HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-20, Page 20Page 4A—Crossroads—Nov. 20, 1985 AT HOME WITH TIPPI HEDREN AT 1-KDDIE WITH- .7-41171--- A4, Tippi Hedren By Robert McDonald One of the most famous scenes from an Alfred Hitch- cock film is the one in which a flock of sea gulls and ravens ,attacks a' beautiful young woman. The film is "The Birds". The beautiful young woman is actress Tip-, pi Hedren, who went on to star in "Marnie," a second Hitchcock film classic. Hedren was one of very few actresses - including Ingrid Bergman — to make more than one film with the director. While Hitchcock was an acknowledged genius of cinema art, he had a very difficult personality. After "Marnie," Hedren broke her contract. Now imagine another scene. The' classically beautifully head of Hedren in the mouth of a lioness. But RETURN WITH US 10... 6� ortv n RUDY VALLEE WAS? GENU NE SUPER- STAR LONG BEFORE THE TERM WAS COINED... HE WAS HOST AND PRODUCER OF THE FLE/SCH,HANN HOUR FFX.1N 1929-39, INTRODUCING TO RADIO AUDIENCES SUCH FUTURE STARS AS EDGAR BERGEN, CARMEN MIRANDA, EDDIE CANTOR, ALICE FAYE AND BOB BURNS. THE ALLlQ/C'N FAM/L r' BEGAN AS A SEGMENT OF HIS SHOW. EDDIE CANTOR / NE/GN- HO EVERY- BODY./ • FDGAR FSE F{N ,- CARMEN MIRANDA 7 BOB �R 'BURNSr0-, / l„yy,) \ VALLEE WAS ASSOCIATED WITH 1 MANN SONGS INCLUDING HIS LONG-TIME THEME ... "MY TIME ,sal/ 15' YOUR TIME.' HE FREQUENTLY ,/ ) SALUTED THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE WHICH HE IN 11921 BEFORE GOINGATTENDED TO YALE N �Ani.y Nf, WA Service. "ALICE FAYE THE VOICE OF RUDY VALLEE WAS FAMILIAR TO MILLIONS AS WERE CROSBY SINATRA AND COMO TO A LATER GENERATION. cif you want peszsona attention, Elle latest /asr1ions, a wide selection of colow s ( -n — tile best quality ya'rls; if you want it all. a'tr?s of 9''talee Especially For You! CHUNKY Bu 10 Get 2 FREE this time it's not staged. It's real. The animal had pinned the actress beneath it and had grasped the back of her skull in its jaws. Hedren could hear the big cat's teeth scraping bone. Her husband, Noel Marshall, rescued her. Physicians treated her, and she insisted on returning to work the next day. She has never forgotten the peculiar resonance of the sound. How had she come to be in such a predicament? She and Marshall (they've since divorced) had travel= • led to Africa on a film as- signment. In the Serengeti; they observed a pride of lions living at ease with one another in an abandoned house. They resolved to make a film 'about animals - including man — living in, harmony with one another. The resulting film, "Roar!" consumed a decade - and a fortune. Both two - legged and four -legged ani- mals suffered terrible in- juries, and many big cats died. It proved, however, that lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs and cougars can live with one another and can develop special relationships with humans. But despite its unique footage of big cats in- teracting with one another and with human, the film did not prove to be an inter- national box-office success. The enduring result of the film undertaking is Hedren's home, Shambala. Shambala is a 180 -acre private. animal reserve near Palmdale, Calif. The name in Sanskrit means: "A meeting place of peace and harmony for all beings, animal and human." At Shambala, Hedren and her helpers live with rare animals whose species face extinction by nature's most threatening predator, man. At present, 96 big cats and two elephants share the re- serve with numerous flamingos, swans, peacocks and other birds. The animals are scientifically separated into 13 compounds ranging in size from 1 to 5 acres. Shambala began as a rescue effort for excess ani- mals from zoos and circuses, and from owners who did not want them. Hedren would never take wild animals from their indigenous habi- tats. From the kitchen window of her modest house, Hedren can look out on a lush en- vironment. Once a desert, the area now ys ablaze with seasonal flowers — zinnias, dahlias, marigolds and a for- est off cottonwood trees. On a recent day Hedren saw near- by a 600 -pound Siberian tiger, two lionesses (Debbie and Wendy) and five lions. Beyond the river were six more lionesses. The interior of the house reflects the owner's pas- sions: There are works of art from Zambia, Kenya and Zimbabwe; accessories in the form of big cats and ele- phants, and photographs off residents present and past. Also, Hedren uses African prints to cover her furniture. (Because she keeps the baby big cats in the house while raising them, Hedren has be- come an expert upholster- er.) Hedren spends her days as the busy and happy admin- istrator of her private wild- life preserve funded by the non-profit Roar Foundation. Her recently released memoir "The Cats of Sham- bala" (Simon and Schuster), written with Tehodore Taylor, breathtakingly relates the Making of "Roar!" in a straightfor- ward narrative. On the dra- matic side there are a forest fire and a raging flash flood in addition to the unpredicta- bilities of big -cat behavior. On the comic side there is ' Hedren's use of Estee Lauder Youth Dew to en- courage the mating of a lion with a tigress. However, her book is only the beginning of much needed, continuing re- search. BOOK REVIEW MACAU. By Cesar Guillen- Nunez. Oxford University Press, Toronto. 86 pp. $14.95. Reviewed by PERCY MADDUX _ The' Portuguese city of Macau not far from Hong Kong is the subject of the lit- tle book by Cesar Guillen- Nunez which is entitled simply "Macau" in the, Images of Asia series. It is a delightful and attractive volume with maps and color illustrations. The author has confined his account to the city itself, retailing -its history up to•the 1920s, which tells us of the Portuguese -Chinese rela- tions through the centuries. This is a survey rather than a detailed account of all that has happened. The author provides us with a short bib- liography, mostly in Portu- guese. • In addition to the many 1-104" 4 t a • much ,note than. jusy�n Zehrs Plaza Listowel 291-4401 291-4405 OP N MON - SAT. 9-6, FRI 9-9 color pictures, this charming little book contains a black and white section as well. DOCUMENTARY GIVES LOOK AT FILMING OF ANNE OF' GREEN GABLES The Making of Anne of Green Gables, a half-hour documentary on the making of the upcoming CBC Televi- sion mini-series Anne of Green Gables, will be tele- cast on the CBC Television network on Sunday, Novem- ber 24 from 9:30 to 10:00 p.m. An in-depth look at the filming of a major television mini-serie T he— aking-- --_ Anne of Green Gables was conceived by producers Martin Harbury and Dawn Greenhalgh as a way of giv- ing audiences a behind-the- ,sc-enes--look--at the- intricate process of bringing Lucy. Maud Montgomery's classic novel to tele`vi'sion. In interviews with the ac- tors, the director and crew, what emerges is a moving account of each individual's personal experience of the film. C )' Please accept this -as our invitation to you to come help us celebrate the completion of our Store Renovations. We're completely new and we. *been p y haveable to get some of the bargains for you! 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