HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-06, Page 111
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B Line West of Josephine Street
' Res. 357-1262
WINGHAM • Bus. 357-1705
Notes from Fordwich
Best wishes are extended
to Mr. and Mrs. George
Koenig of Listowel and
formerly of Fordwich-area,
who were married last
Saturday in the Missionary
Church, Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Don King,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter King,
Mr. and Mrs.- Randy King
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Baylor and Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Brunarski
and family attended the King
family gathering Sunday at
the Harriston Legion Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stevens
of Innerkip spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
John Leppington.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller
and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Clarkson attended the
Village Trustees' Convention
last weekend in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendt
of Toronto spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
A Remembrance Day
service will be held this year
in the Fordwich United
Church Monday, Nov. 11, at
10 a.m.
Mrs. Jean Wilson visited
last Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Wilson at
Mrs. Eva Harris returned
home last week after a
holiday with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Les Watkins, in Bowie,
Ladies lead
service at
BRUSSELS — The con-
gregation of Melville Pres-
byterian Church was met by
rain Sunday morning. In the
absence off Rev. Jamieson,
Mrs. Elizabeth Jamieson,
Karla King .and Mrs. Mar
garet MacLeod led the con-
gregation in worship.
Miss King had the second
reading and he choir favored 1
the worshippers with an
anthem, "Be Still and
Know": Mrs. MacLeod
conducted the children's
story. Prayers were said for
the ill.
Mrs. Jamieson's sermon
was "Is the Lord My
Shepherd?", which provided
food for thought.
It was announced that
church members are invited
to St. Andrew's at Wingham
on Nov. 15 at 7:45 p.m. for
the "Psalms and the
Seasons", an illustrated
devotion of the four seasons
interwoven with truths from
the Hymn Book of the Ages.
Rev. Willis E. Sayers will
lead the°worship on Nov. 17.
All those interested are
invited to a finger -food
luncheon and a chance to
evaluate their life) in Christ
on behalf of presbytery with
a representative elder from
Milverton -North Morning -
Quite a number from this
area were guests last
Saturday at the Koenig -
Hamilton wedding in the
Missionary Church„ Listowel
and the dinner following at
the Kin Station.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Roth
of Hagersville, Mrs. Andrew
Doughty of Jarvis and Mrs.
George Roth of Regina
visited last Thursday and
Friday with their brother-in-
law, Walter Harrifield.
Barry D'Arcey ac-
companied several friends
on a hunting trip up north
last weekend.
Darcy Miller and Trevor
Miller spent the weekend
With their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Douglas, near
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sothern
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Sothern and
family at Palmerston.
Mrs. Doug Bunker
returned home last Saturday
from the Listowel hospital
following her recent surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Magill of
London spent the weekend at
their home here.
Mrs. Carroll Johnson
returned home last Friday
from Westminster Hospital,
London, where she had been
a patient for the past 10 days
following surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Coghlin,
Debbie and Paul of
Caledonia, were weekend
guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Nickel.
Mrs. Gerald Martin and
Dean and Mrs. Barry
D'Arcey, Jeff and Jason,
spent last. Saturday in Kit-
The Trinity Anglican
Church Ladies held a very
successful tea and bake sale
last Saturday and thank
everyone who helped and
patronized the sale.
There will be no Sunday
service at Trinity Church,
Fordwich, but services will
be held at St. Stephen's
Church, Gorrie, at 11 a.m.
when the Right Rev. Morse
Robinson, Suffragan Bishop
of Huron, will be the speaker
at the service and several
candidates will be con-
firmed. There will be choir
music and sacred selections
by the Howick School Band.
Fine entertainment
at variety: concert
BELGRAVE — A capacity
crowd attended the variety
concert held Sunday evening
in Knox United Church,
sponsored by the Board of
Organ and piano music
was played by Mrs. Eliza-
beth Procter and Mrs.
