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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-27, Page 7
3/44 The Wingham Advance -Times, Nov. 27, 1985 --Page 7 199A J13 EPHINE ST., WINGHAM ONTARIO. BROKER • 3b7.1117 LOVELY FAMILY HOME Tastefully decorated three bedroom brick home, bright kitchen with adjoining sun room, living room with natural fireplace, formal dining room, two baths, TV den and recreation room, excellent condition, good location. AFFORDABLE FAMILY LIVING Three roomy bedrooms, large kitchen plus din- ing room, two baths and extra guest room, renovated and maintained in good condition, updated furnace and electrical system, re - insulated. Give us a call! MODERN FAMILY HOME Features three Targe bedrooms, family room with huge floor to ceiling fireplace, games room with built-in wet bar, dining room leading to an elevated sundeck. two full bathrooms, large eat -in kitchen with built-in dishwasher, make us an offer. Call Magda Moody 357-2943. GOOD CENTRAL LOCATION Retirement home with main floor master bed- room, Targe kitchen and living rooms, 4 pc. bathroom, two bedrooms above, lots of stor- age, attached garage, close to downtown, good condition ,and fairly priced. TIRED OF RENTING? Come and view this two storey three bedroom home in a new subdivision, tastefully decorated throughout, sliding door from dining area to Targe back yard, full unfinished basement awaits your decorating ideas, affordable. Call Magda Moody 357-2943. • BRUSSELS FAMILY HOME Close to school with extra lot, 11/2 storey three bedroom home, modern kitchen, family room, dining room, living room. Asking $25,000. REPRESENTATIVES Ken Ducharme - 357-2594 Magda Moody - 357-2943 G. W. Prue - 357-3689 WANTED TO RENT FIFTY acres' of land (grain land) for three years. Phone 887-6394. WORKING person looking for' apartment in Wingham. Phone 357-2837 after 6 p.m. 20,27 FARM FOR SALE Huron County, East Wawanosh Township, E'/2 Lot 35, Conces- sion 13. Located 5 km west of Wingham. 100 acres with about 78 workable. Build- ings include a stone house and bank barn. The land is rented for the 1985 crop year. Asking $95,000. For further informa- tion contact Stephen Wright, Farm Credit Corporation, Box 155, Goderich, On- tario. N7A 3Z2 or phone 519-524-8381. For Rent AVAILABLE in the near future, building size 50' x 40' for rent. Can be used for many purposes such as re- pair shop, body shop or stor- age space located near the centre of town. Interested parties phone 357-1268. 27-11 BRICK farmhouse on High- way 4, available December 1st, 1985. Phone 482-9371. HEATED two bedroom apartment in Gorrie, fridge and stove supplied. $225 per month, for quiet, mature, re- sponsible persons, refer- ences required. Phone 335- 3282. llrrb HEATED one bedroom apartment in Gorrie, fridge and stove supplied, $190 a month, quiet, mature, re- sponsible person. Refer- ences required. Phone 335- 3282. Service Directo AUTO BODY THE NU -LOOK AUTO BODY A division of Tolton Motor Sales Ltd., Bluevale COMPLETE COLLISION, AUTO BODY REPAIRS .AND REFINISHING • Free Estimates • Gravel Guard Application • Sand Blasting • 24 hr'. Towing • Glass Installation • Side Mouldings • Re -Chrome Bumpers • Tape Striping Contact Bruce Campbell 357-3029 • EARN A BARREL FULL Set in the Classifieds Call & place an ad today. The Wingham Advance -Times . 357-2320 WELDING SPIKE'S PORTABLE' W ELI IN OE' in shop repair work General Fabrication, Stabling. Truck & Wagon Racks Ornamental Railings. •Free Estimates Spike 'Bakker RR 5, Lucknow Ph. 528-2520 ELECTRICAL PLETCH ELECTRIC LTD. . Electrical Contractor Motor Rewinding and Complete Motor Sales Exhaust Fans.and Controls WINGHAM 357-1583 HEATING & PLUMBING LeRoy Jackson • — Plumbing —.Heating — .Tinsmithing • 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 . SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy Enterprises. Ltd. Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service Hwy. 86 east of Wingham Phone 51957.3435 WINGHAM PRINTING SERVICE • PRINTING •_P11010 COPIES • REGISTER FORMS • RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING • ..• STATIONERY. 314 JOSEPHINEtSTREET WINGHAM 357-3800 CONSTRUCTION ASKES BROS. CONSTRUCTION General Construction Farm - Home - Commercial Bert 357-3053 JACK WALKER Construction Hwy. 4 South of Wingham 357-2481 • Houses • Farm Buildings Renovations FREE ESTIMATES Murray MacFarlane Carpentry Bluevale Renovations and repairs 357-1548 Leon Russell Appliance & Refrigeration Service Warranty Service for Hotpoint, Moffat. General Electric. Inglis, Whirlpool and Admiral Also available - Heat Pumps & Central Air Conditioning with Service for 3 well-known makes Phone Wingham 357-3773 I Ir MacGillivray & Go. ( :Ilstrtc•I-c'd Ace„„„,,;„,,, LISTOWEL - 291-1251 Partners: M. J. Hoyles, C.A. R. N MacDonald Exel, C.A. Managers: L. M. Gagnon, C.A. R. H. GODERICH 524-2677 E. Takalo, C.A. Kaufman, C.A. 2rrb SALES 1 Geo's Farm Supply • hyd. hose & fittings • plow shares • drive shafts • roller chain • bearing, sprockets, pulleys George Marklevitz 357-1995 TOWN & COUNTRY • BUSINESS MACHINES LTD. IBM, Olivetti and Smith -Corona typewriter service calculators & photocopiers Harold Jardin 673-4930 357-2139. Forever Yours Stationery • INVITATIONS • THANK YOU NOTES • NAPKINS, MATCHES • SOCIAL • ANNOUNCEMENTS The Wingham Advance -Times Office WINGHAM BODY SHOP 14 North St. E., Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 Phone 357-1102 • Paint & Collision Service • Radiator Cores & Repairs • 24 Hour Towing • Frame Straightening SID ADAMS RON BEECROFT Owner 357-1171 Shop Foreman 357-2950 cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Contractors ._ Appliance & Refrigeration Sales & Service &gag SALES & WARRANTY SERVICE open 6 days a week WINGHAM 357-245 39 Years Bullt by Ouality & Service To place your action ad in Crossroads classifieds, Calle The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320 -_.CUSTOM ENGRAVING - Name badges, room numbers, door signs, attractive desk sets. Also engraving of names on our fine line of pens and pencils. Available at: The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320 The Listowel Banner 291-1660 The Milverton Sun 595-8921 323-1550 The Mount Forest Confederate ONE bedroom apartment in Gorrie, fridge and stove in- cluded, heat. Phone Dale or Joanne McLean 335-3930. 9rrb ONE bedroom apartment lo- cated near downtown, in- cluding stove and fridge. Phone 357-1851 t efore 6 p.m. TWO bedroom house central Wingham, available im- mediately, $275 per month. Phone (416) 827-9384. 27,4 THREE bedroom farm house, excellent condition, new oil furnace, new in- terior. Barn in need of major repairs. 25 acres for animal grazing. $250 per month. Long term lease. Phone Joe, 1-884-6204. FARMHOUSE near Wing - ham, references, no pets. Phone 335-3660. FARMHOUSE 41/2 miles from Wingham on Highway 4 North. Oil furnace, 3 bed- rooms, available December 1. Phone 392-6145, FURNISHED apartment near school and hospital, suitable for nurse or young professional person. Phone 357-2252. 27,4 SMALL one bedroom apart- ment in quiet older home suitable for 'single person, $215 per month plus utilities. Phone 357-3545 after 6 p.m. 27,4 LARGE one bedroom apart- ment in quiet 'older home*, suitable for single person or quiet couple, $235 per month plus utilities. Phone 357-3545 after6p.m. 27,4 FARMHOUSE one' mile south of Bluevale. Can be rented as of Dec. 1. Refer- ences required. Phone 357- 3001. 