HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-06, Page 171
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The Wingham Advance -Times, Nov. 6, 1985—Page 17
Thank you to the nurses
from second floor and Dr.
Corrin for the great care
Nigel and I received during
our stay in the hospital. Also
we would like to express our
thanks to all our friends and
relatives who visited us and
sent best wishes through
cards, phone calls and
flowers. Your thoughtfulness
is very much appreciated.
Joan and
Nigel Black
We would like to thank
everyone for all their good
wishes that made our 25th
wedding anniversary a time
to remember. Our family,
Bruce and Donna, for all
their plans; Muriel and Bill
Coultes and the neighbors for
their surprise visit, lovely
cake and gift; all the rela-
tives and friends that attend-
ed the delicious dinner
served at the Triple K,
Blyth; Eileen Gethke for the
beautiful cake and corsages;
Stewart and Marlene Leed-
ham for the lovely dinner
and flowers; Donna and Les
Shaw and square dance
friends for all their sur-
prises. The gifts and cards
are all beautiful and will long
be remembered.
Ross and
Wilma Higgins
The Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association
Huron Perth Unit
encourages all those who are eligible,
to cast their
for the candidate of your choice
in the upcoming municipal elections on
NOVEMBER 12, 1985
Lorne Ridout,
with any 40, 50 or 61
purchased before Sat., November 30, 1985
(north end behind Royal T) Lloyd .Benninger
We would like to thank the
doctors at the Lucknow
Medical Centre and Dr. Han-
lon and the nurses on the
second floor while we were in
the hospital. Thanks also for
all the cards, gifts and visits.
Karen and
Angie Ritchie.
I would like to take the op-
portunity to thank my
family, friends, quitters,
second mile club for flowers,
cards, etc. while in hospital.
Mary B. Lewis
Thanks is expressed to Dr.
Hanlon and all the nurses
and staff on second floor, for
the excellent care and con-
sideration I received while a
patient in Wingham and Dis-
trict Hospital. Much ap-
preciated were visits from
the clergy. Thank you for
prayers, flowers, gifts and
visits, both in person and by
cards; also thanks for invita-
tions for Allen to dine out and
to the one, who in her very
busy life, found time to make
him a pumpkin pie for
Geraldine Balser
I would like to express my
heartfelt thanks to my rela-
tives, friends and neighbors
for their many acts of kind-
ness, the floral tributes,
memorial donations to the
Ontario Heart and Stroke
Foundation and cards sent to
me at the time of the loss of
my wife Agnes. Special
thanks to Dr. McGregor and
second floor nursing staff of
the Wingham and District
Hospital, Rev. Don Pugh,
Wroxeter and Gorrie UCW
Units, pallbearers and flow-
er bearers and M. L. Watts
Funeral Home.
Wm. A. Wright
We wish to thank everyone
for the cards, flowers and
visits during our stay in the
Wingham and District Hos-
pital. Special thanks to Dr.
Ping and all the OB staff for
our excellent care. __
Karen and Jessica
The family of the•late Har-
old Grant wishes to express
their deepappreciation and
sincere thanks for expres-
sions of sympahty during our
recent sad bereavement.
Special thanks to ,friends,
relatives and neighbors for
cards of sympathy, dona-
tions and for food brought to
our home. Thanks also to
Rev. Welch for his visits and
comforting words and to the
Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter-
ian Church for providing
lunch following the service.
Special thanks to the Mc-
Burney Funeral Home for
their excellent services and °
thoughtfulness. Your. kind-
. riess will always be remem-
• Isabelle Grant, Ken and
Helen Grant, Don,
Phyllis, Kevin and
Sherry Dolman
We express a sincere
thank you to all our friends,
relatives and neighbors for
the floral arrangements,
cards and kind expressions
of sympathy during our re-
cent bereavement. We are
deeply grateful.
The Dickison families
1 would like to thank rela-
tives, friends and neighbors
for the lovely flowers, gifts
and cards sent to our new
family. Thanks also to the
staff of the Lucknow and
District Medical Centre and
St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, for their excellent care
of Mom and baby Peter.
Sandy MacLeod
Nieces and nephews of the
late Ernest Michie wish to
thank their many friends and
neighbors for their expres-
sions of sympathy in our re-
cent bereavement. It was
greatly appreciated.
Hydro starts
crime -watch
Ontario Hydro is launching
a crime prevention program
in conjunction with Ontario
Crime Prevention Week,
Nov. 3 to 9, Walkerton -area
Manager Albert Zwart
He said the program,
called "Hydro on Watch
(HOW)" is a formalization of
activities carried out by the
staff for many years.
"The essence of the
program is to make efficient
and effective use of radios
we have in our vehicles, to
alert authorities of incidents
in progress," he explained.