George Johnston. Rev. John
G. Roberts acted as chair-
man and welcomed every-
Selections by the Walton
and Bluevale Choirs, direct-
ed by Mrs. Mary Lou John-
ston, opened and closed the
concert. Other entertain -
Mrs. Viola Travis and Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Marks
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Marks.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Stewart, Kitchener and Mrs.
Grant Palmer, Sudbury,
spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Les
Douglas and attended the
funeral of their aunt, Mrs.
William Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Musgrove visited Sunday
with Clarence. Ott, Listowel.
Sympathy is extended to
William Wright of Gorrie in
the loss of his wife and to
Mrs. Harold Grant and
family of Bluevale in the loss
of a husband land father..
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Marks, Blyth and Mrs. Edith
White and friend of London
were recent guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Marks.
ment was provided by: piano
duet, Mrs. Alice Brothers
and Mrs. Mary Bryans;
solos, . Don McDonald;
musical numbers, The
Stapleton Sisters; duet, Mrs.
Mildred Travis, Mrs. Phyliss
Reading, Clifford Coultes;
orchestra selections by Mrs.
Freda Johnston, piano; Har-
vey McDowell, violin, and
Alex Robertson, banjo; duet,
Bill and Muriel Coultes; solo,
Mrs. Marie McGavin;
Duets, Mrs. Linda
Thomas, Murray Hoover;
bag pipe. selections, Charles
Procter; guitar solo,
Graeme _ Craig; quartette,
Muriel Coultes, Dorothy
Coultes, Donna Shaw, Eliza-
beth Procter; violin selec-
tion, Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell.
Words failed to express
adequate appreciation to
everyone who participated in
the concert presentation.
Talent of such high calibre
deserves sincere commen-
Aglas host
surprise party
FORDWICH -= A surprise
party was held last Saturday
evening at the home of Dick
and Sharon Agla in honor of
the latter's sister and
brother-in-law, Jim ..and
Lynn Timperley, on the
,occasion of their 20th wed-
ding anniversary.
Guests attending were
from Toronto, Harrow, Har-
riston, Paisley, Thamesford.
The Belgrave Library will
be open Friday, Nov. 8, from
2 to 5 p.m. All books must be
in the library by this date.
Marjorie Procter of Lon-
don visited with her mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Procter, over
the weekend.
Mrs. Robert Grasby is now
a patient in the Wingham
and District Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
Smithson of Downsview,
visited for a few days with
her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Denise Nethery, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Nethery of RR 4, Brussels,
returned to Lambton Col-
lege, Sarnia, after spending
the last two weeks on Block
Week at the Wingham Day
Care Centre.
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond
•Nicholson of Morrisburg
spent the weekend with their
parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Gar-
ner Nicholson.
UC receives
new members
On behalf of the members
of his congregation, Rev. J.
Rea Grant received new
members into the Wingham
United Church during
special service held Sunday
Those received by con-
firmation of their faith were
Kimberly Ann Zimmer,
Shelley Louise Campbell,
Elizabeth Ann Louttit and
Julie Lea Thompson. Trans-
ferring their membership
from other congregations
were Cindy Campbell, Mrs.
Carol Crawford, Murray
Louttit and Mr. and Mrs.
Dawson Pollock.
Also a part of the special
service was a baptismal
ceremony during which Mr.
Grant baptized Nicholas
Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs.,
Keith Cameron Jr., and
Jacqueline Elizabeth,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Regge Sewers. Special
music was provided by Mrs.
Joyce Miller who sang two
solos during the service.
The Wingham Advance -Times, Nov. 6, 1985—Page 11
Water System
to the Whitechurch Water
System held their fall
meeting Monday evening of
last week in the Community
Memorial Hall with 12 in
,,attendance. Dave Gibb,
president, conducted the
meeting and Cathy Lubbers
read the minutes, Mrs. Bill
Gibson gave the treasurer's
The members are trying to
get the chemicals for the
water delivered at Wingham
as the company does not
wish to deliver small
quantities. Emerson Hickey
has moved away so the
water will be turned off to his
house. Bills were presented
from Cecil Little for flushing
the lines and for main-
Belgrave euchre
Ten tables were in play at
the weekly euchre held in the
W. I. Hall Wednesday, Octo-
ber 30.