27,4 WELL -KEPT two bedroom downstairs apartment, close to main street, tenant pays utilities, no pets, available Dec. 1, rent $230. Phone 357= 2433 after 5 p.m. 27rrb ONE bedroom upstairs apartment, central location, fridge and stove included, available December 1. Phone 357-3053. 27rrb THREE bedroom house for rent, available for oc- cupancy on January 1. Good location, near schools and hospital. Phone 357-2290. 2027 'TEE bedroom house in - Wingham available Decem- ber 1, close to main street. Phone 357-2890 after 7:30 p.m. 20,27 LARGE three bedroom house with attached garage, kitchen appliances, wood -oil combination furnace, ,fire- place, approximately 10 cord of wood available immed- iately. Phone 887-6304 or 455- 8799. 30-27 ONE and two bedroom apartments, like new condi- tion. Central location Blyth. References. Phone 482-9210. 2rrb LOVELY four bedroom home, centrally located,' downtown Wingham. Ideal for family or shared accom- modation. Phone 357-2690 after 6 p.m. 6-27 TWO three bedroom houses; one bedroom apartment. Ap- ply Sunrise Store, no phone calls. 20,27 ROOM in Wingham with house privileges. Phone 357- 3883. THREE bedroom house in Wingham, close to down- town, schools and hospital. $300 per month, stove in- cluded. Phone 357-1633. 20rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DO YOU have listings to ad- vertise . in 132 weekly# news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the ' pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 16rrb THREE bedroom house in Wingham, newly renovated with car port. Phone 357- 1912. WANTED TO BUY . MOBILE homes wanted. We buy and sell. Call collect (519) 364-5723. 23-27 Did you know that in 1950 it took 13 weeks to produce a four pound chicken? Today it only takes six weeks. a BAILEY REALESTATE LTD. BROKER. BUS. 482-9371 RES. 523-9338 300 ACRES - 10th Concession, East Wa- wanosh, 180 acres workable, beef and crop farm. Maitland River crosses proper- ty, very scenic. 43 ACRES.- 4 miles south of Wingham, large brick home, good barn. 185 ACRES 120 acres workable,drive shed; -jhirdtirre, Mol ris Twp. 100 ACRES - Lot 2, Con.. 5, Grey Twp:, • 80 acres workable. 1 ACRE - good brick home and garage, very scenic, Sixth Line, East WawanQsh Township. BLYTH - 1 acre lot on King. Street. 2 floor brick, 5 bedroom home. All recently de- corated. OntUVII It I I_ T0 R A STARTER OR RETIREMENT PROPERTY - • Mobile home (60'x12') 3 bedroom, living & din- ing area, plus Targe attached deck, $11,000. Undercarriage still attached. Situated on a large landscaped lot, overlooking__Maitland_.Ov_er. Vim._ _ . acre) may be purchased by person who desires mobile, at $6,900. Otherwise land price is $8,500. RURAL BRICK 2 STOREY - 3 bedroom, living & dining room, plus large family room, huge coun- try_ sized- Modern- kitchen --all situated on-Iartge - corner lot (1/2 acre) and less than 1 mile from Wingham. MODERN WINGHAM BUNGALOW - Ave' rooms on ground level, plus finished rec. room,'! and 3rd spare bedroom. Priced below the cur--' rent market. Wingham Rep. - Geo. W. Prue 357-3689 AC610 M DATION LODGING for seniors with private bedrooms, meals provided and laundry com- plete. Phone Betty Campbell 7-6672. 27,4 Canada's agricultural trade reached a record high last year, with exports of $10.3 billion and imports of $6.1 billion. FOR RENT Large two-bedroom apartment close to downtown. Phone 357©1343 Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. PARLOR DAIRY - High quality builings with new style home, spacious barns, double 4 parlor, excellent classified herd of 40 cows, price also includes quota and farm machin- ery. $500,000. 