HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-06, Page 301 Page 10A—Crossroads—Nov. 6, 1985 Cooking Corner Soybeans come out from hiding Soybeans may be found in and add additional salt and a variety of ways green, canned gr yellow dried mature b The fresh green so which are high in vita should be shelled cooking. Cover with water. and let st minutes. Cool and break pods in hal squeeze out •the bea cook, add 1 cup boiling to 2 cups soybeans, re boil and simmer 10 minutes or until t Beans should be used one week after cooking Blanching the gree beans ( bring to a rapi hold 2 to 3 minutes, co mediately) and freezi to three weeks resu minimal vitamin C loss The green soybeans c used as a side vege with a taste similar to peas. Try them with a c sauce or with hits of c bacon. Yellow dried mature beans can he used the same as any dry bean. However, soy- beans 'take a bit longer to cook than the other beans. Below are three ways to cook soybeans: Choose the one that best suits your needs. —One cup soybeans to 3 to 4 cups water. Cover, bring to a boil for 2 to 3 minutes, remove from heat; store overnight in refrigerator and finish by simmering 1 to 2 hour's the next day. —One cup soybeans to 4 cups water. Cover, brin a boil; boil rapidly 2 minutes. Remove from h for 1 hour; add 1 teasp salt and other seasoni such as onion, brown su or molasses, mustard flour. Simmer an additio 1 to 2 hours. The texture be crunchier than of beans. .—For softer soybeans, a pressure cooker. Be sur read the instructions on y cooker.,Do not fill the coo more than one-third full • aPow venting. Cook at pounds pressure for minutes, Cool under wa before removing lid fro cooker. Cook with ham chili meat and chili seaso ings. BEANS AND RICE 1 cup soybeans.. 3 slices'bacon, diced 12 cup chopped onion Scups water 1 clove garlic, minced '4-12 tsp. hot pepper sauce Is tsp. rosemary 18 tsp. thyme • 1, 2.tsps. salt 14 tsp. pepper 1 cup uncooked rice — fresh pepper to taste. Garnish with een or fresh chopped tomato and chopped parsley, if desired. Makes 5 servings FOUR BEAN SALAD 1 ( 1 lb.) can red kidney beans, drained 1 (1 lb.) can cut wax beans, drained 1 (1 lb.) can cut green beans, drained 2 cups cooked dry soybeans, drained 1 medium green pepper, chopped 1 medium onion, thinly sliced and separated into rings 12 cup sugar 12 cup vinegar 12 cup salad oil 2 tbsps, chopped parsley 1 tsp. salt 12 tsp. dry mustard 12 tsp. dried tarragon leaves, crushed 12 tsp. dried basil leaves, crushed Combine beans, pepper and onion in bowl. In separate bowl thoroughly mix together sugar, vinegar, oil, parsley, salt, mustard, tarragon and basil, Pour dressing mixture over vegetables and stir. Cover salad and chill thoroughly, Stir salad occasionally during chilling. Just before serving, stir again. Drain, Makes 8 servings SOYBEAN CHILI 12 Ib. ground beef 2 tsps. salt 2 tbsps. chopped onion 2-3 tsps. chili powder 312 cups canned tomatoes, chopped eons. ybeans, min C, before boiling and 5 drain; f arid ns. To water turn to to 20. ender. within n s,oy- d boil, of im- ng up Its in es. an be table, split ream ooked 3 to g to to 3 eat oon ngs gar and nal will her use eto our ker to 15 r 30 ter , c m or p n- h a w a a a a ti T ev th go Fr t r e p, e o. 0 0 1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste 1 tsp. sugar 2 cups cooked dry soybeans, drained Brown meat with salt in large saucepan. Add onion, chili powder, tomatoes, tomato paste and sugar. Cook, uncovered, over low heat 1 hour, stirring occas- ionally. Add soybeans and cook 1.5 minutes. Chili may be made by omitting meat and adding 23 cup dry textured vegetable protein hydrated with 23 cup boiling water. Makes 6 servings BOSTON BAKED SOYBEANS 3 cups cooked dry soybeans, drained '•4 lb. bacon, diced 12 cup chopped onion 2 tbsps. molasses 12 cup ketchup 12 tsp. dry mustard 12 