Winners were: high lady,
Mrs. Ronald Coultes; low
lady, Mrs. Lewis Stone-
house; novelty lady, Mrs.
John King; high man,
George Johnston; low man,
Mrs. Reta Merkley (playing
as a man); novelty man,
Mrs. Jim Coultes (playing as
a man).
There will be euchre again
this Wednesday starting at
8:00 p.m. Everyone is wel-
New stations
now on cable
Wingham cable TV
viewers will have noticed
some changes in channel
allocations since Nov. 1.
The American Public
Broadcasting programs now
appear on Channel 6, while
WXYZ Detroit, an ABC
affiliate, appears on Channel
10 in place of CFPL London.
The London programming
has been moved to Channel
22. A converter is required to
receive this channel, on
which programming
frequently is the same as
that appearing on CKNX-TV
Wingham on Channel 9,
which remains unchanged.
tenance; from Dave
Stapleton for taking water
samples; and from Janet
Little, Mrs. Gibson and
Cathy Lubbers for serving as
secretary for various terms.
The hall board will look
after grass cutting. A cer-
tificate for $2000. was to be
renewed November 1.
Adrian Keet will be asked to
collect water samples and
Mrs. Lubbers will accept a
maintenance fee. As some
rulings are outdated, a new
set is to be devised.
Murray Simpson applied
for water for his residence
where the old feed mill was
located. Walter Elliott '
moved adjournment, with
the next meeting of the
Water System slated for
April of 1986.
Mrs. Florence Penner and
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Higgins
attended the .graduation of
their grandson, Robert
Penner, from the Listowel
District Secondary School
last Saturday night. Rob
received his honor cer-
tificate and the Global Tool
and Equipment scholarship.
He is now taking an ap-
prenticeship at the Centra
Co., Waterloo.
BRUS . — The sixth
meeting of the Brussels I
club was held at the library
on Oct. 26 in the form of a
bake sale. The Brussels II
and Ethel III clubs joined
them. The sale was declared
open officially by Lori
Appleby of the Brussels I1
The fudge and tea biscuits
proved to be popular items.
There also' were cookies,
cakes, pies and cupcakes. A
coffee and cookie booth also
was set up.
The - bake sale was
scheduled to end at 1 p.m.,
but almost everything was
sold early and the girls were
able to pack up by noon.
CWL nous
a eaHaIIOw&en party
Heart CWL, Wingham, was
held Saturday at the
Wingham Armouries.
Draw winners were: first
prize, $100, Mrs. June
McBurney, RR 5, Wingham;
second prize, $50, Mrs.
Sharon Baker, Wingham;
third prize, $25, ,Mrs. Keith
Montgomery, Wingham;
fourth prize, $25, Mrs. Cory
Sanders, Brussels.
The doll house made and
donated by Bob Pierce of
Bluevale was won by Mrs.
Leona Freiburger, Bluevale,
and the basinet was won by
Teresa Kenyon of Wingham%
Thanks to all who made they
day a success._ _
The annual fall bazaar and held for children
a sponsored by the Sacred
BELGRAVE — The third
annual Belgrave Children's
Hallowe'en Party was held
in the Institute, Hall, Oct. 25.
Approximately 75 children
enjoyed a fun -filled evening
of costume judging, games
and dancing.
Prizes were given to: ages
seven and under: Best Cos-
tume, Becky Van Camp,
Lindsay Michie, Cole Vin-
cent; Funniest Costume,
Kendra Fischer, Travis
Campbell, Luke Lockridge;
Best Hallowe'en Theme,
Kendra Hopper, Shannon
Cook, Jennifer Black;
Scariest Costume Taylor
For the entire family - Work Clothing - Coveralls,
Lined_Work Parkas,__Work_pari-ts.r_ Nor_k_Socks, --------
Ladies' Fashion - Cords, Jeans, Blouses,
Sweaters, Safety Work Shoes, Rubber. Boots,
Pillow Boots, Snow J.,,gers, Jogging Shoes,
NO, 1 CSA Approved Insulated Work ,Shoes
(Green .Patch) - $38.95, Ladies' Fashion
Sweaters - $15.95, Boys' & Girls' 2 Pc. Ski
Suits Sizes 7-18 - $34.95, Work Socks, Sport
-Socks-or_Dress-Socks- -3 pair--for--$3795;
Children's Pillow Boots - $27.95.
