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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-11-06, Page 5
A ELE T R LLAH for East Wawanosh Township Council TUESDAY, NOV. 12/85 Your Support °Wil! Be Appreciated 1 wish to thank the ratepayers of East Wawanosh township for m th = lr support during my last 5 -years as councillor. would appreciate your sup- port at the polis on November 12th. Thanking you Donald Schultz To the ratepayers of East Wawanosh RE-ELECT NEIL VINCENT REEVE I respectfully ask for your support on NOVEMBER 12 My record speaks for itself: --My home township --Actively involved in local sports as both player and coach --4-H leader for 12 years --Graduate of Centralia College --8 years as township councillor - -3 years as reeve - -Representative on Wingham & District Fire Board --Chairman, East Wawanosh Recreation Committee --Ex officio member Wingham Recreation Committee --Member, Huron County Planning & Development Committee --Chairman, Huron County Social Services Committee 1984 As a young farmer I believe in the protection of our industry and orderly development of the future. YOUR SUPPORT WOULD BE APPRECIATED Anyone requiring transportation phone 357-2336 or 357-2707 ,OD C,f J itA Cemetery bd© holds m ting Whitechurch — The Langside Cemetery Board meeting was held at the Community Memorial Hall, president Dave Gibb ex- tending a warm welcome to all nine In attendance. The 1984 minutes were read by Rod Wraith and business arising from the minutes noted that the back fence was replaced and at the present time the west fence is torn down and will be replaced when the field is plowed to lower the bank. Fred Tiffin has made valu- able donations toward this work. The 1984 financial statement was given by Elizabeth Tiffin, showing a bank balance of $771.52. Fee for opening a grave is $100.; cost per grave, $35.; grass cutting, $40. each time. Dave Gibb is returned as president; secretary is Rod Wraith; treasurer, Mrs. Fred Tiffin; trustees, Bob Orr, Wes Young, William Young, Fred Tiffin, Elmer Scott. II The board mernbets discussed purchasing a name sign of wrought iron; Mr. Gibb is to investigate three offers. Rod Wraith suggested that the wooden record cemetery books be donated to the Wingham Museum and will look after this project. When the business came to an end, Mr. Gibb declared the meeting adjourned. a The Wingham Advance -Times, Nov. 6, 1985—Page 5 MINNIE MOUSE and a medie'Val page, alias Mary Lee and Evelyn Stephens, were among the characters who turned out to the Wednesday Night Ladies' Bowling League last week. Although they were a day early for Hallowe'en, the league ladies showed good spirit. WI delegates against teachers' right to strike An emergency resolution to prohibit teachers' right to. strike was passed at the recent Guelph area con- vention of the Women's Institute at St. Agatha. In addition all Institute members were urged to write to their members of parliament, the minister of education, the Wellington and Grey County boards of education .and Teachers' Strike Headquarters to get -"the students back to school. A total of 373 ladies from Waterloo, Wellington, Halton., Huron and Perth Counties were registered and the theme of the con- vention was "Youth — Where Tomorrow?" Mrs. Ken Law, PRO, reported that an excess of $90,000 was raised for Institute projects, community and other tivities. The provincial president, .. Mrs. R. B. Johnston, spoke of grant money available for WI groups to learn about non-traditional skills such,as s computer operation, wood working and hydroponics Peter Fleming, ROSB representative, told about the following new 4-H and senior courses: etiquette, gardening, milk, micro- waves, food processing, home decorating, smocking, time and money manage- ment and water manage- ment. He also complimented the public relations officers and the press on the good image of the Institute. . After the banquet Barbara Dyszuk, rural organizations specialist for Waterloo County, was presented with the Helen McKercher Scholarship for further education in the field of home economics. Entertainment was provided by the New Hamburg Bell Ringers, Guest speaker was Mrs. Theresa Bildstein, who told how families can learn to cope with stress. Mrs. Johnston, provincial . eeretary, installed- the following' officers: past president, Mrs. Norman YOUR CHOICE 9 pieces OF DELICIOUS CHICKEN TRIPLE FRY 1 500 'ml. SALAD OF YOUR CHOICE BUCKET SER 30th - NOVEMBER 17th Josephine Street, Wingham 357-2221 K.ntuckyflied Chicken Residents of lodges. to get grant Residents of two rest homes in Wingham will receive a $3;000 New Hori- zons grant from Health apd Welfare Canada. Residents of the Copeland -and-]gray-Ledges will -use di' money to establish a program of indoor activities, including music, arts and crafts, cards and other in- door games. New Horizons is a federal grant program enabling retired people to create prnj'cts of their own choosing. It offers grants to groups which undertake activities for the benefit of themselves and others in their community. Coghlin, Atwood; president, Mrs. J. D. Moore, Atwood; first vice, Mrs. Wallace Knapp, Georgetown; second vice, Mrs. H. Sebben, Stratford; third vice, Mrs. Irene Bailey, Moorefield; secretary, Mrs. William • Humphries of Walton; treasurer, Mrs. Elmer