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Page 14 -The Wingham Advance -Times, Nov. 13, 1985
D'Arceydefeats r= ord
in exciting Howick vale
Concerned Taxpayers of
Howick, a group opposed to
the new fire agreement.
Unofficial results in the
seven -man race for coi jn-
cillor, were: Doug Bunker,
253; Robert Clarkson, 83;
Murray Donaldson, 174;
Norm Fairies, 278; Harold
Gibson, 275; Alex Graham,
262; and Hilbert VanAnkum,
For Huron County Board
off Education, Art Clark,the
incumbent, did not get the
majority of Howick Town-
ship votes.
Art Clark captured 229
votes in Howick Township,
compared to 316 by Brian
Jeffray and 334 by Norm
A poll -by -poll analysis of
the Howick vote, as well as
comments from the winners
and losers, will be available
in next week's edition.
GORRJE Howick Reeve Board, was defeated for the
Jack Stafford has been top job in the township by
ousted .from Howick Deputy Reeve Gerald
Township Council following D'Arcey.
a high voter turn -out at the Mr. D'Arcey, who has been
polls yesterday. openly opposed to the new
He is the only incumbent fire agreement, captured
who will not return to just under half of the 1142
council, however, as all votes cast for the position off
present councillors and the reeve.
deputy reeve won tough- The unofficial total was:
fought races for positions on Deputy Reeve D'Arcey, 528;
the incoming council. Reeve Stafford, 380; and
"Well, you can't say it's a Harold Robinson, 234.
vote against council; it's a Coun. John Jacques will
vote against me," Reeve return as deputy reeve,
Stafford said. while the votes defeating the chairman of
were still coming in but the The Concerned Taxpayers of
voting trend was evident. Howick, Jim Robinson, 619,
"All the rest of the coun- votes to 495.
cillors are doing all right." For the position of coun-
Mr. Stafford, who has been cillor, incumbents Norm
the driving force behind a Fairies and Alex .Graham
move by council to im- both won another term and
plement a new fire they will be joined by Harold
agreement with the Gibson of Fordwich who has
Wingham and Area Fire also been involved with The
Snell apparent victor.
as E. Wawanosh reeve
In a very tight race for the
reeve's position in East
Wawanosh Township, Ernie
Snell appears to have been
successful in his second try,
outpolling incumbent Reeve
Neil Vincent 329 votes to 319.
Three years ago the race
between the same two men
finished in a dead heat, with
Mr. Vincent eventually
claiming victory when his
name was pulled from a hat.
With one poll to come, Mr.
Snell held a commanding 259
to 182 lead in votes, but Mr.
Vincent polled very strongly
in his own poll to almost
close the gap. -
The race for council saw
three incumbents returned,
together with one newcomer.
The 'newcomer, Ray
Hallahan, topped the. polls
with 471 votes, 'followed by
incumbents Don Schultz,
395; Jim Taylor, 385, and
Fred Meier, 343.
Not elected were in-
cumbent Vaughn Toll, 338,
Mrs. John Leppi•ngton,
Aaron and Adam of Clinton
visited on Wednesday after-
noon with her mother, Mrs.
Agnes Bieman.
Sympathy is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wight -
man in the sudden death of
their son-in-law, Wayne
Nicol .of Brampton.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Campbell and Kyle of
Bluevale to this community.
They have recently moved
into the village.
B -P clinic
at Town Hall
The Huron County Health
Unit and the Heart and
' Stroke Foundation are
sponsoring a blood pressure.
clinic at the Wingham Town
Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 20.
The clinic will run from
12:00 to 3:00 p.m. Everyone
• is welcome to attend.
and John Currie, who polled
279 votes in a bid to return to
council following an absence
of several years.
The liquor question on the
ballot in East Wawanosh
passed easily, with 473•
persons voting in favor and
only 189 opposed.
Incumbent John Elliott
• turned back the challenge of
Jack Gaunt to retain his seat
on the Huron County Board
of Education representing
East Wawanosh, Morris and
Mr. Gaunt edged Mr.
Elliott in East Wawanosh by
a margin of 327 votes to 272,
but overall it was 649 for Mr.
Elliott to 456 for Mr. Gaunt.
Additional election results,
together with any changes in
the final standings, will
appear in next week's edition
of The Advance -Times.