Discount Groceries, Frozen Boxed
Meats; --Produce, Bulk bookies, Bulk
Baking Goods, Bulk Spices, Fresh
Roasted Nuts, Baking Nuts, Flour, Glace
Fruits, Dried Fruits, Candy, Chocolate,
Jams & Jellies, Snack Foods, Imported
Foods, Hundreds of Items to Choose
From. Special Prices in Effect For
Your Fall Baking! '
Carpet Remnants, Roll
Ends & Complete Rolls in
Various Styles & Colors
-S3.95 sq. yd. & up, Both
in Jute Back & Rubber
Back, No Wax Flooring
-$5.95 sq. yd.
Josephine St., Wingham
357-1 730
Mon. -Sat. 9-6 Fri. Nights
till 9 p m Visa.
Mastercard accepted
All Types of Ammunition, A Fine
Selection-ef-Rifles -& -Shoguns in
Various Calibres & Gauges by Leading
Manufacturers, Tools For the
Handyman, Drill Presses, Band Saws,
Compressors, Socket Sets, Wrench
Sets, Wheel Pullers, Hammers, Etc.,o
Used Furniture , Antiques, Gift Items
Mali, Russel Hurst, Erin
Prizes for ages eight and
over: Best Costume, Crystal
Black; Funniest Costume,
Dominic Skinner; Best Hal-
lowe'en Theme, Ben Barnes;
Scariest Costume, Tim
Coultes; Best Couple, Jackie
—Cook, Karla" Cook.
Prizes for bubble -gum
blowing contest: Dean Vin-
cent, Darryl Jardin; prizes
for hula hoop contest, Kyle
Moran, Mark Coultes; dance
winners, Best Couple, Jen-
nifer Weber, Jody Weber;
Best hopper, Michele Pletch,
---Kyle--Moran; tallest persue
Dianne Black, Travis
Campbell; best break -
dancer, Jason Campbell.
A draw was also made for
a Wuzzle, which was won by
Floor Coverings, Living Room Suites,
XI Kitchen Suites, Bedroom Furniture,
Waterbeds in King, Queen, Double,
S per Single or Single Sizes, Dressers & Chests to Match
W terbeds, Box Spring & Mattresses, Queen Size Waterbed
Complete - $295.00, Box & Mattress - Price Per Set —
Twin Size - $139.00 - 3/4 Size - $169.00 -
Double Size - $189.00 -
NOTE: We take trade-ins on guns & good used furniture or will buy outright
partial or complete Estates.
Amanda Cook. •
Thanks to Mrs. Laura
Johnston and Mrs. Irene La-
mont who had the difficult
task of judging all the excel-
lent costumes.
Miss Heather Maureen
Smith, granddaughter of
Mrs. T. A, Currie of Centre
Street, Wingham, graduated
Oct. 27 from Wilfrid Laurier
University, Waterloo, with
an Honors Bachelor of Busi-
ness Administration degree
and is presently employed at
Frischkorn Associates Inc.,
Mississauga. Following the
graduation a family dinner
was held at Brampton.
(ri.)00 1 13111(){0 11()1Heat
'N Serve
Cordon Bleu per piece .70
Schnitzel 1.50-
Me_d.i.um._ --__ ___------------- -
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Ground Beef Ib.1.59
Cooked Ham Ib, 3.29
We are still here, and have more special savings
for you in our retail outlet.
Ask your local grocer for our special deli products
B Line West of Josephine Street
' Res. 357-1262
WINGHAM • Bus. 357-1705