HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-06, Page 36CARRY EXHIBITS A fleet of speeially-design: ed trucks assisted the Na- tional Museums of Canada, and other museums across the country during the past year by transporting an esti- mated 200 exhibitions a dis- tance of 389,000 kilometres. The fleet is operated by the Corporate Services of the National Museums. INSULATING??? NOW IS THE TIME Homes built prior to Sept. 1, 1977 are now eligible for a C.H.I.P. Grant up to a maximum of '500.00 off your insulating costs. C.H.I.P. GRANTS END MARCH 31,1986. FREE ESTIMATES • Urethane Foam • • Fibreglass • Air "Satisfaction CGSB Cert No. Ont 250 Blown Cellulose Seal Testing Guaranteed" Hunter I-nsulat-ion Ltd. 214 - 10th St, Hanover Call Collect or Evenings 364-4494 369-6888 Crossroads • CKVR KVR Barrie C.BCWDTIoVroDnetot ro it G.lobal teleguiue WXYZ Detroit Detroit Q ... CKNX Wingham G... CFPL London CHCH Hamilton CKCO Kitchener TSN ... City TV Toronto ;l1 13 17 57 The following programs, listed as supplied by the TV stations. are subject to change WO* 111410•WOO, • . i11111 -11111-011•11l 40-01011-0 0.4 0. • • lk* 4: Crossroads—Nov. 6, 1985—Page 3B Sat., Nov. 9 . MORNING 6:00 ® Harrigan O® Seneca Telecollege J Frightenstein ® Good Morning Workout ® Open Doors 6:25 ® Newsworthy 6:30 ® Circle Square ® Ask a Silly Ques- tion 3 McGowan's World 7:00 ® Speedweek Q Wildlife Adventure ®C7 Storybreak J Jack Webster el Hammy Hamster ® Rocket Robinhood Kidsbits ® Zig Zag IQQ 100 Huntley Street 7:308 Zootn The White Dolphin, mei Willy & Floyd ® international Gospel Time Network 0 Mr. T 00 Charlie Brown & Snoopy Q Joy of Gardening m National Triathlon Champ. 8:00 O07 Berenstein Bears Q Captain Nemo m Spiderman Q Circle Square Q Bugs Bun- ny/Looney Tunes Q Sign of the Times - sQ Snorks eD 20 Minute Workout ® Kids World 8:30 0 Paul Hann & Friends Q Sport Billy Q Circle Square Co The World Tomor- row ® Canadian Carri- bean Showcase SATELLITE T.V. Professional Installation 1 Systems Starting At $1,595. 6' - 8' - 10' - 12' Dishes Available SOMMER'S DAI SPECIALITY SHOPPE Moorefield, Ont..638-2845 638-3562 Evenings Spiderman ® Gummi Bears ®O The ,, .zzles ea Down '1 Stretch 9:00 W World of horse Racing O Woody Wood- pecker I® What's New? I® Sounds of Asia Q The Ewoks/Droids Adventure Hour Q Audubon Wildlife O® The Smurfs ea Greek Panorama O® Jim Henson's Muppet Babies & Monsters ea Let's Go I Love Lucy 9:30 I® Leave It To Beaver (111 Swiss Family Robinson O Harrigan • Voltron ® Ming Ming Show Q Fabulous Festival ® Big League Soccer 10.:00 Q Super Powers Team ®OO Hulk Hogan's Rock 'N Wrestling Q Sesame Street ea Greek Paradise Q Third Story e3 zigzag ® Oopsy Daisy m The Hamilton San- ta Claus Parade J My Three Sons 10:308 Treehouse QQ The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo 0 Sport Billy ' ' Q Fred Penner's Place ® Punky Brewster Q Beverly Hillbillies 10:45 O Friendly Giant 11:00 O0 •Championship Wrestling Co The Edison Twins Q Scooby's Mystery Funhouse ® Hilarious House of Frankenstein co Alvin & The Chipmunks eD Big Top Talent • Movie "I Walked With A Zombie" Q Andy of May- berrry a) OWL TV 11:30 Q The Littles Q Ewoks 0 Kidd Video ® Memories With. Lawrence Welk m Sportsdesk m Counterpoint Q World Alive Q The Honey- mooners 0 Edison Twins AFTERNOON 12:00 0 America's Top 10 Internati onaL Wrestling Q ABC Weekend Special Q Droids Q Real Fishing COLLECTIBLES �P Send us Pictures of: • your pet • your relatives • your boyfriend • your favourite group ANY SUBJECT • your family • your team • your girlfriend • your home PHOTOS Let us turn your quality Collectible onto into a high Your