HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1985-10-23, Page 27Jt
SIA a s a r
Microwave Oven
Sat. November 2
10 a.m. til 4 p.m.
A pocket gopher must
grind down its four back
teeth by chewing a lot or
they'd be nearly four feet
long in a year.
Crossroads—Oct. 23, 1985—Page 3B
Be sure to come in
and spend a few
hours with us.
M. C. Smith Ltd.
RR 2, Listowel, Ontario
Telephone 291-3810
For Cors, Trucks,
Offices, Mailboxes
Eliminates costly
when tracing or
JJf you want
pe',sonal attention
the latest
a wide
selection o)
textu'Ies to
the best
quality yarns
if you
want,. it all.
mope rata—
than just yakn.
OPEN MON. SAT. 9-6, FRI. 9-9
Zehrs Plaza
By Louisa Rush
Dear Louisa :
I have a lady's hand -
knitted sweater, that has
never been worn. I would
like to unravel it and re -use
the yarn. How does one go
about removing the kinks
from the yarn, if it can be
done? I will be anxious to
hear from you, or will watch
for the reply to this problem
in your column.
Mrs. R.T:
Renfrew, Ontario
This problem I have ans-
wered before through my
column, but in case some of
you missed it, I will repeat
my advice.
First you must unpick the
seams carefully, then begin
unravelling the knitting. - I
find it easiest to wind the
yarn into balls first. When
you have done this, take a
board or fairly stout piece of
cardboard, about twelve to
sixteen inches long. Wind the
yarn around length -wise to
form hanks or skeins. Do not
make the. skeins too "fat",
otherwise they will become
difficult to handle.
Tie all strands of the yarn
together in four places, not
so tightly that it will mark
the yarn in washing, but not
so loose that the strands
wander and become en-
tangled in washing.
Use lukewarm water and a
little soap flakes, and gently
swish the skeins through the
water, being very careful as
I have said to avoid any
tangles. Rinse in cool clear
water, two or three times.
Place the skeins on a clean
towel and roll up in the towel
to absorb the moisture. I find
it is a good idea to hang the.
skeins over a broomstick .to
dry, and turn them several
times to avoid any flat
sections in the skein. Dry
outdoors if possible in a cool
breeze, but not in direct sun-
Several readers have
written in with the suggest-
ion that the skeins can be
held in front on a electric
kettle. I. am sure this idea
would work beautifully, but
great care, must 'be taken
that you do not scald your
This week's pattern is a
cosy His 'n Her sweater de-
sign with Aran panels on the
back, front and sleeves. The
raglan style is easy to knit
and comfortable to wear.
The sizes given on this leaflet
will fit bust or chest
measurement 32 inches to 42
To order pattern No. 82101,
send 75 cents PLUS stamped
self-addressed' return en-
velope. If, you do not have a
stamp or envelope, please
enclose an extra 50 cents to
cover the cost of handling
and print your name and ad-
dress. Send to Louisa Rush,
"Craft Talk", 486 Montford
Drive, Dollard des Ormeaux,
P.Q. H9G 11116. Please be
sure to state pattern num-
bers correctly when ordering
and to enclose your stamped
return envelope for faster
at to d• ;♦t
cci"i,ent scene
The numbers grow every
long weekend. More people
are killed, more peoople are
injured in road accidents.
This is one problem you
can do something about. You
know how to prevent an acci-
dent. Stay sober, stay cool
and drive sensibly, keep the
car in good condition, wear
your seat belt.
St. John Ambulance first
aiders say you can also help
if you see an accident. There
are steps you can take
quickly to prevent the ac-
cident from getting worse, to
help victims and get eme-
gency professionals to the
scene. Boiled down, they are,
stay calm, protect the scene,
reassurethe victims and get
St. John teaches emer-
gency response and first aid
skills in a First Aid for
Drivers course. The step by
step procedure goes like
Take a deep breath, and
stay calm. Act quickly but
Watch for danger as you
approach the accident.
There might be fallen
electrical wire, leaking gas
tanks, heavy traffic.
Protect the scene by
turning off ignition and lights
in accident vehicles. Don„'t
let anyone smoke.