-Recreation. Report
Public ice skating will be
held Saturday from 1 to 2
p.m. and parents' and tots'
skating is held every
Tuesday and Thursday from
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 to
2:30 p.m. Adult recreation
skating is held every Mon-
day, Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday from 10:30 to 11:30
Ice rental is available at
the . Lockridge Memorial
Arena. For more in-
formation contact the
recreation office at 357-1208.
The hockey games for this
week are as follows:
Thurs., Nov. 14, 7:15 p.m.,
Bantam B team versus Elma
Fri., Nov. 15, 6:45 p.m., the
Atom , B team plays an
Lakelet and community
extends deepest sympathy to
Mr.• and Mrs. Jim Inglis in
the loss of a brother and to
Mran d M
rs. Ervin Reidt
and Mrs, Esther Jacques in
the loss of a brother, Melvin
Milligan; also to Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Harding and
their families in the loss of a
mother and grandmother,
Janet Harding.
Howick will rent
grader dor winter
GORRIE - The Township of $25 per day will not have to
be paid to Mr. Jarvis. The
grader will be stored some of
the time in Wroxeter.
In other business at the
Nov-- 5 r-neet-rng- -of-township—J--
council, a letter was read
from Saan Stores Ltd. of
The subsidiary of Gendis
Inc., which owns and
operates over 190 family
clothing stores across
Western Canada and North
Western Ontario opened 21
new stores in 1984 and 21 in
The- company writes it
foresees another expansion
burst in 1986 and hopes to
concentrate its efforts in
Ontario. In order to evaluate
various locations, it is,
requesting some information
man.I low -ick -Township
Clerk -treasurer Marvin
Bosetti has written a letter to
the company giving details
on the population of Howick,.
the age break -down, trading
area--sta-tistles-, retail trade -
volume, income levels,
unemployment statistics, a
listing of major retailers,
major employees in the area
and a map indicating the
locations of all shopping
malls and major retailers
of Howick has made ar-
rangements with Champion
Road Machinery in Goderich
to rent a road grader for four
months this inter_at-$2700.
per month. •
Hugh Jarvis of Wroxeter
will receive $7 an hour ..to
operate the grader. Yt had to
be rented because a call for
tenders for the use of a
der was answered by
o y one submission which
was later withdrawn. a
Members of Howick Coun-
cil:were concerned Howick's
flet of three graders (not
twq as previously reported
by !this paper) would not be
enough to give residents of
the township "the service
they have become ac-
customed to".
ilowick road employees
will pick the grader up from
Goderich on Nov. 29 and it
will be returned four months
later. The grader comes with
two sets of blades and a tank
full of gas. When it is
returned again it must be full
of gas.
Howick , clerk -treasurer
Marvin Bosetti says the use
of the grader will not cost the
township extra in insurance
payments and stand-by time
exhibition game. No Royals
Sat., Nov. 16, 2 p.m.,
Novice A team versus
Durham; 3:30 p.m., Atom A
team versus Kincardine; 5
p.m., Atom B game. No
Oldtimers' game;
Sun., Nov. 17, 3:30 p.m.
Atom B game; 7:30 p.m.,
Ironmen versus Port Elgin;
Mon., Nov. 18, 9:30 p.m'.,
Stainton Spitfires versus
Bridge Motors;
Tues., Nov. 19, 10 p.m.,
Advance Times versus
Crawford Dodgers; 7 p.rn.,
PeeWee A team versus
High rollers last week
were Irene Lamont 222;
Laura Johnston 193; Dini
Nethery 171, 167 and Hilda
Vincent 162.
WINGHAM PUC WINS SAFETY AWARD—Members and staff of the
Wingham Public Utilities Commission were presented with the Presi-
dent's Award of the Electrical Utilities Safety Association for com-
pleting more than a quarter -million man-hours without a serious acci-
dent. The PUC had gone for more than 22 years, from Jan. 1, 1963
to June 30, 1985, without a compensable injury. Left to right are Roy
Bennett, Tom Robinson, lien Saxton, Rod Wraith, Don Dowds of
EUSA, Bernie Haines and Harley Gaunt. Missing are Ken Simmons,
Les Thompson and William Harris.
Peewees tie Mount Forest
but lose 5-3 to Kincardine
The Wingham Legio
PeeWees played host to
Mount Forest last Tuesday
and managed to come away
with an exciting 3-3 tie.
Wingham opened the
scoring at the 10 -minute
mark of the first period when
Rob Harrison took a perfect
pass from Jeff McKee and
beat the Mount Forest
goalie. Jason Bloemberg
also assisted on the play.
n score,
The local lads went ahead
by two with five minutes left
in the period when Don
Heinmiller picked up a loose
puck in the Mount Forest end
and blasted it past the op-
posing goalie.
