HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-30, Page 16BUY A HONDA SNOWTHROWER
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Page 16—The Wingham Advance -Times, Oct. 30, 1985
at the Wingham
Public School
Editors: Andrea Grant
Peter Poulin
The Grade 6 class just
finished science projects on
trees. We worked very long
and hard on studying for a
social science test, which
was on Oct. 11. Our class is
very busy decorating the
room for Halloween. In
mathematics, we are having
two groups. The day group
works on math and then the
other group plays math
games. The next day we
switch and that goes on all
week. Nine people from
Grade 11 are helping us out.
—Kendra Hogg, Michelle
Mrs. Szarek's 'class has
been busy making
Hallowe'en masks, pop-up
books and they have been
writing poems for this
favorite occasion. The halls
are starting to look real
scarey with pictures of
haunted houses for sale.
Some of Mrs. Szarek's
students are excited about
the embroidery club that
started last Thursday.
Mrs. Szarek's class won
the pizza lunch for selling the
most cookies, but they,
haven't had the pizza yet.
—Sean Whiteley
Next week the student all-
star football team will play
the teachers here at our
school and they also will
have a game with East
Monday was a professional.
activity day in Huron County
elementary schools. The
teachers from the Wingham
Public and Golden Circle
joined other teachers from
the county at Brookside
Public School for various
workshops that day. -
Rhonda Leachman
Billy Zimmerman of the
Golden Circle School was
Owen Curtis
breaks own
tower record
Owen Curtis of Wingham
was on "Cloud Nine" Sunday
night after breaking his own
best -time record for people
over 30 years of age running
the CN Tower at Toronto.
Mr. Curtis reported the
tower was open Sunday for
runners to take on its 1,760
steps. His time this year was
12 minutes and 34 seconds,
down almost two 'mintutes-
Tfi om 1984 and down one
minute .'from his original
record-breaking run in 1983.
He said he is very happy
with his run and attributes
his recent success to good
management and intensive
training. He'said he 'intends
to take two weeks off to rest
before trying to enter any
nearby marathons.
this week's top bowler.
Danny, who is sick, was
visited by three children at
his home this week. The
whole school is ready for
Hallowe'en with decorations
of cats, witches, ghosts and
pumpkins. They also have
done some interesting pic-
tures of leaves.
—Marlaine Lindsay
Kindergarten has two
magic pumpkins that
sometimes talk. One wants
to be a pumpkin pie and one
wants to be a jack -o -lantern.
They have been making
witches, ghosts, black cats
and many other scarey
creatures. You may see
these displayed at the Bank
off Commerce. They also
made jack -o -lanterns to take
home and frighten visitors
on Hallowe'en.
—Marcy McKee
This week the French club
has had some people
preparing to teach some
MR. SA KA SO V gives his plants a well-deserved drin
Wingham Public School. (What's News Photo)
Grade 1 ,students. Amy and Kirsten Keil have been
Bateman and Christa working on the parts of the
.Crawford • have set up a body. All four people hope it
session on colors and the turns out for the best.
alphabet. Shelly McLennan —Kirsten Keil
FRENCH LESSONS—Christa Crawford and Amy Bateman worked on a French ses-
sion for the Grade Ones last week. They were preparing to teach there about colors
for the French Club. (What's News Photo)
Ron McMichael had the
inenis_.high -single -of 269 'and -
Lorna McArthur had the
ladies' high single of 221.
Tom Jillings had the high
triple of 723 for the men and
theladies' high triple was
rolled by Mrs'. McArthur
with 612. Q -
Other high games were
rolled by Tom Jillings 210,
248, 265 and Lorna McArthur
206, 221.
Those bowling high gam
last week were Bill Uuldri
167, 194 Clarence MCCailu
194 and Ken Saxton Sr. 16
Those bowling high games
last week were Marj Coultes
208, 166; Shirley Glousher
166; Lorraine Cook 162 and
Hilda Vincent 157.
Michelle's Monks and
Faye's Friars are tied for
first place with 28 points,
followed by Lyla's Laymen,
Jean's Deacons and Nancy's
Nuns tied for second with 24
and Juanita's Rabbis have
Jean King had the high
ingle of 288 and Shirley
torey had the high triple of
58. Other high games were
oiled by Joanne Harrison
274; Luanne Kerr 236; Mary
Lee 230; Sheila Walker 224
and Susan Tolton 217.
es Linda's Little Rascals and
ks Terry's Mrs Ts are tied_for
m first spot with 31 points,
1, followed by Dylis' Dagwoods
with 29, ,Pam's Polkaroos
with 22, .Shari's Shirttails
with 18 and Cathy's Chip-
munks with 16.
Linda Hickey had the high
single of 238 for the ladies
and the high triple of 574 was
rolled by Susan Pegg. Greg
Storey had the men's high
single of 308 and the high
triple of 800.
