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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-30, Page 32
r Page 813---Crossroads-Oct. 30, 198.5 tnstrearn. Canada Here's looking at you, Boss L3i Ione Curls on . Let's talk about The Boss. Not as in Bruce Springsteen, hut as in "Boss, what work needs to be done today?" In particular, let's talk about the three-quarters of a million women in small and medium-sized businesses across the country who qualify for that title. Not all of these women have keys to the executive wash- room, of course, for such things aren't often fixtures in the nation's smaller companies. But the numbers, and other related statistics gleaned by the Canadian. Federation of Independent 'Business from extensive surveys, lead to one simple conclusion: large num- bers of women are taking lead. ership toles in independent business. .< In more than 20,200 personal interviews with business owner/ managers in the first six months of this year, CFIB found that 42.6 per cent of the women employed in the sector hold management or supervisory positions. That compares with Statis- tics Canada data for the entire country which show that 28 per cent of employed women hold such jobs. In terms of the actual num- ber. of women employed by • small business, the survey revealed 50,697 jobs held by women, of which 21,612 qual- greater say in the business. "Ah, but," say the skep- tics, '`Surely this is all because hubby hires the wife to manage the books or whatever. It's not real clout." Well, there are no doubt many cases of husband and wife working together, but it says here that makes no differ- ence. The spouse who's han- dling the books, pr inventory, or supervising the hired help has as much, if not more, on her shoulders than many cor- porate managers whose every move is prescribed by bureau- cratic decree. The numbers, too, belie the °'wife syndrome" explana- tion. The survey found, as might be expected, that in the smallest firms, 62.5 per cent of the employed women have management duties. But in companies with 100 to 499 employees, 52.2 per cent of employed women are managers or supervisors. They can't all be the owner's wife. These statistics back up other research by Statistics Canada which shows that the number of women who own their ' own businesses grew from 11 per cent in the mid- 1960s to 30 per cent by 1981. It's apparent that women today are prepared to make their own way, stepping into management positions in small and medium-sized firms and itt many cases running their ify as management or super- ., oW wi ne do sp ask thi women in some capacity, •more Yo than 56 per cent have one woman in management and almost one-quarter have more than one. The results are even more impressive considering that 80 per cent of CFIB members employ 15 or fewer people, giving individual managers visory. Translate that across the sector\as a whole and there are 750,000 woman managers in independent business. There is more. While 82 per • cent of, the firms which re- sponded to the survey employ n show. It''s happening thout fanfare, without the ed for government interven- n designed to help women ecifically. So next time you're about to a woman who's the boss, nk twice. Chances are u're looking at her. CFIB Feature Service WHO CAN BUY CSBs Canada Savings Bonds are available for sale to Cana- dian residents and certain trust such as registered retirement saving plans. Companies and charities cannot buy CSBs. Stayfree 30's 'Maxi Pads or Maxi Thins Alberto 150 gr. 'European Styling Mousse 2.69 New Halsa 450 nil- Swedish. Botanical Shampoo or Conditioner Ultra Brite 100 ml. Toothpaste Children's 24's Chewable Tylenol Tablets Flintstones 100's Regular or Plus Iron Multiple Vitamins Lavoris 500 ml. Mouthwash V_ase.lira660 11-pem.p ..._.