Keychain! picture will be laminated to a thin, hard plastic with a magnet and pin mounted on made into a the back or it can be keychain! Your printed in FULL COLO photo is colour originals are sent R photo if ordered, Original ) °n the Item returned photo will be unharmed. IS SUITABLE! Please check if more information is desired ORDER FORM Please Ship: C: Collectibles ❑ Keychains TO NAME ADDRESS CITY P.O. BOX POSTAL CODE PLEASE ALLOW 6 WEEKS DELIVERY Please send cheque or money order to: CANADA KINGPINS Box 215 - Listowel, Ont. Reference: CIBC, Lletowel N4W 3H4 I® Investment Seminar i 9 What's New? is US College Foot- ball 13 Sesame Street ©O ` Movie 'The Canterville Ghost" 12:30 ® Main Street Advance- mentPersonal ce- ment Course J Your Wealth Band- stand ▪ American - stand ® Open Roads Foot- ball • US College- ball In Town and Country Cooking Q Kidsbeat 1:00 Q Troupers ® The Ten en Thousand Day. War ea Real Fishing W OUAA Football Q Star Trek Q Front Page Challenge Q Tommy Hinter m In On- tario Week - tario 1:30 05 Ebony -Jet Show- case Q P.C. Leadership Convention Q Reach For The Top Q Baseball Bunch O Adventure Out- doors ea The War Years 1:45 ( ('Movie "Casino" .2:00 ea Hockey. Talk Q e Wes Fishing Th t Q Country Canada Q Smith and Smith Q restlin All Star W g m Sketches Of Our Town 0PBA Fall Tour 2:3003 Gardener Western G r Q Your Wealth co In On- tario Week - tario Q TBA ea Laurier's People ® Famous Knockouts 3:00 ® Wrestling All Star Wr g ® City Lights Q Sports m NFL Week In Review 0000 Sports - weekend 3:30 00 College. ll fJ Sportsworl ej NFL Films Presents Powe ® Portraits of r 4:00 ® Toronto Rocks 0 Wide World of• Sports m Maple Leaf Wrestling m TSN Wrestli 4:30 0 Reach For Top 5:00 m Adventures door -s- Footba d ng The Out- ® Solid Gold Q Ewoks 0D Golden Girls m Nissan Cup World Champ. of Golf 5:30 O Droids m vestment Semi ar m I Weekend Edi- tion CD Barney Miller EVENING 6:00 1200080 News m TSN Wrestling ® Citypulse ® Scan Weekend 0 Movie "Never; ' Never Land" 0 FYI Weekend Edi- tion 6.30_43-E.ver-ybody's Business ® Bowling For Dollars J FTV 00 Golden Girls Q This Week in Parliament Qs News m The,Dick Beddoes Show 7:00 C5 Dance Fever ® W.W.F. Wrestling I® Sportsdesk CO The Chum 30 O Wheel of Fortune O Tommy Hunter ID Murder She Wrote t® Gimme A Break OfE Too. Close For Comfort ea Entertainment This Week ® Wayne & Shuster International Series 7:30 0 Guelph Basketball Tournament Os Michigan Lottery Megabucks - Q The Making of The Santa Claus Parade ® Front Page Chal- lenge " ®O Small Wonder ® Check It Out 8:00 000 Airwolf ® The New Music m Fame poem Hockey Night in Canada ( Vancouver at Win- nipeg) ® Gimme A Break Q Hollywood Beat O Movie "Mussolini and I" (Pt. 2 ) 8:30 [ Facts Of Life 9:008 Movie "Ten To Midnight" O® Movie "Risky Business" ® Golden Girls ® SCTV Q TBA ® "North & South" (Pt. 5 of 6 ) 9:30 ea Guelph Basketball Tournament ® Twilight Zone ® 227 10:00 cow Hunter Q Love Boat Citypulse 10:30 e) Movie "Porky's II: The Next Day" 11:00 epea 4X News Q Lottario ®p®m National ® CTV National News 11:05 O News 11:158880 Provincial Affairs 11:20 ® Lotto 6/49 Q Newsfinal 03 FYI Weekend Edi- tion Q© News 11:25 ® Ontario Report 11:30 el Sportsdesk Q Saturday Night. Live OO ® Movie "Force Ten From Naverone" Q News ® Just Jazz W, Saturday Night Live 11:40 0 Movie "Guns of San Sebastian" 11:45 00 Good Rockin' Tonight . Q Hollywood Closeup 12:00 m Investment .Seminar ® Movie "Brubaker" Q Movie "Tonight and Every Night" m Fishing The West 12:15 Q Movie "TBA" 12:30 ® The Making Of... m Ethiopia - The Nightmare Continues m US College Foot- ' ball 1:00' 0 Kung Fu ® Movie "Return Of The Dragon" Q Mad Movies 1:15 0 Movie."Rumor Of War" (Pt. 2) 0 Movie "Hostage 1:30 00Movie "Raegan - Devils Angel" ea Africa - Cry Of A Continent Q Phil Silvers • 0 New York Hot Tracks, 1:45 Q Highlights 2:00 0 My Mother The • Car 0 Winder Woman 2:30 © Outer Limits m Ethiopia.