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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-23, Page 34
Page 6C—Crossroads—Oct. 23, 1985 0 Crossroads teleguide Sun., Oct. 27 MORNING 5:45 MO With This Ring 6:00 ® Good Morning Workout 0 Harrigan 0 Ask A SiIly Ques- tion OO Pattern of Liv- ing 0 Canadian Cavalcade 0 Frightenstein W Seneca Telecollege 6:30 0 This Is The Life ® In View I® The Treehouse Club J Kidbits 0O The World Tomorrow 0 National Film Board 7:00 0 Circle Square ® Telling Secrets 0 Care Bears • Christian Lifestyle Magazine 0 Open Roads (1) Spiderman 0 100 Huntley Street O0 Expect a Miracle 0 Rocket Robinhood ' 7:30 070 Day of Discovery O Agri -News O0 Jim Swaggart 0 Father Meehan 0 Comfort My Peo- ple • O Open Doors 7:55 OS Newsworthy 8:00 0 Old Tyme Gospel O Sunday AM CDC) It Is Written ® Korean Godsounds m Food For Life 0 Commander Tom Show 0 Movie "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad" © America Weekend 0 Fishing The West 8:30 al/Breeders Crown Champ. Series © Day of Discovery 0 Hour of Power 0O Mass for Shut - Ins . im Expect a Miracle 0 Hello Japan 9:00 0 Jerry Falwell 0 Day of Discovery 07 O Urban Voices ID Audubon Wildlife m Hispanovision 0 The Lone Ranger 9:30 0 Motocross World 'Champ. © Little Rascals. m' Voltron m Italian Panorama 0 The World Tomor- row 0 Discover Your World„ ®0 Focus Detroit 7 : -Ityis Written- - 10:00 0 K'idsworld 00 People's: Church 00 Essence 0 Festival Por-- tuguese 0 Hymn Sing 0 Millionaire Maker 'Seminar 0 Greek Paradise 0 Switchback 0 McCloud: "San Meets Dracula" 10:30 0 Speedweek 00 News el This Week With David Brinkley 0 J.W. White 11:00 0 The People's Church O St. Peter's Luther- an Church Service . •0 NFL -Week -3•n Review 0 Food For Life , 0 Coronation Street m Meeting Place view 11:30 0 Festival Italiano el At The Movies 0 NFL Films Presents O World Tomorrow O Agronsky & Com- pany AFTERNOON 12:00 0 Movie "TBA" 00 Melba Moore's Collection of Love Songs - Sportsdesk 0 Dr. John Wesley White ® Meeting Place 0 Sketches Of Our Town 0 Hymn Sing ® Meet The Press 12:15 ® Movie "Mrs. Miniver" 12:30 © NFL Football Pre - Game 0 Powerboat Racing 0 Italian Cooking With Pasquale 00 Inquiry 0 Herald Off Truth OO Fantasy Island 11:20 O News 11:30 12:45 ® Town and Country 1:00 0 World Gymnastics. ® NFL Football (Miami at Detroit) 0 Festival Italiano O World Alive el Canal Portugese IMOD Country Canada O0 Sports/TBA 1:30 O0 Hymn Sing 630 This Business of 12'00 Farming • O Wild Animals Of The World 2:00 0 Revival Hour 0 Raccoons 0 Close Up O Investment Seminar 00 TBA 0 Festival. Italiano 0 Movie "TBA" 2:30 0 New Faces 0000 Walt Disney 3:00 ® Walters Family 0 Terry Winter ® International Wrestling m Your Wealth 0 Hydroplane Rac- ing 3:30 m Tiny Talent. Time 000m Sports - weekend 0 High Arctic Close- up ' 0 Provineewide 4:00 J Kronk Boxing Fights of the Month al Question, Period 0 NFL Football 0000 CFL Foot- ball (B,C. at Edmon- ton) dmon-ton) m Wild Kingdom 0 The Twilight Zone 0 Movie "TBA" 0 US College Foot- ball 4:30 in Investment Seminar - 0 The Twilight Zone 0 Skate Canada 5:00 0 Entertainment This Week 0 Solid Gold 5;30 OS More Real People EVENING 6:00 0 Citypulse (E)0C)00 News 0 Scan Weekend 6:30 0 Fight Back 0 Polka Time 00 World Series (Game 7 if necessary) m Sketches Of Our Town ® SCTV 07 0 Weekend Magazine • 7:00 000 Sixty Minutes RTpley's Believe rt Or Not ® The Chum 30 000 Fraggle Rock 0 Sportsdesk OS Punky Brewster 0 FYI Weekend Edi- tion O Cheers 0 Wheel Of Fortune 7:30 0 Jeopardy 0 Night Court • ®-Rugby Special- ' O Silver Spoons 0000 The Beachcombers 8:00 00 Murder She Wrote • 0 Profiles of Nature ® Movie "Little House: The Last Farewell OS Amazing Stories 0000 Canada's Sweetheart: The Saga of Hal C. Banks O Movie "Silent Reach" (Pt. 2 ) O® MacGyver 0 NHL Hockey (De- troit at Winnipeg) 8:30 0O Alfred Hitch- cock Presents 9:00 00 Crazy Like A Fox it 0 iell Town 0 Crazy Like A Fox OD Movie "TBA" 10:00 0 Loving Friends and Perfect Couples O Trapper John 0 W'-5 ® Citypulse 0000 Sunday Report 07.0 Trapper John 10:25 000m Venture 10:30 ® The New Music 10:55 0000 Nation's Business 11:00 Sportsweek 0 FYI Weekend Edi- tion 0 Newsfinal Q ... CKVR Barrie 0 ... WIVB Buffalo ® ... CBC Toronto 0 ... WDIV Detroit Q ... Global Q •-• WKBW Buffalo U •.. WJBK Detroit 0 CTV National News 0®000C®0 - News 0 Ontario Report 0 Movie "TBA" O Sports Final Edi- tion 00 Too Close For Comfort 0 City Lights O Insight 0 Dateline Ontario 00 Charlie And Company 0 Show Biz 0 More Real People 0 Twilight Zone C Ironside OO The Avengers 0 Movie "Easy Liv- ing" 0 Movie "Twirl" 0 Movie "To Race The Wind" CO Special: The Mil- lionaire Maker 0 Carson Comedy Classics 0 Movie "Arabes- que" 0 World Cricket Champ. 12:30 0 Welcome Back Kotter O Twilight Zone 0 Lou Grant 1:00 O0 Movies "TBA" m Movie "Five Masters of Death" m The Best of Cherington CD Movie "Sherlock Holmes Faces Death'' 0 Wonder Woman 0 World of Gym- nastics 1:30 0 Highlights 0 Real To Reel O Soap • 2:0U 0 100 Huntley Street 0 News 0 Nightwatch O Medical Centre 2:30 Os Movie "Dangerous When Wet" 3:00 m Sportsweek 3:20 CO Movie "The Kid With The Golden Arm" • 4:00 0 Powerboat Racing O0 Night Watch 4:30 C News 0 NHL Hockey (R) 5:00 OS Telling Secrets 5:05 ® Here's Lucy 5:30 Hazel Mon., Oct. 28 AFTERNOON 12:00 07 005 00 News 0 Beaver ' 0 Ryan's Hope 0 Midday 0 Flintstones • 0 Bodies In Motion 0m Transformers 12:25 0 AgriNews 12:30.07 0 The Young and • Restless • 00 News 00 Loving 0 FYI Noon Edition O Super Password • O Headline Chasers O Care Bears 0. NHL Hockey (R) 1:00 0 Lifetime 0 Intermezzo 0 Soapbox OWM OO All My Children . OM Days of Our Lives 1:30 ®OO As the World Turns 0 City Lights 2:00 0 Billy Joe Big Beak O Let's Make A Deal 00 Midday J-20 Minute •Workon 630 Another World 0 One Life to Live 0 Dallas 2:30 O0 Capitol 0 Pitfall ID Soapbox • 0 It's Your Move. 0 Wok With Yan 3:00 O Jeffersons 00 Parenting 0 Laverne & Shirley 0 Coronatidn Street O Santa Barbara 000 Guiding Light 00 General Hospital O Fitness Break 3:30 O Batman MO The Ted Knight Show 0 Sale Of The Cen- tury 0 TBA 0 M-otocruss Wur1d Champ. 4:00 ® America 0 Bob Newhart DO Video Hits 0 Parenting The Brady Bunch O Super Pay Cards • ... CKNX Wingham ... CFPL London ... CHCH Hamilton ... CKCO Kitchener ® ... TSN ... City TV Toronto 0 He -Man 00 Divorce Court ® Toronto Rocks 0 Love Boat 4:30 00 The People's Court I® Tom and Jerry 0 The Young and the • Restless W 0 $100,000 Pyramid ® Supergran m0' One Day At A Time O Jeffersons 0 Breeders Crown Champ. Series 5:00 0 Diff'rent Strokes 0 Video Hits ®.Catch Phrase 0 WKRP In Cin- cinnatti O Pink Panther OO Love Connec- tion ® News 000 The Price Is Right 5:30 00 News • OO OO Benson W Gobots O Too Close For Comfort 0 Headline Chasers 0 Three's Company 0 Down The Stretch EVENING 6:00 0000®00 News 0 Citypulse 0 Scan Newshour 0 It's Your Move 0FYI at6:00 0 Speedweek 6:30 0 Punky Brewster 0 Kick Start 0 Global News 005 News 7:00 ® Entertainment Tonight . ( Jeopardy '00 Wheel of For- tune OM News 0 Sportsdesk 0 Diff'rent Strokes 0 MASH O Gimme A Break © Three's Company © Monitor 7:30 0 Sportspage 0 Special: Miracles Are For Giving 10 • S 0 0.. The following programs, listed as supplied by the TV stations, are subject to change ® Movie "The Year Off Living Dangerous- ly„ 000 The Rac- coons 0 Jackpot 0 Jeopardy 0 Live It Up Mustang Report O Wheel Of Fortune 00 PM Magazine Detroit 8:00 OO Scarecrow and Mrs. King 00 Hardcastle & McCormick 0 Scarecrow and Mrs. King 0000 Danger Bay O0 TV's Bloopers & Practical Jokes O Davis Cup Tennis 8:30 0(100 Hangin' In 9:00 000000 Kate and Allie 00 NFL Football (San Diego at L.A.) O0 Movie "A Time To Live" 0 Cosby Show O Ringside 9:30 0 Miss Canada 1986 Pageant ©0©000 New- hart ° 10:00 063330 National 07 a0 Cagney and Lacey 0 Citypulse 10:20 0000 Journal 11:00 0. SCTV • 0©007 O® News O CTV National News 0 