HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-30, Page 12SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Birthday Pictures $5 00 Engagement Notices(with picture) $5.00 plus 41 70 for 10 words; 8' a word thereafter Engagement Notices(without picture) $4.00 Graduation Pictures $4.00 Anniversary Pictures, 55 years and over No Charge Wedding Write Ups No charge if copy is received within three weeks after the ceremony Charge for accompany- ing picture is $5,00 After Third Week Write Up$5.00 Detailed wedding. write ups will not be accepted after six weeks but for a limited time picture and a brief caption will be' published at a charge of $5.00 Birth Announcements to our regular format No Charge -additional information or a change in the wording, charge is '1.70 first 10 words; 8' a word thereafter. Page 12—The Wingham Advance -Times, Oct. 30, 1986 • :{?�'� •fig �.;�:'•f? tib. •a•.lKel• NT.4:»r.� ,. aa<' .0.i: :• yj FOR SALE OIL FURNACE and a 200 gal. tank, $150. Phone 887- 6202. 30,6 COLOR computer with games, joysticks and other equipment. Items will be sold separately. Phone 357- 3004 after 6 p.m. 30,6 16 CORDS of dry hardwood. Phone 357-2998. TWO beige ladies' suits, also maternity clothes, sizes 16 to 18 and ladies' winter boots, size 10. Phone 357-1065. RURAL delivery magazine reminds people of the old Family Herald. Write for Free Introductory copy. Rural Delivery, a country journal, Box 1509 Liverpool, N.S. BOT 1KO. HURON County Historical Atlas now available, 350 pages, 13 x 18 inches, 65 maps of townships, towns, hamlets; 1,000 pictures, stories . of 600 families, churches, businesses, municipalities. Ideal Christ- mas gift, $59.50 each plus $6.00 shipping. .Order with remittance to Huron County Treasurer, Court House; Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2. Delivery 4 to 6 weeks. BUILDINGS, storage, gar- ages, barns, warehouses, stores, airplane hanger, you name it, we've got it. Big special for October, 40 wide by 60 long as much as $5,000 off. Direct from factory phone now collect (416) 454- 5600. Limited offer. POULTRY, Pigeon, Pheasant National Monthly Newspaper, only $12 per year. Includes free 40th an- niversa•ry- magazine . and g Avian Book catalogue when sent with this advertisement to: Feather Fancier, 5 Lake Road, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0. ONE Stop Building Shopping Centre. All Steel Straight- , Slant, quonsets, cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and ans- wers call Wally (416)..426- 1794. Leave message or collect evenings and weekends. MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $29. For further information phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. -2iPrr-b WE buy pianos. Special from Village Piano Shop (behind Kentucky Fried Chicken), Elmira: Pianos, only $495! We restore, refinish, repair and tune pianos.. (519) 669- 2280,669-2311. rrb 38" SNOWBLOWER and cab to fit Bolens 17 horse tractor. Phone 357-1748. 23,30 GRAVITY flow oil wall fur- nace,suitable for workshop $50. Phone Listowel 291-3915 ------------------ between -9 -a: -m: -arid 4T30 -1 -n -r--_ week days. 23,30 FOR SALE TWO used 40 gal. water heat- ers ingood working condi- tion; one 24" used electric range, best offer. Phone 335- 6355. • 30,6,13 JOHN Deere 16 hp Hydro- static tractor, tiller, plow, blade, snowblower.. Bob Chambers 357-2665: 30,6,13 ADDRESS labels; gummed 200 for $3.25; press -on 200 for $3.95; transparent 200 for $5.75; iron -on labels for clothing, 50 for $3.95. Add 7 per cent pst to all prices. Phone 357-2320; The Wing - ham Advance -Times, Box 390, Wingham, Ont. 24-rrb READY TO LAY pullets, white and brown egg varie- ties, also laying cages. Fish- er Poultry Farm Inc., Ayton, 665-7711. - • 24rrb GET your ammunition for your deer hunt at ABC Sport- ing Goods, 350 Minnie St., Wingham 357-1866. INVENTORY reduction sale until Nov. 2 Coulter's. Corner Store, Gorrie 335-3345. WATER problems? New technology eliminates rusty, smelly, bad tasting water, coliform bacteria, staining, iron, manganese, hardness, chemical contamination and more. Fully automatic. Test- ed and proven in over 12,000 rural installations. No messy chemicals, no taste or smell of chlorine. Free 6 month trial offer. See the results for yourself. If you want better water for better country living call toll free 1-800-268- 2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203- 1030 KamatoRd:, Mississauga, Ont. LAW 4B6. The "Lowest" cost system that "really" works. 