HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-06, Page 16Page 16—The Wingham Advance -Times, Nov. 6, 1985 In E ent IOOTH BIRTHDAY An open house will be held in the Upper .Room of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for Miss Hannah Wil- son, Thursday, November 14 from 2 to 4 p.m., in honor of her 100th birthday. No gifts please. ANNUAL MEETING The Huron -Bruce (Federal) Liberal Association will hold a dinner and annual meeting Thursday, Nov. 14, 1985, at Goderich Township Hall, Holmesville. Guest speaker Sheila Copps MP, Labor and Housing Critic. Special guests Hon. Jack Riddell, Ontario Minister of Agricul- ture; Hon. Murray Elston, Ontario Minister of Health. Reception 6:15 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Tickets $10 each avail- able from municipal chair- man or call Wingham 357- 3605. DANCE Sponsored by the Howick Optimist Jr. D. Hockey Club at Howick Community Centre, Saturday, Nov. 16. Music by Mainstream. Lunch available, dancing 9 to 1. $5 advance, $6 at the door. 6,13 Salvation Army Tea & Bake Sale at The CITADEL Edward St., Wingham Wednesday, Nov. 13 2 to 4 p.m. DANCE Saturday, Nov. 16, • 9p.m. to a.m. at Wingham Armou ies, live band "R & M" fro Kitchener. Money raised wi go to Olympic Experienc '88. Tickets available from Gary Lisle and Dave Shaw at Wingham Public School. 6,13 Coming events notices 1 advertised in this column r- will also appear on Channel m 12, Country Cable TV without 11 charge if placed seven days in advance. e. OPEN HOUSE At our home, tit mile west of Walton Church, Saturday, Nov. 16, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. F. H. • R. Hobby Products president Annette and Friends will, demonstrate punch work embroidery, paper quilling, bow making and Christmas decorations. Cameo painting display, painted bed covers and quilt blocks for sale. Specials on linens and paints. Come and bring a friend. Phyllis Mitchell, 887- 6697. Classes held weekly. 6,13 ROARING 20's WEEKEND Blyth Memorial Hall,. Nov. 8 & 9. "Vintage Family Movies" Nov. 8th, 7:30 p.m. Roaring 20's evening, Sat. f Nov. 9th. Dinner (Blyth Inn) 6:30 p.m. "Speakeasy and Casino" 8:00 p.m. Dancing, refreshments, Charleston. and costume contests and more! Weekend ticket package $45 per couple or ask about single events. Call 523-9300. Proceeds to Capital Projects. A 30,6 90T11 BIRTHDAY The family of Mrs. Lila Higgins, Belgrave invites you to join withthem to cele- brate her 90th birthday, Sat- urday, Nov. 16, in Knox United Church, Belgrave from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Best wishes only. 6,13 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Wes and Ila Paulin would like to invite friends and neighbors to the Blueva le Hall to help cele- brate their 50th wedding a niversary on Saturday, No 9. Open House is from 2 to p.m. Best wishes only. SOCIAL EVENING For Cheryl and Phil Jones (nee Delmage) recent! married, to be held at Roya Canadian Legion, Wingham on Saturday, Nov. 16 for amily and friends. MICROWAVE DEMONSTRATION Will be held on Thursday, Nov. 28 at 1:30 p.m. and re- peated at 7:30 p.m. at Sea - forth Legion Hall. Pre -regis- tration is necessary. Cost $3. Call Ontario Ministry of Ag- riculture and Food 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5171. 