-..- -- Intensivee,Care Lotion 3.59 2.29 1.09 2.59 4.39 2.39 3.59 TRIANGLE DISCOUNT PAlf47 VFD/C/yfS • COSNFD(S • tOAACCOS, Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekll9ys • Sundays Noon to c.,6eZM 02.169 S6116661 1:16,6=6, 0696111 O=.66 SAVE $ioo Sik,./The • TRIANGLE DISCOUNT This coupon is worth $1.00 _.__.._off_ e-rert(ail- pro -e -of .- any 3/t v/n'e .30's package: 'tl ia.Yi-pads, maxi -pad Tliius, or niiiti-pads te iLY„r�tit (EUI:';AA'yr�y�`��i` pL,V•s7 sum•=! . t 'r' Oee.oupon per purchase Soffer exf, ref Dealer For redemption, moil to ,••h- son & ,ohnson Inc . Box 3000 h N0E2t213 or6;636 1621.01. ®616.21®®®eft=17r212616�� ���r®®ter® 040933130 4 • CKVR Barrie Cros s r o ,� �i j CBC Toronto ��!! • ®•-• wDlir Detroit ® Globtpl to u(■$ d e WXYZ Detroit ©o ... wJBK Detroit CKNX Wingham CFPL London CHCH Hamilton CKCO Kitchener TSN ... City TV Toronto The following pruyrams listed as supplied by the TV stations die surteclto uhanye Wed., Nov.. 6 AFTERNOON 12:00 1300 ®O N,ews 0 Beaver • Flintstones CM Ryan's Hope O Midday 0 Bodies In Motion 00 Thundersub 12:25 II® Agri -News 12:30 ME) The Young, and Restless O0 News,' ®O Loving . • FYI Noon Edition ID Super Password • Spiderman O Headline Chasers Il® NFL Arm Wrestl- ing 1:00 ® Intermezzo 0 Lifetime ® Soapbox O0O®® All My Children o0 Days of Our Lives 1:30 mai) As the World Turns ES City Lights ® Canadian College Magazine 2:00 ® NBA Basketball O Let's Make A Deal I® Parenting o0 Midday ® 20 Minute Workout O Dallas el One Life to Live ®Q Another World 2:30 CDC) Capitol ®Soapbox 0 It's Your Move O Wok With Yan O Pitfall 3:00SQ Jeffersons 010 Parenting ® Laverne & Shirley OO General. Hospital - O Coronation Street Tal Santa Barbara • Fitness Break 000 The .Guiding Light 3:30 ei The Green Hornet 00 The Facts of. Life • © Going Great ' O Sale Of The Cen- . tury 4:00,0 Good Afternoon Detroit. CIAmerica • • 0 The Brady Bunch © Bob 'Newhart • m Super Pay Cards O He -Man I® Parenting 07 l3 Divorce Court m0 Video Hits ® Toronto Rocks 4:30 ED People's Court © Jeffersons .00 One Day At A Time m Tom and Jerry O The Young and The Restless © The Edison Twins O The $100,000 Pyra- • mid _ - . fD US Equestrian Team Driving 5:00 .ID NFL Films a0(II'Soap O WKRP In Cincinn- ati Diff'rent Strokes ®Pink Panther 0 Video Hits cum The Price Is Right ®Os News 5:30 DO News ® Three's Company O® Benson 0 Too Close For Comfort EVENING 6:00 'OW00000 News ® Citypulse 0 Star Trek 0 Scan'Newshour FYI at 6:00 ® IHRA Drag Rac- ing 6:30 IOE News 7:00 O Wheel of Fortune CO Jeopardy W Entertainment Tonight ® Sportsdesk 000 News ® MASH 00 Diff'rent Strokes 10 Gunsmoke ® Knight Rider O Neighbourhoods 7:30 O Entertainment (4707 The Price Is Right ® Leafs On CHCH ( N.Y. at Toronto) ® MASH O TITe Ted Knight Show (I) Outdoor Life With o William Conrad U V) C Eno Three's Com - pang 1D ,Jackpot IT) Wheel Of Fortune 8:00 O Highway To Heaven 0 TBA ® Sportsworld Inter • - national 10000) The Nature of Things 0 Highway To Heaven EN Movie "The Swamp Thing" O Insiders •.0a O You're A Good Man Charlie Brown 9:00 O TBA • " 000 Charlie & Com- pany 0 "North & South" (Pt. 3 of 6) O St. Elsewhere gia Top Rank Boxing 0 Hell Town 0000 Market Place 9:30 000I'Man Alive ®O George Burns' Comedy Week 10:00 OM The Equalizer 3 Citypulse O Hotel 0 St. Elsewhere i®0®m National 0 Knots Landing 10:20 0000 Journal 10:30 i® Don Cherry's Grapevine 11:00 ED FYI Final Edition 0 Newsfinal • 131101000191. OW News ® CTV National I News O SCTV .. 