The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-30, Page 11THS �DVAACE TIIflES fje 'jng1jam Zbbance-trimeg Published at Wingham, Ontario, P.O. Box 390 - NOG 2W0 by Wenger Bros. Limited Robert O. Wenger, Sec.-Treas. Audrey Currie, Advertising Manager Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Member ---Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc. Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc, Subscriptions $21.00 per year Six months $12.50 $23.00 beyond 40 -mile zone .. Barry Wenger, President Henry Hess, Editor Second Class Mail Registration No. 0821 Return postage guaranteed Interesting election With municipal elections only a few days away we can expect some inter- esting results, particularly in Wing - ham. After three years of dissension and altercation, there is more than usual interest on the part of the local voters. With only the reeve's seat uncontested, significant changes may be anticipat- ed. Several important issues face the incoming council because of tentative decisions by the previous office -hold- ers. One, of course, is the decision to spend some $400,000 to renovate a very old somewhat unpromising building to Extral billing to Health Minister Murray Elston) has made it plain that extra billing by the doctors•of the province must cease. He announced publicly on Saturday that all doctors will have to abide by stand- ard OH IP fees. Whether or not there will be a widespread surge of opposition to the announcement by the medical profes- sion remains to be seen. Certainly the doctors could create a great deal of anxiety for the public should they de- cide to actively resist the government's intention to provide universal health care at pre-set fees. However, the vast majority of doctors are people of good house the public library. That decision, however, does not constitute a commit- ment on the part of the new council, which will have the final say. Another major decision to be faced is the fate of the Lower Town ,dam and whether or not some sort of replace- ment structure should be undertaken in order to preserve one of the town's most obvious attractions. Whoever is elected,let us hope that the new council does not split itself into hard-and-fast factions. Repsonsible councillors must realize that their job is to seek out and respond to the wishes of the people of the community. cease conscience who entered their profes- sion under the terms of a very serious oath of service to their fellow human beings. We do not believe they will re- spond by withholding their services. If doctors are not being adequately paid for their work the matter should be resolved by negotiation between the` medical profession and the ministry of health. But there is no justification for the present situation, where patients in one community must pay extra for a doctor's services while those in another town or city are covered by OHI P with- out extra, charge. The health insurance premiums are the same in both cases. World's women offer hope A couple of months ago a meeting was held in the African city of Nairobi, at which several thousand women from all over the world sat down to talk. Most significant factor of the meeting was that the women came from such politically opposite nations as Iraq and Iran, black women and white women from Africa and South Africa; Jewess- es and Arabian women. Unlike so many of their male counterparts they found common ground for discussion of the tremendous problems with which the world is faced. Who better or more important, we ask, to share the world's problems than women? They are the wives and the mothers of the world, who inevitably must -bear the sad burden of violence,. hunger and despair — and in many nations they still do not have any of- ficial voice in the future of themselves or their families- t If th'e women of the world have found it possible to forget momentary 'differences and together seek solu- tions, there is still hope for mankind. After all it is the women who are the universal educators. It is from our mothers that most of us learned about moral principles. 'Mothers, from wher- ever they come, are usually more deeply concerned about the solid values of the family than they are about national pride and racial super- iority. , If there is' any hope at all for the human race it may we.11.li.e._.i.n. th.e hands and thehearts of the mothers and the wives. Very interesting book. 1 The long-awaited Huron County Atlas has been released to purchasers and its editor and staff should be con- gratulated on a fine piece of work. It is anexcellent book, full of historical in- formation about the county, ifs origins and its residents. The pages are attrac- tively laid out and the reproduction is immaculate. The original intention was to pro- duce a book which would up -date the atlas originally printed nearly 100 years ago, but as the wort progressed it became evident that the scope of the volume could be expanded-andtl-ie re-__ sultant choice of material is commend- able. Every community should