HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-06, Page 20T Page 20—The Wingham Advance -Times, Nov. 6, 1985 The National Museum pf Natural Sciences acquired in the past year what has been described as one of the finest collections. of fossil leaves. Some of the species in the collection are more than 50 million years old. Trustee for Hurn County Board of Education Howick, Turnberry � Wingham Voters RE-ELECT ART CLARK Trustee Huron County Board of Education I, Brian Jeffray, am con- cerned with the education of our children and would work as School Board Trustee for Howick, Turnberry and Wing - ham to encourage the most effective use of our tax dollar by the Huron County Board of Education. Your vote in the November 1 2th municipal election would be greatly appreciated. Thank you The next three years will be extremely challenging for the Huron County Board Of Education the move toward full funding I- the probable further decline in student enrollment- - nrollment-- the present dismal economic outlook - the need to improve the quality of education - the increasing salary demands - the need for a better public understanding of what the board is doing. These are only a few of the problems We must exercise restraint and be certain we get full value for every dollar spept_In our school system. I ask for your support on November.12 VOTE .JOH - AVNT Huron County Board of Education PROFICIENCY WINNERS—Commencement exercises were held last Friday evening at the F. E. Madill Secon- dary School in Wingham. in addition to scholarships and bursaries presented to graduating students, general proficiency winners were honored. They are Tom McDonald of Teeswater, Grade 9; Sandra Schwartzen- truber, RR 4, Wingham, Grade 10; Sharon Schwartzen- truber, RR 4, Wingham, Grade 1 1; Wendy Martin, RR 3, Brussels, Grade 12 and Suzanne Alton, RR 7, Lucknow, Grade 13. Awards totaling presented at commencement A grand total of $13,715 was presented in cash awards to deserving students at the com- mencement exercises held last Friday evening at the F. E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham. Parents, friends and well wishers crowded the double gymnasium at the school last week to watch the presen- tation of 10 certificates of training; 163 secondary school graduation diplomas (Grade 12) and 52 secondary school honor graduation diplomas (Grade 13). General proficiency awards for 1984-85 were presented to: Grade 9, Tom McDonald, Teeswater; Grade 10, Sandra Schwart- zentruber, RR 4, Wingham; Grade 11, Sharon Sch- wartzentruber, • RR 4, Wingham; Grade 12, Wendy Martin, RR 3, Brussels and Grade 13, Suzanne Alton, RR 7, Lucknow. - Miss Alton, valedictorian, proficiency in family studies. Grade 12 proficiency awards went to: Glen. Gib- son, auto mechanics; Alex West, electronics; Audrey Baxter, family studies; Ian Huth, woodworking; Wendy Martin, June Horst, Stephanie Gaunt, Dr. A. J. Irwin scholarships; Josie Bondi, art; Debbie Men- singa, office practice; Paul Hackett, Doris MacKenzie Scholarship; Stephen Dow, John Stewart MacNaughton Memorial Award; Bill Card, metal -fabricating; Steven Adams, technical education and Tim Brown, physical education. Awards for Grade 13 proficiency were presented to:. Miss Alton, mathemat- ics, chemistry, physics and the W.H.'Hall Memorial Scholarship in Science; Elis- abeth Otto, English; Jamie MacPherson, Linda Mahood Memorial Award; Robin Hewitt, Alexander McKenzie attained an over-all per- Endowment Fund; Murray centage of 93 in Grade 13 and deBoer, Stanley Door currently is studying at the Systems Ltd. Scholarship; College of Pharmacy, Carla Bailey, French; Helen University of Toronto. MacIntyre, biology and Mr. In her address, Miss Alton and Mrs. William F. told her' fellow graduates MacDonald Award and they have a chance to build a • Rosalea Cameron, Wingham .better future and should Opti -Mrs. Award. welcome the • challenge , to Byron Thompson and Ron build that future. Nieuwehuis were the . She commended the recipients of the Western teaching staff at • the high. Foundry. Awards; Joellie school and said the years Reavie won the art award; spent at Madill "will be Celia Chandler and Julie. among the best in our. lives". Mulvey, music awards and Miss Alton also paid Lorrie Perry Memorial tribute to Kelvin Yau who, as Award, David Dadson. a foreign student, is not Other awards