HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-13, Page 24B001i REVIEW THE HOME BOOK OF CHRISTMAS Edited by May Lamb rton Becker. Dodd, Me and Company (Canada ),/Limited, Toronto. 766 pp. / /Reviewed by ERCYMADOUX / he Home Book 6f Ch istmas" is a sparkIng a thology of prose nd ersecompiled by May Lamberton Becker. It is an attractively manufactured volume with a ribbon as a book marker and all selections are printed in large clear type. All the well- known avistinas carols are here. The prose selections are from famous writers on Christmas, and, of course, Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" is included. This makes excellent reading and is a splendid ref- erence book. BURNING UP CALORIES Did you ever wonder how many calories you could burn up just by going about your everyday activities? Liz Grogan set out to test exactly that. In her' quest, she discovered a machine called an oxylog, which mea- sures the number of calories burned up while doing phys- ical activity. Liz tried var- ious tests, such as mowing a lawn, vacuuming a room, typing, and watching tele- vision. Afterwards, she mea- sured how many calories were burned up by each acti- vity. Wouldn't it be nice if watching television burned up the same number of ca- lories as a rigorous fitness class? CTV, Monday, Nov. 18 at 7:30 1 Page 8A—Crossroads----Nov.13, 1985 HEY KIWI LEARN TO DRAW WITH DANNY COUGHLAN ,„.0,\, • 1. Here's Danny's complete drawing. 2. Finish what Danny started. 3. Now try it yourself! 1 • LAST 3 DAYS THIS OFFER AVAILABLE ' FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING! p.m. ORAL TEST EXAM QUIZ 20 -piece portrait collection 2-8x 10s, 3-5x 7s, 15 wallets* with Gilt Portraits from Seals Portraft Studio includes 96c deposit At Sears, no appointment is ever necessary to get quality photographic portraits We welcome adults and family groups. Each additional subject is only 95e. POSES OUR SELECTION. These • attractive options available irr a-dditfori-to this offer Christmas Background, White Background, Black Background and Double • Feature Portraits, Also available: Instant Passport Photos , *Approximate sizes. PORTRAIT TAKEN THRU NOVEMBER 16. Studios located inmost larger Sears retail Stores. Check your local store for days and hours of studio operation. Sears your money's worth . . and more W 1 N TER_T_ • CUR 14 -POINT TUNE-UP MAKES THE MOST OF YOUR MILEAGE, Check it out. -------".."1""...........1.117111.11.1111111111.11111.111.1111.111111111,111111.1.111, Backyard Gardener ,l'i'e0;44 y V11/44:404 soAtfkOr# *to_ aaamossimmwsco Plant paperwhites now for Christmas blooms Fortunate indeed are those indoor bulb gardeners who have held off planting paper - white narcissus until now. They shall have fragrant blossoms at Christmas -time. A little idiosyncracy of paperwhites is that they de- velop and mature as winter advances, with the result that the later the planting, the faster the flowers. That is why bulbs planted before the third week of Octoher seem to take forever to grow and bloom. Paperwhites planted early to mid-Novem- ber are pretty much sure- fire bets for Christmastime flowers. By planting a few paper - white bulbs every two weeks from November through mid-February, it's possible to enjoy their beauty and fragrance from mid-Decem- ber through March. To keep the bulbs in good condition while they are waiting to be planted, store them in open bags in a spot as cool as pos- sible, but frost free. Start the last batch before the end of February, however, when they will begin • to lose their vitality. There are actually ,two forms of these popular winter -flowering bulbs, the more commonly grown white -flowered kind and the golden yellow Soleil d:Or. There is a third, the Chinese Sacred Lily, a creamy white with lemon center, but this one is not commonly offered for sale, so far as I can deter- mine. All are half-hardy po- lyanthus narcissus suited only to indoor growing in all but totally frost -free ch - mates. Most people grow thenpa-, perwhites in bowls in water ith pebbles or clean gravel his is an easy, clean and at active method that .allows e bulbs to be shown off in y watertight containers at ast 4 inches deep. Groups four or more usually are anted in a decorative bowl, t even one will look good, often each large bulb will oduce three perfumed and aceful clusters of flowers, n the water -and -pebble thod of planting pdper- ites, the first considera- is to start off with bowl pebbles squeaky clean. ouid not be a had idea to ce the pebbles in a col- er and pour boiling water r them. o plant the bulbs, a layer ebbles is placed in the land the bulbs settled on', of them about an- i nett rt. More pebbles are ad around the bulbs to t a half-inch below the f the bowl. The bulbs, in method, should be posi d so that their top two- s remain exposed above ebbles. ter is then poured into owl unlit it comes to just ath the base of the . The level can be test - poking a finger into the es, This is the water that must be maintain- ght through the bulbs' of flowering. w T • tr th an le of PI bu as pr gr me wh tion and 11 w pia and Ove T of p bow top, a pa • spre a bou top this tione third the p Wa the b bene bulbs ed by pebbl level ed ri period At thig point, the container should be placed in a dim, cool spot as close to 50 F as possible for the bulbs to form a good root system. In two to three weeks, as soon as care- ful poking in the pebbles reveals a thick root system and some pale green shoots have begun, bring the bowl gradually to light and warm- th over several days as the shoots color up. Then bring. the bowl to full sunlight, and turn it each day to keep growth even. When the flow- ers open, remove the bowl back out of direct sun and keep it as cool as possible for long-lasting bloans. There are a few disadvant- ages to this method of grow- ing paperwhites. Very often the growing roots push the bulbs up above the pebbles. Watering is a little tricky — too high a level will rot the bulbs, while too little will cause the roots to shrivel and die. Personally, I have better results, and superior flowers, when I pot paper - whites narcissus just like other bulbs in a commercial Dotting mix. In soil, only the top third of the bulbs is left exposed, and the pots are brought out of their cool rooting area and placed in- side decorative baskets or bowls when rootlets begin 1) protrude from the pot's drainage holes WHY TAKE A CHANCE or, )• In these times of stress it is a nice feeling to know all of your property is or can be well pro- tected by the oldest Farm Mutual in Ontario — a Canadian owned company, uniquely reinsured with another Canadian owned subsidiary. Call or contact our local agent or broker today to discuss your insurance needs either on a direct company - client basis or agent/broker - client basis. AGENT/BROKER: Gerald M. Bain - 595-8989 Clare S. Logel, Maryhill - 648-2623 Gordon L. Welsh, Manager - 621-4660 DIRECTOR IN YOUR AREA: Bert Dickieson - 822-7445 Dumfries Mutual Insurance Company 12 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Ontario Phone 621-4660 • CUNNINGHAM'S 17-11 2ND ANNIVERSARY SALE Pre- Pasted, Vinyl. 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