encour- age a sense of history. We have had the good fortune to be reared in a favored part of the world and those far-off pio- neers who turned a forest int6 a pros- perous homeland should never be for- gotten. There is no better way, to do this than by committing "their achieve- ments to the printed page. The atlas recognizes the value -of printed history by recording not only the achievements of the past, but also by including a comprehensive record of present farming families and business enterprises. Compilation of the Huron County Atlas has been a monumental task, for which we should be deeply grateful to all those who persisted in this valuable enterprise. Budget sounds reasonable The budget brought down in the Ontario Lelgislature last Thursday will not please everyone. No budget ever does that. However, in general appli- cation it appears that Provincial Trea- surer Robert Nixon has tried to achieve a fair distribution of the added taxes. —P r o v i n c,i a l l tl.G otti�e-Ja.x.es_h a ue.heen.._ increased, but the hike will be applied to those in the upper income brackets who will feel the pain less than wage earners who are getting by on incomes much closer to the cost of living. There -wit I --be -m inor -ad-j-ustmerits to - provincial sales tax levels but none of them will be extremely drastic. The man who has to bring down the first budget for an incoming govern- ment faces a thankless task at best. In this case the Liberals must deal with a provincial debt which demands consid- erable cost cutting and certainly some increase in taxation, if we are to face the future with any hope of success. The outgoing PC government left in its wake some very expensive pro- grams, such as the funding of second- ary school-edUcaton_for_.the _Roma Catholic sector and the enormous debt incurred by the purchase of a 25 per cent share of the Suncor oil company — a mistake which could eventually cost the province upwards of a billion dol- 1ars_ Mr. Nixon has promised another budget`, perhaps as soon as six months herlce, after he has had an opportunity to find out how the new financial ar- rangements are working. We believe that' we can rely on common sense to prevail.. P A page of editorial opinion Oct. 30, 1985 Ieagarr5tar/y Sf000k- ' up 7e 5kacuizar /m -ieii pied fo CIU/t thio&/yo/e c utrinly bu5iielS Comment on .Queen's Park Minister's life is no bed of roses By Henry Hess Ahh for the life of a Minister of the Crown! The prestige, the perks, the front - row seat in the Legislature, the chauffeur, the plush office, the access to the corridors .of power and to all the secrets of the Cabinet. But wait! All 'is not as it seems, for a minister's life has • its down -side too: long hours, endless public scrutiny and awesome res- ponsibility. Everything from a teacher dying of AIDS, a" deadly outbreak of gastro- enteritis in a nursing home or an ambulance strike at Port Colborne to extra - billing by doctors and over- billing by druggists comes eventually to roost at his door. A group of community newspaper journalists from 'Huron -Bruce caught a glimpse — albeit brief —, of both sides of the coin last week dating the course of a visit arranged by staff of Ontario Health Minister Murray Elston's office. It's a long way from a farm in Morris Township to the minister's office on the 10th floor of. the Hepburn Block, a stone's throw from the Legislative Building at Queen's Park,. but Mr. Elston appears to have settled into his new role quite comfortably. Sitting • at the head of a conference table, under the benevolent gaze of a long line of former health ministers whose photographs hang on the wall, he chatted and fielded questions about his job, about AIDS — over • which he does not appear unduly alarmed, rejecting suggestions of quarantine for Victims . or , similarly draconian measures — and about extra -billing, which he has pledged to end with legislation to be introduced before the end of this year. . Ministerial assistants sit- ting .near the back of the room give cues, nodding or shaking their heads in response to specific questions, but there is no indication that Mr: Elston .needs — or even notices — this prompting. He is, as always, relaxed, candid and personable — no different as a minister than he was as a back -bencher in the op- position. - After an hour or so he apologizes for having to leave, but other duties are calling. However he invites the reporters -to -attend .