Take control. If there are
other people available, have
them send for help, control
traffic if it's needed, put out
flares, help look after
Check for life-threatening
injuries for first aid treat-
ment. They will include stop-
ped breathing, severe bleed -
This IS a quality product. With re-'rnforced outer shells
and new improved sleeve and arch Provides accessible
storage for paper of venous sizes allowing efficient use of
shelf space 2•' capacity. arched center hinge
tor easy filing and access. Heavy board
construction. Label on spine
Ilppil01111I r.
,,,iiuniinn tlllllll .............—
Typing Pads
GS82O - 11 x 8Nx,
white general purpose
bond paper with cover
. 60 sheets/pad.
Sugg. Retail 91.85 ea
GS600 - Top grade pencils for smooth wnbng.
Excellent for office or drafting use. F. HB. 11, 2H
Sugg Retail ,39C ea. - -
Felt Tip Markers
GS801 - Long writeout and durability make 'this
marker and excellent value Smear proof Fast
drying Marks, on moss surfaces
Sugg Retail 91 59 ea
Wedge Tip
Available in black. �I
blue, red. and green
GS901-Taper-point poro,is
nylon lip stays sharp and him
with long wrile•oul •Chen•
sear bap prevents ink dry
rng Available in black. blue
and red •
Sugg Retail 79c ea
Sheet Protectors
GS11 0 - Clear flexible pro-
tectors wan black inserts.
gives protect on for fre-
quently handled sheets
11 x'8'e 10 10 apack
Sugg Retail 92 25 pk.
File Folders
Reversible. nght or len lab, for easy economical
office use Semi -bleached or bleached kraft
GS434 GS436
9', of /Letter 9", pt/Legal
Bleached Bleached
1 pt/Letter
I1 pf./Legal
euiuee Protectrices
,••• 4",. ,'
Cooking Corner
By Verne Palmer
Would ' a• squash by any
other name taste as sweet'?
Apparently'so, because sum-
mer squash, : one of the
perennial joys of this sun -
washed season, surely have
their share of both official
and unofficial labels. ....
Summer squash — a
variety, not an individual
vegetable — consist primar-
' ily of zucchini (aka Italian),
yellow (crookneck or
straightneck) and pattypan
(scallop or cymling).
These brightly colored
jewels of the vegetable world
are all b>t'lfl,interchangeable,
being mildly flavored and
boasting the same firm but
Unlike their slower grow-
ing and hard -shelled breth-
ren of winter, summer
squash can be eaten en toto;
simply remove the blossom
and stem ends and cook — or
serve them raw.
They can be enjoyed indi-
vidually but are at their best
in combination dishes — stir -
fried with carrots, sweet
onion and broccoli, for in-•
stance, or mixed�v jth- oma -
toes, onions, garlic, olive oil,
basil, oregano and other
Mediterranean flavorings.
Summer squash also take
well to lemon butter and
simple cheese sauces.
In selecting summer
squash, the younger the bet -
squash, leek and 'carrot to
boiling. Reduce heat to low.
Cover; simmer 5 minutes.or
until tender -crisp. Drain in
colander. ,
In same pan over medium
heat, melt butter , with
thyme, salt' and pepper. Add
reserved vegetables; toss to •
coat. Sprinkle with Par-
mesan cheese.
Yields 4 cups or 6 servings.
• 2 tbsps. butter or margarine
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
2 medium zucchini, sliced
2 cups sliced mushrooms
1/2 tsp. salt
'/2 tsp. dill weed, crushed
and garlic; cover. Micro-
wave on high 3 minutes or
until tender, stirring once.
Stir in zucchini, mushrooms,
salt, dill and pepper, cover.
Microwave on high .3 to 4
minutes until vegetables are
tender -crisp. Stir in tomato;
cover. Microwave on high 1
to 2 minutes until hot.
Sprinkle with cheese.
Makes 6 servings.
6 cups cubed yellow squash
1 (103/4 oz.) can condensed
cream of chicken soup
1 cup water
'/4 cup chopped toasted a
— Trash pepper-- .---_2-tbsps...chopped. pimient_o
1 tomato, cut into thin
Grated Parmesan cheese
In 10 -inch skillet over
• medium-high heat, in hot
butter, cook onion and garlic
until tender..
Stir in zucchini, mush-
rooms, salt, dill and pepper.
Cook 5 minutes or until
vegetables are tender -crisp.
Stir in tomato; cook 1 minute
more. •
To serve: Sprinkle with
Yields 4 cups.