2rrb DO YOU have a favorite, recipe, a- story or a poem? Let us make photocopies of it for you to pass along to your . friends. We can do any quan- tity. Drop in at The Wingham Advance -Times , office. Phone 357-2320. 31rrb BUILDINGS priced below wholesale. Final inventory clearance. Various sizes available.. All steel. 10-20 year warranty. Limited stock available. Act now and -save:--No reserves held. C -a71- 1-800-387-8130 or (416) 828- Offkof FOR SALE KING size) free-flow water- bed, 3 years old, excellent condition. Phone 335-6464 after 6 p.m. 23,30 LITTLE Dutch windmills. Put your order in now for Christmas. Phone 357-1403. 10rrb KITCHEN cupboard. Reface your old cupboard instead of replacing it. Save up to 60 per cent. Leading manu- facturer is having a clear- ance sale of certain styles. - Package includes doors, drawer fronts, handles, hinges, backing, laminate, valance and knick-knack shelves. Regularly $1,995 clearing at $995. (519) 653- 0176, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 2rrb HEAT reclaimer. Call us for details on how this'unit will reduce your heat cost and in- crease. your comfort. Phone Sol Steckley 335-3722. 30,6,13 LATE model 27' Prowler in A-1 condition. Sleeps eight people. Phone 357-1403. llrrb NUT, stove, stoker and fire- place coal for sale, bagged or bulk. Phone Dobson Fuels, Palmerston, 343-3521. 25-30 PICKER -SHELLER and wood. Phone 357-3366 or 357- 1672 after 5 p.m. 23,30 KEROSENE by metered pump, 50 cents -per litre. Parts for most kerosene heaters. Lynn Hoy Enter- prises Ltd. 357-3435. ... - 23rrb PUNCH press; air compres- sor; hydraulic bender; air brakes and lots more. Phone 335-3976. A. CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A License. For prescreening inter- view and job place- ment information, contact - Mery Orr Transport d'river Training Cambridge 1-800-265-1260 NOTICE t0 Users of Grey Township Landfill As of November 2, 1985 the Grey Township Landfill will be open on 6262. Saturdays ONLY 9rrb 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. HARDWOOD slabs. Phone McGlynn's Sawmill 357-3777. 9-Der9.4 Disc Jockey Service Music For All Occasions • Christmas • Weddings • Anniversaries • Parties Finest Fender & Yamaha , Equipment Used (519) 271-4719 Stratford, Ontario "Music Maker" You GREEN PLANT SALE Up to 1/3 oft all plants in sto-ck Sale one day only Saturday, November 2 may place your order or visit the greenhouse ahead of this date and still receive the discount LEWIS FLOWERS, Wingham 135 Frances St. (1 blocks south of Win. ham Public School) Wititim**44094, t.}s:3p.•}y;;a, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROUND floor opportunity. Rapidly expanding new company in Air and Water Sterilization seek aggressive entrepreneur as potential dealer for dynamic product line. Protected territories available. Small investment. Please call (613) 283-8621,9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or send resume to: Zontec Treat- ment Systems Ltd., 2 Glad- stone Ave., Smiths Falls, Ont. K7A 1R3. rrb "SEASONS" Canada's first name in color analysis and glamour. Earn $100-$300 per day! See comparisons Page 180', October Chatelaine. (Chatelaine) Academy certi- fication, 212 products, cos- metics, osmetics, skin care, silks, replica perfumes. Phone 1- 800-387-7875. 16rrb NEED extra cash? Raise Chinchillas in garage or basement, full or part time. Due to good production, I'm offering choice breeding stock at $135 each guaran= teed, new cages and some used. Phone 595-4707. 23-13 DISSATISFIED'.. Multi- million.. dollar international corporaltion with over 600 distributors earning up to $100,000 per year expanding massively in Canada. In- vestment under $400. Call to- day (416) 827-8984. CAREERS EARN extra- income! Learn to prepare Income Tax re- turns by correspondence. Local franchise available. Write Tax Time Services Limited,1304 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario L6L 2X4. FREE career guide describes 200 Learn -at-home correspondence diploma courses: Accounting, art, bookkeeping, business man- agement, clerk typist, secre- tary, journalism, television servicing, travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, To- ronto. Phone 1-800-268-1121. 