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ull hous
(Continued from Page
Reeve Stafford, the
candidate for reeve,
chance to reply to so
Mr. Robinson's critic
He said the digging of
was already in the con
for the building of the
works shed, if the proj
given approval by the
tario Municipal Board,
the present communica
tower could be moved t
new site. If it couldn't
added, a new one would
cost $700.
He also said, yes, t
might go up if Huron Co
Council goes ahead wit
plans for the county mus
and Huronview, but
projects are important o
"Can we not keep up
surrounding counties?"
asked, "Same goes for
roads. Some things seem
be based only on
almighty dollar."
He told the audience,
ike to see the proje
tarted get finished."
He said he has be
traightforward with t
eople of the townsh
ringing the facts forward
e got them. Council has
ct in the interest of t
hole township. The new fi
an, he said, would provi
etter fire protection and
w works shed for a co
er 1985 and 1986 equivale
$4 per person the first ye
d $3 per person the ne
"For five years there wa
no increase in the township
portion of taxes," he sai
"Perhaps there should hav
1) "I strongly feel it is time this
township had better fire
finalgot a protection. With the plan
me of now in the works, we can
make this a reality without it
isms. costing too much rnone
a well
tract He said the plan the
new present council has worked
on came after much thought
ect is and it was not a snap
On- decision.
On -
and Jim Robinson, the other
tions candidate for the
o the position of
he deputy reeve, said there
should be more co-operation
only between council and the.
axes people of the township and.
the various boards in
unty Howick:
h its If elected, his ambition is
the to upgrade the roads in
Howick, "hold the line" on
nes. any new tax increases and
with get new businesses in the
he township:
°Lir His experience for the
to position comes from his
the experience as a farmer,
'I'd member of council and from
cts working on the Howick
Community Centre Board
and as chairman of The
en Concerned Taxpayers of
he Howick (a group
opposed to
council's plans for a new
as works shed and a satellite
to fire station in Gorrie).
he On the fire issue, Mr.
re Robinson said his first
de priority would be to review
a all the alternatives available t
st, to Howick. A decision on a
ht which road to take should be a
ar made by council with
xt recommendations from a c
special fire committee made
be shown and when the need
is shown, it will be spent
Robert Clarkson followed
Mr. Bunker . saying the
people of Howick need
councillors who will listen to
Mr. Clarkson promised, to
speed the building -up and
paving of secondary roads in 1
the township. He suggested c
Howick try to catch up to its s
neighboring townships in t
this regard.
Murray Donaldson launch-
ed his three-minute speech p
telling the audience some of m
his past activities. His main a
concern, he said, was the p
But he did express concern
over the recent rises in taxes
and about the "commotion
over the actions of the
present council regarding
fire protection."
He insisted he had no firm
committment on either side
of the fence but stated, "'I
perceive a certain lack of
eadership (in this present
ouncil). I am pleasedto see
o many candidates running
his year. The people need a
hoice in a democracy."
He closed by saying, "I
romise, if you see fit tp''elect
e to council, yon can be
ssured if anyone ap-
roaches me or the council I
state of township roads.
He openly questioned the a
wisdom of stockpiling a
p g gravel tit
near Lakelet when some of pi
the roads in the township
were impassible. "That re
gravel is not doing us any m
good sitting in Gorrie or Co
Lakelet . "
He accused the wa
present Bu
council of spending money bil
with disregard for township ar
"I think
en ' who
irles also tw
redentials Wi
audience rep
orities, if Cou
would .be M
fire hall tha
we've Ho
e joined by
an open posi
e issue
am a part of, th
uaranteed a civi
nd their tax reco
ted to see if
aint is valid."
This came as an obvious a
ference to the Sept. 3 th
eeting of Howick Township th
unci) when a comment to
s made that despite Doug
nker's relatively low tax as
1, "he still comes in here ne
• ,
The Wingham Advance -Times, Oct. 30, 1985—Page 5
employee of the t
asked Deputy
D'Arcey why he ha
public opposition to
fire agreement w
seconded the origina
in council to initi
ownship, want to withdraw."