To microwave: In 1'/2 -
quart microwave -safe casse-
role, combine butter, onion
ter, so choose thesmallest
ones you n find — unless '�
you're planning to stuff
them. The skin should be
vividly colored, not dull, and
free of cuts, soft spots and
blemishes, The squash
should be firm, well propor-
tioned and heavy for' their
Store summer squash un-
washed in a plastic bag in the
refrigerator and plan to use
within a week.
Steaming or sauteing are
probably the best methods
for preparing these tender
squash, but they also can be
simmered, baked and deep-
fried in a batter.
1 lb. small pattypan squash,
sliced •
1 leek, cut into julienne strips
1 carrot, cut into julienne
2 tbsps. butter or margarine
14 tsp. thyme leaves, crush-
Dash salt
Dash pepper
2 tbsps. grated Parmesan
cheese �«
In 2 -quart saucepan over
Medium beat, 'in 1 inch boil-
ing, salted water, heat
ing, unconsciousness, shock.
Until you have checked
injuries, don't move anyone
from the damaged car or
truck because you could
make an injury much worse.
The obvious exception is
when the person is in danger,
from fire, from traffic.
When you call police for
help, make sure they know
exactlly where you are. They
should also know how. many
people are injured, what the
injuries are and about any
hazards such as fire or fallen
When you've checked the
victims for life threatening
problems, look again. Make
sure everyone is accounted
for. Accident victims can be
thrown quite a distance,
they've been known to
wander off. Provide first aid
for other injuries.
When police or ambulance
arrive, tell them what you
know and what you've done.
If they brush you off, don't
take it personally. They'll
take control of the situation,
but will probably ask you to
wait: Write down details
,while you remember them,
date them and sign them.
To microwave: Use in-
gredients as above but re-
duce water to 1/4 cup: In 11/2 -
quart microwave -safe cas-
serole, combine squash and
only / cup water; cover.
Microwave on high 10 to 12
minutes until squash is
tender, stirring occasionally.
Drain, reserving 1/4 cup
liquid. Stir in. reserved 1/4 cup
liquid, soup, almonds and pi-
miento. In cup, combine
bread crumbs and butter.
Sprinkle crumb. mixture
over squash. Microwave on
high 6 to 8 minutes until
heated through, turning oc-
Makes 6 servings.
(Previous recipes taken
from Campbell's "Great
, American Cookbook.")
3 medium-sized zucchini or
thin-skinned potatoes,
sliced 3/4 inch thick
one-third cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup minced' green onions
(including tops)
'/z cup grated Parmesan
Dash of pepper
lie tsp. oregano leaves
'/s tsp. garlic powder
3 tbsps. (about) fine dry
bread crumbs
Arrange zucchini or potato
slices on . steaming rack.
Steam until barely tender
(about 5 minutes). Let cool;'
then blot dry with paper
1_ towels and set aside.
In small bowl; mix mayon-
'/4 cup dried bread crumbs. -onions; cheese, .pep _
2 tbsps. butter or margarine, per, oregano and garlic
melted powder until well blended.
In 3 -quart saucepan over Spread mayonnaise mixture
medium heat, in 1 inch boil- evenly over one side of each
ing, salted water, heat vegetable slice. Dip tops in
squash to boiling. Reduce' bread crumbs, then sprinkle
heat to low. Cover, simmer 3 with paprika. Arrange slices
minutes or ' until squash is in single layer on baking
tender. Drain. sheet. (At this point, you
In 10 -by -6 -inch baking may\ cover and refrigerate
•dish, combine' squash, soup, until next day; bring to room
'/2 cup water, almonds and temperature befor-e•proceed-
. pimiento. In cup, combine lg' )
• bread crumbs , and butter. Broil vegetables 4 inches
Sprinkle crumb mixture below heat until lightly
over squash. browned (3 to 6 minutes) .
Bake at 350 F for 30 Makes about 24 zucchini
minutes or until heated slices
Caty' L)-
gtaccinatt� ettett
n one
�, an
'You %t.' nctcr
.cin an)Ihlnp
tiler 11
253 King St. N. , Waterloo 886-6770
At L'nitcr.,tAtc 1x,1001 Ircc parking
f)p.'nd.uh al 9 111'i„n -Wed till 6
Thur. & Fri till 9, Sal till 5