21rrb BECOME an auctioneer, 85 hours of instruction. Next class November 16-23. South- western Ontario School of Auctioneering, Box 145, In nerkip, Ont., NOJ IMO. Phone (519) 469-3936 or (519) 537- 2115. ANNOUNCEMENTS Juanita Gaye Colvin and Larry Joseph Fischer are happy to announce their marriage which will, take place in Knox Church, Tees - water, Saturday, Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m. Their parents are Bev and Bob Colvin, Culross and- Lucille-- MIT Lorne Fischer, Teeswater. 'Disc Jockey Stevens COUNTRY GOLD —&-ROGK'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 The distribution of the HURON COUNTY ATLAS which has been curtailed to other than patrons, as a result of a delay in completion of binding, Will resume at the Court House, Goderich on Ttidi o nr1er 1 when a limited quantity will be available for distribution. By November 16, delivery from the bindery is expected to be in sufficient quantities and at regular intervals to meet all future demands. In the meantime copies of the Atlas; ordered by Patrons, now are on hand and may be picked up at the Court House. We regret the inconvenience which may have resulted for some Atlas purchasers. MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al - Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your. side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 30rrb DO YOU have items to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage 9f Ontario or specific areas of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 16rrb AUCTION SALES ONTARIO'S largest farm machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario. Fri- day, November 8, 1a a.m. (Sales conducted second Fri- day each month). Approx- imately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. PERSONAL LOSE weight easily. Have you tried many diets? Failed because of will -power? Cy- bernetics is the answer. Re- sults guaranteed! Write for brochure. Cybernetics, 760 Brant St. No. 42A, Burling- ton, Ont. L7R 4B8. (416) 639- 6080. PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. rrb NOTICE HODGINS will not be having the haunted house this year. THE Belmore Curling Club will open its 1985-1986 season the week of Nov. 11,. 1985. Anyone interested in curling are asked to get in touch with anyone of the following: Chris Inglis 335-3098, Ann Martin 335-3838, Jim Ren- wick 367-2548, Wayne Bal- lagh - 392-6602. Fees for the upcoming year are junior curlers $25 and adult curlers $50. BETTY McTAGUE Chiropodist FOOT CARE SPECIALIST is pleased to_ announcethe opening of her practice Forest Court Medical Centre 382 Main St. North Mount Forest, Ont. NOG -2L0 32-34951 MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 1979 SUZUKI 425E, excellent condition, new battery, must be driven, $850. Phone 357- 2599. 23-13 SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE 1980 YAMAHA snowmobile SS 440, excellent condition. Phone 357-3608. 30,6 CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1984 DODGE Aries station wagon, 59000 km. automatic, power steering, power brakes plus many options, excellent condition. Phone Jack Bryans 887-6490. 1974 PINTO Hatchback, fair running condition, asking $600 or best offer.. Phone 357- 1512. 1973 VANDURA van for sale for parts, all parts good, body rough. Phone 357-2603. MERCURY Marquis station wagon with air conditioning and leather interior, 'in A-1 condition. Price $2600 or best offer. Certified. Phone 357- 1268. 23,30 1975 BUICK LeSabre, good condition, as is $600 or best offer. Phone 357-2104. 23,30 1982 CAMARO, V6, 4 speed, certified, immaculate condi- tion, AM -FM cassette, $7500. Phone 528-2810 or 1-472-5143. 23,30 1979 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme, power steering, power brakes, V8 automatic, AM -FM stereo, good condi- tion.,, certified, $3500. Phone 357-2467. 23,30 1972 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, 350, power steering, power brakes, $500 or best offer, as is. Phone 357-1041. 23,30 1976 PLYMOUTH Scant, asking $750 as is, good run- ning car. Phone 357-2263. 