- The Nightmare Continues ca Hogan's Heroes 3:00 00 Movie "The Crystal Ball" ® Movie "Porky's Ii: The Next Day" ® Buck Rogers [] Movie "The Devil's Den" 3:30 0 Millionaire m Ben Casey I® Guelph Basketball Tournadient • 4:00 Q Movie "Capture of Bigfoot" 0 -Fantasy Island 4:30 © News (rTO Movie "Mystery of The White Room" 5:00 0 The Cisco Kid ® The Waltons 5:10 0 Here's Lucy 5:30 O More Real People MOVIE MAGiC" •-i Movie Magic. That phrase applies more than ever to to- day's science fiction -films, in Movies on CKCO Kitchener FRIDAY MIDNIGHT—"THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY". Stars Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach. A drifter, a Mexican outlaw and a sadist are all out to get a cash box with $200,000 which was stolen and put in an unmarked grave during the Civil War. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT—"BRUBAKER". Stars Robert Redford, Yaphet Kotto, Jane Alexander. The new warden of a state-controlled work farm enters the prison as an in- mate. After seeing the violence he announces that he is the warden. He is a dedicated reformer and runs up against a graft -ridden political system and staunchly clings to his own idealistic view of life. SUNDAY, 1:00 P.M.—"IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME". Stars Judy Garland, Van Johnson. Pen pals work- ing in a music store immediately dislike each other not knowing their true identities. Remake of "Shop Around The Corner". MONDAY, 9:00 P.M.—"AN EARLY FROST". Stars Aidan Quinn, Ben Gassara, Gena Rowlands: A traditional Ameri- can family tries to cope with the shocking news that their son is dying of AIDS. TUESDAY, 9:00 P.M.—"WILD HORSES". Starring Kenny Rogers, Pam Dawber, Ben Johnson. Kenny Rogers as a former rodeo champion who seeks to escape his humdrum blue-collar life by joining a wild horse round -up. The incredible adventures of the Hudson's Bay Company The incredible history of the, oldest commercial enter- prise in the world, the Hud- son's Bay Company,is told in the one-hour documentary Company of Adventurers, Wednesday, November 20 at 9:00 p.m. on CBC Television. Based on Peter C. New - man's recently published book of the same name, Company of Adventurers a- dopts a personal and anec- dotal approach to the Bay story. People rather than e- vents take focus. As the film's main story -teller Newman recounts some of the more tizarre, touching and humorous incidents in the Company's saga. , The film unfolds in nine tightly paced and visually rich episodes. It starts with Beavers, a whimsical look at the pug-nosed rodent that virtually unrolled the map of Canada and ends with'Shift- ing Fortunes, which covers the Company's more recent past. There are interviews with several Bay old-timers, ''whose many years working and living in the North pro- vide a real link with the ex- periences of the early Com - pang men. They were the Or- kadians, Scotsmen and Eng- lishmen who built their small' communities on the desolate shores of Hudson's Bay. Highlighting those inter- views are early drawings and paintings, rarely seen archival footage and scenes shot in the Arctic, Rocky Mountains and Pacific Coast. The film is produced, di- rected and written by Dan Curtis. John Zaritsky is ex- ecutive producer. Company of Adventurers is a produc- tion by K.A. Production