Newsfinal. m' FYI Final Edition 0 Sportsdesk 11:20 0 Ontario Report 11:30 0 Movie "Witches Brew" 00 Entertainment Tonight O5 Tonight Show °T © ThreeTax's Company © Barney Miller 0 The Way It Was 12:00 0 Kick Start ©Movie "Blues In The Night" ® Carson Comedy Classics © Movie "Monkey Business" Om Donahue , 00 News 00 Charlie's Angels A weekly news commentary frank one of Canticle's outstanding. news personalities THE BEST of PETER 1 essw esti'®�tio ailrR® AN.iLORM.A,N FOR GLOBAL NEWS I came across a piece of junk mail recently, that caught my attention — as it was intended to — because of. the querulous, almost hostile note st lick --by the writer: "I'm puzzled", it read. "And I'd appreciate your help. I thought the possibility of acquiring enormous wealth would interest almost every- one. But I was wrong. What's happened is almost the op- posite of what I expected." I gathered_at _this poin that there had probably been a previous mailing, which we had ignored. And I read on to discover that what the man was selling was a series of lessons on how to make money in the real estate market. The puzzled sales- man continued: "Now I know that making a lot of money interests you, so it must be something else." No one, particularly my employers, has ever accused me of not being interested in malting a lot of money. Let's accept the fact that everyone wants his share of the stuff. It has not escaped my notice that the people who own de- partment stores, oil com- panies, and restaurants make more. money than the people who work for them, but i have never envied the owning class. it's been my experience that people who 'work for other people have more fun and less worry. i have long been convinced that almogt anyone can Make a lot of money if they want to badly enough, even if they don't have any to start. with. Anyone who is prepar- ed to spend every waking hour thinking about and pur- suing wealth, to the exclu- sion of family; friends, hob- bies and everything else, is likely to catch up with it. But normal people feel that life is too short for that sort of de- votion to money -making. The author of the junk mail sales pitch cited a shining example or two about people t—Who-had--matte-mroney-in-real estate. One man found four small, or poorly planned houses in well -located neigh- borhoods and managed to buy them for 35 thousand dollars each. Within a month, he sold the two for 43,000 each, and a month later, he sold the third for $48,000. He rented the fourth and waited for the market to improve. A year later he sold it for $68,000. This is supposed to tempt us? The guy made 62 thou- sand dollars on the backs of four families who paid too much for their houses. No thanks..I have enough on my conscience now. Help keep Red Cross ready. Ill Special: Millionaire Maker 12:30 0 Sportspage 0 Late Night O Lou Grant ®Barney Miller 1:00 ® Letterman WO Mery Griffin 0O The Saint 0 Davis Cup Tennis 0 Millionaire Maker Seminar 1:30 Kung Fu 0 Soap 1:35 ® Movie "The Year Of Living Dangerous- ly" 2:00 ® Movie "Smash -Up" O Medical Centre 0 News 0 Highlights 00 Maude ® Nightwatch 0 Ringside 2:30 OO News 0 Movie "TBA" 0 Rat Patrol 3:00 0 TBA OO Eight Is Enough 3:30 0 TBA 4:00 O0 Nightwatch ® Lone Ranger 0 The Way It Was 4:10 0 Movie "The High- wayman" .4:30 ® News in Canadian College Football 5:00 © Telling Secrets 5:50 01 Abbott and Costello '83 run train's first The famed Orient Ex- press, which faded into his- tory not long ago, made its first run from Paris to Con- stantinople in 1883. It took the train just under 78 hours. In South Africa's Natal state, about 95 percent of the valuable stinkwood trees have been stripped of their bark by native medicine men. The bark reputedly contains magical properties. FROZEN Schneider's 350 gr. Chicken Nuggets Omste 1 Boston Bluefish In Batter Crab Legs Omstead 5 Ib. Fancy Mixed Vegetables McCain 10 inch Lite Delite Pies DAIRY Sunrise 4 litres 2% Milk Millbank (.62 per 100 gr.) Store Cut Mozzarella 2.99 Ib. 1 .69 ib. 3.59 3.50 2.99 2.39 lb, 2.79 BULK PRODUCTS (all goods are prepackaged) No. 1 Canadian Honey Smooth or Crunchy 2 kg. Natural Peanut Butter Robin Hood 10 kg. All Purpose Flour Robin Hood 2.5 kg. Velvet Cake Flour Fresh Glace Whole Red Cherries Glace Peel Glace' Mixed Fruit ,b1.19 4.80 6.98 1.99 ,b. 2.29 lb1.39 995 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel 291-4777 Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. till 9 p.m. I'II start saving tomorrow (NC) — Procrastination. A long word, but most of us are afflicted with it. The dictionary says it means: to "defer action; delay; to put off to another day or time," etc. Costs usa bunch. We procrastinate in many ways and almost all of them cost us time and money. In fact, those two words, time and money plus a third ingredient — 'rate of return' — are the three ingredients •we need to achieve wealth. Of the three., time is the most important. Each day we miss of "saving and in- vesting" .is gone, and can never be had again: Here is where procrasti- nation hurts most of us. We delay starting tosavea part of what we earn every pay- cheque. After all, we really need that money to buy a car, or a house, or a vaca- tion, or a..,ora... and on and on. We -delay paying our- selves first. instead we pay everyone else a part of what we earn, and hope there is something left for us to save. Unfortunately, most of the time there is nothing left, and even if there is, we find ways of spending that "extra". Are we right? • I suggest you should save at least 10 per cent of what you earn. You should take it out (payroll deduction if possible) and save it before ADVERTISEMENT IT'S YOUR MONEY Paul J. Rockel you'spend any of it, or pay a bill. You should decide it is yours to- keep for your future. . People tell me "1 need every penny I earn,.1 can't save." That's because you have never tried, or else you have decided to live a life- style that uses everything you earn. I decided at the age of 14 to "tithe", which means give 10 per cent of what 1 earn to church and charity. I still 'tithe (and more) today, and have al- ways given away that. 10 per cent before I started spending. I teach my kids to live on 80 per cent of what they earn, give 10 per cent to church and charity,:and put 10 per fent towards sav- ings. They are doing it, I'm doing it, and you can too. What if you are 20, earn- ing $15,000 a year, saving 10 per cent ($1,500) and never get a raise in the next 45 years. You invest that $1,50(' into mutual funds which average 15 per cent per year return (some have averages over 20 per cent over the past decade), year aftO'r year. At age 65 yoti will he worth' $6,184,345. Yes, that's over $6 million. Just one year What if you procrastinate, and wait until you are age 21 to start ... your value at age 65 would be $5,376,188. That's over $800,000 less just for delaying one year. if, you wait to age 30 to „start, you would end up with $1,520,017, which is over 4,y million less than if you started at age 20. The poor person who' waits until age 50 to start, up with 2,0 Procrastina$8tion 76. is ex pensiendsve. For a FREE PACKAGE of information on mutual funds write Paul .1. Rocket, 153 Union St. E., Waterloo, Ontario, N2,1 1('4. Paul J. Rockel is President of Regal Capital- Planners Ltd. - and of the Independent In- vestment Fund Dealers As- sociation of Canada. On the wings of tomorrow... ...rides a hope that our rich wildlife and waterfowl heritage will be a legacy for the future. We've been turning that hope into reality for almost 50 years. We're Ducks Unlimited—privately funded, non -profit - and dedicated to preserving waterfowl habitat in Canada. Our quest involves thousands of-people-aGross•the:coun-try. Join us! Give the "wings of tomorrow" your active support—today. Write: Ducks Unlimited Canada 1190 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2E2