30,6 WANTED Old Cars Por Scrap FOR SALE: • rebuilt starters & alternators • recore rads • selection of used cars & trucks • new AM/FM cassette radios starting at $49.95 & up • new speakers (pair) . $26.95_ 8,- up-- - • accessories McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wroxeter, Ontario NOG 2X0 291-4159 or 335_733-14 The Farm Credit Corporation via Power of Sale Offers For Sale LOCATION: Approximately 3 miles east' of Lucknow. LEGAL DESC.: N-1/2 of Lot 31 , and N -'/z of Lot 32, Concession 1, Kinloss Township, Bruce County. LAND: 10Q acres with approximately 45 acres 'workable, remainder in bush and rough pasture. NOTE(S): 1. The land is leased for '85 crop year. A certified deposit of $2,000.00 must accom- pany the offer. Offers to purchase must be received at t_he Field Offltltsted-Mlow bylS7oVemb-er 6" l 85, Clos- ing is normally 30 days after acceptance unless other arrangements approved by vendor. All offers td purchase and inquiries should be ad- dressed to: FIELD OFFICE -- FARM FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CANADA. ATTN.: A. McGahey '1315 Young Street, Box 428 Walkerton, Ontario. NOG 2100 Telephone No. (519) 881-1490 Please refer to file number: 29222.528 BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX - For free information Kitchener -Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 745-5641 NOTICE Wedding notices, en- gagements, in memoriams and obituaries are accepted in written form ONLY. We' cannot accept such notices by telephone. Please remember that no classified- advertising is ac- cepted after noon Monday. - HURON CUSTOM SERVICES. Custom Combining Corn Soybeans Ready to serve you Grain Buggy - Trucks available 4 -wheel drive Will quote any job — competitive rates DONALD GEIGER or HOWATT BROS. 236-4865 523-4500 Evening AUCTION SALE of household effects and antiques will be held for Mr. Bert Bannerman. with additional consignments at the TEESWATER AGRICULTURAL BUILDING on Monday, November 4 starting at 6:00 p.m. PARTIAL LIST INCLUDES: Ohesterfield and chair; daybed; coffee and step tables; odd tables and chairs; small roll top desk; antique record cabinet; TV set; new cassette tape player; press back chairs; beds; dressers; wardrobe; chest of drawers; cedar chest; kitchen table and 6 chairs; some antique dishes and glass; 'stoves; fridge; Hoover washer; dryer; dehumidifier; air condi- tioner; -. fireplace insert; antique butter press; lanterns; stone crocks and jars;) hand tools; 3'/2 h.p. lawn mower; riding lawn mower; storm win- dows; doors; and much more. Listings subject to change without notice. TERMS: Cash. Lunch Booth Auctioneers: WALLACE BALLAGH Teeswater 392-6170 GRANT McDONALD Ripley 395-5353 WALTON SALE ARENA 2 miles west of Durham on Hwy. 4 Friday, November 8, 1985 11:30 a.m.. PLEASE NOTE that the sale will be held on Friday Walton's Autumn Special 100 Head A fancy 2 yr. old by Sheik, her dam a (VG) Senator, Grand-- Champion- • Female Grey 134, (158-162) of BCA, 2nd dam (EX), Reserve Grand Champion Tri -County '80, 7 yr. (223-232) of BCA, 3rd dam (VG). Selling fresh in July. Her maternal sister born March "85 by Tony, is also selling. A (VG) Starlite daughter, 3 yr: (1391.153) of BCA, her dam (VG); (143-148) - ,of BCA, sells fresh. - A fresh 2 yr. old by Triple Threat, her dam (GP), (155-142) of BCA, 2nd dam (GP), (141-147) of BCA. Selling fresh August 20. -. - 25 head.- Benrry's- Anniversary Sale--own-ed- by - Harry Bender, Mildmay, Ont. - Selling a (VG) Jetstar daughter, born October '81, 3 yr. (140-138) of BCA, her dam (VG). (1,29-142) of BCA, 2nd & 3rd dam (GP), records to (143-134) Of BCA. Due sale time to SWD Valiant. Her yearling by Triple Threat sells. A 2 yr. old by Stylist, her 'dam (GP) Sheik, (176-188), 2nd dam (GP), (176-184) of BCA. Fresh_S_eptember 24, .1985. A (GP) Sheik daughter born March '80, 3 yr. (141-171) of BCA, her dam (GP) (148-154) of BCA. Selling fresh and rebred to- Unique. Also sell- ing will be her two daughters, A fresh 2 yr, old by Jetstar, and a yearling by Majesty. 8 young cows selling fresh or due sale time, with their heifer calves by Legend and Counsellor. 28 head - Waynan's 2nd Reduction Sale owned by Waynan Dairy Farms, Stayner, Ont. A (GP) Shalimar Coupon daughter, born November '82, her dam (VG), 9 yr. (186-199) of BCA, 2nd and 3rd dam (GP), records to (176-189) of BCA. Bred August '85 to Colum- bus. - A (GP) Ned daughter born December '82, 3 generations (VG), with records to (179-170) of BCA and bred August to Astro Jet. A Unique daughter born May '82, her dam (EX) 1 st. --Ntatu.re cow-- Simcoe - '83, redords' -to (158-1 75) of BCA. Selling fresh July '85. A (GP) Citation R daughter, 4 yr. (177-162) of BCA, her dam (VG) 9 yr. (182-200) of BCA, 2nd dam (EX) (177-186) of BCA. Fresh September '85. 15 young cows fresh or due November. and December, will be offered, Semen selling at 11:30 p.m. Plan to be with us for this unique sale For further information contact DONALD E. WALTON Sale Manager & Auction;4er 519-369'3604