Duffield, Rockwood; PRO, Mrs. Kenneth Law, Moffat; executive committee, Mrs. Vincent Rau, Elmira, Mrs. Robert Schmidt, Brunner, Mrs,. John Playle, Guelph; board directors, Mrs..." H. Fried, New Dundee, .Mrs. Charles Mathers, Bluevale, Mrs: Matt Leuty, Fergus; alternate, Mrs. J. Graham, Cambridge, Mrs. Elmer Harding, Gorrie, Mrs. John Burnett, Belwood and standing committee con- veners, Mrs. James T. McMahon, Bluevale, Mrs. \, Ed Norton, Acton, Mrs. Morgan Baer, Baden, Mrs. D. C. Smith, Arkell, Mrs. Russell Gofton, Pla.ttsville and Mrs. Gordon Engel, Brussels. '• MATERIAL GIRLS The president, Brenda Dickson, opened the sixth meeting of the Belmore 4-11 club with the pledge and then asked the girls to have their booklets handed in by Nov. 28. Secretary Kelly Leachman read the minutes of the last meeting and then passed the job toLisa Metcalfe. Lorie -1VfeRague read the ac- tionwear activity book. Wilma Jeffray explained to the girls how to do a hemming sample. Following that, Lisa Metcalfe con- tinued readingin the books. When the girls were through reading in their bbults, Trina` efiray and Tami Eckenswiller served lunch. The meeting closed at 9 p.m. and the next meeting. was Nov. 5. —Michelle Eadie UCW ladies hold church service BRUSSELS — The United Church Women had charge of the thankof?ering service at the United Church. Mrs --Carpentier 'con: ducted the "Conversation with God" and the New Testament Lesson was given by Mrs. Larke McDonald, while Mrs. Betty Campbell hadd TN responsive reading. Mrs. Dorothy Steffler read the Old Testament lesson, The choir had its anthem presentation and the sermon was "The . Jerusalem Beggar". Mrs. Adah Smith gave the "Worship Through Giving" and Luella Mitchell gave a thankoffering poem. Prayers were said for the sick and511ut-+ns-: --- . It was announced there will be a hot luncheon and bake sale on Nov. 15 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The general meetingwill be . in. the church parlor on Nov. 1,9 at 8 p.m. All those interested are invited to an information meeting on battered wives and on the operation at Friendship House o'n Nov, 19 8' p.m. at Sacred Heart Church, Wingham. fi Winter Weather SPECIALS J.P. insulated, Reg. $59.95 COVERALLS Only �4995 J.P. (,work or semi -dress) Reg. $44.95 TAH PARKAS $3695 Only J.P. Perma Press Reg. $23.95 PANTS' & SHIRTS Only sl 9" 19" Clearing End of line (assorted) BOOTS 10% to 50% Off AH First Quality Guaranteed. Prices in effect only until Sat., Nov. 16/85 11 -ayes • Clothing Ltd. Josephine St., Wingham 357-1700 ELECT JOHN A. CURRIE (JACK) Council East Wawanosh Experience - Sincerity - Forsight ixi CURRIE, JOHN NOTICE OF POLL Notice is hereby given to the municipal electors of the Township of East Wawanosh that whereas more candidates have been nominated to each of the following offices than the number required to fill such offices, therefore polls will be held upon the dates and at the times and_ places stated in this notice for the purpose of electing the holders of such offices. OFFICE(S) FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD: 1. REEVE -• 2: FOUR COUNCILLORS 3. ONE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ONE QUESTION: Under provisions of The Liquor Licence Act, .1980. • 1. Are you in favour of the sale of spirits, beer and wine under a dining lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises where food is available?__ REGULAR POLLS: DATE: November 12, 1985 LOCATION: POLL 1 - (Con. 1-5) Blyth District Snowmobile & Sportsmen's Club House, Pt. Lot 31, Con. 2. POLL 2 - (Con. 6-9) Belgrave Arena, Pt. Lot 42, Con. 8. POLL 3 - (Con, 10-14) Phil Dawson's Residence, W'/z Lot 40, Con. 13. TIME: Regular polls will be open from 1 1 o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock p.m. PROXY APPLICATIONS: 'A person who has been appointed a voting pro- xy may apply to the clerk notlater than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day to receive a certifi- cate to vote by proxy for the polling subdivision in • which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. 1Given985. under my hand this 24th day of October, Winona E. Thompson, Returning Officer mi, '— INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. Insurance - All types. Home, business, auto, farm, life. WINGHAM 357=2636 GORRIE 335-3525 Thurs.," Nov. 7 to Wed. Nov. 13; 1985 Thurs. Nov. 7 Public Forum - Council for Action on . Alcohol & Other Drugs, Bethel. Pentecostal Assembly, Goderich, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Wingham PUC Meeting, 7:30 p.m., PUC Office. Wingham Area Fire Board Meeting, 8:00 p.m., Fire Hall. Fri. Nov. 8 Sat. Nov. 9 Dance, Howick Legion Annual, Howick Comm. Centre, 9:00 p.m. . 1:00 a.m. Craft & Bake Sale, Belmore Comm. Centre, ao:.00.a_mr ACW of Trinity Church, Belgrave, Bazaar & Tea atWlHall, 3:00p.m. Branch 180 Royal Canadian Legion, Wingham, Banquet & Dance, 7:00 p.m. 50th Anniversary, Open House for Mr. & Mrs. Wes Paulin, Bluevale Hall, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Sun. Nov. 10 Legion Church Parade, Meet at Legion 10:15 a,m., Buses Available if Bad Weather. Mon. Nov. 11 Remembrance Day Service, Branch 180 Royal Canadian Legion, Wingham., 10:45 a.m. Tues. Nov. 12 Municipal Elections, Polls Open 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Wed. Nov. 13 1.