and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Remembrance Day ceremonies commemorate 40th anniversary of the end of World . War II CBC Television News Spe- cials will ,provide live cover- age of Rerriembrance Day ceremonies from the Nation- al War Memorial in Ottawa. Remembrance , Day pro- gramming, from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon on Monday, No- vember 11, will be hosted by Brian Smyth and . Larry Stout. Included will be a documentary report on the lives of some Canadian veterans, 40 years after World War II ended. Ceremonies at the Nation- al War Memorial will include a march past of troops from the Canadian Forces, mili- tary bands and veterans. Among those laying wreaths are Governor. General Jeanne Sauve; the chief of the, defence staff, General Theriault; Prime Minister Brian Mulroney; the presi- dent of the Royal Canadian Legion, Steve Dunsdon; Mi.nts_teriLVetera ns' Affair George Hees; Defence Minister Erik Nielsen. On behalf of Canadian mothers Silver Cross Mother Mrs. Rise Bernst will lay a wreath at the cenotaph: Mrs. Bernst, of Thunder Bay, lost two sons during World War II. Her sons, Able Seaman Ronald Bernst, who served with the Royal Canadian Navy and Private Clarence Bernst who served with the Canadian Army were killed in action. • • Following the Remem- brance Day ceremonies, CBC features highlights of ".-hie" a="'ist+e-gettitrs �rn��— ileur�tivrrs marking the bines with technological wiz ardry to produce believable realities. Vista: "The New Magicians." a special TVOn- tario broadcast on Nov. 11 at - p-rn..; ur-rveiis-t-he- rn-aag-ic -of special effects, tracing their development from the rudi- mentary techniques of Vic- torian stage drama to the so- phisticated computer -- and laser -generated imagery still, to come - 40th anniversary of the liberation of Holland and a report on a recent visit of Canadian veterans to Allied cemeteries near Anzio, where- £arra-duns- -too-k- pat t in the push to liberate Rome. • At Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital we meet two veter- ans --Sammy Dick, former piper with a Canadian High- land Regiment, and John Sutcliffe.. former navigator with an RCAF bomber squadron. Dick was badly wounded near Caen shortly after D -Day. Sutcliffe was shot down over Germany white on 'a night- bumbling` raid. Their injuries have dramatically changed theiniii ,lives. They still suffer after- effects of their injuries and require extensive medical treatment, forty years after' the war. They tell their . story, relive their experi- ences and state their views on war and peace. "What's New" returns on CBC Kids want to know what's hot and what's not and what's going on in the world. What's New?. CBC Televi- sion's popular news and cur- rent affairs program for ' youth returns for 'ifs 14th year Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. Executive producer Judy Shapiro says, "The strength of the show lies in the fact that we don 'tl/ just report the news, we try to help our viewers understand the im- plications of the events. We have been told that seasoned journalists 'from other pro- grams watch us and they marvel at how we interpret events for our audience "Rounding up stories, analyzing trends of interest to Canadian youth and host- ing the program are Howard Green and Jenny Gibson, owar'' Jenny's casual style and ability to tackle anything we throw at them brings to each show a special energy and enthusiasm,•' says Judy Shapiro._ _ This year in honor of in ternational Youth y ear, What's New? will present a series of portraits of young people from across the coun- try, reflecting the youth of Canada in the 80s. A