200 ACRE - Croo and beef farm in East Wawa - nosh. Good IF,Ot. ; barn, spacious 4 bedroom brick home, implement shed, maple bush. CASH CROP FARMS - • East Wawanosh - 36 acres, 30 workable. Howick - 48 acres, 40 workable. West Wawanosh - 250 acres, 200 workable. Grey - 100 acres, 75 workable. Morris - 146 acres, 90 workable. Morris - 76 acres, 50 workable. MOLESWORTH AREA - Good dairy - crop farm with large barn, equipped milk house, imple- ment shed, well modernized 3 bedroom house. Owners anxious to sell. $1 10,000. FOR BEST FARM SELECTION CALL "CULLIGAN" Contact BRIAN POTTER Belgrave 357-3622 HUTTON HANDSOME CUSTOM - built brick Wingham bungalow in new condition. Features are large living room with fireplace, master bedroom with bath ensuite, full basement partially finished, electric furnace with central air conditioning, paved drive to carport and covered patio. A lux- ury home at a moderate price. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - on this attractive Wroxeter home. Totally updated with new roof, new electric furnace, large living room, eat -in kitchen with patio doors to garden area, 2 baths, double lot, workshop. Real value at $23,900. THREE BEDROOM WINGHAM HOME - only two blocks from downtown being sold to settle an estate. Large living room, good sized kit- chen with cupboards, three bedrooms, new roof. Asking in the twenties but reasonable of- fers considered. OWNER HAS MOVED - and must sell this 15 yr. old brick bungalow in Wroxeter. Well main- tained with new attached garage and new elec- tric furnace, basement rec. room, paved drive, Situated in an area of newer homes. Try an of- fer. OUR SELECTION OF COUNTRY PROPERTIES INCLUDE: 6 ACRES on highway at Bluevale with electri- cally heated bungalow. 17 ACRES west of Wingham on highway, with 3 bedroom house and 28'x52' steel barn. 7 ACRES on highway with newer house, 30'x40' painted barn and 1 2'x66' shed. 181/2 ACRES on highway with 12 yr. old fully finished bungalow and 20'x40' barn. MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM 357-3208 Representing Lloyd W Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine 396-2061 The Man To See Is i,iINTEE FAMILY HOME - close to downtQW1:1_yyith 3 bedrooms, double living room with fireplace, separate dining room and eat -in kitchen. ALSO - a 2 bedroom apartment for extra income. Financing available $49,000. 200 ACRES - an excellent production farm with open bottom 135 tillable acres, beef barn 42x56, driving shed, 3 bedroom brick home is comfortable and cared for. $127,000 or a rea- sonable offer. PRESTIGE - at a moderate price! An invitingly attractive 4 bedroom home, traditional niceties preserved & essentials updated, two new baths, rec. room, fireplace in gigantic 13x27 living room, formal dining room, meager heating costs (you won't believe it), paved drive and double garage. Superior central location in Wingham. $74,900. BLYTH AREA - 1 ACRE with 1722 sq. ft. bungalow; only 8-years-of'd-witfTrragrilfize-r7tc2 stone exterior, 3 extra large bedrooms, 21/2 baths, large utility room, fireplace in living room & basement play area & an exceptionally big 2 car garage. Beautiful country setting just off Hwy. 4. $84,500. ORIGINAL IDEAS - Wanfed for this village pro- perty. Over 900 sq. ft. which could be a store, craft workshop or maybe 2 apts. The roomy liv- ing quarters have 4 bedrooms and a huge living room. Close to Wingham. Asking $59,000. Contact: OFFICE 357-1344 STAN CHADWICK 357-2497 MARGARET DAY 357-2196