- Question Period that af- ternoon as his guests. .Meanwhile aides sing the praises of the new. minister • and the Liberal.government in general, talking about the openness to new ideas and the willingness to draw upon, professional expertise from the private sector, some-. thing one newly -appointed special assistant calls "almost unheard-of" in previous governr'nents;. They also mention Mr, Elston's determination to slash $100,000 from the operating budget of the minister's office and, during a later tour of the office, a number of empty desks bear witness to the cost-cutting. That afternoon during Question Period at the Legislature, Mr. Elston ably fields a number of questions aimed his way, though the expected ones about. a Toronto high school teacher who died of AIDS .never materialize. He also mounts a spirited defence of an ailing colleague, whose absence has drawn comment from the opposition benches. Outside in the corridor the minister is mobbed by a group of striking ambulance attendants from ,the Welland -Port Colborne area who want him to intervene to end the dispute. The at- tendants are clearly upset and some tempers flare, but Mr. Elston' .remains com- posed, explaining. patiently to those who.will listen that only under very special circumstances: can the ministry intervene in a labor dispute. Eventually he moves off to prepare for the . day's highlight which is coming up later in the af- ternoon: the introduction of the new Liberal govern-• ment's first full-fledged budget. A ?minister's life, it is clear, is not always a bed of roses, but the one-time farm boy, turned Wingham lawyer, turned MPP, seems to find it to his liking. This week there are two new books to whet your appetite: PARKLAND PALATE compiled by Anne (Nesbitt) Mense This celebration of the centennial of 'Canada's National Parks is a collec- tion;, of regional recipes, including a short description of each park. SOUP TIME by Bob McNeil This book is in readiness for the winter days ahead. Other new books in the library include: BARBAROSSA RED by Dennis Jones This is another book about a potential Russian -German nuclear disaster. BLACK ALERT by Alan White This book depicts what might happen to Britain if a space satellite carrying a nuclear payload were sabotaged. THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER by Tom Clancy Filled with technical details about nuclear sub- - marines, this book has an all- male cast: It takes a par- ticularly courageous and skilled captain to play the game of "cat and mouse" in this undersea thriller. CiTY OF FADING LIGHT by Jon Cleary' This latest novel by Cleary takes place immediately, prior to WW II in Berlin and all the action is seen -through the eyes of a boy from the Australian Bush. IN HER OWN IMAGE by Anna Murdoch "A readable story of the inter -mingling of. lives on a New South Wales' sheep farm. EMOTIONAL HEALTH by Myron Brenton and the editors of Prevention magazine ° This very down-to-earth book is' full of common sense, but with some new thoughts., too about preventing illness. CSB INTEREST Buyers of Regular Interest Canada Savings Bonds have the option of having their annual interest payments .deposited directly into their • savings or chequing ac- counts. All you do have to do is complete the appropriate area on the purchase appli- cation form or fill. out a direct deposit agreement. Your bank or trust company will do the rest: You must do' this every time you buy CSBs if you want to receive your interest this way, For sale: nearly new Junior hockey team' Dear Editor, The Wingham Ironmen, are entering their 13th year of Junior hockey. In the course of these past years of ."C" and "D' hockey, I am proud to say they, have been very successful. I am sure teams in our 'league and in past leagues have envied our problem -• some years up to —ret it d-amI in ganTtratisn�-- $ 000 -Hp trnti} rmw we feel- —_ - we have done a pretty good job, but we need your sup- port. There can never be enough executive members or new ideas to raise money, Would it not be nice to see the arena full again? As long as there ,are kids who want to play hockey for the Ironmen, we want to be able toprovide them the Opportunity. If we cannot sell , you, I am sorry to say, you sell us. Bruce Skinn, President Wingham Jr. C Ironmen going through a period of rought times at the present. More helpful hands have left than we have been able to replace.' Financial expenses, like everything else, have soared in the past few years. Ex- penses have always been a We feel we have put out very exciting hockey for the past 12 ,years, The players who have gone through our organization i am sure feel united that we have given them all our support and helped them mature the best way we could. We have supplied hockey for kids all over this area and 1 hope we can continue for years 'to come. The team in itself has supplied some fond memories for me and I am sure rnanv others in Wingham and the - o and 'rnt-a-rcra--W'htr._c-arr_ forget the George Skinn roar, the Arthur Screaming Eagles, the exciting, seven - game i,akefield series, the many stormy nights to 1-ktwtek tril;ht, BM? r, the- rival herival Walkerton Black Hawk showdowns, the full -packed arena and many others? After serving as treasurer of the team for five years, i have returned as president after a brief but needed rest. The team and executive are MINISTER OF HEALTH Murray Elston sits beneath the benevolent gaze of former Ontario health ministers, including Frank Miller, Dennis Timbrell and Larry Grossman, as he chats with members of the press from his Huron -Bruce riding during a media day last