Reeve But Mr. Bunker insisted if
s stated council had wished to
the new renegotiate a deal and been
hen he unable to, it should have
I motion withdrawn. Reeve Stafford
ate the said Howick would have
been the only township
'Arcey wishing renegotiations with
started the board.,
t out of Doug Bunker was later
figures asked if he intended to
always remain a resident of Howick
for the next three years.
store, I Mr. Bunker said he was
g and I not sure. He has a log house
costs. one mile north of the
ness, I township boundary he plans
ting or to move into. But even so, he
for it. said, he still owns land
hand. within Howick.
asked Bob Gibson asked what the
if the final. cost of the H
Deputy Reeve D
explained once plans
being made, they go
hand and the
presented were
"When I go to a
know what I'rn buyin
know how much it
With this fire busi
can't see what I'm get
how much I'm paying
It's all gotten out of
Coun. John Jacques
Hilbert VanAnkurn
ey will be assessment had gone
1 reception his property to expla
rd won't be increases in taxes h
their com- seen.
Mr. Vangnkum agr
had gone
at would not fully e
e dramatic increases
xes over the years.
Mr. VanAnkum
ked Art Clark if
gotiations for teach
uron County were co
and if so, would
fling to grant the
Mr. Clark answered
es for negotiations
by the province an
Id not speculate fo
rd but he expected
reales would likely
t in line with inflati
uestions were also a
he present council.a
property stand
aw recently put in pl
uncillors admitted it
been used yet but if
slightly need arose, it would.
ut other Jim Robinson was as
and had how he would arrange
several lower taxes while there
ding a inflation.
mmittee He answered simply t
ittee on he didn't believe taxes ha
ly han- go up, saying there was a
Huron, to trim off the budget.
elemen- made a comment about
mittees. present council's promi
fellow that taxes in 1985 would
vice- down after a large increi
rd. He in 1984, prompting Ron_
might Lee Johnson to ask Rees
ntative Stafford why taxes liadn
or his gone down as promised.
on day. He answered that coun�
s now had planned an even larg
special increase than was final
mmer- voted on and had the origin
increasegone,thrortgh, tax
indeed have go
in 1985. He also said t
fire plan was slated
ough in one year, b
as turned out, the pla
d up taking two yea
up and that is why
tax increase wa
Bunker asked Reev
d why council hadn
ed the new fire pla
concerned taxpayer
pressed opposition t
wishes saying,
they've forgott
elected them."
Coun. Norrp Fa
listed some of his c
before telling the
one of his first pri
elected councillor,
o "help finish the
nd works shed
]ready started."
He said when h
ouncil he had kept
mind about , the fir
After lookingthe
into it, he said, the
"I can't see much wrong. I B
think it's well worth
ffort to have men t
(a satellite fire st
orrie) won't co
wnship a whole 1
an it's been costin
Coun. Fairies al
he cost of hiring
al fire departm
ry dear and w
thing to show fo
ney. I know few fa
o don't own most o
equipment." H
ted Howick woul
re for its money t
t of the new fire
nt with the Wingha
a Fire Board.
e also expressed co
✓ Howick's cap t 1 soon,
erve . problem and and th
gested council check the School
dition of township Bria
ges and repair them as. floor n,
'ed rather than wait till . repres
need complete recon- berry,
ction • would
• Gibson introduced educat
self as a 46 -year-old Huron,
er -interested ' in the proper]
s and needs of Howick level of
nship, promising to most fo
sent the ratepayers to He sa
est of his ability. a far.
listed as some of his valuabl.
ntials, working with centage
Concerned Citizens of taxpaye
ck in the middle and would s
1970s over the hydro tax bur
dor issue, his in- commu.
ment with the Howick resident
Centre Board Mr. J
at Fordwich United himself
h, and his involvement the boar
the Concerned Tax- He clo
s of.Howick, a group audience
st the new fire of educa
ment with Wingham. cost, he s
Gibson said the issues per yea
wick Township are students
tant and he would per high
owards a better road Norm
m and more bridge candidate
ction and repairs. ing those
. Alex Graham took and Miurr
�r next.
t has been said about years of
rovement of Howick He said
he said. "Three grind with
ago, that was my saying it
m. As you can see, it represent
,et off the ground." of Huron.
x-plained the reason After m
iprovement is such a the acti
cess is because of its periences
st.• It costs about him as rep
per mile for the board, he
tion and paving of definition
of road and though being; "T
ship is eligible for
ants to help cover
, the remainder is
t for taxes to raise.