Mount Forest didn't give
up and with 51 seconds left
got on the scoresheet,
banging the puck in from a
goalmouth scramble.
The opposing team con-
tinued to apply pressure in
the second period and tied
the score at the nine -minute
mark. However Wingham
came back and Steve Michie
made a fine rush, passing the
puck to. Mike Elmslie who
`spotted • Todd Chadwick in
the open and he tipped in the
puck to go up by 3-2.
Once again Mount Forest
was able to keep pace and
with just over a minute
remaining in the second
period managed to tie the
dome we Club
holds/'Nov. rntin
�e g
GORRIE - Red poppies singing of "0 Canada" and
on a white cross reminded two minutes' silence were
members of the Come Alive observed.
Seniors' Club of Remem- Mrs'. Smith offered a
brance Dayl when the group prayer and Jean Sparling
gathered in the town hall last recited "In Flanders
Tuesday evening. Fields". Mrs. Smith gave a
Mrs. William Smith called reading on Remembrance
upon li�irs-�8r13 Y6gg-to ac- afi Wtrs. Mabel Edgar read
company the group in the "Why Wear a Poppy?". Mrs.
Mrs. Bridge Nellie King gave a prayer,
followed by the singing of
"God Save the Queen".
hosts meeting Mrs. Smith then turned the
BRUSSELS - The Past . meeting over to Harold
Noble Grands Club met last I Robinson, president. Mrs.
Monday at the home of Mrs.' Melville Dennis read the
can `Bridge with the minutes and took the roll
president, Mrs. Mary call, answered by 22
Davidson, in charge of the members and seven visitors.
meeting. • The treasurer's report was
The •secretary, Mrs. given by'Miss •Spariing.
Margaret McCutcheon, read Some of We members
,the minutes of the last intended to take part in the
meeting. The roll call was seniors' . games, held last
answered by 13 members. Wednesday at the Wingham
The ladies were asked to Day Centre for the
bring an exchange gift to•the Homebound and the Gorrie
Christmas meeting, to be group donated $50 to the
held Dec. 2. centre.
Mrs. Mary Lowe moved It was announced there
adjournment and a euchre will be a bus trip to the
party followed. The winners Gerritol Follies at Hamilton
were: high lady, Mrs.' Annie Place on Dec. 7. The next
Thynne: low lady, Mrs. Vera euchre party and games
Hastings; high man, Mrs. night will be held Nov, 26 at
Lillian Mases; tow man, t Gorrie Town Hall at 8
Mrs. Marguerite Crawford. p.m. The president reported
Prizes were donated by Mrs. that several members en -
Verna Thomas and Mws. tertained last month at
Winnifred Edgar Huronview
A tasty lunch was served
--by the wtrostesses,. Mrs.
Alice McArter and Mrs.•
Crawford. 'The president
thanked Mrs. Bridge for
having the group to her home
and Mrs. Sarah Stephenson
thanked the ladies for the
A humorous )skit was
presenTed by Mrs. Velma
Mann, Harold Watson, Mrs.
Alvin Mundell, Mrs. Dennis,
Mrs. George Brown and Mrs.
Nellie Taylor, which was
enjoyed by those present.
Lunch brought a pleasant
even ng to a cl
The third period featured
end-to-end action with good
scoring chances by both
teams. Wingham 's Jeff
McKee twice thought he had
the game -winner, but the
referee called back both
goals, ruling they had been
kicked in.
Bi11 McGrath and Andrew
Mann shared the goaltending
for Wingham. '
Last Thursday the Legion
PeeWees traveled to Kin-
cardine for their first league
game, coming away on the
short end of a 5-3 score.
The first two periods.
provided plenty of action,
with both teams playing
solid positional hockey.
However neither team was
able to score as both goalies
played exceptionally well.
Wingham came out flying
in the third period and Scott
Neil scored from a sharp
angle with assists going to
Rob MacKay .and Tim
Currie. A minute later Jeff
McKee made the score 2-0
with assists from Rob
Harrison and Todd Chad-
After going ahead by two
goals, Wingham appeared to
let up and Kincardine took
advantage of some sloppy
play to score four unan-
swered goals. With their
backs to the wall and only
1:21 remaining in the game,
McKee picked up his second
goal of the game, assisted by
Steve Michie.
