 9.95
Great Selection • This Season's Newest
DRESS SHIRTS - Famous brands as For-
syth, Pierre Cardin, B.V.D. & others,
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Superwash Pullover
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Reg. $40.00 value • SALE
SWEATER SPECTACULAR • Save on hundreds
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Reg. values to S60.00
SAVE $5.00 OFF entire selection
not already reduced.
Sizes 14.19'/2, includes tails.
Famous brands include Leo Chevalier, Chris-
tian Dior, Pierre Balmain, Pierre Cardin, B.V.O.
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SPORT SHIRTS includes brushed flannels,
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Save 20% or More Off
EVERY SWEATER in stock. Hundreds to
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Ladies' Fashion Wear &
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THEY MIGHT BE MAGIC -Sherri Nicholson and Cherie and Cathy Conley kept a
close eye on the doves held by magicians Marg and Dicky Dean following their per-
formance at the Western Foundry children's Christmas party Sunday afternoon.
They'd seen those birds appear and disappear as if by magic during the show, held at
the Lucknow-Community Centre.
Open 6 days
a week 9 to 6
Open Thurs. & Fri.
Nights 9 to 9