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 12 tsp. salt ' a tsp. pepper 14 cup liquid ( use cooking water from soybeans) Combine all ingredients in 112 -quart casserole. Cover and bake at 325 F 30 minutes. Stir and then bake, un- covered, 30 minutes longer. Bacon may be omitted and 14 cup bacon flavored soybits added just before serving. Makes 4 servings. RETURN W/TH US TO... -y-AT V, LLX' Bi11Owen , )(4 THIS POPULAR PROGRAM BEGAN IN 1934 OVER NBC BLUE AND FEATURED HOUR-LONG ADAPTATIONS OF BROADWAY PLAYS STARRING. BROADWAY PERFORMERS. THE SHOW ORIGINATED IN NEW YORK UNTIL 1936 WHEN THE SPONSOR TRANSFERRED IT TO HOLLY - ADAD. FROM MEN ON IT FEATURED RADIO PTATONS OF MOTION PICTURES,, SOME- TIMES WITH THE SAME ACTORS WHO PLAYED „/J THE FILM ROLES, t.. MARLENE DIETRICH AND CLARK GABLE APPEARED ON THE FIRST HOLLYWOOD - BASED BROADCAST OF L UX RAO/0 %HEATRE ON JUNE 1, 1936... THE L EG/ONNA/RE ANO THE L AOY (AN ADAPTATION OF MOROCCO) tr r1 4- DON AMECHE APPEARED ON THE SHOW MORE THAN ANY OTHER '1 \ PERFORMER...PLAYING LEADS �\ IN IB PRODUCTIONS. BARBARA STANWYCK PLAYED THE FEMALE , LEAD 17 TIMES. / N CECIL B. DEMILLE LEFTAS THE DISTINGUISHED HOST OF THE PROGRAM IN 1945 RATHER THAN CONTRIBUTE ONE DOLLAR TO A PERFORMERS' UNION CAMPAIGN. HE WAS REPLACED BY WILLIAM KEIGHLEY. Return of the BEAUTIFUL AREA As a place ,of rest and cuperation, Sneek was id ly located. It lies in the h of the Frisian lake dist and is famous as an inter tional competition area yachtsmen of many natio The soldiers of the Pe Regiment had earned th est. Earlier they h wrested large areas of ountry from the' Germa n the Veluwe and in t rovince of Groningen th ad been engaged in bloo nd prolonged fighting, e will see in followi rticles. In these regions they libe ted many towns and citi nd now in Sneek they fou n oasis of quiet in preps on for their return hom he city of Sneek itself, ho er, was not liberated b e Perths. That distinctio es to the "Chaudieres" ench_speaking Canad' giment which swept .th Germans out of the town'in whirlwind action and the drove immediately for th German .border.. The subsequent long sta of the battle -weary Perths i Sneek has made them a liv ing legend even to th present in the Frisian town which has now grown into a industrial centre of some '30,000 people and changed in many ways since liberation days Perths' • veterans and signed by the re mayor' of Sneek, Mr. Ber- eal- nardus Van Haersa Buma. Bart ( Yes, that is his signature at rict the bottom) . Behind this of- na- ficial letter stood the people for of Sneek and they opened ns. their hearts and homes. rth We reproduce here the let- eir ter. in part; in following ad articles we will follow the the program 'mentioned in the ns. letter and provided for the he Perth veterans. We will re- ey cord the impressions of the dy memorable days we spent in as Sneek among the citizens of ng the town and their guests from Canada. r- ' MAYOR'S LETTER es To. The Canadian Guests: nd . On behalf of the organiza- ra- tion committee I. would like e. to extend to you a warm and w- sincere welcome in Sneek. It y is an honor to have you in our n city and we wish to fulfill a your highest expectations tan__ .The_organization-committee; e working closely' together a with the community, has n been able to piece together e an •attractive program for you. y The host families will be n responsible for your trans- - , portation to and from the e meeting points listed on your program. When it is neces- n Bary a taxi service its avail- able and the cost of this ser- vice will be paid by our local municipality funds. .Guests who are staying at the Hotel De Wijnberg will'find it only a few minutes walking dis- tance to the. meeting points. However, there is one excep- tion. On the 5th of May there 'Soak soybeans overnigh in 3 cups of water. In. larg kettle, fry bacon