week. The minister, who is besieged by problems ranging from AIDS to extra -billing, still managed to find a Couple of hours to answer questions and catch up on news from the riding. - SS:efOU-Nelt- The Advance -Times is a member of the Ontario Press Council which will consider written com- plaints about the publica- tion Of news, opinions and advertising If a com- plaint can't be resolved. with the newspaper, it should be'sent to the On- tario Press Council, 151 Slater St . Suite 708, Ot- tawa. Ont i< 1P 51-13 9"1" 1 Ve l.t' BOO 5' 1/1 llir Lihrcirt' This week there are two new books to whet your appetite: PARKLAND PALATE compiled by Anne (Nesbitt) Mense This celebration of the centennial of 'Canada's National Parks is a collec- tion;, of regional recipes, including a short description of each park. SOUP TIME by Bob McNeil This book is in readiness for the winter days ahead. Other new books in the library include: BARBAROSSA RED by Dennis Jones This is another book about a potential Russian -German nuclear disaster. BLACK ALERT by Alan White This book depicts what might happen to Britain if a space satellite carrying a nuclear payload were sabotaged. THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER by Tom Clancy Filled with technical details about nuclear sub- - marines, this book has an all- male cast: It takes a par- ticularly courageous and skilled captain to play the game of "cat and mouse" in this undersea thriller. CiTY OF FADING LIGHT by Jon Cleary' This latest novel by Cleary takes place immediately, prior to WW II in Berlin and all the action is seen -through the eyes of a boy from the Australian Bush. IN HER OWN IMAGE by Anna Murdoch "A readable story of the inter -mingling of. lives on a New South Wales' sheep farm. EMOTIONAL HEALTH by Myron Brenton and the editors of Prevention magazine ° This very down-to-earth book is' full of common sense, but with some new thoughts., too about preventing illness. CSB INTEREST Buyers of Regular Interest Canada Savings Bonds have the option of having their annual interest payments .deposited directly into their • savings or chequing ac- counts. All you do have to do is complete the appropriate area on the purchase appli- cation form or fill. out a direct deposit agreement. Your bank or trust company will do the rest: You must do' this every time you buy CSBs if you want to receive your interest this way, For sale: nearly new Junior hockey team' Dear Editor, The Wingham Ironmen, are entering their 13th year of Junior hockey. In the course of these past years of ."C" and "D' hockey, I am proud to say they, have been very successful. I am sure teams in our 'league and in past leagues have envied our problem -• some years up to —ret it d-amI in ganTtratisn�-- $ 000 -Hp trnti} rmw we feel- —_ - we have done a pretty good job, but we need your sup- port. There can never be enough executive members or new ideas to raise money, Would it not be nice to see the arena full again? As long as there ,are kids who want to play hockey for the Ironmen, we want to be able toprovide them the Opportunity. If we cannot sell , you, I am sorry to say, you sell us. Bruce Skinn, President Wingham Jr. C Ironmen going through a period of rought times at the present. More helpful hands have left than we have been able to replace.' Financial expenses, like everything else, have soared in the past few years. Ex- penses have always been a We feel we have put out very exciting hockey for the past 12 ,years, The players who have gone through our organization i am sure feel united that we have given them all our support and helped them mature the best way we could. We have supplied hockey for kids all over this area and 1 hope we can continue for years 'to come. The team in itself has supplied some fond memories for me and I am sure rnanv others in Wingham and the - o and 'rnt-a-rcra--W'htr._c-arr_ forget the George Skinn roar, the Arthur Screaming Eagles, the exciting, seven - game i,akefield series, the many stormy nights to 1-ktwtek tril;ht, BM? r, the- rival herival Walkerton Black Hawk showdowns, the full -packed arena and many others? After serving as treasurer of the team for five years, i have returned as president after a brief but needed rest. The team and executive are MINISTER OF HEALTH Murray Elston sits beneath the benevolent gaze of former Ontario health ministers, including Frank Miller, Dennis Timbrell and Larry Grossman, as he chats with members of the press from his Huron -Bruce riding during a media day last week. The minister, who is besieged by problems ranging from AIDS to extra -billing, still managed to find a Couple of hours to answer questions and catch up on news from the riding. - SS:efOU-Nelt- The Advance -Times is a member of the Ontario Press Council which will consider written com- plaints about the publica- tion Of news, opinions and advertising If a com- plaint can't be resolved. with the newspaper, it should be'sent to the On- tario Press Council, 151 Slater St . Suite 708, Ot- tawa. Ont i< 1P 51-13 9"1" 1