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Page 4—The Wingham Advance -Times, Oct. 30, 1985
Seek .information on
hit -ani -h n accient
Ontario Provincial Police
are appealing for anyone
with information about the
hit-and-run death of an
Aurora woman which oc-
curred on Airport Road
south of Mono Mills Sept. 15
to come forward.
. The accident, which
claimed the life of 41 -year-
old Shona Gault, occurred at
approximately 1:20 a.m.
Mrs. Gault, a pedestrian,
was struck by a vehicle
traveling north on Airport
Road about two miles south
of Highway 9. It appears she
was then struck by two other
passing vehicles, one
believed to be a pickup
Two cars were examined
by police following the ac-
cident, including one
belonging to Mrs. Gault's
husband, a police sergeant
with the Metropolitan
Toronto Police Force. The
expert findings indicated
neither vehicle was involved
in the death.
Caledon OPP officers are
continuing to investigate the
matter by interviewing
potential witnesses., They
are appealing for anyone
with information about, the
accident to come forward,
particularly the drivers of
the two vehicles believed to
have struck the body of Mrs.
.Gault after she was killed.
The number of the Caledon
OPP is i 416) 584-2241.
Information will be accepted
at any OPP office.
For Wingham Public Utilities Colklmission
328 Centre Street,
• A CHANGE would be good.
for all
* More consideration for the
VOTE will be most appreciated
for Wingham Public Utilites Commission
For transportation call 357-1482
Bill McGrath
Town of Wingham
• 16 years PUC Commissioner
• Electronics teacher
�._Concerned . about our-commun=_
Your Support Is Appreciated
Rod Wraith
of witches and warlocks recited the chant from
"Macbeth" as they dropped an assortment of grisly
creatures into their cauldron in this scene from a skit
acted out by Sacred Heart students during an open
house last week.. The students are Kelly McInnes, Dar-
ryl Hallahan, Thomas Martin, Jason Kieffer, Peter
Albers, Christine ldzik, Roxanne Cerson, Clara McKen-
na and Patty McGlynn.
Few complaints are cited at
Morris ratepayers' meeting
Morris Township Council ships of Morris, Grey, Turn -
had a relatively easy time of berry, Howick, Culross, Kin -
it at a ratepayers' meeting loss and Hullett;Wingham
Monday night, the first and Brussels, said he sees
meeting to be held in the new precepting teachers' strikes
township municipal building. as the greatest challenge -
Even though all council facing school boardstoday.
seats have been filled by A one-time union organizer,
acclamation, Reeve William Mr. Keet said he finds
Elston welcomed the ap- himself on "the other side of
proximately 25. interested the fence" now, saying
ratepayers and invited the strikes do a lot of people
to meet the new council and harm and must be abolished.
.hear the candidates running
for the public and separate QUESTION PERIOD
school boards. - Following the statements
After 33 years on council, by the candidates and
18 of °those spent as reeve, council; the meeting' was
Mr..Elston is retiring from opened for questions from
municipal politics this year. the floor.
"The people of Morris' have Doug Garniss asked where
been* good to me," he said the township secondary plan
and high'ighted some of stands today.
council's accomplishments The plan has been put on
over. those 33 years. hold for the time being,
He cited the new municipal reported Mr.' Elston, be-
building 'and township shed cause the council has been
as something he is very too busy of late to deal with it
proud of, pointing out it all . effectively. Council has seen
will be paid for in 1985. Mr. the second draft of the plan
Elston also said he is pleased and still has some changes it
the township has replaced all wishes to make.
its bridges, save one, during "What does council think
his years on council. of the three-year council
The development of the term?'' asked George
subdivision at Belgrave has Michie. •
been a credit to the. com- The council members all
munity, he said and hopes were in agreement that a
even more homes can be two-year term for
built there in -the future. ' municipalities might be
• However the outgoing better, but as Mr. Elston
reeve , said he is concerned pointed •out, elections cost a
with the growing amount of lot of money, especially in
foreign ownership in Morris larger centres and this is one
Township and worries about way to save some of that
the lost assessment every money.
time a house or barn is Mr. Fraser said he feels i.
demolished. the council term were to be
Retiring Deputy Reeve • changed back to two years,
Tom Miller, an 18 -year more people would be willing
veteran of council, also said to let their names stand for
a few wards. He said he .council.
believes the township -is in Earlier in 'the meeting it
good financial shape and had been mentioned that fire
wished the new council good calls to the Wingham Fire.
luck. Department cost $675 an
Doug Fraser, the new hour, compared to $250 for
Morris reeve, said one of the Blyth department. One
council's biggest challenges woman asked why fire ,
overthe next three years Will protection from Wingham is
be the secondary plan. Mr. so much more expensive.
Fraser said he hopes council The new fire hall at
can come up with a plan Wingham and' equipment
which is good for all the were citedas two reasons
people of the township. why that department's fire
The new reeve also said he protection has skyrocketed
will work to make sure the in past few years. Mr.
township roads are in good Grasby, one of Morris
shape and promised more council's representatives on
money for recreation as the Wingham board, said he
grants have been increased. and Mr. McLellan, the other
Clem McLellan, the town- representative, have fought
ship's new deputy reeve, the increases at the
gave a brief address as •did Wingham board, but, are
Councillor Bob Grasby and outnumbered.
incoming Councillors Mr. Grasby said Morris
Howard Morton and Robert could pull out of the
Elliott. agreement at Wingham with
• _.A•a _..._ane-year-s-•nottee--and-depend---
East Wawanosh and Blyth upon Blyth and Brussels for
representative on the Huron ` fire protection, but that puts
County Board of Education ratepayers in the north end
for the past 11 years, spoke of the township at a disad-
briefly and a letter was read vantage.
from John Gaunt, the mall Mr. Elston said the
who is challenging Mr. Wingham board has been
Elliott for his school board excellent to work with over
position. the past 30 years and said he
Adrian Keet of White- hoped once some of the new
church, the man challenging equipment is paid for costs
Vince McInnes for a seat on will "settle down a little".
the Huron -Perth Separate Jim Bowman asked John
School Board for the Town- Elliott what he believed a
"fair settlement" to be for
Huron county public school
Mr. Elliott said the
teachers' settlement with the
negotiating committee, of
which he is a member, was
fair in that no one went out
on strike in the county this
year. Teachers' raises went
from 3.9 to 4.2 per cent in
1985 and while some' people
might not agree that is a
realistic figure, to negotiate
any less might have meant a
work stoppage:
1 One man saidhe would like
to see the streets in Belgrave
paved over a three or four-
year. period.
Mr. Grasby said resur-
facing has become`very
expensive these days, but
Mr. Elston said maybe the
new council could look into
the project, especially if it
were to be pursued over
several years.
Wingham Town Council
• Lon`gtime Wingham resident
• Employed with CKNX Broadcasting
• Owner & operator of Lyceum Theatre
• A belief in and a desire to work
for the Town of Wingham
• Strongly committed to helping the town
progress on an industrial and business
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