until cris and then remove and resery bacon •bits. Add onion t bacon fat and cook unti onion is soft. Add water garlic, pepper sauce., thyme rosemary, salt and pepper t onion, and bring mixture t boil. Drain soaked soybeans and add to Moiling mixture Lower heat and simmer partially covered, for .2 hours. Add rice and _cook, covered, for 30.minutes more or until soybeans and rice are tender. if necessary, add more water. Just before serving, stir in bacon . bits not ple vet the co hate-ve,-has-changed iti the affection of the pee, - of Sneek for the Perth erans, as is evident from following letter of wel- me distributed among the Canada to Sneek this day a bus will collect you at your hotel and transport you to and from the Jachthaven Domp I. Upon your arrival you receive a map, which explains the lo- cation and directions to various places in town. All meeting points are centrally located. For the guests who are staying at the Youth Hostel we have arranged 'a regular taxi service to and from the meeting points. This service: will also be paid with fund from our local municipality. The taxi will collect you. 20 minutes prior the program time. On Sunday the 5th of May a member of our committee will bring you to the Boschstraten for the church parade. Again, I wish you a very pleasant stay in Sneek. ' Yours faithfully,_ Mayor of Sneek. To remove paint from concrete — blast it By Gene Gary Q. 1 have a screened -in porch with a cement floor that has been painted many times over the past 20 years. However, now the paint is blistering and peeling. I inquired 'about this and was told the only thing to do is to scrape the paint off before priming and painting it again. This is quite a job as it is a Targe porch. Is there anything I can do that would be easier than scraping?—P.L. A. From your description it would be best to try to completely remove the pre- vious paint layers from the concrete surface. An effective tool for big scraping jobs is a power water blaster. Most rental outlets have these. • Sandblasting is a more extreme method of paint removal. The equipment can be rented. However, unless you've had experience with it, have a contractor do the work for you. You might try renting a sander and using coarse andpaper. It could possibly do the job, depending on the umber of thicknesses you eed to remove. Most importantly°, you eed to remember that you must thoroughly scrape the eck to get rid of any old, oose paint prior to applying new surface. If there are cracks in the oncrete, you'll have to crape out any loose aterial and patch them. A ood brand for patching ould be Redi-Crete con- ete mix and Redi-Crete ncrete glue. Follow pack - e directions for patching. To ensure good paint ad- sion, the concrete should st be washed with a solu• - on of muriatic acid. Mix e part acid in three parts ter. Always add the acid wly to the water from the 'Ilion to prevent breathing e fumes. .Wear rubber ves and old clothing. atisfactory results can be ained by using exterior ex paints meant for sonry, swimming pool nts and reinforced sonry paints. Check with r local paint dealer. . I have your article ut masonry cleaning and finishing. Does the same thod apply for black e? have twin coffee tables, h approximately 13 -inch - k black slate tops that reIaay.able.