142 miles' of town -
ds, only five are
e said, leaving 137
to go.
think it would be a
ng, but it's a big
VanAnkum was
ean-di-d-ate for
to speak. As such,
up on and Huron County Museum
in the renovations would cost,
e has adding "any reeve that
doesn't support these
reed his projects should be ashamed
up but of himself."
xplain Reeve Stafford said the
in his final price tag would be $3.5
million and said he urged all
later the citizens of Howick to get
wage' behind the projects.
ers in Asked if the satellite fi
Board of Educ
Art Clark was t
ee candidates
o positions as
ngham. and
resentatives on
my Board of E
r. Clark sta
nking the pe
wick who had
three years ago
applying himsel
tion, he had bee
ke a valid contri
ut admitting
e opinion might be
raining. biased, he pointed o
ation in members of the bo
st the appointed him'to
of more committees" inclu
g up till special education co
and an ad hoc comm
so said, the developmental
some dicapped students in
encs is as well as several
e have
tary education com
r that He was elected by
rmers trustees to be the
f their president of the boa
e sug-suggested residents
d get call former represe
o be a Murray Mulvey f
agree- opinion before electi
m and Some of the issue
facing the board are
ncern education, French i
is •
ation up
he first of wt
vying for er
Howick tin
the Huron set
ducation. cou
rted by" boa
ople of inc
voted for kep
. He said Q
f to the of t
n able to the
bution to byl
that his not
ming station the present council
he be hopes to set up will even -
m in- tually be on its own, Reeve
Stafford said the possibility
that was there but the decision
were could not be made yet. He
d he admitted he hoped someday
r the it would be on its own.
wage Deputy Reeve D'Arcey, as
be council's representative on
on. the Howick Community
sked Centre board was asked if
bout funds were being set aside to .
ards pay for renal
's ship.
up of citizens of the town -
d' Candidates for
been some money put asid
then to be used in the future
As a township, we have t
look forward to the future.'
Candidates for
Coun. John Jacques
runoing for the position o
deputy reeve, told the
audience he has always done
the best. job he could as
councillor. "I researched
well and always tried to do
what I thought was right."
He said his interest on
council is not just in fire
protection but in all aspects
of municipal affairs.
In particular, he said he
would like to see the town-
ship check all the munici al
drains in a systematic order
and clean them out as
needed, without waiting for
the drains to cause a
Also, he said, "This
township has a habit of
running an operational loan.
It borrows Inoney until the
tax dollars redme in. No one
here likes paying interest. It
will take proper planning to
avoid these finance
On the fire issue, he said,
Doug Bunker, the first of It
• seven candidates for the G
three positions of councillor to
available, said he was th
running because, "Under the no
present circumstances, you
, should have an alternative "T
as to who you'll put into loc
office." ve
He added the position of no
councillor would be a very mo
interesting position to hold wh
and would constitute a own
challenge to him. ges
His position on tax in- mo
creases was made very clear par
eyvhen he said, "At a tirne me
when the farming industry is Are
really suffering, it is a crime ry
for anyone to be expected to wee
ace. building,: He took the op -
had portunity to criticize the
b • 's ac of interest in
the upkeep of the centre.
ked "No one has thought to
to start up a reserve fund but
was it's something the ratepay-
ers will have to look at. It's
hat going to start falling down
d to around us if we don't do
lot something."
He He said some doors don't
the close anymore, some ceil-
ses ings are cracking, the heat -
go ing is poor. "The place needs
't there."
Asked if he would want to
er agreement if elected to
ly council, Jim Robinson ans-
al wered the decision was not
, up Whim. "The deciion will
ne lie with the new council, not
he me." He suggested,
to however, that he would look
ut over the alternatives and let
n a committee of ratepayers
rs help make the decision.
a "Before we had the cart in
s front of the horse, now we got -
the cart and no barn for it,"
e he said.
't Jane Bosetti, wife (Of
n Township Clerk Marvin'
s Bosetti, asked how he would
o have handled the 'fire issue
from the beginning.
He said he would have
e gotten the people involved in
the process as was done with
the building of the com-
munity centre. "That Way it
would have been done a lot
better," he said.
A motion to prolong the
meeting was turned down at
this point.
pay taxes when it isn't ab-
solutely' necessary."
Mr. Bunker called the plan
for a satellite fire station in
Gorrie and a new works shed
"a terrific unnecessary ex -
"Vote for someone who is
sensitive to your wishes," he
advised the audience, adding
that he would not advocate
any increases in taxes, "in
fact, look forward to certain
decreases in taxes."