were eligible for an . Ontario presented to: Douglas Wood, Scholarship. ABCD Award; Julie In addition to Miss Alton, Stamper, Maitland Women's there are 1'8 other Ontario Institute Scholarship; Anita Scholars at the local high Hofmann, Graydon .Lamb, school this year, or students Sharon Schwartzentruber, who have attained 80 per Sandy McDonald; Stephanie cent or -better in Grade 12: Gaunt, F. E. Madill They are Rosalea Cameron, Secondary School Teaching Celia Chandler, Susan Cook, Staff Awards; Steven Anita D•amsma, Murray Adams, Ted Cowan, Kim deBoer, Mark Foxton, Exel, Kevin Johnston, Michelle-Hooftman, Virginia Mariann Scott, Kellie LeVan, Helen MacIntyre, Stephenson, George Menzies Ronda MacPherson, Debor- Endowment Fund Awards; ah MacRae, James McPher- Anita Damsma Auxili Grade 10 ship; Rosalea Cameron, Uni- versity of Western Ontario Scholarship and Elisabeth Otto, Julie Mulvey and Helen MacIntyre, University of Waterloo. Timothy Mills, Julie__. ary to son, .n.ghaax�----a••r�•d D-i-s-Erie-t-- 1Mtil'ey, Kathleen O''Donog- Hospital " Award; Brett hue, Elisabeth Otto, Kellie 'Cameron, Howiek Mutual Stephenson and Byron Insurance Co. Scholarship; Thompson. • Michelle Hooftman, Turn - Sandra Schwartzentruber berry Township 125th Anni- won the award for versary• Award; Maureen Beattie, Ladies' Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion Branch 18.0. Awatd;._-P.au1--1L._.. T-Tifffin Memorial Scholarship, Jamie McPherson; Julie Nicholls, Gerry Nieuwen- huis, Celia Chandler, Student Council Awards; Joanne de - Boer, Teeswater Creamery Ltd. Award in Agriculture; Linda Mclnnes, Bruce Coun- ty Women's Institute Schol- arship; Julie Mulvey, Pam Wilson Memorial Award and Ronda MacPherson, Ron G. Hill Scholarship Award. Senior letters or "Big Ms" were presented to Carol Blackwell, Tim Brown, Rosa lea Cameron, Ted 'Cowan, Brenda DeVries, Murray deBoer __M_ark_. " Foiatin Jan Gibson, Katrina' llowald, Ginny LeVan, Wendy Martin, Jamie McPherson, Lynn Murray, Cheryl Stafford, Byron Thompson, Shawna Thom - Son and Wilma Vandervelde. Tom Inglis is the recipient of the Bruce County Scholarship. University scholarships have been awarded to: Celia Chandler, McMaster Univer- sity's Chancellor's Scholar - TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT YOUR BOARD OF EDUCATION •important decisions. about education are made by your elected school board. *They spend a lot of stoney, and their decisions can help or hurt Children. •The most important decision — who will be on that school hoard d- is made by every eligible,voter__ • n t e )ast, a most three-quarters Cif ttictse %oters decided they didn't Care. They did not vote. *This is your time of decision. The school board you elect now will he entrusted with the -education system in your Community for the next two years. You can't afford not to care. VOTE ON NOVEMBER 12 Sponsored by Huron Women Teachers' Association Huron Branch of Huron Public Ontario Secondary School Teachers' School Teachers' Federation Federation Crimeproofing your home, help for stroke victims, and missing children are among the fascinating topics fea- tured on "Lifetime"; week of November '18-22, 1:00-2:00 p.m., on CTV. John Elliott The next three .year's with the challenge of maintaining quality of education in Huron County in the face of extended funding, require the experience my 11 years on Duron County Board of Education can bring to the people of Morris, East Wawanosh and Blyth I have given my best in the past and I pledge my best in the next three years if I am re-elected. On November 12, re-elect For Huron County Board of. Education RE-ELECT FRANKLIN M. FALCONER R.R. 5 CLINTON TO THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REPRESENTATIVE FOR CLINTON & TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP 5 YEARS EXPERIENCE ELECTION DAY NOVEMBER 12, 1985 FOR MORE INFORMATION 482-9128 Sussman's of Arthur Presents More Savings for our GREAT FALL SALE 0 S ussman's MENSWEAR •Clearing - 30Q MEN'S SUITS Sizes 36 :to. 46 Reg. to $299.00 8900 # 0 0 • Sai • or.2 Suits 15 0 800 MEN'S SUITS All new fall arrivals include famous Hyde Park Suits Reg. to $330.00, or 2•SUits $30000 OUTSTANDING SAVINGS 2000 MEN'S SPORTCOATS All this fall's newest - Genuine Harris - Tweeds, Wool Tweeds, Corduroys, Suede Second Group Like, Camel Hair. 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