This set the stage for an
exciting finish as Wingham
pulled its goalie and applied
terrific pressure, with two
excellent scoring chances in
the last 50 seconds. However
Kincardine picked up a loose
puck and scored into an
empty net to assure the well-
deserved win.
The Legion PeeWees were
at home to Port Elgin Tues-
day and play at Durham on
Saturday evening.
Novice Bs beat Belgrave
The Wingham Novice Bs
opened their hockey season
last Saturday with a 7-2
exhibition win over
Wingham scored three
times in the first period and
Belgrave- replied with - one
goal by Mark Olson.
In the second period
Wingham scored four
unanswered goals as the
boys displayed good
positional play for their first
The team scored twice
more in the third period,
while Belgrave countered
with a goal by Brandon
Coultes, assisted by Olson.
Peter Gusso led Wingham
with three goals. Jason
Kleist picked up one goal and •
one assist while Matthew forward.
Adams, . Todd Edgar and
Jason Crawford each scored
a single, Crawford getting an
assist as well. Josh Johnston
and Danny McPherson each
chipped in an assist .o
complete the scoring
summary. - _ - -• ..
The Wingham Novice Bs
will be playing in the
Wellington -Perth Minor
Hockey League this season.
Team members are Chad
Davis and Reagan Leibold in
goal, Chad Creeden, Chris
Alexander, Patrick Magee
and Joel Pegg on defence'
and Danny McPherson,
Shawn Walker, Todd Edgar,
Peter Gusso, Brian
DeBruyn, Josh Johnst
.M alth e w._.._._A.da-r s ; -d ago r -,-
Kleist and Jason Crawford at
Milt Boyd had the high Ed's Easter Lilies lead the
single of 292 and the high league with 38 points,
triple of 712 for the men, followed by Ivy's Irises with
while Reta Ross had the high 36, Barb's Begonias with 30,
single of 224 for the ladies Gary's Glads with 35, Peg's
and high triple of 582 was Peonies with 23 and Marty's
rolled by Jean Mathers. Marigolds, 21.
Other high games were Ivy Whytock had the
rolled by Mike Darling 240; ladies' high single of 239 and
Milt Boyd 229; Judy Lappage the high triple of 588, while
218; Ross Nicholson 209iand Rick Hill had the men's high
Grace Thompson 205. i single of 259 and -the high
SENIOR MEN triple of 638 •was rolled by
High games last week Norm Bolt.
were rolled by Harry, Gar_ Other high games were
niss 190; Gord Francis 159; rolled by Marlene Jamieson
Ken Saxton Sr. 242; Bill 235; Gary Jamieson 237;
Uuldriks 223 and Jack Doug Hogg 205; Don Fit
Henderson 155. zgerald 255 and Barb Rintoul
Howick Atoms edged
3-1 by Ayton squad
In their first league game
of the season, the Howick
WOAA Atoms were defeated
by a very determined Ayton
squad last Monday by a
count`of 3-1.
Leading the Ayton attack
was Jason Bosomworth with
two goals • and Chad Pat-
terson scored one goal.
Aaron Stewart had the lone
Howick marker, assisted by
Michael Greig.
Howick came back on
track - last Tuesday night
when the- boys defeated
Teeswater 7-2 in exhibition
play. Kyle Wheeler led the
Howick scorers with four
goals, while Jason D'Arcey,
Danny McGregor and Greig
each had one. Assisting on
the goals were Stewart with
three, Greig with two and
Sam Doubleday and
McGregor with one each.
Scoring for Teeswater were
Kevin Christie and . Trevor
-Howl it-kep rv-th-e-momen-
tum going with a 5-0 shut -out
over Teeswater Sunday in-'
Howick. It was Dennis Win-
temute's first shut -out of the'
season and he made several
key saves when Howick was
leading by the narrow count
of .1-0.
Wheeler got a hat trick to
lead the Howick shooters and
D'Arcey and Michael
Hargrave each scored one
goal. Stewart had two assists
and Trevor Smith, Ryan
Gallaher and Doubleday
each had one.
coaches agree that Howick
has to get better in its own
end after last Monday
night's match -up. All the
goals -against were the result
of poor clearing.
Last Tuesday's match was
the best passing game the
Howick boys have had to
date and it showed real team
It was a long time coming, •
but the "Kid Line" finally
'got its first goal in Sunday's
game with Hargrave scoring
and Smith and Gallaher
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