11:20 0 Lotto 6/49 .11:25, 0 Ontario Report 11:30' O Barney Miller , © Three's Company 00 Entertainment • Tonight • O Sportsline'• .05 Tonight Show ' 00 Taxi O Nightline 01 Sportsdesk 01 Movie "Lipstick" 12:00 ® IHRA Drag Rac- ing . O Eye On Hollywood ® Movie' 'Mission To • Moscow" • el Carson Comedy Classics ® Mery Griffin • _ 00 Charlie's Angels © Movie "The Black Cat't 00 Donahue 0 Benny Hill 12:30 l0 Lou Grant 0 Late Night appi Barney Miller Movie "TBA" 1:00 Ill Millionaire Maker Seminar 0 Letterman 0 Medical Centre 00 O The Saint in Outdoor Life With William Conrad 1:15 ® Movie "Return From The Past" 1:30 ® Sportsworld Inter- national 0 Soap 1D Kung Fu 2:00 00 Maude ® Nightwatch ® TBA ® Movie "John Gold- farb, Please Come Home" O Highlights 2:30 0 Entertainment Tonight ® Top Rank Boxing I® TBA O Rat Patrol 3:00 00 Eight Is Enough ® Movie "The Swamp Thing" • O Name That Tune 4:00 (DC) Night Watch 05 The Lone Ranger 4:30 05 News 5:00 Telling Secrets ® Here's, Lucy m Outdoor Life With William Conrad 5:30 IIID Sportsworld Inter- national 5:50 ® Abbott and •Costello Movies on CKNX ... inghann FRIDAY, 1:00 A.M.--•'WHITE MAMA". Stars Bette Davis, Ernest Harden Jr. Mutual gust and dependence grow as an i'ntprovished widow assumes custody of a street -wise delin- quent. SATURDAY, 1:15 A -M. -"PAROLE". Stars James Naught- on, Lori Cardille. A parole officer and' his musican wife work out their personal problems against a Boston back- drop. SUNDAY MIDNIGHT -•'TO RACE THE WIND". Starring Steve Guttenberg,' Randy Quaid. This story recounts the student days at Harvard of a blind lawyer, Harold Drents and his resolution to make it on his own. The professional' investment INC) - Professionals. We all use professionals. You probably use profes- sionals, in that you go to a doctor if you're sick, or a dentist with your teeth, or a mechanic with your car Ever ask yourself why? The obvious answer is "because they are profes- sionals." They have sta. died long and hard, passed strenuous tests, and there- by became qualified to look after our health, our teeth or our car. In almost every thing we do in life we turn to specialists - be they law yers, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, hairdressers, barbers, etc. You too are most likely a specialist at what you do. If you are a ditchdigger, you dig an excellent ditch for those who hire.you. If you are a housewife, hair dresser, secretary or what• ever, you are an expert and do a much better job, be- -cause you are experienced, and work at it 'every day. Yet when it comes ti) sav- ing our dollars, and know• ing what to do with them, a lot of us think we are the "experts." We think we know how to invest, be- cause the.institution where we cash ourcheques isoffer- ing us a fixed rate of return that is covered by C'I)IC (Canadian Deposit Insu- rance Corporation3forpot() $60,000. We think we know how to invest because we "think" we have the most impeirtanl criteria. namely "safety". How many of us "non- professionals" (in invest- ing) ever look at what that ADVERTISEMENT IT'S YOUR MONEY Paul J. Rockel safety is. In fact, is there such a thing as a riskless in• vestment? The answer is NO. Remember this: There is no such thing as a riskless investment, just degrees�l and type of risk. Those fixed•inc'ome investments (better known as guaran- . teed investments) are al- ways subject to purchasing power risk, as well as inter• est rate risk. If you have tied" your rate of return for a "fixed" period, and in- terest rates were to rise, too bad, because you must still continue to get that lower rate If interest rates were to decline, and your term in- vestment came due, you would have to accept a lower rate. On top of those "risks" come the greater risks of taxation a nd•its ero- sion on your return. In fact, over the past ten years, vir- tually every investor in interest-earning"invest• ments" actually lost pur- chasing power by earning