30,6 FOOD PROCESSOR DEMONSTRATION Of holly, sweets and savouries on Thursday, Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m. at Huronview Auditorium, Clinton. Pre- registration is necessary. Cost $3. Call' Ontario Min- istry of Agriculture and Food 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5171 n- HOWICK LEGION v. ANNUAL DANCE 4 Saturday, Nov. 9, Howick Community Centre. Dancing 9 to 1. Music by The Enter- tainers. Tickets $5 each. Lunch provided. For tickets Y contact any Howick Legion 1 members or call 335-3385. Longtime Wingharn resident, Frank Sedd :gin dies in London A resident of Wingham for August 31, 1897. He served in many years, Frank Seddon, the Imperial Army during passed away at Parkwood the 1914-1918 conflict and was bei 2 in his 89th Hospital, London, on Novem- gassed in the trenches of year. France and taken prisoner of Mr. Seddon was born in war in 1917. He returned to Lancashire, England, on England from the POW camp in 1919. Service held Mr. Seddon married Sybil Corner on May 22, 1920, and Friday for they emigrated to Canada in MrsW. the summer of 1920. He was a ® e Wright long-time resident of Wing - Funeral service was held ham until failing health in Friday, November 1, at two 1980 when he was moved to o'clock for Mrs. William the Veterans' Hospital, Alexander Wright of Nelson am Westminster Campus, Lon- Alexander Gorrie. Rev. Don don. His wife Sybil remained Pugh conducted the service in 1982, then o el May e at the Gorrie Chapel of M. L. en moved to the Watts Funeral Homes and Heritage St. Jaco Nursing Home interment followed in in acobs. He was predeceased by his Wroxeter Cemetery. Pallbearers were Bob elder son, William, in Edgar, Mel Greig, Earl November of 1984. He is Olson, Alex Stewart Cam survived by his son, Ralph 30,6 Edgar and Rick Black. Donof Kitchener; two brothers, Blaek carried flowers. Ernest of Brantford and Wilf Mrs. Wright passed away of Stratford; and four grandchildren, Daniel and October 29 at the' Wingham CRAFT AND BAKE SALE Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Belmore Community Centre. Hourly door prizes. Admission 50 cents. FOR DEDICATION TO THE COMMUNITY RE-ELECT GEORGE McBRIDE REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Branch 180 Royal Canadian Legion, Wingham would like to invite everyone to the November llth Remem- brance Day Service. The service will take place in the upstairs auditorium of the Legion commencing at 10:45 a.m., Monday, Nov. 11. LEGION BANQUET AND DANCE To all members of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 180 Wingham the Remembrance Day Banquet and Dance will commence at 7 p.m., Satur- day, Nov. 9. For the Sunday Church Parade (Salvation Army) meet at the, Legion Hall at 10:15 a.m. Buses will be available if weather is bad. Monday, Nov./ 11 serv- ice at 10:45 a.M. Please beat Legion -by 10:15 a.m. FASHION ACCESSORIES SHOW Wroxeter, UCW presents Jo- annie's Fashions of Paisley, Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 8: 15 p.m. Dessert and coffee; tickets, $2.50, available at the door or phone 335-6349. for Councillor in the Township of Kinloss "The man- with experience" Tuesday, November 12 Elect TOM BURRELL 6,13 CHRISTMAS CRAFT And Bake Sale, Saturday, Nov. 30, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m'. at the Wingham and Area Day Centre for the Homebound, in the Wingham Armouries. 6-27 BAZAAR AND TEA . The ACW of Trinity Church,' Belgrave, will hold a bazaar and tea in the WI Hall on Sat- urday, November 9, starting at 3 p.m. The Pakistani Em- broideries will also be for sale. . '30,6 t for Mayor Transportation available 357-3340 or 357-1472 TURNBERRY TAXPAYERS please VOTE 30,6 THE PSALMS AND THE SEASONS A Multi -Media presentation Friday, Nov. 15 at 7:45 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham. An offer- ing for. World Home Bible League, Canada, willbe re- ceived. Everyone welcome to an evening of breathtak- ing panoramas and spiritually motivating nar- v- rative. ESTATE SALE Private! Furniture, stereos, lamps, ' drapes, tools and small appliances andrnisc. 