Other high games were
rolled by Shari Good 202;
Frank Burke 214; Adrienne
Brophy 201 and Rod Hickey
220, 228.
S 7
Mc-I'-had-sen—qad 4, the—boys' r
The Pepsis and the Seven
Ups are tied for first spot
with 18 points each. They are
• followed by the Cokes with
14, the Coke Classics with 11,
the Walter Root Beers with
10 and the Cream Sodas with
, Lori Morrison had the high
single of 109 for the girls and
the high double of 210: Arley
Pautler had the high single
of 99 for the boys and the
high double of 179 was rolled
by Travis Chambers.
Other games of 80 and over
were rolled by Erin Skinn 92;
Carolyn Pike 93, 101; Lind-
say Johnston 86; Lesley Pike
100: Lori I01;
Ansley Simpson 95, 96;
Michael Remington 84;
Jeremy Hickey 85 and
Travis Chambers 93,86. -
The Snorks lead the league
with 21 points, followed by
the Pussy Cats, 17, the
Wuzzels, 13,. the GI Joes, 10,
the Muppet Babies, 9 and the ,
Masks, 5,
Jenny Remington had the
girls' high single of 176 and
the high double of 282. Danny
high single of 152 and the
high double of 299.
Other games of 125 and
over were rolled by Kerri
McGrath 143; Steven Marks
129; Danny McPherson 147
and Jason Moody 130.
The Fuzzies have taken the -
lead with 23 points, followed
by the Commandos with 19,•
the Team 6 with 18, the TLCs
with 16, the Slinkies with 15
and the Nimrods with 14.
Tammy Cleghorn had the
girls' high single o'f 236 and
the high triple of 574. Jeremy
Bioemberg had the--boys-'--cl
high single of 236 and the
high triple of 625.
Other games of 160 and
over were rolled by: Becky
Sangster 177, 217; Lori Tiffin
21-6,.201-; Rhonda L-Qachman
174, 178; Rhoda English
218; Kim Edgar Angela
Wall 183, 189; Angela Kerr
182; Debbie Morrison , 170;
Tammy Cleghorn 171;
Jeremy Bloemberg 223;
Dean Tolton 177; Scott Neil
184 and David MacRae 212,
Those bowling high games
this week were Shirley
Storey 297, 255; Jean King
219, 261 and Florence
Thompson 227.
High doubles this week
were rolled by Vera Moffatt
350; Catherine Campbell
343; Margaret Robertson 316
and Gert Rea vie 308.
The Mercs have a taken a
ase ---lead --with- 20• points --- •
compared to 19 for the Im-
palas. The Edsels have 14,
the Essexes and the Classics
have 11 and the Tempos have
-Bob 1-Iollerrbeck had the
men's high single of 208 and
the high triple of 508. Jean
King had the ladies' high
single of 286 and the high
triple of 692.
Other high games were
rolled by Pat Schiestel 228;
Muriel Irvine 235; Shirley
Storey 249 and Mrs. King 222.
The Black Machine leads
the league with 27 points
followed closely by the
Gophers with 26, the Volts
and the Matadors with 16, .
the Boat People with 14 and
Diggers with 6.
Jim Steffler had the high
single of 301 and the high
triple of 718. •
Other high games were
rolled by Ric Rathburn 291;
Rob McKenzie 283; Paul
Rintoul 280; Greg Storey 279
and Jim Alton 276.
Thanks to spares Dave 1
Schiestel and Brian Steffler.
Ed's Easter Lilies lead the
league with 33 points
fol(awed by`Ivy's Irises with
31, Gary's Glads with 30,
Barb's Begonias with 28,
Peg's Peonies with 21 and
Marty's Marigolds with 19.
'Bev Springer had the
ladies` high single of 231 and
the high triple of 554 was
rolled by Barb Rintoul, Rick
Hill had the men's high
single of 274 and the high
triple rif 681.
Other high games were
rolled by Trudy Hill 201, 204;
Daryl Walker 223; Rick Hill
208 and Don Fitzgerald 218.
k in his classroom at the
In Mr. Sakasov's class, the
children are enjoying gym
class where they are doing
relay races. They also enjoy
global studies. In math they
are doing multiplications
with two -digit numbers.
—Shelley McLennan
Mr. Lisle and his class
have been going out to the
golf course for lessons from
Mr. Knight, the golf pro.
They are learning about
chipping, putting/ and each
person will be playing three
holes. We are planning a pot-
luck lunch for Hallowe'en.
The menu will be interesting,
I am sure. —Scott Gillespie
GOLFING TROPHIES—Murray Sicida// won the Brookhaven Trophy as the senior
men's club champion while his wffe, Shirley, won the Conron Rose Bowl as the ladies'
champion for handicaps 36 and over at the Wingham Golf and Curling Club this
season. The trophies were presented by Ted Brewster (centre), golf club president.
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