\\. They have ome watermarked, etc. I e phoned around fora re - her — to no avail. ease advise if the onry cleaner you spoke ould apply to an interior —J. B. The cleaning of your coffee table tops re- s a different method the masonry cleaning ously described. For- ely, slate is practically s n n n d 1 a c s m w Cr co ag he fir ti on wa slo sol th glo S obt la t ma pa i ma you abo new me slat wit this art bee hay finis PI mas of w use. A. slate quire than pre vi tunat imm chem une to all common icals and any of the —msirdleleanrs may bevse'd. Ammonia in water may be oused when needed for general cleaning. However, for more stubborn spots just scrub with powdered pumice and water, which will will- bea boat trip, and on Mr. Bernardus sma Buma van Hae,,,r- remove surface deposits. To remove deeper stains, make a thick paste of pow- dered whiting and a non- flammable liquid spot re- mover, cbvering the stained areas with a thick layer. When the paste is dried or discolored, continue replac- ing with fresh until the stain disappears. When the slate has been cleaned, a coat of good floor sealer (colorless on light slate) will improve the ap- pearance and make main- tenance easier. The sealer will also prevent dusting of the grout in cases where the slate is laid in squares. Wax, either the emulsion type or the solvent kind, may be used on slate. although tool much gloss detracts from the natural soft effect which is what makes slate desirable. Q. I have a lamp that belonged to my aunt. Some- one told me that the base is alabaster. It is white and has dark gray streaks going through it. it also has yellow spots, and I don't know if this is typical of alabaster. My question is, what should I use to clean the base? - D. E. A. Try rubbing the base with a damp cloth and regular baking soda. Rinse well and dry. If the yellow spots are caused by a chemical. change in the alabaster, which sometimes happens with marble, you probably will not be able to remove them. Q. My house is 25 years old with an open -beam ceiling throughout the entire house. The original stain is still on the wood, but it has become dull and worn off in many places. 1 want it restained, not painted, but 1 don't know how to tackle this enormous job. Can you offer any sug- gestions? — S. C. A. It would be impossible to apply a new coat of stain over the present finish if a sealer was used. However, you could use a varnish stain the color of the present fin- ish. Consult your local paint dealer. CLIMATE CHANGE Fossil trees more than 100,000 years old, which were „ collected in the Old Crow re- gion of the Yukon by re- searchers at the National Museum of Natural Sciences are being used in a long- term, international study of climate change. ng this ad to Ziebart for $128. off The Ziebart Maintenance Package B CJ Ziebart— Ziebart Rust Protection a interior Protection ®n CZiebart om, f Paint Protection Ziebart wants to protect your car from rusting, fading and staining. With Ziebart Rust Protection our exclusive sealants, tools and techniques protect against ugly rust and it's backed by a Lifetime Insured Warranty. • While Ziebart Paint Protec- tion prevents fading, our Interior Protection keeps your car's inside looking new. Now when you purchase these 3 services as a package, save $128. For beautiful protection with an equally attractive price, clt, tear or rip out this ad and bring it to Ziebart. RUNNING BOARDS STEP UP TO ZIEBART Ziebart running boards improve the appearance, protect lower side panels . from abrasion, and help keep your vehicle cleaner. SAVE. * Discount based on the regular price of individual items- �"See us for details on Ziebart's Lifetime Limited Warranty' Ziebart Be car smart. Go Zlebart. Auto • Truck Rustproofing Fairlane Rd., Listowel 291-3171 Associate Dealers, Tim Haines Harriston Bridge '. _C.h.e_--Olci, adi tae- ------Motors-_-_ _--...__ tbrs _I 291-1730 338-2017 •357-3460 on. rs Leslie Motors 338-2310 Tolt Moto 357-3029 Trucks are whatw'e're all about 4 K On GMC '86 Wrangler SAVE up to x2190. Canada's lowest priced full size Jones Motors 347-2961 Kipfer's Garage 595-8974 '85 GMC S-15 Canada's Best Selling lowest priced Pick-up From only who tries har'er?,.7047 who J:r'iNT7JC J.L. McCutcheon Motors- 88-6858 JLicKHGHWAY23 N.(WALLACE AVE.) LISTOWEL, Phone (519)291 -3791 -SALES HRS. 9 ro9 MONDAY to FRIDAY, SATURDAY 9toy-SRVICE HRS. 8to5 MONDAY to FRfDRY MARK CIJLLEN