Area staff are being
briefed on wha"t to look for
and what should be reported
immediately 'to authorities,
such as police and fire
departments, ambulance
services, hospitals and
animal control officers.
Identdification, logos are
being put onto all of Hydro's
2,600 radio -equipped vehicles
to remind customers and the
public of the program.
The fourth meeting of the
Care Bear Chefs was held at
the home of Margaret Rae.
The meeting opened with the
4-11 Pledge. One Member
was absent after roll call.
The two senior members of
the club demonstrated how
to •make an apple chiffon
cake. Three junior members
then volunteered to make the
chocolate cake.
While the cakes were
balling the club discussed
business and we decided to
have a cake exchange. After
reading throughour
meeting, we sampled our
cakes. The chocolate one
was enjoyed the most. We
closed the meeting with the
4-H Motto.
ONLY TAKE ONE—Josh and Lindsay Johnston, children of Bob and Lynne Johnston
of Wingham, were doing what most local children did on Hallowe'en night: trick -or -
treating. Ghosts and goblins took over the town streets last Thursday evening for the
annual Hallowe'en celebration.
Opposition still strong
to district heaith council
There is a d 'esrrt f
e o con erences or on duty and
coordinate health services in could not attend the meeting.
Huron County, but no desire However Mr. Carroll said
for a district health council the meeting would be
here. covered in the media 'and •
That message came across persons wishing to make
loudly and clearly at a public further comments could do
meeting sponsored by the so.
Huron County Community He said he expects the
Services Council held committee will have its
recently at Clinton° report prepared for the
The council, composed of community services council
representatives from 35 by the end of November.
social, health and education . There were two guest
agencies, formed a health speakers 'at the meeting,
planning committee to look Prof. Brian Sullivan, a
at the idea of planning for management consultant in•
future health care. student services at the
About 80 people attended University of Guelph, and
the meeting, of whom, about former executive director of
half are directly involved in a district health council,
the health field as doctors, spoke on the provincial
nurses or related pro- scene,
fessionals. The remaining saying he was not at the
half was equally deivided
between users of the health
care system and elected
officials from the county.
The health planning
committee said • its
secretary, Paul Carroll of
Seaforth; will now consider
both the oral comments and
the results of a questionnaire
filled out by those present.
The questionnaire came
under fire when Dr. Don Neil
of Goderich suggested it
should be circulated in the
meeting to evangelize on
behalf of health councils, Mr,
Sullivan said the average
annual budget for a district
council ranges from,. $150,000
to $200,000.
Bob Dempsey, former
chairman of the board at
Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, .Goderich,
gave an overview of what' is
now taking place in Huron. •
Mr.. Dempsey said that
while putting together his
presentation he discovered
community at Targe. He said .he could find no one who is an
many doctors were at expert on everything.
"There's no one who
knows it all. Maybe be that'
y s
the onebi
he said.
He admitted he personally
knows more about in-
stitutional health care in
hospitals and nursing homes
than about community
health programs like the
-U TT and The health unit's
home care.
There are two groups now
working voluntarily in in-
stitutional care. The hospital
administrators in Huron and
Perth have a working group
and there is also a hospital
liaison committee for the.two
counties, made up of board
chairmen and the five county.
representatives on Huron
hospital boards. These two
groups have worked on
specific needs in the area.
Dr. Susan Tamblyn,
medical officer of health for
Perth County, said various
committees have been set up l
across the two counties to
Your retirement should be a time of
• pleasure and relation. But money
worries can take the sheen out of your
golden years. Now is the time to begin
accumulating money to ensure a care-
free retirement.
I can show you how. Call me today.
Bill Stephenson or W. M. Chandler
work on an ad hoc basis. One
has dealt specifically with
mental health services. She
noted .ther•ehas been no
funding for these com-
mittees and the members
often are the same people.
Dr. Jim Hollingsworth of
Goderich made it clear he
was definitely opposed to
district health councils,
asking what is wrong with
thepresent system.
Dr. Harry Cieslar, medical
officer of health for 'Huron,
said he did not want anyone
to think he is an advocate of
health councils, but he is in
favor of health planning.,
Several persons at the
meeting, including doctors
and Bill Elston, chairman of
the Huron County Board of.
Health, expressed concern
about the bureaucracy found
in health councils across the
province. '
The three questions posed
by the questionnaire are:
—Are you interested in
further exploration of
planning"and coordination of
health services in Huron
—Do you think'it is time to
re-examine the desirability
of a district health council .in
this area?
• Should we recommend to
the minister of health that he
appoint a steering com-
mittee to examine future
anning and coordination of
services cs in Huron
Happy 50th
Mom & Dad
e�.•• L L
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Huron -Perth
Separate School Board
Candidate i