He said, "For any money
spent, the need will have to
9 pieces
1 500 ml. SALAD OF
15 pieces
Josephine Street, Wingham
ItatickyFried Chicken
the b
in Ho
work t
the "A lo
the imp
didn't road slow pro
high co
one mile
the town
some gr
that cost
still a lo
Of the
ship roa
paved, h
miles yet
"I still
good thi
the la nt
oblems atholic would
k the
ims as go thr
Turn- as it h
owick will en
e best to set
et the Staffor
ren in second
ollars necess
high Doug
on as when
in, had ex
ounty Reev
. He the Win
e the Board
ming negotia
other Howick
sees didn't g
ween year not
e. the boa
e extension of C
n Jeffrey too
entative for
Wingham and 11
be to ensure th
ion for the childl
spend tax ci
y, maintain the
education and g
✓ the board's m
id his contributi
since a high
of Huron C
rs are farmers
eek to minimiz
den to the far
s of Huron.
effrey said he
as a liason bet
d and the Peopl
to guess at the cost
ting children. The
aid, was about $2900
✓ for elementary.
and $4000 per year
school student.
Wilson, the final
started by thank -
who nominated him
aY Mulvey for his
service on the
e Stafford explained
gham and Area Fir
had been unwilling to
te a new deal with
, then, why council
ive the board its one -
ice to withdraw from
rd, Reeve Stafford
Because we didn't
he had no axe to
the current board
has given good
ation to the people
entioning some of
vities and ex -
that would help
resentative to the
closed with a
of democracy ' as
he will of the
operation o
"1 hope
be true in
explained t
question p
restricted t
answer qu-
them and
e said he had an unfair questions
advantage over his fellow restricted t
candidates'. "I get to bring pose the
up the good points in all of questions co
their speeches." form of edit
Mr. VanAnkum said, "I and though
have few complaints about questions wo
our government, local or Mr. Keil s
otherwise. think we have choose quest
excellent roads and excellent and 'might
snow earing. I have no same- perso
complaints in those re- questions in
Ronna Le
with the co -
f the minority as
in free elections."
this will prove to
this election," he
tion Period
or Petei Keil
he rules for the
eriod. He said
would be
estiona posed t�
people asking
would be
o one minute to
question. The
uld not take the
oriel comments
uld be allowed,
aid he would
ions at random
not allow the
n to ask two
a row.
e Johnson, an
Insurance - All types. Home, business, auto, farm, life.
WINGHAM 357-2636 GORRIE 335-3525
Thurs. Oct. 31 Hallowe'en Masquerade Dance, Wingham
&,Area Day Centre for the Homebound,
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Fri. Nov. 1 Commencement Exercises, F. E. Madill
S.S., Wingham, 8:15 p.m.
Hot Luncheon, St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Back to God Hour Rally, St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Wingham, 8:00 p.m.
Dance, Bluevale Comm. Hall, Ladies Please
Bring Lunch.
Morris Township Council, Municipal
Building, 10:00 . M
Sat. Nov. 2 Official Opening, New Emergency Wing of
Wingham & District Hospital, 2:00 p.m.
CW1 Fall Bazaar, Wingham Armouries,
1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Bellmore Chamber of Commerce, _Family
Dance at BeLmore Comm. Centre, 9:00
Trinity Anglican Church, Bazaar, Bake Sale
1985 Watedoo-Wellington 4-H Beef Show
& Sale, Ontario Livestock Exchange, 10:30
Sun. Nov. 3 Variety Concm _Knox__ United •.Church,
Mon. Nov. 4 Family in Crisis, Guest Speaker, Sacred
Heart Churdi, Wingham, 7:30 p.th.
• Wingham Town Council, 7:00 p.in. Town
Tues. Nov. 5 Tumberry Twp. Council, Municipal Office,
E. Wairancish Twp. Council, 8:00 p.m.,
Township Shed.
Wed. Nov. '6 Beef Dinner, Wingham United Church, 2
Sittings 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
Fowl Supper, Gorrie United Church, 4:30
-7:00 p.m.
Harvest B0192,1/2 )Ellyth United Church till
Nov. 9
ldent-A-Kid, liowick Lions, Gorrie Town
Hall, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.