interest. In the 10 years to the end of 1984, the average return on GIC (Guaranteed In- vestment Certificates - us- ually paving about the highest interest rate avail- able) rates averaged 10.89'4. Sure, there were periods in which rates were higher, as well as periods when rates were lower. But the average was 10.89":. During the same period inflation aver- aged 9.9'4. That means you almost earned on average/ 14I- over and above infla tion. But ... most Canadi- ans pay income taxes, with the average being 35'0 on the latter part of their in comes. Sure, some of us pay 50% income taxes. But let's use just the average of 35'4,. If we were to pay 3r5'ur.of that 10.89% we earned it would amount to over :1.5 ^ we would lose di taxes. ('airs• pine those taxes of 3.5'I; with the inflation of 9.9" and it totals 13.4'':. We only earned 10.89'; average, we lost 13.4'4. to in flation and taxes, we end up losing. That's a good investment by us professionals' For a FREE table show- ing what in•flatiun hasdone over the past many years. and comparing what in- vestments in a mutual fund, house or GIC did dur- ing the same period, ask for "Templeton vs. house pri- ces vs. inflation" and write Paul J. Rockel, 153 Union St. E., Waterloo,' ,Ontario, N2J 1('4. PAUL J. ROCKEL is Plresi- dent of Regal Capital Planners Ltd. and of the In- dependent Fund Dealers As- sociation of Canada. FOR THE BEST FURNITURE VALUES IN ONTARIO SHOP SMIITY'S IN CAMBRIDGE & HANOVER. Better Value For Better Living Days Hospital Visiting Other people's children Who will help? Chil- dren are the last link in the pattern of pov- erty. The USC breaks the pattern with fam- ily projects to boost income, raise living standards, provide training and family planning information. Reglstralion numhe' 006 4758 09 10 la !a Iv la A - Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! For extraor- dinary furniture savings and selection,• Smitty's has lowered their already low everyday prices on some of• th'e finest famous make furniture available. But only 'til this Saturday. on SKLAR-PEPPLER 7 Pc. Traditional Diningroom. Features Targe oval pedestal table, handsome buffet,& hutch, one arm & three side chairs. Smitty's Everyday Low Price Ty1,3Ey; SALE. ,7 a S - Save $70 on LA -Z -BOY .449 Reclina-Rocker Chair. Choose from two rich hard-wearing fabrics. Smitty's Everyday Low Price S5i9: SALES C - Save $80 on BRENTWOOD ,.. Wing •Chair. This graceful choir -. comes ri 3 beouti o.f des.lgner colours. Smitty's Everyday Low PriceS439: SALE S�o D - Save 5200 on BAUHAUS ' Contemporary. 2. Pc. Sectional. In popular natural Tetone. S Smitty's Everyday Low Price fa89; ' SALE E - Save $80 on BEDFORD • Regular Size Colonial Sofa Bed. Choose from 3 popular nylon fabr,cs. 5499 Smitty's Everyday Low Price -We: F - Save'$221 on DEI'I,CRAFTSALE e Elegant Provincial Curio Cabinet. ' Smitty's Everyday Low Price U40: SALE G Save $286 on STRATHROY - 4 Pc. Bedroom. Suite. Features targe triple dresser, large framed mirror, man's armoire chest & 54/60" headboard. $1, ' Smitty's Everyday Low Price S3709S. SALE gsf 7 7 m H-Save$180on-SKLAR-PEPPLER ' C.Lbolbarngorarx-Sofa•-&diming Chair ---S SmIBy's Everyday Low Priro.$L,li9: SALE --#m L'oveseat also availobie. (item no) shown) Smitty's Everyday Low Price-SSS4SALE S 9e Not all items exactly as shown. 0uantilies'Limited. tai„to'y,OFF tor. G tfll.d'f f ,,,-,,l1), t„w !'•rI` r' ' all •FALT! i.'!+7rr--i„urr & wolrr p.= nthr• w•`,r• •,1)4• tnyrir,1 SPECIAL , BEDDING REDUCTIONS' ',.••••,`,I,r,n w , A KO tt o•®6riod., T. 170 1,A tiara t Tri Ir519)3M 1500 To I rrr 1 801) 265 55.1.1 �( .11H RU)(,,! Shesppm YAP tO Tr)I(610)66R 5111 Toll fr., 1 500 765 7171) .•AA,,,., 1.1., A 1 . ALWAYS FREE DELIVERY &SETUP IN OUR WIDE DELIVERY AREA