184 Diagonal Road, Wingham, Nov. 7 and 8, 1-7 p.m., Nov. 9, 11-4 pm. Cash. TEA AND BAZAAR • Wroxeter United Church Women Christmas tea and bazaar, Saturday, Nov. 30, 2- 4 p.m. and District Hospital in her Lynne, the children of 74th year. The former Jean William and Phyllis, and Ralph and Gregg, children of Agnes Edgar, she was predeceased by her parents, Ralph and Mary. Robert and Elizabeth (Doig) A memorial service was held at The McBurney Edgar; four brothers, meron, Alexander, Funeral Home, Wingham, on Monday, November 4, at two o'clock, Rev. Douglas Madge officiating. Mr. Seddon was a member of the Royal Canadian Le- gion, Branch 180, Wingham. William and Andrew; and one sister, Mrs. Charles (Margaret) Black. She is survived by her husband and several nieces and nephews. Memorial donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation would be ap- preciated as expressions of sympathy. Lucknow & District Lions Club presents ST. ANDREWS BALL Saturd y, Nov. 16 7 8 pm .Lucknow Community Centre Featuring Bob Finlay & The Caledonians Lucknow & District Pipe Band Owen Sound Highland Dancers Lunch Served $8.00 per person Tickets available from Mick McDonagh at Touch of Class, Wingham and Vance's Drug Store, Wingham. i FLUID FILM Proven rust prevention for over 40 years in the Salt Water Marine In- dustry. The most corrosive environ- ment in the world. USED WITH UNPARALLELED SUCCESS BY: * Maritime Overseas Corporation * U.S. Military * Delta Airlines * NASA Aerospace Industry * Salt Mining Industry And for the past 4 years in the European Auto Rust Prevention Industry Fluid Film is an Anti -Corrosive Gel for all metals for protection against attack by•moisture, salt sdlutions and industrial atmospheric pollutants. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER $4500 Lewis Farm Equipment & Repairs Over 44 percent of mail in Canada originates in Mon- treal and Toronto. RR 2, Wingham, Ontario Telephone: 357-3767 or 357-3442 BUS TRIPS TOYS 'R' Us toy outlet, Masonville and -White Oaks mall, London, 'Saturday, Nov, 23; Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village, Christ- mas Festival of Lights, Mon- day, Nov. 25; • FestivaI of Lights, Niagara Falls, Tues- day, Dec. 3; The Living Christmas Tree, Toronto, Sunday,. Dec. R. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-3424 or 357-3014. HARVEST BONANZA Blyth United Church„ November 6 to 9, used clothing section is open Nov, 6 and 7 from 2 to 8 p.m., Nov. 8 from 2 to 6 p.m. The annual bazaar opens Nov. 9 at 2 p.m. Silent auction, all fourr days, bid boxes opened at 4 p.m,; Nov. 9. Sponsored by Blyth U.C.W. Everyone welcome. ' 30,6 Last surviving member of Michie family dies The last . surviving Church where Mr'. Michie member of the family of the was a member. Interment ate_W:ill.lana--nd--E}; et-h—mlloweclT-ire-t11 Brussel-S— C Kirt on ) Michie, Ernest Cemetery. Michie of Belgrave,. for- Pallbearers were Gordon merly of Morris Township, Martin., George Michie, passed away at Wingham Harold Coulson, Ross and District Hospital on Anderson, Ross. Nichol and Monday, October 28, in his Bob Grasby. Bob Smith 88th year. carried floral tributes. Born _in__Morris_Township,---I-)ona•tions-•to-the-•B•eigrave Mr. Michie was a farmer for - United Church Memorial. many years in the'area. He is Fund or the charity of one's survived by several nieces choice are beinf acknowl- and nephews and was edged as expressions of predeceased by six brothers, sympathy. William, John', Christopher, Thomas, James and Robert; and three' sisters, Elizabeth Grasby, Mary Martin and Margaret Nichol. At the time of his passing, Mr. Michie was a resident of Callander Nursing Home, Brussels. Relatives and friends paid their respects al the Brussels Chapel of M. L. Watts' Funeral homes until. Thursday at two o'clock when funeral . service was con'Tcted by Rev. John Roberts of Belgrave United Service Directory AUTO BODY THE NU -LOOK AUTO BODY A division of Tolson Motor Sales Ltd., Bluevale COMPLETE COLLISION., AUTO BODY REPAIRS AND REFINISHING • Free Estimates • Gravel Guard • Application • Sand Blasting • 24 hr. Towing • Glass Installation • Side Mouldings • Re -Chrome Bumpers • Tape Striping ^ Contact Bruce Campbell 357-3029 . ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION SALES PLETCH ELECTRIC LTD. Electrical Contractor Motor Rewinding and Complete Motor Sales . Exhaust Fans and Controls WINGHAM 357-1583 ASKES BROS. CONSTRUCTION HEATING & PLUMBING LeRoy Jackson. — Plumbing — Heating — Tinsmithing 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 General Construction Farm - Home - Commercial Bert 357-3053 BEAM DONT LUO A TMCWM-PLUG INA BEAM I Central, Built-in Vacuum ....... Water Softeners a a ♦ * r w Excellent prices' on new plumbing installations! RON VOISIN Plumbing & Heating 392-6784 Teeswater for RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT of FINANCES NOTICE Street letter boxes used in England and Canada in the nineteenth century were called pillar boxes for the ob- vious reason that they sembled pillars. re - EARN A BARREL FULL Sell in the Classifieds Call & place an ad today. The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd. Honda and Skidoo . Sales & Service JACK WALKER Construction Hwy. 4 South of Wingham 357-2481 • Houses • Farm Buildings • Renovations FREE ESTIMATES TOWN & COUNTRY BUSINESS MAICHINES. LTD. IBM, Olivetti and Smith -Corona typewriter service calculators & photocopiers . Harold Jardin 673-4930 357-2139 Hwy. 86 east of Wingham Phone 519.357 3435 • WELDING SPIKE'S PORTABLE WELDING In shop repair work General Fabrication, Stabling, Truck & Wagon Racks Ornamental Railings • Free Estimates • Spike Bakker . RR 5, Lucknow WINGHAM PRINTING SERVICE • PRINTING . • PHOTO. COPIES __�. • REGISTER FORM-S— • ORMS • RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING STATIONERY Murray MacFarlane Carpentry Bluevale Renovations and repairs ROGER PLUMB PAINTING & DECORATING - Residential - Commercial - Interior - Exterior - 'Wallpapering 357-1548 Phone 357-1202 ._-- 314 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM 357-3.80D__ WINGHAM BODY SHOP - 14 North St. E., Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 Phone 357-1102 • Paint & Collision Service • Radiator Cores & Repairs • 24 Hour Towing • Frame Straightening SID ADAMS RON BEECROFT Owner 357-117J __--=--�� Wedding notices, 'en- gagements In memorihrns and obituaries are accepted' in written form ONLY We cannot accept such notices by telephone Please remember that no classified advertising is ac• cepted atter noon Monday 6'e 4471DAI with MAT Ars Leon Russell Appliance & Refrigeration Service Cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Contractors i• Appliance & Relrigeration Saies & Service hulas SALES & WARRANTY SERVICE Open 6 days a week WINGHAM 357-245 39 Years Built by Quality & Service '!u Warranty Service for Hotpoint, Moffat, General Electric, Inglis. Whirlpool and Admiral Also available - Heat Pumps & Central Air Conditioning with Service for 3 well-known makes • Phone Wingham 357-3773 To place your action ad in Crossroads classifieds, Call: The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320 Mit ' 3i l i ivray & Co. (:h;trt('I'(•(i Accountants LISTOWEL 291-1251 Partners: M. J, Hoyles, C.A. R. N. MacDonald Exel, C.A. Managers: L. M. Gagnon, C.A. R. H. GODERICH 524-2677 E. Takalo, C.A. Kaufman, C.A. CUSTOM ENGRAVING Name badges, room numbers, door signs, attractive desk sets. Also engraving of names on our fine line of pens and -pencils Available at: The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320 The Listowel Banner 291-1660 The Milverton Sun 595-8921 The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550